How do I control which fields get serialized in Axis2? - axis2

How do I control which fields get serialized in Axis2? I have some fields (really getter/setter pairs) that I don't want exposed to the client. Also, some are coming across as nullable (e.g. someIntSpecified properties are created) where I want them.

I think there is unfortunately no annotation to exclude attributes from getting serialized.
I think you will need to create Data Transport Objects (DTOs). Otherwise you won't have a clean separation between your core business objects and the objects that you expose as API.


NullValueHandling must be an optional parameter for the JsonFormatter attribute

Hope developers team wouldn't miss my message. NullValueHandling must be an optional parameter for the JsonFormatter attribute because there are a lot of cases when properties of the object required on client side independently of their value.
And I personally got some troubles trying to identify why my object doesn't have half of it properties.
By the way limitation for DbConext and entity namespace to make the entity observerable on client side is not good too.
Breeze currently sets NullValueHandling to 'Ignore', so as to minimize payloads by not sending any 'null' values. We did not think that this would be an issue because the json serialized objects are materialized into 'breeze' entities on the client and breeze has metadata to determine what the valid properties for each entity are.
What is the use case for actually sending 'nulls' to the client? This is an relatively easy enhancement to make if we have a good use case. The only one that comes to mind is with anonymous objects queried from the server for which metadata will not exist. Is this what you are encountering?

Entity Framework Code First DTO or Model to the UI?

I am creating a brand new application, including the database, and I'm going to use Entity Framework Code First. This will also use WCF for services which also opens it up for multiple UI's for different devices, as well as making the services API usable from other unknown apps.
I have seen this batted around in several posts here on SO but I don't see direct questions or answers pertaining to Code First, although there are a few mentioning POCOs. I am going to ask the question again so here it goes - do I really need DTOs with Entity Framework Code First or can I use the model as a set of common entities for all boundaries? I am really trying to follow the YAGNI train of thought so while I have a clean sheet of paper I figured that I would get this out of the way first.
Paul Speranza
There is no definite answer to this problem and it is also the reason why you didn't find any.
Are you going to build services providing CRUD operations? It generally means that your services will be able to return, insert, update and delete entities as they are = you will always expose whole entity or single exactly defined serializable part of the entity to all clients. But once you do this it probably worth to check WCF Data Services.
Are you going to expose business facade working with entities? The facade will provide real business methods instead of just CRUD operations. These buisness methods will get some data object and decompose it to multiple entities in wrapped business logic. Here it makes sense to use specific DTO for every operation. DTO will transfer only data needed for the operation and return only date allowed to the client.
Very simple example. Suppose that your entities keep information like LastModifiedBy. This is probably information you want to pass back to the client. In the first scenario you have single serializable set so you will pass it back to the client and client pass it modified back to the service. Now you must verify that client didn't change the field because he probably didn't have permissions to do that. You must do it with every single field which client didn't have permission to change. In the second scenario your DTO with updated data will simply not include this property (= specialized DTO for your operation) so client will not be able to send you a new value at all.
It can be somehow related to the way how you want to work with data and where your real logic will be applied. Will it be on the service or on the client? How will you ensure that client will not post invalid data? Do you want to restrict passing invalid data by logic or by specific transferred objects?
I strongly recommend a dedicated view model.
Doing this means:
You can design the UI (and iterate on it) without having to wait to design the data model first.
There is less friction when you want to change the UI.
You can avoid security problems with auto-mapping/model binding "accidentally" updating fields which shouldn't be editable by the user -- just don't put them in the view model.
However, with a WCF Data Service, it's hard to ignore the advantage of being able to write the service in essentially one line when you expose entities directly. So that might make the most sense for the WCF/server side.
But when it comes to UI, you're "gonna need it."
do I really need DTOs with Entity Framework Code First or can I use the model as a set of common entities for all boundaries?
Yes, the same set of POCOs / entities can be used for all boundaries.
But a set of mappers / converters / configurators will be needed to adapt entities to some generic structures of each layer.
For example, when entities are configured with DataContract and DataMember attributes, WCF is able to transfer domain objects' state without creating any special classes.
Similarly, when entities are mapped using Entity Framework fluent mapping api, EF is able to persist domain objects' state in database without creating any special classes.
The same way, entities can be configured to be used in any layer by means of the layer infrastructure without creating any special classes.

WCF Data Contracts DTO

In my application I am making a service call and getting back populated WCF Data Contract object. I have to display this data in a grid. Is it good practice to bind the data contract to the grid ?
Is it good practice to bind the data contract to the grid ?
Yes. There is nothing wrong with what you are doing.
Let me elaborate: what you have received back from the WCF service is a standard object (sometimes referred to as a DTO - Data Transfer Object). You have not received a DataContract - you have received an object that used a DataContract to control the serialization process between the WCF service and your client. The DataContract can control or dictate what you get, but once you have that object you are free to treat it as you wish.
Assuming that all of your DTOs are friendly for data binding then shouldn't have a problem binding your WCF DTOs to a grid.
Some scenarios where you might not want to bind directly to your DTOs are:
Your DTOs are not easy to bind with their current definition (e.g. nested objects/properties)
You need to support notification of changes to the binding client (typically done using INotifyPropertyChanged)
You wish to insulate your UI code from changes to the WCF DTOs. This could be because you don't control the DTO definition or you expect frequent changes to the DTO definitions and you don't want to frequently change your UI code. Of course, if the DTO does change then you will have to modify code but you could isolate those changes to a small translation layer.
I'd recommend the use of view models for any data binding or data display (MVVM) on server side (i.e. MVC) and client side (javascrip) rendering.
The main risk of using DTOs returned by domain is that if DTOs are refactored for any reason (i.e. properties are renamed, extracted into other objects or more objects are merged into one) the UI will break and will require update.
DTOs are the contract for what is returned by your domain, whereas the view models are the contract for what the UI requires. The two are controlled by different requirements and although those requirements can be applied to the same set of objects the result is usually a mixture what is just wrong, not to mention that requirements what apply only to UI or domain will trigger changes in the other party.
I.e. views often require data from more DTOs, or different views require a different subset of data from the same DTO and in both cases the DTO should not change only to accomodate what a concrete view requires.
It is also easier to identify what the requirements for a view are if the views have a view model, rather than having the same DTO passed in to more views.

web service data type (contract)

i have a general design question.
we have a fairly big data model that represents an clinical object, the object itself has 200+ child attributes in the hierarchy.
and we have a SetObject operation, and a GetObject operation. my question is, best practice wise, would it make sense to use that single data model in both operations or different data model for each? Because the Get operation will return much more details than what's needed for Set.
an example of what i mean: the data model has say ProviderId, and ProviderName attributes, in the Get operation, both the ProviderId, and ProviderName would need to be returned. However, in the Set operation, only the ProviderId is needed, and ProviderName is ignored by the service since system has that information already. In this case, if the Get and Set operations use the same data model, the ProviderName is exposed even for Set operation, does that confuse the consuming developer?
It would say: it depends :-)
No seriously. How do you edit / work on the object? I assume your software is calling the WCF service to retrieve an object, using an ID or a search term or something.
So you get back the object with 200+ attributes. How do you work on it, how much of it do you typically change?
If you typically only change a handful of attributes - then maybe having a generic SetProperty method on the service that would take the object ID, a property name, and a new value, might make sense. But think about how this is going to work:
the server side code will get the ID for the object
it will load the object from the database
it will then set a single property to a new value
it will save the object back to the database
What if you update four properties? You'd go through 4 of those cycles. Or: you could extend the SetProperty method to include a dictionary of (property name, value) pairs.
So I guess it depends on how many of those 200 properties are you changing at any given time? If you change 10%, 20% of those properties - wouldn't it be easier to just pass back the whole, modified object?
This looks like a good candidate for using your clinical object as canonical model and providing a restful style service interface. You can then provide different views, or representations of your your data object with only the fields required based on the usage model. Your verbs (get, set) will become the http standard Get, Put.
There are a number of open source Rest frameworks that you can use to make this easier to get started. Restlet is one that I have used successfully.

Beans, methods, access and change? What is the recommened practice for handling them (i.e. in ColdFusion)?

I am new to programming (6 weeks now). i am reading a lot of books, sites and blogs right now and i learn something new every day.
Right now i am using coldfusion (job). I have read many of the oop and cf related articles on the web and i am planning to get into mxunit next and after that to look at some frameworks.
One thing bothers me and i am not able to find a satisfactory answer. Beans are sometimes described as DataTransferObjects, they hold Data from one or many sources.
What is the recommended practice to handle this data?
Should i use a separate Object that reads the data, mutates it and than writes it back to the bean, so that the bean is just a storage for data (accessible through getters) or should i implement the methods to manipulate the data in the bean.
I see two options.
1. The bean is only storage, other objects have to do something with its data.
2. The bean is storage and logic, other objects tell it to do something with its data.
The second option seems to me to adhere more to encapsulation while the first seems to be the way that beans are used.
I am sure both options fit someones need and are recommended in a specific context but what is recommended in general, especially when someone does not know enough about the greater application picture and is a beginner?
I have created a bean that holds an Item from a database with the item id, a name, and an 1d-array. Every array element is a struct that holds a user with its id, its name and its amount of the item. Through a getter i output the data in a table in which i can also change the amount for each user or check a user for deletion from this item.
Where do i put the logic to handle the application users input?
Do i tell the bean to change its array according to the user input?
Or do i create an object that changes the array and writes that new array into the bean?
(All database access (CreateReadUpdateDelete) is handled through a DataAccessObject that gets the bean as an argument. The DAO also contains a gateway method to read more than one record from the database. I use this method to get a table of items, which i can click to create the bean and its data.)
You're observing something known as "anemic domain model". Yes, it's very common, and no, it's not good OO design. Generally, logic should be with the data it operates on.
However, there's also the matter of separation of concerns - you don't want to stuff everything into the domain model. For example, database access is often considered a technically separate layer and not something the domain models themselves should be doing - it seems you already have that separated. What exactly should and should not be part of the domain model depends on the concrete case - good design can't really be expressed in absolute rules.
Another concern is models that get transferred over the network, e.g. between an app server and a web frontend. You want these to contain only the data itself to reduce badnwidth usage and latency. But that doesn't mean they can't contain logic, since methods are not part of the serialized objects. Derived fields and caches are - but they can usually be marked as transient in some way so that they are not transferred.
Your bean should contain both your data and logic.
Data Transfer Objects are used to transfer objects over the network, such as from ColdFusion to a Flex application in the browser. DTOs only contain relevant fields of an object's data.
Where possible you should try to minimise exposing the internal implementation of your bean, (such as the array of user structs) to other objects. To change the array you should just call mutator functions directly on your bean, such as yourBean.addUser(user) which appends the user struct to the internal array.
No need to create a separate DAO with a composed Gateway object for your data access. Just put all of your database access methods (CRUD plus table queries) into a single Gateway object.