ZMQ device queue does not load balance properly - load-balancing

I know that ZMQ offers all of the flexibility to do your own load-balancing. However I would expect the out-of-the-box broker, about 4 lines of code using the line
zmq_device (ZMQ_QUEUE, frontend, backend);
to load balance quite well as the documentation says it does load balance.
ZMQ_QUEUE creates a shared queue that collects requests from a set of clients, and distributes these fairly among a set of services. Requests are fair-queued from frontend connections and load-balanced between backend connections. Replies automatically return to the client that made the original request.
I have an army of back-end services and yet find that often my front-end clients have to wait several seconds for something that takes < 1/10 of a second in a 1:1 setting (there are same # of client and service machines). I suspect that ZMQ is not load-balancing properly out of the box - it's sending too many requests to the same service even though it doesn't have bandwidth, etc.
I think this is partly because the services are multithreaded in a way that lets them take up to 10 concurrent requests yet it slows down greatly at near the 10th request even though it can still accept them. Random distribution would be ideal. Is there an out-of-the-box way to do this or can it be done in a few lines of code, or do I have to write my own broker from scratch?

Fwiw issue was the workers were taking on work when they didn't have room for it, issue was not in ZMQ layer per se.


Would a blocking web server get hung up to the sense it needs restarting, if many http clients send requests at most in parallel?

I read there are web servers their behaviors are called blocking whereas Node.js's is said non-blocking.
Would a blocking web server get hung up to the sense it needs restarting, if many http clients send requests at most in parallel?
As a complement, I don't say that it needs restarting while it potentially works fine again after the flood of parallel requests have stopped.
And I currently don't understand how request buffers and overflows work for web servers.
Although technically it could be possible to make a single-thread, single-process blocking server that can only handle 1 request at a time, it doesn't really practically make sense. Concurrency is kind of important.
The three main paradigms for parallelism (that I know of) are:
Using an event loop/reactor pattern
Node falls in the third category, and also a bit in the second category depending on how you look at it.
Most languages can look at a socket and read from it, and immediately move on if there was nothing to read. Therefore most languages can have this non-blocking behavior.

Async WCF and Protocol Behaviors

FYI: This will be my first real foray into Async/Await; for too long I've been settling for the familiar territory of BackgroundWorker. It's time to move on.
I wish to build a WCF service, self-hosted in a Windows service running on a remote machine in the same LAN, that does this:
Accepts a request for a single .ZIP archive
Creates the archive and packages several files
Returns the archive as its response to the request
I have to support archives as large as 10GB. Needless to say, this scenario isn't covered by basic WCF designs; we must take additional steps to meet the requirement. We must eliminate timeouts while the archive is building and memory errors while it's being sent. Both of these occur under basic WCF designs, depending on the size of the file returned.
My plan is to proceed using task-based asynchronous WCF calls and streaming mode.
I have two concerns:
Is this the proper approach to the problem?
Microsoft has done a nice job at abstracting all of this, but what of the underlying protocols? What goes on 'under the hood?' Does the server keep the connection alive while the archive is building (could be several minutes) or instead does it close the connection and initiate a new one once the operation is complete, thereby requiring me to properly route the request through the client machine firewall?
For #2, clearly I'm hoping for the former (keep-alive). But after some searching I'm not easily finding an answer. Perhaps you know.
You need streaming for big payloads. That is the right approach. This has nothing at all to do with asynchronous IO. The two are independent. The client cannot even tell that the server is async internally.
I'll add my standard answers for whether to use async IO or not: Why does the EF 6 tutorial use asychronous calls? Should we switch to use async I/O by default?
Each request runs over a single connection that is kept alive. This goes for both streaming big amounts of data as well as big initial delays. Not sure why you are concerned about routing. Does your router kill such connections? That's a problem.
Regarding keep alive, there is nothing going over the wire to do that. TCP sessions can stay open indefinitely without any kind of wire traffic.

How to handle long asynchronous requests with pyramid and celery?

I'm setting up a web service with pyramid. A typical request for a view will be very long, about 15 min to finish. So my idea was to queue jobs with celery and a rabbitmq broker.
I would like to know what would be the best way to ensure that bad things cannot happen.
Specifically I would like to prevent the task queue from overflow for example.
A first mesure will be defining quotas per IP, to limit the number of requests a given IP can submit per hour.
However I cannot predict the number of involved IPs, so this cannot solve everything.
I have read that it's not possible to limit the queue size with celery/rabbitmq. I was thinking of retrieving the queue size before pushing a new item into it but I'm not sure if it's a good idea.
I'm not used to good practices in messaging/job scheduling. Is there a recommended way to handle this kind of problems ?
RabbitMQ has flow control built into the QoS. If RabbitMQ cannot handle the publishing rate it will adjust the TCP window size to slow down the publishers. In the event of too many messages being sent to the server it will also overflow to disk. This will allow your consumer to be a bit more naive although if you restart the connection on error and flood the connection you can cause problems.
I've always decided to spend more time making sure the publishers/consumers could work with multiple queue servers instead of trying to make them more intelligent about a single queue server. The benefit is that if you are really overloading a single server you can just add another one (or another pair if using RabbitMQ HA. There is a useful video from Pycon about Messaging at Scale using Celery and RabbitMQ that should be of use.

ASP.NET MVC site, shared WCF client object, causing a single-threaded bottleneck?

I'm trying to nail down a performance issue under load in an application which I didn't build, but have become very familiar with the workings of.
The architecture is: mobile apps call an ASP.NET MVC 3 website to get data to display. The ASP.NET site calls a third-party SOAP API using WCF clients (basicHttpBinding), caching results as much as it can to minimize load on that third party.
The load from the mobile apps is in the order of 200+ requests per second at peak times, which translates to something in the order of 20 SOAP requests per second to the third-party, after caching.
Normally it runs fine but we get periods of cascading slowness where every request to the API starts taking 5 seconds.. then 10.. 15.. 20.. 25.. 30.. at which point they time out (we set the WCF client timeout to 30 seconds). Clearly there is a bottleneck somewhere which is causing an increasingly long queue until requests can't be serviced inside 30 seconds.
Now, the third-party API is out of my control but they swear that it should not be having any issues whatsoever with 20 requests per second. So I've been looking into the possibility of a bottleneck at my end.
I've read questions on StackOverflow about ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit and connectionManagement, but digging through the source, I think the problem is somewhat more fundamental. It seems that our WCF client object (which is a standard System.ServiceModel.ClientBase<T> auto-generated by "Add Service Reference") is being stored in the cache, and thus when multiple requests come in to the ASP.NET site simultaneously, they will share a single Client object.
From a quick experiment with a couple of console apps and spawning multiple threads to call a deliberately slow WCF service with a shared Client object, it seems to me that only one call will occur at a time when multiple threads use a single ClientBase. This would explain a bottleneck when e.g. 20 calls need to be made per second and each one takes more than 50ms to complete.
Can anyone confirm that this is indeed the case?
And if so, and if I switched to every request creating it's own WCF Client object, I would just need to alter ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit to something greater than the default (which I believe is 2?) before creating the Client objects, in order to increase my maximum number of simultaneous connections?
(sorry for the verbose question, I figured too much information was better than too little)

using BOSH/similar technique for existing application/system

We've an existing system which connects to the the back end via http (apache/ssl) and polls the server for new messages, needless to say we have scalability issues.
I'm researching on removing this polling and have come across BOSH/XMPP but I'm not sure how we should take the BOSH technique (using long lived http connection).
I've seen there are few libraries available but the entire thing seems bloaty since we do not need buddy lists etc and simply want to notify the clients of available messages.
The client is written in C/C++ and works across most OS so that is an important factor. The server is in Java.
does bosh result in huge number of httpd processes? since it has to keep all the clients connected, what would be the limit on that. we are also planning to move to 64 bit JVM/apache what would be the max limit of clients in that case.
any hints?
I would note that BOSH is separate from XMPP, so there's no "buddy lists" involved. XMPP-over-BOSH is what you're thinking of there.
Take a look at and associated blog posts (probably by Jack Moffitt) about how they use BOSH (and also XMPP) to deliver real-time information to large numbers of users.
As for the scaling issues with Apache, I don't know — presumably each connection is using few resources, so you can increase the number of connections per Apache process. But you could also check out some of the connection manager technologies (like punjab) mentioned on the BOSH page above.