IntelliJ: how to make non java files copied to the bin directory as well? - intellij-idea

My module contains some non java files along the java source files. When the module is built, the java files are copied to the bin folder (and included in the jar artifact), but the non java files are left out.
I need them to be copied as well (this is what Eclipse does). Note, that they do appear in the project tree view on the left, I did not exclude them in any way.
How can I make them get into the bin folder (jar artifact)?

Settings (Preferences on Mac) | Compiler | Resource Patterns.
This question duplicates/relates to:
copy jbehave stories into target directory using IntelliJ Idea
IntelliJ, Akka and Configuration files
IntelliJ IDEA 11.1.2 does not copy SQL files to the out folder
Add a properties file to IntelliJ's classpath
import images into an intelliJ Java project
Intellij - how do I add a text file to the resources
Null Pointer Exception for read properties file in Idea
IntelliJ Idea - resource SQL files not being copied to target
Scala getClass.getResource() returning null

On IDEA 14.1.4, the xml file in src/main/java/my/package folder is not copied. My compiler settings are !?*.java;!?*.form;!?*.class;!?*.groovy;!?*.scala;!?*.flex;!?*.kt;!?*.clj;!?*.aj.
I changed the gradle file by adding:
test {
resources {
srcDir 'src/main/java'
include '**/*.xml'
It starts working. I am not sure if I have missed anything, but I could not find that part reflected on project settings.
If you are working with Maven, the following code should have the same effect:
I posted it here as an answer, because it may help someone who has the same issue and the above answers may not work.

Uncheck use external build in project compiler setting.

Using CrazyCoder's info about version 12 (which I'm not using), I added the following as my resource pattern which worked well:


What is a working directory in Intellij IDEA

I created a Maven project and imported it in Intellij IDEA.
In a run configuration, there is a field "working directory", which points to the root of Maven project.
If I change this folder, it doesn't seem to affect anything. So what is it?
This is the directory that is set as the Java user.dir system property. If you have any code that creates relative files or directories, it will be relative to this directory. So for a well designed application (i.e. resolves resources from the classpath and is configurable for output directories) this will not be a factor. There is also some importance to this value in maven projects, especially multi-module maven projects. This directory specifies the directory IDEA will read the POM from.
If you are unflamilar with what the Java user.dir is, there is some discussion available here and in the class level Javadoc for the File class.
In addition to answer given by #Javaru if you want to update or view your working directory in IntelliJ IDEA go to:
Run | Edit Configurations | Configuration Tab | Working Directory
From the IntellJ help Run/Debug Configuration: Maven
Working directory Specify the path to the Maven project file pom.xml.

Resources not copied to output path in IntelliJ 12.1.4

I seem to have done something to tell IntelliJ to not copy source resources (e.g. XML and property files) to the compiler output folder.
Resources are not being copied to the Compiler output path. Test resources are copied to the test ouput folder, but no source resources are copied.
Source folder: src
(this is C:\dev\myproject\src and contains XML files)
Test Source folder: tests\integration\src
(this is C:\dev\myproject\tests\integration\src and contains XML files)
Compiler output:
Use module compile output path
Output path: C:\dev\myproject\build\classes
Test output path: C:\dev\myproject\build\test
Settings -> Compiler -> Resource patterns:
This is preventing me from running integration tests which load files from the classpath. (I do not have full control over the structure of this legacy project and most of the other developers use Eclipse.)
Can anyone give me some pointers as to what I need to do in order to have IntelliJ copy the resource to the output folders?
i had same problems with IntelliJ IDEA 13 using Maven.
i solved it by adding this to my build tag in the pom.xml file:
change path according to your project. More about the Maven Resources Plugin here.
I have faced the same issue. Idea seems to have a bug in projects with maven dependencies.
The workarounds I could found so far:
Disable the external build.
Generate an ant build script (Idea does this for you) and compile with that script.
Once you have successfully created your artifacts with either way, Idea continues to use them until the next maven dependency change.
When using Gradle, try adding the resources to the sourceSets (use below code when you have the resource files in the same folder as the source files, otherwise adapt the path)
sourceSets {
main {
java {
srcDirs 'src'
resources {
srcDirs 'src'
test {
java {
srcDirs 'test'
resources {
srcDirs 'test'
Refer to How do I add resources to sourceSet with gradle?
In the case of jpa when you add a jpa facet, Intellij creates:
META-INF/persistence.xml under src/main/java
But it does not update the build
Added this to pom.xml to fix the problem:

maven test cannot find resources

I am trying to do maven test.
I have set resource directory
I put a folder called inbound inside this directory.
In my junit, I am trying to open it as new File("Inbound"), but it always cannot find it.
I have have a inbound copy under my project root. The junit code cannot find it.
Could any one please give me some suggestion?
Thank you
If you use src/test/resources, then you don't have to specify it in your pom.xml as it is the default resources path for tests.
Regarding your problem, you should not use new File("myfile"); but MyTestClass.class.getResourceAsStream("/myfile"); instead.
1) Add it into your src/test/resources
2) when load use classpath:YOUR_FILE
PS: you do not need to specify that code in your pom.xml, those folders are maven defaults.

Maven variable for reactor root

In a multi-module maven project, is there a variable that points to the root project folder?
${project.basedir} points to the current project's directory,
${project.parent.basedir} points to the parent project's directory,
but is there a variable that always points to the root directory (the one from which the maven command was executed), no matter from which project inside the reactor?
I realized that the problem I wanted to solve is pretty much unsolvable. I wanted a variable that pointed to either project.basedir, project.parent.basedir, project.parent.parent.basedir etc, whichever is higher. But since a project's parent pom need not be it's parent in the file system, my whole approach won't help. So I am accepting Pascal's answer because it answers my question (even if my question does not solve my problem).
is there a variable that always points to the root directory (the one from which the maven command was executed)
user.dir (the working directory) should be that directory.
In the latest maven, you can use ${maven.multiModuleProjectDirectory}.
In Maven 3, ${session.executionRootDirectory} is "a variable that always points to the ... directory ... from which the maven command was executed."
Note that this is distinct from a property that gives the top-level root directory of a multi-module project, regardless of where in the directory structure mvn is executed from. Such a property does not exist to my knowledge, but you can use the ${basedir}/.. hack to achieve it. See this thread on maven-users for more details.
See also: Finding the root directory of a multi module maven reactor project
Use directory-maven-plugin with directory-of goal.
Unlike other suggestions:
This solution works for multi-module projects.
It works whether you build the whole project or a sub-module
It works whether you run maven from the root folder or a sub-module (unlike ${session.executionRootDirectory}
There's no need to set a relative path property in each and every sub-module!
The plugin lets you set a property of your choice to the absolute-path of any of the project's modules. In my case I set it to the root module...
In my project root pom:
From then on, ${myproject.basedir} in any sub-module pom always has the path of the project root module. And of course, you can set the property to any module, not just the root...
Such property can be created using: directory-maven-plugin.
Using the plugin's highest-basedir goal you can assign the root path to any property you specify.
For me, there was a need for root directory during variable interpolation, not for plugins section - for local directory relative to root with hand-crafted jars. I know this is a bad practice to have local directory with jars, but this was a requirement of project.
Why I was unable to use different solutions:
${session.executionRootDirectory} and ${user.dir} are tied with directory from which maven command was executed. I want to refer to the same directory independently of directory, from which maven was launched.
${project.basedir} ,as mentioned above, points to current project directory, so child modules will search for jars in wrong location.
I had about 100 projects, so defining relative paths or usage of accepted answer for this question is quite complex in my case.
Directory plugin can be used only for plugin configurations, not for variable interpolation
So, in my case with bad requirements I have used environment variable which refers project root and used it in pom.xml. Use it as last resort, when other solutions do not work. Here is example, how I use environment variable in my case:
<!--NOTE: export PROJECT_ROOT=<location>-->
As far I think, there is no such variable. There are only workaround like in accepted answer of Maven2 property that indicates the parent directory .

Maven Checkstyle Plugin - Test XREF

My maven reports are working great, all except Checkstyle and test xref. My test source is still being cross referenced at xref and not the test xref. So, when I click on the xref from within a Checkstyle report, I naturally get an error, the file isn't found. If I click on a source file, it works perfectly.
I tried testXrefLocation in the configuration to no avail. Is this by design, or am I missing a configuration?
mvn clean install site
In my target directory where all this stuff is generated, I have both xref and xref-test. However, my checkstyle reports for my test source code are still linked to target/xref and not target/xref-test.
Also, FYI, I am using a lot of inheritance to reduce the amount of configuration in a single Maven POM. Therefore, this plugin belongs to a parent pom which declares which plugins I want to use for testing. I have another that says I want to generate javadoc and source in addition to the compiled code.
I actually ended up removing this configuration in favor of using Sonar since it gives me much more information with a nicer UI.