Slide all views up/down as statusBar is hidden/shown - objective-c

I’m letting the user show/hide the statusBar at will, and I want all the views to slide down/up with it. I assumed setting the autoresizing mask would take care of this. I’ve added the navigation controller programmatically, so I did this:
[self.view setAutoresizingMask:UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight];
[self.navigationController.view setAutoresizingMask:UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight];
[self.navigationController.navigationBar setAutoresizingMask:UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleTopMargin];
This has no effect.
I printed the frame rects of self.view and self.navigationController.view before and after hiding the statusBar, and they remain exactly the same height.
Since autoresizesSubviews defaults to YES, I doubt that is the problem. I must not be setting the autoresizing mask correctly. Does anybody know what I'm doing wrong?

The answer seems to be that the container view's autoresizing mask is simply not coordinated with the status bar. There’s no choice but to write code adjusting the layout.
Since Apple didn’t provide automatic coordination between the statusBar and other elements, you’d think they’d let us do it ourselves. But, no, we are not permitted to set the statusBar frame directly. The only way to animate statusBar repositioning is via UIStatusBarAnimationSlide, which uses its own timeline and will never match other animations.
However, we can control the timing of a statusBar fade and slide the container view along with it. The subviews' autoresize masks will do the rest. This actually looks pretty good, and the coding, although complicated by some weird framing behavior, is not too painful:
UIApplication *appShared = [UIApplication sharedApplication];
CGFloat fStatusBarHeight = appShared.statusBarFrame.size.height; // best to get this once and store it as a property
BOOL bHideStatusBarNow = !appShared.statusBarHidden;
CGFloat fStatusBarHeight = appDelegate.fStatusBarHeight;
if (bHideStatusBarNow)
fStatusBarHeight *= -1;
CGRect rectView = self.view.frame; // must work with frame; changing the bounds won't have any effect
// Determine the container view's new frame.
// (The subviews will autoresize.)
switch (self.interfaceOrientation) {
case UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait:
case UIInterfaceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown:
rectView.origin.y += fStatusBarHeight;
rectView.size.height -= fStatusBarHeight;
case UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft:
case UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight:
// In landscape, the view's frame will sometimes complement the orientation and sometimes not.
Specifically, if view is loaded in landscape, its frame will reflect that; otherwise, the frame will always be in portrait orientation.
This is an issue only when the navBar is present. Regular view controllers can count on the frame staying in portrait orientation no matter what.
But regular view controllers have another oddity: In the upside-down orientations, you should adjust the height only; the origin takes care of itself.
if (rectView.size.width < rectView.size.height) {
rectView.origin.x += fStatusBarHeight;
rectView.size.width -= fStatusBarHeight;
else {
rectView.origin.y += fStatusBarHeight;
rectView.size.height -= fStatusBarHeight;
// The navBar must also be explicitly moved.
CGRect rectNavBar = [self.navigationController.navigationBar frame];
rectNavBar.origin = CGPointMake(0.0f, rectNavBar.origin.y + fStatusBarHeight);
// Perform the animated toggling and reframing.
[UIView animateWithDuration:kAnimDurationToggleStatusBar animations:^{
[appShared setStatusBarHidden:bHideStatusBarNow]; // you can add withAnimation:UIStatusBarAnimationSlide here and it will work, but the timing won't match
[self.navigationController.navigationBar setFrame:rectNavBar];
[self.view setFrame:rectView];
There’s no need to do anything to the toolbar, which remains glued to the bottom of the screen -- as long as you have not set the window frame to mainScreen.bounds.
One snag is how to get the statusBar height when you want to re-display it, since statusBarFrame returns a 0-area rect if it is currently hidden. It turns out that doing a preliminary show/hide, without animation, just to get the rect, works fine. There’s no visible flash.
Also, if you are using a xib/nib, be sure that its view's statusBar is set to None.
Maybe some day Apple will enhance the statusBar layout behavior. Then all this code, for every view controller, will have to be redone...


iOS 8 custom view controller presentation: changing size of presented VC during animation

I'm writing an app with a series of cards in a table view, similar to the layout of the Google app for iOS when Google Now cards are enabled. When the user taps on a card, there should be a custom transition to a new view controller which is basically the card looking bigger, almost filling the screen, and it has more details on it. The custom transition itself should look like the card is animated upward and growing in size until it reaches its final size and position, which is now the new view controller holding the card.
I have been trying to approach this using a custom view controller transition. When the card is tapped, I initiate a custom view controller transition with UIModalPresentationCustom, and I set a transition delegate, which itself vends a custom animator and a custom UIPresentationController. In animateTransition:, I add the new view controller's view into the container view, setting the frame to the card's frame initially (so it looks like the card is still there and unchanged). Then I attempt to perform an animation where the presented view's frame grows in size and changes in position so that it moves into its final position.
Here's some of my code which does what I've described above - I'm trying to keep it short and sweet, but I can provide more info if needed:
Transition Delegate
-(void)animateTransition:(id<UIViewControllerContextTransitioning>)transitionContext {
// NOWAnimationDelegate is my own custom protocol which defines the method for asking the presenting VC for the tapped card's frame.
UIViewController<NOWAnimationDelegate> *fromVC = (UIViewController<NOWAnimationDelegate> *)[transitionContext viewControllerForKey:UITransitionContextFromViewControllerKey];
UIViewController *finalVC = [transitionContext viewControllerForKey:UITransitionContextToViewControllerKey];
UIView *toView = [transitionContext viewForKey:UITransitionContextToViewKey];
// Ask the presenting view controller for the frame of the tapped card - this method works.
toView.frame = [fromVC rectForSelectedCard];
[transitionContext.containerView addSubview:toView];
CGRect finalRect = [transitionContext finalFrameForViewController:finalVC];
[UIView animateWithDuration:[self transitionDuration:transitionContext] animations:^{
toView.frame = finalRect;
}completion:^(BOOL finished) {
[transitionContext completeTransition:YES];
Custom UIPresentationController
-(CGSize)sizeForChildContentContainer:(id<UIContentContainer>)container withParentContainerSize:(CGSize)parentSize {
return CGSizeMake(0.875*parentSize.width, 0.875*parentSize.height);
-(CGRect)frameOfPresentedViewInContainerView {
CGRect presentedViewFrame = CGRectZero;
CGRect containerBounds = self.containerView.bounds;
presentedViewFrame.size = [self sizeForChildContentContainer:(UIView<UIContentContainer> *)self.presentedView withParentContainerSize:containerBounds.size];
presentedViewFrame.origin.x = (containerBounds.size.width - presentedViewFrame.size.width)/2;
presentedViewFrame.origin.y = (containerBounds.size.height - presentedViewFrame.size.height)/2 + 10;
return presentedViewFrame;
What I'm finding is happening is that the new view is being automatically set to its final size immediately at the start of the animation, and then the animation is just the new view animating upwards. Using breakpoints, I'm noticing that frameOfPresentedViewInContainerView is called during the [transitionContext.containerView addSubview:toView] call, which would probably explain why this is happening - frameOfPresentedViewInContainerView returns "The frame rectangle to assign to the presented view at the end of the animations" according to the UIPresentationController documentation.
However, I'm not sure how to proceed, or if it's even really possible. All the examples of custom view controller transitions I've seen have all had the final size of the presented view controller static and unchanging during the animation. Is there any way to perform a custom view controller transition with a changing size of the presented view during the animation, or do I have to approach this in a different way?
Basically what you need to do is animating your toView.transform using CGAffineTransform in your Transition Delegate. Steps to do:
Before animating set your toView.frame = your frame when it's not showing
Create, let's say, CGAffineTransformMakeScale to scale from hidden frame to your desired final presented frame
On animation block set toView.transform to the transform that you create on step 2
As Aditya mentions CGAffineTransform is the way to go here.
Ive got this working now with it maintaining the width:
CGFloat targetscale=initialHeight/finalHeight;
CGFloat targetyoffset=(finalHeight-(finalHeight*targetscale))/2;
int targety=roundf(initialPosition-targetyoffset);
CGAffineTransform move=CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation(0, targety);
CGAffineTransform scale=CGAffineTransformMakeScale(1,targetscale);
This positions the incoming view taking into account the determined scale and then performs both transforms concurrently so the view scales & moves to the final position and size.
You then just set
in the animation block and it'll scale to the final location and size.
Note, this only moves and scales in the vertical dimension but can be adapted to scale in all directions like so:
+(CGAffineTransform)transformView:(UIView*)view toTargetRect:(CGRect)rect{
CGFloat targetscale=rect.size.height/view.frame.size.height;
CGFloat targetxoffset=(view.frame.size.width-(view.frame.size.width*targetscale))/2;
int targetx=roundf(rect.origin.x-view.frame.origin.x-targetxoffset);
CGFloat targetyoffset=(view.frame.size.height-(view.frame.size.height*targetscale))/2;
int targety=roundf(rect.origin.y-view.frame.origin.y-targetyoffset);
CGAffineTransform move=CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation(targetx, targety);
CGAffineTransform scale=CGAffineTransformMakeScale(targetscale,targetscale);
return CGAffineTransformConcat(scale, move);
And don't forget to transform the cell's rect the global coordinate space so the start frame is correct for the whole window not just the cells position in the table.
CGRect cellRect=[_tableView rectForRowAtIndexPath:[_tableView indexPathForSelectedRow]];
cellRect=[self.tableView convertRect:cellRect toView:presenting.view];
hope this helps!
Apple provides a wwdc sample app 'LookInside', accompanying talk 228: 'A look inside presentation controllers'. It features 2 custom presentations, of which one animates the size of the presented view controller. A look inside that code should help you out ;)

GMGridView appears offscreen, but overlaps with onscreen view

I am using a custom controller for transitions (could not use navigation controller due to inherent cycles in project, which would allow the navigation controllers stack to grow unbounded [which I assume would cause memory issues]). I am emulating a navigation controllers sliding animation (when transitioning to new screens) using UIView animateWithDuration:animations:completion:
When a button triggering the transition is pressed, the frame of the new view I want to transition to is set to an offscreen position. In the animation for the transition (UIView animateWithDuration:animations:completion:), the view currently on screen has its frame set to an offscreen position, and the new view is set to an onscreen position.
This is inside my custom controller for transitions:
CGFloat windowWidth = self.mainView.frame.size.width;
CGFloat windowHeight = self.mainView.frame.size.height;
CGRect offScreenLeft = CGRectMake(-1*windowWidth, 0.0, windowWidth, windowHeight);
CGRect onScreen = self.mainView.frame;
CGRect offScreenRight = CGRectMake(windowWidth, 0.0, windowWidth, windowHeight);
if (direction == TransitionDirectionForward)
if (dragBackgroundOnscreen){
[self.mainView addSubview:self.backgroundView];
[self.mainView sendSubviewToBack:self.backgroundView];
self.backgroundView.frame = offScreenRight;
self.currentViewController.view.frame = offScreenRight;
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.65
oldViewController.view.frame = offScreenLeft;
if (dragBackgroundOffscreen)
self.backgroundView.frame = offScreenLeft;
else if (dragBackgroundOnscreen)
self.backgroundView.frame = onScreen;
self.currentViewController.view.frame = onScreen;
completion:^(BOOL finished){
[oldViewController.view removeFromSuperview];
if (dragBackgroundOffscreen)
[self.backgroundView removeFromSuperview];
[oldViewController willMoveToParentViewController:nil];
[oldViewController removeFromParentViewController];
[self.currentViewController didMoveToParentViewController:self];
else if (direction == TransitionDirectionBackward)
if (dragBackgroundOnscreen){
[self.mainView addSubview:self.backgroundView];
[self.mainView sendSubviewToBack:self.backgroundView];
self.backgroundView.frame = offScreenLeft;
self.currentViewController.view.frame = offScreenLeft;
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.65
oldViewController.view.frame = offScreenRight;
if (dragBackgroundOffscreen)
self.backgroundView.frame = offScreenRight;
else if (dragBackgroundOnscreen)
self.backgroundView.frame = onScreen;
self.currentViewController.view.frame = onScreen;
completion:^(BOOL finished){
[oldViewController.view removeFromSuperview];
if (dragBackgroundOffscreen)
[self.backgroundView removeFromSuperview];
[oldViewController willMoveToParentViewController:nil];
[oldViewController removeFromParentViewController];
[self.currentViewController didMoveToParentViewController:self];
I also want the background (self.backgroundView) to remain static unless moving to a screen that has its own background (i.e. I dont want the background to slide if the new views background is the same background).
I am using TransitionDirectionBackward and TransitionDirectionForward just to differentiate between sliding left and sliding right.
Everything works great, except when transitioning involves a GMGridView. the problem when the Gridviews frame is set to an offscreen frame its really setting its currently selected page's frame to that offscreen frame. Other pages of the gridview are not bounded by this frame, so they can appear on screen even before the transition. I tried setting the frame and bounds property on the GridView's viewcontroller's view, but I can still get a page of the gridview appearing onscreen before the transition animation.
Anyone see a solution to this? I was trying to find a way to clip the view of the GridView during the transition so pages dont appear except for the currently selected page, but havent found anything useful.
UPDATE: I found a possible fix by setting alpha = 0.0 for cells that are visible but shouldnt be (later setting alpha = 1.0 when the transition animation is complete). However, I need to know which cells to do this for. I need a way to access the page that the GMGridView is currently on so I can set the adjacent page's cells to have an alpha of 0.0.
UPDATE: Found a way to get it to work by using myGridView convertPoint:(A cgpoint i found by trial and error to be on the first cell of a page.) fromView:myGridView.window. NOTE: I needed an if/else if to check if i was in lanscape left or landscape right since the window coordinates do not rotate when the device is rotated. with this i was able to get the index of the cell at the point on the screen i had specified and then set the previous page to be transparent until after the transition animation.
I would still like to know if there is a way of "clipping" the gridview so that if the cells could be opaque, but just never displayed....?
I think I over complicated the problem. I was looking for the clipsToBounds method of a UIView (although I could have sworn I tried that before). In any case, its working now!

Infinite horizontal scrolling UIScrollView

I have a UIScrollView whose content size is 1200x480. I have some image views on it, whose width adds up to 600. When scrolling towards the right, I simply increase the content size and set the offset so as to make everything smooth (I then want to add other images, but that's not important right now). So basically, the images currently in the viewport remain somewhere on the left, eventually to be removed from the superview.
Now, the problem that I have happens when scrolling towards the left. What I do is I move the images to the end of the content size (so add 600 to each image view's origin.x), and then set the content offset accordingly. It works when the finger is on the screen and the user drags (scrollView.isTracking = YES). When the user scrolls towards the left and lets go (scrollView.isTracking = NO), the image views end up moving too fast towards the right and disappear almost instantly. Does anyone know how I could have the images move nicely and not disappear even when the user's not manually dragging the view and has already let go?
Here's my code for dragging horizontally:
-(void) scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)scrollView {
CGPoint offset = self.scrollView.contentOffset;
CGSize size = self.scrollView.contentSize;
CGPoint newXY = CGPointMake(size.width-600, size.height-480);
// this bit here allows scrolling towards the right
if (offset.x > size.width - 320) {
[self.scrollView setContentSize:CGSizeMake(size.width+320, size.height)];
[self.scrollView setContentOffset: offset];
// and this is where my problem is:
if (offset.x < 0) {
for (UIImageView *imageView in self.scrollView.subviews) {
CGRect frame = imageView.frame;
[imageView setFrame:CGRectMake
(frame.origin.x+newXY.x, frame.origin.y, 200, frame.size.height)];
[self.scrollView setContentOffset:CGPointMake(newXY.x+offset.x, offset.y)];
EDIT: This is now working - I had a look at StreetScroller and it's all good now.
However, I now want to zoom in on the scrollview, but viewForZoomingInScrollView is never called. Is it not possible to zoom in on a scrollview with a large content size?
There are some approaches floating around here. Just use the site search …
If you want an more "official" example created by Apple take a look at the StreetScroller Demo. For some more information about this example take a look at last years WWDC session no. 104 Advanced Scroll View Techniques.
There is also an UIScrollView subclass on Github called BAGPagingScrollView, which is paging & infinite, but it has a few bugs you have to fix on your own, because it's not under active development (especially the goToPage: method leads to problems).

Synchronised scrolling between two instances of NSScrollView

I have two instances of NSScrollView both presenting a view on the same content. The second scroll view however has a scaled down version of the document view presented in the first scroll view. Both width and height can be individually scaled and the original width - height constraints can be lost, but this is of no importance.
I have the synchronised scrolling working, even taking into account that the second scroll view needs to align its scrolling behaviour based on the scaling. There's one little snag I've been pulling my hairs out over:
As both views happily scroll along the smaller view needs to slowly catch up with the larger view, so that they both "arrive" at the end of their document at the same time. Right now this is not happening and the result is that the smaller view is at "end-of-document" before the larger view.
The code for synchronised scrolling is based on the example found in Apple's documentation titled "Synchronizing Scroll Views". I have adapted the synchronizedViewContentBoundsDidChange: to the following code:
- (void) synchronizedViewContentBoundsDidChange: (NSNotification *) notification {
// get the changed content view from the notification
NSClipView *changedContentView = [notification object];
// get the origin of the NSClipView of the scroll view that
// we're watching
NSPoint changedBoundsOrigin = [changedContentView documentVisibleRect].origin;;
// get our current origin
NSPoint curOffset = [[self contentView] bounds].origin;
NSPoint newOffset = curOffset;
// scrolling is synchronized in the horizontal plane
// so only modify the x component of the offset
// "scale" variable will correct for difference in size between views
NSSize ownSize = [[self documentView] frame].size;
NSSize otherSize = [[[self synchronizedScrollView] documentView] frame].size;
float scale = otherSize.width / ownSize.width;
newOffset.x = floor(changedBoundsOrigin.x / scale);
// if our synced position is different from our current
// position, reposition our content view
if (!NSEqualPoints(curOffset, changedBoundsOrigin)) {
// note that a scroll view watching this one will
// get notified here
[[self contentView] scrollToPoint:newOffset];
// we have to tell the NSScrollView to update its
// scrollers
[self reflectScrolledClipView:[self contentView]];
How would I need to change that code so that the required effect (both scroll bars arriving at an end of document) is achieved?
EDIT: Some clarification as it was confusing when I read it back myself: The smaller view needs to slow down when scrolling the first view reaches the end. This would probably mean re-evaluating that scaling factor... but how?
EDIT 2: I changed the method based on Alex's suggestion:
NSScroller *myScroll = [self horizontalScroller];
NSScroller *otherScroll = [[self synchronizedScrollView] horizontalScroller];
//[otherScroll setFloatValue: [myScroll floatValue]];
NSLog(#"My scroller value: %f", [myScroll floatValue]);
NSLog(#"Other scroller value: %f", [otherScroll floatValue]);
// Get the changed content view from the notification.
NSClipView *changedContentView = [notification object];
// Get the origin of the NSClipView of the scroll view that we're watching.
NSPoint changedBoundsOrigin = [changedContentView documentVisibleRect].origin;;
// Get our current origin.
NSPoint curOffset = [[self contentView] bounds].origin;
NSPoint newOffset = curOffset;
// Scrolling is synchronized in the horizontal plane so only modify the x component of the offset.
NSSize ownSize = [[self documentView] frame].size;
newOffset.x = floor(ownSize.width * [otherScroll floatValue]);
// If our synced position is different from our current position, reposition our content view.
if (!NSEqualPoints(curOffset, changedBoundsOrigin)) {
// Note that a scroll view watching this one will get notified here.
[[self contentView] scrollToPoint: newOffset];
// We have to tell the NSScrollView to update its scrollers.
[self reflectScrolledClipView:[self contentView]];
Using this method the smaller view is "overtaken" by the larger view when both scrollers reach a value of 0.7, which is not good. The larger view then scrolls past its end of document.
I think you might be approaching this in the wrong way. I think you should be getting a percentage of how far down each scroll be is scrolled in relation to itself and apply that to the other view. One example of how this could be done is this way using NSScroller's -floatValue:
NSScroller *myScroll = [self verticalScroller];
NSScroller *otherScroll = [otherScrollView verticalScroller];
[myScroll setFloatValue:otherScroll.floatValue];
I finally figured it out. The answer from Alex was a good hint but not the full solution as just setting the float value of a scroller doesn't do anything. That value needs translation to specific coordinates to which the scroll view needs to scroll its contents.
However, due to differences in size of the scrolled document view, you cannot just simply use this value, as the scaled down view will be overtaken by the "normal" view at some point. This will cause the normal view to scroll past its end of document.
The second part of the solution was to make the normal sized view wait with scrolling until the scaled down view has scrolled its own width.
The code:
// Scrolling is synchronized in the horizontal plane so only modify the x component of the offset.
NSSize ownSize = [[self documentView] frame].size;
newOffset.x = MAX(floor(ownSize.width * [otherScroll floatValue] - [self frame].size.width),0);
The waiting is achieved by subtracting the width of the scroll view from the width times the value of the scroller. When the scaled down version is still traversing its first scroll view width of pixels, this calculation will result in a negative offset. Using MAX will prevent strange effects and the original view will quietly wait until the value turns positive and then start its own scrolling. This solution also works when the user resizes the app window.

Why aren't my views being positioned correctly on interfaceOrientation changes?

I have a UIViewController one UIWebView in it. I'd like the UIWebView to be positioned in the centre of the iPad screen in landscape and portrait modes. So, I've implemented it like this
// UIViewController
// InfoGraphicView is the UIWebView
-(BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceOrientation {
// Overriden to allow any orientation.
return YES;
- (void)willRotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)toInterfaceOrientation
duration:(NSTimeInterval)duration {
if (toInterfaceOrientation == UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait ||
toInterfaceOrientation == UIInterfaceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown) {
[self layoutPortrait];
} else {
[self layoutLandscape];
- (void)layoutLandscape {
NSLog(#"Layout Landscape");
infoGraphicView.frame = CGRectMake(100, 100, 936, 700);
- (void)layoutPortrait {
NSLog(#"Layout Portrait");
infoGraphicView.frame = CGRectMake(100, 100, 700, 936);
However, it's not behaving as I expected. In the above code, I would expectt he UIWebView to be 100px (or points or whatever the unit is) away from the top and the left. But it's not. In Portrait mode it appears flush with the top left of the screen, and in Landscape mode it seems to be partially offscreen in the top left.
If I set the frame as CGRectMake(-100, 100, 700, 936) then I get it positioned in the center of the screen as I'd like it to be, but I've no idea why.
As usual, there's most likely something simple I'm overlooking but I can't figure it out. Any help greatly appreciated as always.
The coordinates you set on infoGraphicView are relative to its superview, not to the screen generally. And views don't necessarily clip their subviews. Furthermore, the shape set automatically to self.view will depend on the scaling flags set in Interface Builder. However, I think that by default it is set to fill the whole screen.
That said, I think the mistake is in your use of willRotateToInterfaceOrientation:duration:. That is called before the rotation begins, so self.view has the old size (ie, it'll still be portrait sized if rotating from portrait to landscape and vice versa). Probably better to hook willAnimateRotationToInterfaceOrientation:duration: — then the correct size has been set and you'll be within the CoreAnimation block so your view will grow/shrink as part of the rotation animation.
It's also worth checking which resizing flags you have set on infoGraphicView. They'll take effect automatically, in addition to any changes you make. So you probably want to disable them all.
This probably is an issue with the view that the web view is in. The coordinate system used is that of the view’s superview. If that view isn’t being resized on rotation, then you’ll see unexpected layout like this. You can access the superview of a view through the superview property; one way to see its frame would be to use its description. Put this line in one of your layout methods:
NSLog(#"Superview: %#", [infoGraphicView superview]);
That should print out a description of the view.
Once you get that figured out, if you want the web view to have the same layout, you can use its autoresizingMask property. If you set it like this:
infoGraphicView.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight;
Then the view will automatically change its width and height to keep the top, left, right, and bottom margins the same.