How to call different button click event method in if condition? - objective-c

I am beginner of iPhone. I have create five button. button click event perform go to other class in that how to call button click event method..?
it is in ViewController class
and this onclickbutton1 and onclickbutton2 method how to call in other class in if condition
so, that condition of onclickbutton1 is true perform onclickbutton event

Just add a test within the event handling methods:
- (IBAction)onclickbutton1
if (conditionIsTrue)
[OtherClass doThing1];
[OtherClass doThing2];
- (IBAction)onclickbutton2
if (conditionIsTrue)
[OtherClass doThing1];
[OtherClass doThing2];


FLEX Button event handling

I have a scenario where i have 5 buttons which call the same method when clicked. These buttons are clicked in various conditions, but now i want to know how we determine that which particular button has been clicked, from the called method.
For example, i have been calling chocolate() method when i click the buttons, eclairs, dailrymilk, cadbury, snickers and kitkat. Now i will click anyof these buttons from the UI and i want to know which one is clicked. this event has to be handled in the chocolate() method only.
Please suggest me how can i implement this. I am using Adobe Flex 3
If you are not using the addEventListeners but are setting the click property in your buttons you could do something like that:
<s:Button id="snickers"
<s:Button id="kitkat"
private function chocolate(type:String):void
trace("button", type, "was clicked");
if(type == "snickers")
// do stuff
else if(type == "kitkat")
// do something else
if you are working with event listeners you could determine the buttons from their ids, for example:
<s:Button id="snickers"
<s:Button id="kitkat"
// add your event listeners somewhere like in onCreationComplete
snickers.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, chocolate);
kitkat.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, chocolate);
private function chocolate(e:MouseEvent):void
// is the component that has dispatched the event (a button in this case)
var type:String =;
trace("button", type, "was clicked");
if(type == "snickers")
// do stuff
else if(type == "kitkat")
// do something else

iphone location service alert call back allow and don't allow handling

I have a button in which on click I am authorizing my app to enable location services. I want to capture the allow button event from the alert. As the user press allow, my button color will change to some other color. I am unable to capture the callback of allow button. However I am able to capture don't allow button event with help of this link
Location service iOS alert call back
Please can anyone tell me how to capture the allow button tap and on success I want to do my code.
Implement this:
- (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didChangeAuthorizationStatus:(CLAuthorizationStatus)status {
if (status == kCLAuthorizationStatusAuthorizedAlways || status == kCLAuthorizationStatusAuthorizedWhenInUse) {
//allowed - do your logic
else if (status == kCLAuthorizationStatusDenied) {
Swift 4/5:
Then handle in delegate method:
func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didChangeAuthorization status: CLAuthorizationStatus) {
switch status {
case .notDetermined:
case .restricted, .denied:
// location services unauthorized
case .authorizedAlways, .authorizedWhenInUse:
#unknown default:
print("New CLLocationManager.authorizationStatus() not handled!")
Remember to set locationManager delegate:
self.locationManager.delegate = self;
And implement CLLocationManagerDelegate by your class.

Position of child of instance variable not updating

Hopefully this is a fairly simple question. I create an instance variable named tutorialBox1 from my main game scene Grid.m. Inside my class TutorialBox.m, I create a sprite named textBox1, and as I tap on the main game scene, I want the position of that sprite, textBox1 to be updated. I've been trying to figure out for hours why the position of the sprite will not update after adding the child once. Here is my attempt, and all the necessary code.
# implementation Grid {
TutorialBox *tutorialBox1;
-(void)checkTutorials {
//This method is called upon loading of the scene
tutorialBox1 = (TutorialBox*)[CCBReader load:#"TutorialBox"] //creates instance of variable using Spritebuilder (don't worry if you don't use SB, this part works)
[tutorialBox1 updateBoxDisplay:1] //used to add text box child to textBox1
[self addChild:tutorialBox1];
-(void)gridTapped {
//When game scene is tapped, this is called to update position of textBox1 in tutorialBox1
[tutorialBox1 updateBoxDisplay:2]; //updates position of textBox1 in tutorialBox1
# implementation Grid {
CCSprite9Slice *textBox1;
-(void)didLoadFromCCB {
//Called upon initialization of tutorialBox1
textBox1 = [CCSprite9Slice spriteWithImageNamed:#"RetroSprites/tutorialtextBox1.png"];
-(void)updateBoxDisplay:(int)newTutorialLevelNumber {
if (newTutorialLevelNumber == 1) {
textBox1.position = ccp(0,0);
[self addChild:textBox1];
else if (newTutorialLevelNumber == 2) {
textBox1.position = ccp(100,100)
#interface TutorialBox : CCNode
- (void)updateBoxDisplay:(int)newTutorialLevelNumber
I have checked to make sure everything is running properly with print statements, so it isn't an issue with anything else. It is simply being called, but the position in my main game scene, Grid.m is not being updated.
Thanks for the help!
I am not sure about this, but I guess its issue with the threading. Give a try with this code:
-(void)updateBoxDisplay:(int)newTutorialLevelNumber {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
if (newTutorialLevelNumber == 1) {
textBox1.position = ccp(0,0);
[self addChild:textBox1];
else if (newTutorialLevelNumber == 2) {
textBox1.position = ccp(100,100)

NSSearchField with menu not being updated

I haev a Document Based Application, and In the document view, I have a NSSearchField. In the search field, I have enabled the menu, which I get to show up, and I have associated actions with the menu item. One of the menu items is called "Match Case". I want to be able to put (and remove) a check next this menu item. When I attempt to do so, the menu does not show the check.
-(IBAction)searchMenuMatchCase:(id)sender {
NSMenuItem *smi = [searchMenu itemWithTitle:#"Match Case"];
if (searchCaseSensitive) {
searchCaseSensitive = false;
[[searchMenu itemWithTitle:#"Match Case"] setState:NSOffState];
} else {
searchCaseSensitive = true;
[[searchMenu itemWithTitle:#"Match Case"] setState:NSOnState];
[searchMenu update];
NSLog(#"SM State %ld",[smi state]);
The code gets executed, and I get a log message showing the state going from 0 to 1 to 0 to 1. But there is never a check next to the menu item. When I look at the menu item object while debugging, I do see the "state" value set to 0 and 1 before I toggle it.
Any suggestions as to what I am missing?
To get around this issue, I had to use the NSMenuDelegate and use the method validateMenuItem. This way the validateMenuItem method was called before the menu was drawn, and I could make sure the state was set correctly before the menu was drawn. I believe what was happening was that the menu item I was getting in the original code was not the actual menu that was being drawn, but just a template.
This is called when the user selectes the "Match Case" menu item found in the Search field
-(IBAction)searchMenuMatchCase:(id)sender {
if (searchCaseSensitive) {
searchCaseSensitive = false;
} else {
searchCaseSensitive = true;
This is called Each time a menu is shown.
-(BOOL) validateMenuItem:(NSMenuItem *)menuItem {
if ([[menuItem title] compare:#"Match Case"] == 0) {
if (searchCaseSensitive) {
[menuItem setState:NSOnState];
} else {
[menuItem setState:NSOffState];
return YES;

Double click on buttons inside the app could provide UI corruptions

Double clicking fast on a button in Sencha Touch 2 when having a navigation view will on some Android device push the new view twice on the view stack, how to solve it? Doesnt happen on iPhone
If you're having problems with the single click, then wrap the event function in a delayed task... for instance:
tap: function(button, e, eOpts) {
if(this.delayedTask == null){
this.delayedTask = Ext.create('Ext.util.DelayedTask', function() {
this.delayedTask = null;
}, this);
So in the example above, if another tap is registered and this.delayedTask has yet to be null, then it will not create the new delayed task which ultimately calls whatever function you need after 500 miliseconds... hope this makes sense, it's also a way to create double tap events on buttons...
This issue is a bit old but I was facing the same issue in the app I'm working on in my company. This is especially frustrating when buttons are bound to an Ajax call.
I took back Jeff Wooden's solution to override every button in my app :
Ext.define('MyApp.override.CustomButton', {
override : 'Ext.Button',
doTap: function(me, e) {
if(this.delayedTask == null){
this.delayedTask = Ext.create('Ext.util.DelayedTask', function() {
this.delayedTask = null;
}, this);
} else {
console.log("Preventing double tap");
How does it works?
Each button action will trigger a delayedTask which will intercept button action for 500 ms, therefore preventing doubletap
This will work for 'tap' and 'handler:', which both pass through 'doTap' method
this is linked to the current button so it won't reverberate on other buttons
To use it simply add it in your app.js 'requires' block
requires: [
Helpfull Sources :
Best practice for overriding classes / properties in ExtJS?
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