How to easily publish web site from VS2008 on Windows 2008 R2 IIS? - wcf

I'm working on a WCF project with Visual Studio 2008 that needs to be regulary published on an external Windows 2008 R2 server. The project publishing is done for testing purposes, and needs to be done as easily as possible as it will happen often to refactor and republish it. What's the best, easiest and fastest way to publish it on the remote IIS?

i use CruiseControl.NET for this purpose


How to debug VB.NET windows service without Visual Studio

I have the source code of an windows service which is written in VB.NET
I came through various methods to debug this service using development environment (Visual Studio). But the challenge is, I need to deploy it in one of our servers as other application on that server need to access it. The server doesn't contain any development or debug tools. I am not allowed to install visual studio in it.
Is there any other way to debug the windows service on this server?
My intention is to understand the method call hierarchy, as this is a very complex code and I didn't write it. It has a very complex architecture and it is not possible to track the data flow only by looking at it.
If the only restriction is you can't install Visual Studio, I'd suggest you get the Remote Tools for VS 2012, which don't even need to be installed to the server, just a machine with a share accessible from the server. Then follow the instructions.

How to deploy application that uses VS Studio for desktop 2012 and MS SQL Server Management Studio 2008

I'm actually done doing the small-scale application for our office, however, I really don't have any idea how to deploy this one. Can someone provide me any links on how to do this? This project will be deployed in one pc.
If its a Windows application you need to create a setup project.
If its a web based application, install your application on your web server and provide clients with the appropriate link.

How to deploy MVC4 application to Windows Server 2008 from Visual Studio 2013?

Well this is probably supposed to be obvious, but I can't figure out how to deploy to Server 2008 instead of the Windows Azure Cloud. Help?
As it turns out, there is a "Publish" option in Solution Explorer. Right click on the project name and click Publish. The server also required the installation of Web Deploy and a few other things before I could deploy to it.

Deploying a 2010 Win Forms application

I am deploying a 2010 winforms application, and when I install it on the client's machine, the install process also installs an instance of SQL Server 2005 Express. The application connects to a central SQL database on the server. To install, I am using the "Publish" option in VS 2010
Why does it do that? There should be no need for a local instance of SQL Express. Is there a way to avoid installing SQL 2005 Express (I know it is free, but I would rather not have it installed if possible)
It's likely that whatever technology you're using for packaging/deployment is including the installer for SQL. For the default setup project, I believe it is a checkbox for a pre-requisite.

SSL with Visual Studio Development Server

Is it possible to use SSL with Visual Studio Development Server (a.k.a. Web Application project)? I don't want to have to deploy IIS locally if possible. I'm running Windows 7.
NOTE: I've seen this ( but I was still hoping there was a workaround.
It cannot be done with VS 2008, so I've simply resorted to deploying my app to the local IIS as part of the start process with a generated cert.
We can use IIS Express with VS 2010 to develope and test web apps in SSL. Here is a complete article explaning how to use IIS Express and Visual Studion 2010 to develope websites in SSL
Working with SSL at Development Time is easier with IISExpress
Introducing IIS Express
this subject was covered here and it say's, you actually can't.
But you might take a look at this link, which might prove the contrary: (See link in comment, i'm not yet able to post more then 1 link per post ...doh)
Hope this helps.
It can be done in VS2010, I'm not sure if VS2008 supports the following approach. Configure Visual Studio to use use Microsoft IIS Express instead of the web server built in to Visual Studio.