Prestashop - give user ability to upload custom image for product - prestashop

How can this be achieved in Prestashop version 1.4.7?

You have to add personalization to the product.
In BO edit product, choose 6th tab (personalization, customize - i don't know how its on english - i have polish version) and then add one field Files Type and click update.
Then give this field name, choose is this field is required and save all.
I thinkg that should be enought

I know its bit of late but here is my answer
go to Products page under Catalog option and select edit product, then click on Customization and Select File Type or Text Type to upload an image and its description directly from prestashop.


Adding opportunity title in quotation

I'm using Odoo 11 CE and I'm wondering if it's possible to add opportunity title from CRM in the quotation?
If it's can be added in qweb repot then what is the field name for opportunity title. Or is there any other way to do this?
Appreciate all your help and support. Thanks.
It is possible to add an opportunity to the quotation form view. The field name is "opportunity_id" and you can add it to the form view using "Edit Form View".
The good practice is to make a module for that so the field won't disappear after an update.
THere is a module for that for 5 EUR:
Feel free to ask if you have any other questions

How can i change text and links in the header part?

Please how can i change text and links in the highlited zones in the picture below :
Click to see
Thanx a lot
Prestashop comes with a translation mechanism. Usually from your Prestashop backend, navigate to Localization > Translation, then identify "Modify Translations ". Select the type of translation, the theme and the language and hit on the button "Modify" on the right hand side. Look for any module in the front office translations group that contains "search".
Your situation may be a little be different because you are not using the default theme. You theme developer has probably created a new quick search module. You would need to identify the actual module and it should be easy to identify it from the list of translatable module. If the module is not well developed, it will not be possible to modify them. In that case, you should ask your theme developer.
I hope it help. Good luck with your business.

Openerp : change the logo

I use openerp 6.1 GTK.
I try to change the logo, adress1, adress2 in quotations and invoices,
I was changed it directly in openerp gtk, but today I forget the way, I searched in settings and partners...
thank you.
To change this kind of information, you should go to Administration / Companies. Open the main company and change the information into this form, then save.
For the addresses in reports, there is a RML header field on the company form view.

Changing name in Header in Openerp?

I want to change Header name as a clients in openerp. I am using python and xml. see my screenshot.
Yes, you have to edit the XML for the action. Activate developer mode by going to help > About openERP > click active developer mode.
That will let you see the developer information. Then click edit action, and change the name of the action to what you want.

how can I get logo of curent comoany in openERP and us it in webkit Report

how can I get logo of curent comoany in openERP and us it in webkit Report without pass the name of Imge to mako file
You can use this:
<img src="data:image/jpeg;base64,${company.logo}" />
Are you using base_report_designer module ? If it is so, You need to add your company logo in Company form, There is a field to add a logo at top of the Company form. Add it and Save it.
If you are creating a report by Report Designer plugin, After creating a report, when you will click on Send to the Server button, in that wizard, You need to tick 'Corporate Header' option during sending to OpenERP. By doing this, You will be able to see in report from OpenERP.
I am assuming that you are using base_report_designer module.
You can also use this:
${helper.embed_image('png', company.logo, 145, 35)|n}
Where 145 is the width and 35 is the height. The statement above will create an <img/> tag for you.