How to create animated splash screen not with Images in iOS - objective-c

I want to know that how one should proceed in building animated splash screen.
I already did the animated splash screen with images but here I want to add custom animation like something is drawn on screen etc.
can anyone guide me through this.

simply you need to present a UIViewController which is hold your animations and dismiss it when your app is ready to launch. but also I think its better to follow apple HIG .. as apple describe you should
Supply a launch image to improve user experience.
Avoid using your launch image as an opportunity to provide:
An “application entry experience,” such as a splash screen An About
window Branding elements, unless they are a static part of your
application’s first screen Because users are likely to switch among
applications frequently, you should make every effort to cut launch
time to a minimum, and you should design a launch image that downplays
the experience rather than drawing attention to it.
Generally, design a launch image that is identical to the first screen
of the application.
Text. The launch image is static, so any text you display in it will
not be localized.
UI elements that might change. Avoid including elements that might
look different when the application finishes launching, so that users
don’t experience a flash between the launch image and the first
application screen.


What is the recommended pattern for progress indicators when waiting for data in Windows UWP apps?

Let's say I have an app built like the Microsoft weather app.
On launch of app I need to download the forecast from the internet. While waiting to do so I also need to display a progress indicator. Which of the following (if any) is recommended?
Render the page fully with navigation controls (hamburger side menu) as well as page content (but without values since they are data bound). Then overlay a modal control like a popup with a progress indicator inside and a cancel button.
Render only the application root shell with the progress indicator inside (no other content, or navigation controls like hamburger menu are visible). Then once the task is complete, navigate to the home page with content.
Render the home page with content and navigation controls, but hide only the content (with visibility = collapsed) and show a progress indicator in its place. Once data is downloaded hide the progress indicator, and show the content.
I don't know which one of these I'm supposed to use. Is there a recommended way to do this?
Or is there a better way I didn't think of?
There is no one perfect answer for this question but I will try to explain the most common solution. None of points above is good or bad. It is better to concentrate on the user experience.
Render fully page with navigation controls and display loading popup is not really bad idea - user see the whole page with progress ring for instance and has chance to cancel it. But remmber that if data is not loaded or user abort pulling it there will be empty content in the app (if this is first time when user launched the app).
One of the best solutions for scenario you wrote is to use extended Splash Screen. Once you app is launched first Splash Screen is displayed and when you extend it, you can add progress ring to indicate that data is being retrieved.
This is very elegant way to present to the user.
Please see below guidline how to do it:
UWP Extended splash screen

how many Full-Screen Transitions for ipad app are allowed?

I am developing an educational iPad app, Im finally done with the code and its ready to submit but I just found about the "Reduce Full-Screen Transitions" rule.
"For iPad: Reduce Full-Screen Transitions
Closely associate visual transitions with the content that’s changing. Instead of swapping in a whole new screen when some embedded information changes, try to update only the areas of the UI that need it. As a general rule, transition individual views and objects, not the screen. In most cases, flipping the entire screen is not recommended.
When you perform fewer full-screen transitions, your iPad app has greater visual stability, which helps people keep track of where they are in their task. You can use UI elements such as split view and popover to lessen the need for full-screen transitions."
The guidelines basically say that it's not recommended it doesn't say it prohibited.
So if the app is build based on the full-screen transitions since it's a training app with three section each have 4 full screen transitions. Do you think that I should recode the whole thing because it would be rejected? Or 4 full-screen transitions for 3 buttons is not too much?
thanks in advance
That reads like a UI guideline rather than a "we will reject your app if it doesn't conform". Any chance of posting a link to the doc where it comes from?
If it makes sense in UI terms for your app to use a full screen transition, I don't think there will be a problem.

cocos2d mac application how to add splash screen when launching (Default.png)

i am migrating my iOS app onto mac. the loading time is a bit long (around 5 seconds) thus i need a splash loading screen (Just like Default.png image for iOS) but the project made from cocos2d template just shows a white screen. not sure about other apps. so is there anyway to set it?
I know that the screen size is not fixed on a mac app. but i have set a default size. and use auto scale in case of full screen mode.
I have tried a light weight loading scene as well but failed since the MainScene itself is light weight as well. I think the major loading time is due to the cocos2d environment set up.
In OS X a window appears when the application launches, it's not designed to use splash screens.You might want to reconsider that choice.
But if the window is still to slow to load or to display its contents, you can still do that but manually, it isn't easy like in iOS.You need to display another view inside the window until it loads.
A little more of context: for example you can set in your xib file an image view containing the image do display.
Then you make start another thread that loads all the content that you need.After this, run a selector on the main thread that updates the window.
Based on my tests in Cocos2d 1.0.1 & 2.0 the basic Cocos2d OS X app launches really quickly.
This makes it seem pretty likely that it's something about your first scene that is taking a long time to load, or something else. Instruments can help you gather information about what your app is doing.
I suggest you make an initial lightweight cocos2d scene that will load quickly at startup and then load your second scene and transition to it. Ideally the loading of the assets for your second scene would be asynchronous (at least the ones that are slow). There are numerous blog posts on how to do this. (search for "cocos2d asynchronous loading" and you'll find many, such as this one: How to preload your game assets in a loading scene, though something more recent might be preferable).

How to recreate Jetsetter's iOS teaser photo & photo viewer slideshow transition?

One of the more impressive iOS app that I've come across is Jetsetter's due to its great design, incredible interface, and creative uses of animation. One of my favorite components of the app is the teaser photo interface they have for the hotels/venues. They provide a minimized photo slideshow, but if you want the full view you can click it and it expands to expose a larger version of the image. You can see a blurry video of this in action here.
I'm interested in recreating something similar. I'm well aware of the paged galleries like MHPagingScrollview (which is how the larger photo viewer functions), yet what I'm trying to figure out is the proper way to handle the transition. I've also seen libraries that handle the Ken Burns effect for images. However what is not clear is whether or not there are separate view controllers.
Is this a transition between two separate view controllers? Or would the minimized and maximized photo viewer be part of the same controller? How would you most efficiently replicate something similar? I've embedded a screen shot below to illustrate the before and after. The video linked above however most effectively illustrates this transition.
Mobile engineer from Jetsetter here. They are two separate controllers, but the transition animation occurs in the first. Here's the flow:
A user taps the smaller photo.
A transition view containing the full size image is placed directly on top of the smaller image.
The transition view animates to the bounds of the screen.
The photo viewer controller is presented as a modal without animation, completing the effect in one seamless animation.
The effect is reversed when the modal controller is dismissed.
The trick lies in your transition view. We created a UIView subclass (with clipsToBounds enabled) that contains an imageView. The bounds of the transition view expands to reveal the imageView, resulting in no distortion of the final image during the animation.

Making a full screen Cocoa app

I want to create a full Screen Cocoa application, however my app is slightly different from a conventional fullscreen app.
This app would be below everything else, so underneath the menu bar and the Dock, etc. It would have a large image covering up the Desktop and icons, with a custom NSView in the middle with a table view, etc. If this concept is hard to understand then here is an image:
The only part that might be a bit confusing is the background image. This background image is NOT the wallpaper of the computer, but part of the app. So when the app is launched, it goes into full screen mode and puts itself underneath the dock and the menu bar, and underneath all other windows too. So it draws the background image to cover the screen (including Desktop and icons). Then has a custom NSView in the middle containing my controls.
What's the best way to go about doing this?
Make a borderless window, the size of the menu-bar screen (screen 0—not [NSScreen mainScreen]), positioned at 0,0, with window level kCGDesktopWindowLevel.
Remember that you will need to observe for screen frame-change notifications (when the user changes the screen dimensions), and that you should correctly handle the case of no screen at all (headless Mac).
I think #Peter Hosey’s solution should work, but to make other windows go on top, you will probably need to change the window level to something else.
But, I implore you, do not do this. This will be the most bugly application the Macintosh has ever seen. There are a lot of really good user interface paradigms that you can use, and "replicating" the main desktop interface of Mac OS X is generally not one of them. That is, unless you are reimplementing Time Machine or something like that.