Should C++/CLI data members be handles or values? - c++-cli

I'm new to C++/CLI and I'm wondering what is "best practice" regarding managed type data members. Declaring as handle:
public ref class A {
A() : myList(gcnew List<int>()) {}
List<int>^ myList;
or as a value:
public ref class B {
List<int> myList;
Can't seem to find definitive advice on this.

When writing managed C++ code, I'm in favor of following the conventions used by the other managed languages. Therefore, I'd go with handles for class-level data members, and only use values (stack semantics) where you'd use a using statement in C#.
If your class member is a value, then replacing the object entirely means that the object would need a copy constructor defined, and not many .NET classes do. Also, if you want to pass the object to another method, you'll need to use the % operator to convert from List<int> to List<int>^. (Not a big deal to type %, but easy to forget, and the compiler error just says it can't convert List<int> to List<int>^.)
//Example of the `%` operator
void CSharpMethodThatDoesSomethingWithAList(List<int>^ list) { }
List<int> valueList;
List<int>^ handleList = gcnew List<int>();

It all depends on the lifetime. When you have a private member which lives exactly as long as the owning class, the second form is preferable.

Personally, I would use the second form. I say this because I use frameworks that are written by other teams of people, and they use this form.
I believe this is because it is cleaner, uses less space, and is easier for the non-author to read. I try to keep in mind that the most concise code, while still being readable by someone with minimal knowledge of the project is best.
Also, I have not encountered any problems with the latter example in terms of readability across header files, methods, classes, or data files ...etc
Though I'm FAR from an expert in the matter, that is what I prefer. Makes more sense to me.
class AlgoCompSelector : public TSelector {
public :
AlgoCompSelector( TTree *tree = 0 );
virtual ~AlgoCompSelector(){ /* */ };
virtual void Init(TTree *tree);
virtual void SlaveBegin(TTree *tree);
virtual Bool_t Process(Long64_t entry);
virtual void Terminate();
virtual Int_t Version() const { return 1; }
void setAlgo( Int_t idx, const Char_t *name, TTree* part2, TTree* part3 );
void setPTthres( Float_t val );
void setEthres( Float_t val );
std::string mAlgoName[2]; // use this for the axis labels and/or legend labels.
TTree *mPart1;
TTree *mPart2[2], *mPart3[2]; // pointers to TTrees of the various parts
TBranch *mPhotonBranch[2]; // Used branches
TClonesArray *mPhotonArray[2]; // To point to the array in the tree
for example


OOP: Inheriting from immutable objects

Suppose I have some set of fields which are related to each other I therefore make a class to gather them. Let us call this class Base. There are certain methods as well, which operate on these fields which will be common to all derived classes. Additionally, let us suppose we want Base and all its derived classes to be immutable.
In different contexts, these fields support additional operations, so I have different derived classes which inherit the fields and provide additional methods, depending on their context. Let us call these Derived1, Derived2, etc.
In certain scenarios, the program needs instances of a derived class, but the state of the fields must satisfy some condition. So I made a class RestrictedDerived1 which makes sure that the condition is satisfied (or changes the parameters to conform if it can) in the constructor before calling its base constructor, or throws an error otherwise.
Further, there are situations where I need even more conditions to be met, so I have SuperRestrictedDerived1. (Side note: given that some conditions are met, this class can more efficiently compute certain things, so it overrides some methods of Derived1.)
So far so good. The problem is that most of the methods of all these classes involve making another instance of some class in this hierarchy (not always the same as the one that the method was called on, but usually the same one) based on itself, but with some modifications which may involve somewhat complex computation (i.e. not just changing one field). For example one of the methods of Derived1 might look like:
public Derived1 foo(Base b) {
TypeA fieldA = // calculations using this and b
TypeB fieldB = // more calculations
// ... calculate all fields in this way
return new Derived1(fieldA, fieldB, /* ... */);
But then down the hierarchy RestrictedDerived1 needs this same function to return an instance of itself (obviously throwing an error if it can't be instantiated), so I'd need to override it like so:
public ResrictedDerived1 foo(Base b) {
return new RestrictedDerived1(;
This requires a copy constructor, and unnecessarily allocating an intermediate object which will immediately destroyed.
Possible solution
An alternative solution I thought of was to pass a function to each of these methods which constructs some type of Base, and then the functions would look like this:
// In Derived1
public Derived1 foo(Base b, BaseCreator creator) {
TypeA fieldA = // calculations using this and b
TypeB fieldB = // more calculations
// ... calculate all fields in this way
return creator.create(fieldA, fieldB, /* ... */);
public Derived1 foo(Base b) {
return foo(b, Derived1::create);
public static Derived1 create(TypeA fieldA, TypeB fieldB, /* ... */) {
return new Derived1(fieldA, fieldB, /* ... */);
// In RestrictedDerived1
public ResrictedDerived1 foo(Base b) {
return (RestrictedDerived1) foo(b, RestrictedDerived1::create);
public static RestrictedDerived1 create(TypeA fieldA, TypeB fieldB, /* ... */) {
return new RestrictedDerived1(fieldA, fieldB, /* ... */);
My question
This works, however it feels "clunky" to me. My question is, is there some design pattern or concept or alternative design that would facilitate my situation?
I tried do use generics, but that got messy quick, and didn't work well for more than one level of inheritance.
By the way, the actual classes that these refer to is 3D points and vectors. I have a base called Triple with doubles x, y, and z (and some functions which take a lambda and apply them to each coordinate and construct a new Triple with the result). Then I have a derived class Point with some point related functions, and another derived class Vector with its functions. Then I have NonZeroVector (extends Vector) which is a vector that cannot be the zero vector (since other objects that need a vector sometimes need to be guaranteed that it's not the zero vector, and I don't want to have to check that everywhere). Further, I have NormalizedVector (extends NonZeroVector) which is guaranteed to have a length of 1, and will normalize itself upon construction.
This can be solved using a concept variously known as MyType, this type, or self type. The basic idea is that the MyType is the most-derived type at runtime. You can think of it as the dynamic type of this, but referred to statically (at "compile time").
Unfortunately, not many mainstream programming languages have MyTypes, but e.g. TypeScript does, and I was told Raku does as well.
In TypeScript, you could solve your problem by making the return type of foo the MyType (spelled this in TypeScript). It would look something like this:
class Base {
constructor(public readonly fieldA: number, public readonly fieldB: string) {}
foo(b: Base): this {
return new this.constructor(this.fieldA + b.fieldA, this.fieldB + b.fieldB);
class Derived1 extends Base {
constructor(fieldA: number, fieldB: string, protected readonly repeat: number) {
super(fieldA * repeat, fieldB.repeat(repeat));
override foo(b: Base): this {
return new this.constructor(
this.fieldA + b.fieldA, this.fieldB + b.fieldB, this.repeat
class RestrictedDerived1 extends Derived1 {
constructor(fieldA: number, fieldB: string, repeat: number) {
super(fieldA * repeat, fieldB.repeat(repeat), repeat);
if (repeat >= 3) {
throw new RangeError(`repeat must be less than 3 but is ${repeat}`)
const a = new RestrictedDerived1(23, 'Hello', 2);
const b = new Base(42, ' World');
const restrictedDerived =; // Inferred type is RestrictedDerived1
Slightly b0rken Playground link
Implicit factories
In a language with type classes or implicits (like Scala), you could solve your problem with implicit Factory objects. This would be similar to your second example with the Creators, but without the need to explicitly pass the creators around everywhere. Instead, they would be implicitly summoned by the language.
In fact, your requirement is very similar to one of the core requirements of the Scala Collections Framework, namely that you want operations like map, filter, and reduce to only be implemented once, but still preserve the type of the collection.
Most other Collections Frameworks are only able to achieve one of those goals: Java, C#, and Ruby, for example, only have one implementation for each operation, but they always return the same, most-generic type (Stream in Java, IEnumerable in C#, Array in Ruby). Smalltalk's Collections Framework is type-preserving, but has duplicated implementations for every operation. A non-duplicated type-preserving Collections Framework is one of the holy grails of abstractions designers / language designers. (It's no coincidence that so many papers that present novel approaches to OO uses a refactoring of the Smalltalk Collection Framework as their working example.)
F-bounded Polymorphism
If you have neither MyType nor implicit builders available, you can use F-bounded Polymorphism.
The classic example is how Java's clone method should have been designed:
interface Cloneable<T extends Cloneable<T>> {
public T clone();
class Foo implements Cloneable<Foo> {
public Foo clone() {
return new Foo();
JDoodle example
However, this gets tedious very quickly for deeply-nested inheritance hierarchies. I tried to model it in Scala, but I gave up.

Reducing the number of arguments to a constructor

I am reading "Clean Code" and having trouble figuring out how to keep some of my functions (usually constructors) to their MAXIMUM of 3 parameters.
Often my objects need an awful lot of information to work - am I supposed to make a small constructor and then use mutator functions to give them all of the information? This doesn't seem any better than just using a big constructor.
As an example, I have a "MovablePatch" class. It lets the user drag a square around in a window. It needs a several parameters, including Radius, Color, Renderer, InitialPosition, and Visibility. Currently I collect all of these from my GUI and then call:
MovablePatch(int radius, Renderer* renderer, Color color, Position initial, bool visibility)
These are only some of the things that I need in this class. Can anyone suggest how else I might package this information to pass to the constructor? I don't see any obvious "break it into smaller classes" appearing here.
You could have
MovablePatch(Renderer* renderer, CircleAppearance circleAppearance)
where CircleAppearance gathers the other info.
However, clean code and other books that generalize about what good code should look like, are aiming for 80 percent of the code out there. Your code seems to be "closer to the metal" than the typical LoB (Line of Business) variety. As such, you may run into places where certain coding ideals are not applicable.
The most important part is that you're thinking about it and trying to keep things nice and tidy! :)
Do not take maxims like "thou shalt not have more than 3 parameters in thy constructors" at face value. If you have the slightest chance of making an object immutable, make it; and if it being immutable means that it is going to have a constructor with 50 parameters, so be it; go for it; don't even think about it twice.
Even if the object is going to be mutable, still, you should pass its constructor as many parameters as necessary so that immediately upon construction it will be in a valid and meaningful state. In my book, it is absolutely impermissible to have to know which are the magic mutator methods that have to be called (sometimes even in the right order) before any other methods can be invoked, under penalty of segfault.
That having been said, if you would really like to reduce the number of parameters to a constructor, or to any function, simply pass this method an interface that it can invoke to get from it the stuff it needs in order to work.
Some of the things you are passing in could be abstracted into a larger construct. For example, visibility, color, and radius, could make sense to be placed into an object that you define. Then, an instance of this class, call it ColoredCircle, could be passed into the constructor of MovablePatch. A ColoredCircle doesn't care where it is or what renderer it is using, but a MovablePatch does.
My main point, is that from an OO perspective, radius isn't really an integer, it's a radius. You want to avoid these long constructor lists because it is daunting to understand the context of these things. If you collect them into a larger class, kind of like how you already have with Color and Position, you can have fewer parameters passed in and make it easier to understand.
The Named Parameter Idiom is useful here. In your case, you might have
class PatchBuilder
PatchBuilder() { }
PatchBuilder& radius(int r) { _radius = r; return *this; }
PatchBuilder& renderer(Renderer* r) { _renderer = r; return *this; }
PatchBuilder& color(const Color& c) { _color = c; return *this; }
PatchBuilder& initial(const Position& p) { _position = p; return *this; }
PatchBuilder& visibility(bool v) { _visibility = v; return *this; }
friend class MovablePatch;
int _radius;
Renderer* _renderer;
Color _color;
Position _position;
bool _visibility;
class MovablePatch
MovablePatch( const PatchBuilder& b ) :
_radius( b._radius );
_renderer( b._renderer );
_color( b._color );
_position( b._position );
_visibility( b._visibility );
int _radius;
Renderer* _renderer;
Color _color;
Position _position;
bool _visibility;
then you use it like so
MovablePatch foo = PatchBuilder().
radius( 1.3 ).
renderer( asdf ).
color( asdf ).
position( asdf ).
visibility( true )
overly simplified, but I think it gets the point across. If certain parameters are required they can be included in the PatchBuilder constructor:
class PatchBuilder
PatchBuilder(const Foo& required) : _foo(required) { }
Obviously this pattern degenerates into the original problem if all arguments are required, in which case the named parameter idiom isn't applicable. The point being, this isn't a one size fits all solution, and as Adam describes in the comment below there are additional costs and some overhead with doing so.
One good option is to use a Builder pattern, where each "setter" method returns the own instance, and you can chain the methods as you need.
In your case, you will get a new MovablePatchBuilder class.
The approach is very useful and you can find it in many different frameworks and languages.
Refer here to see some examples.

code in the middle is different, everything else the same

I often have a situation where I need to do:
function a1() {
a = getA;
b = getB;
.... // do some things
return a - b;
function a2() {
a = getA;
b = getB;
.... // do some things, but different to above
return a - b;
I feel like I am repeating myself, yet where I have ...., the methods are different, have different signatures, etc..
What do people normally do? Add an if (this type) do this stuff, else do the other stuff that is different? It doesn't seem like a very good solution either.
Polymorphism and possibly abstraction and encapsulation are your friends here.
You should specify better what kind of instructions you have on the .... // do some things part. If you're always using the same information, but doing different things with it, the solution is fairly easy using simple polymorphism. See my first revision of this answer. I'll assume you need different information to do the specific tasks in each case.
You also didn't specify if those functions are in the same class/module or not. If they are not, you can use inheritance to share the common parts and polymorphism to introduce different behavior in the specific part. If they are in the same class you don't need inheritance nor polymorphism.
In different classes
Taking into account you're stating in the question that you might need to make calls to functions with different signature depending on the implementation subclass (for instance, passing a or b as parameter depending on the case), and assuming you need to do something with the intermediate local variables (i.e. a and b) in the specific implementations:
Short version: Polymorphism+Encapsulation: Pass all the possible in & out parameters that every subclass might need to the abstract function. Might be less painful if you encapsulate them in an object.
Long Version
I'd store intermediate state in generic class' member, and pass it to the implementation methods. Alternatively you could grab the State from the implementation methods instead of passing it as an argument. Then, you can make two subclasses of it implementing the doSpecificStuff(State) method, and grabbing the needed parameters from the intermediate state in the superclass. If needed by the superclass, subclasses might also modify state.
(Java specifics next, sorry)
public abstract class Generic {
private State state = new State();
public void a() {
return postProcess();
protected void preProcess(){
a = getA;
b = getB;
protected Object postProcess(){
return a - b;
protected void prepareState(){
private void clearState() {
protected abstract doSpecificStuf(State state);
public class Specific extends Generic {
protected doSpecificStuf(State state) {
public class Specific2 extends Generic {
protected doSpecificStuf(State state) {
In the same class
Another possibility would be making the preProcess() method return a State variable, and use it inthe implementations of a1() and a2().
public class MyClass {
protected State preProcess(){
a = getA;
b = getB;
return new State(a,b);
protected Object postProcess(){
return a - b;
public void a1(){
State st = preProcess();
return postProcess();
public void a2(){
State st = preProcess();
return postProcess();
Well, don't repeat yourself. My golden rule (which admittedly I break from time on time) is based on the ZOI rule: all code must live exactly zero, one or infinite times. If you see code repeated, you should refactor that into a common ancestor.
That said, it is not possible to give you a definite answer how to refactor your code; there are infinite ways to do this. For example, if a1() and a2() reside in different classes then you can use polymorphism. If they live in the same class, you can create a function that receives an anonymous function as parameter and then a1() and a2() are just wrappers to that function. Using a (shudder) parameter to change the function behavior can be used, too.
You can solve this in one of 2 ways. Both a1 and a2 will call a3. a3 will do the shared code, and:
1. call a function that it receives as a parameter, which does either the middle part of a1 or the middle part of a2 (and they will pass the correct parameter),
- or -
2. receive a flag (e.g. boolean), which will tell it which part it needs to do, and using an if statement will execute the correct code.
This screams out loud for the design pattern "Template Method"
The general part is in the super class:
package patterns.templatemethod;
public abstract class AbstractSuper {
public Integer doTheStuff(Integer a, Integer b) {
Integer x = b.intValue() + a.intValue();
Integer y = doSpecificStuff(x);
return b.intValue() * y;
protected abstract Integer doSpecificStuff(Integer x);
The spezific part is in the subclass:
package patterns.templatemethod;
public class ConcreteA extends AbstractSuper {
protected Integer doSpecificStuff(Integer x) {
return x.intValue() * x.intValue();
For every spezific solution you implement a subclass, with the specific behavior.
If you put them all in an Collection, you can iterate over them and call always the common method and evry class does it's magic. ;)
hope this helps

How to fix warning CA2226 in a C++/CLI application?

I have a C++/CLI class definition where I'm trying to get Equality testing to be Value based rahter than Reference (similar to the behavior of String). The following definitions work:
namespace MyCode
public ref class MyClass
bool operator==(MyClass^ obj) { return Equals(obj); }
bool operator!=(MyClass^ obj) { return !Equals(obj); }
virtual bool Equals(MyClass^ obj);
virtual bool Equals(System::Object^ obj) override;
virtual int GetHashCode() override;
However, my company is now requiring (and rightly so) that all code needs to conform to the Code Analysis rules. Code analysis consistently reports two warnings on the above class:
CA2226 : Microsoft.Usage : Since ''MyClass'' redefines operator '==', it should also redefine operator '!='.
CA2226 : Microsoft.Usage : Since ''MyClass'' redefines operator '!=', it should also redefine operator '=='.
The Microsoft documentation on warning CA2226 makes it clear that this is an important warning and should not be suppressed - but what else can I do?
I'm looking for a way (if possible) to 'fix' the code in order to remove this warning. Is that possible, or do I just need to suppress it?
For a ref class, you're supposed to implement operator==(MyClass^ left, MyClass^ right) as a static member function, this is the one other .NET languages will find.
Your current implementation defines operator==(MyClass%, MyClass^ right) instead, which is unusual.
Note that you can't rely on left != nullptr, you need to test ReferenceEquals(left, nullptr).
This is a .NET implementation detail. Having instance operator overloads is a C++ feature, the code analyzer chokes on it. The .NET way is to have operator overloads as static functions. Notably C# requires this. Solve your problem similar to this:
static bool operator==(MyClass^ lhs, MyClass^ rhs) { return lhs->Equals(rhs); }
static bool operator!=(MyClass^ lhs, MyClass^ rhs) { return !lhs->Equals(rhs); }

What are good examples to get a feeling of a languages OO features and constructs?

I have been searching for short and good examples to demonstrate OO features of a language as an introduction to fellow programmers. By "good", I mean, they can be run and output something rather meaningful not foobar stuff.
For instance, you can demonstrate most control flow constructs by a mandelbrot set example or functional aspects by a mergesort example. But I have yet to find a good example for OO constructs.
One "real world" example that's pretty straightforward to understand is the class and it's children. This is a decent example of polymorphism: if you write your code to understand how to use InputStream, it doesn't matter how the underlying class works, as long as it conforms to the contract imposed by InputStream. So, you can have a method in some class
public void dump(InputStream in) throws IOException {
int b;
while((b = >= 0) {
This method doesn't care where the data comes from.
Now, if you want to use the dump method with data from a file, you can call
dump(new FileInputStream("file"));
or, if you want to use dump with data from a socket,
or, if you have a byte array, you can call
dump(new ByteArrayInputStream(theArray));
There are implementations if InputStream that wrap other InputStreams. For example, SequenceInputStream lets you glom multiple InputStreams into one:
dump(new SequenceInputStream(new FileInputStream("file1"),
new FileInputStream("file2"));
If you want to create your own, custom InputStream, you can extend the InputStream class, and override the int read() method:
public class ZerosInputStream extends InputStream {
protected int howManyZeros;
protected int index = 0;
public ZerosInputStream(int howManyZeros) {
this.howManyZeros = howManyZeros;
public int read() throws IOException {
if(index < howManyZeros) {
return 0;
} else {
return -1;
Then you can use that in your dump call:
dump(new ZerosInputStream(500));