How do you implement a base method that should be called for all the methods? - wcf

I have a Product Service. On each call to Service, I want to call a method. In this case, I am logging. I am looking for a way, not to write the using statement in each method. But I still want the Logging to happen on each call. How do I do this?
public class ProductService : IProductService
public IList<Product> GetProductsByBrand(int BrandID)
using (new Logging())
// Get a list of products By Brand
return new List<Product>();
public IList<Product> Search(string ProductName)
using (new Logging())
// Search
return new List<Product>();
public static string OrderProducts(IList<Order> Orders, Payment paymentDetials)
string AuthCode;
using (new Logging())
// Order and get the AuthCode
AuthCode = "";
return AuthCode;

Have you heard of AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming)? It's a way of implementing cross cutting concerns as reusable Aspects that wrap around the target type and perform additional processing before or after the method that they are wrapping.
Within a WCF environment this is typically done by applying "Behaviors" to your service class. In this case I would suggest the IOperationBehavior interface using an attribute that implements IParameterInspector in order to look at the parameters before they are passed the service instance is created and called. Here is a link to a useful article that goes into more depth regarding your options for extending the wcf message pipeline.
//Attribute class
public class LogOperationBehavior : Attribute, IOperationBehavior, IParameterInspector {
public void AddBindingParameters(OperationDescription operationDescription, System.ServiceModel.Channels.BindingParameterCollection bindingParameters) {
public void ApplyClientBehavior(OperationDescription operationDescription, System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.ClientOperation clientOperation) {
//clientOperation.ParameterInspectors.Add(new ClientParameterInspector());
public void ApplyDispatchBehavior(OperationDescription operationDescription, System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.DispatchOperation dispatchOperation) {
public void Validate(OperationDescription operationDescription) {
#region IParameterInspector Members
public void AfterCall(string operationName, object[] outputs, object returnValue, object correlationState) {
//perform logging after
public object BeforeCall(string operationName, object[] inputs) {
//perform logging before
return null;
public class BusinessOperation : IBusinessOperation {
//Apply to your service via an attribute
public DivideResponse DivideTwoNumbers(DivideRequest dr) {
return new DivideResponse() {
Answer = dr.Numerator/ dr.Demoninator2,

Have you considered creating a logging proxy? It would look something like this:
public class LoggingProductService : IProductService
private readonly IProductService _core;
public LoggingProductService(IProductService core)
_core = core;
public IList<Product> GetProductsByBrand(int BrandID)
Log("Getting products for brand " + BrandId);
return _core.GetProductsByBrand(BrandId);
//other IProductService methods here, all logging and delegating to _core
private void Log(string message)
using (var log = new Logging())
Of course, I don't entirely understand your Logging interface, so fill in the appropriate guesses with correct code. You also may not want to create and Dispose a Logging that often, I don't know.

You can create a dynamic proxy. See this article for instructions.


Unit Of Work & Generic Repository with Entity Framework 5

I'm using ASP.NET MVC 4 with Entity Framework 5. I have model classes and Entity Maps to map existing tables to those model classes. All this is setup fine and works great.
Now I want to mock this. I created Unit Of Work that takes the DataContext and uses a Generic Repository. Upon that I built services to be able to get data from many repositories at once and only needing to have one instance of the DataContext. This also works great.
Now to the problem: I want to test the services, with mock data. When I create the Unit Of Work instance, I want to be able to insert a DataContext that is mocked instead of the real DataContext.
I tried to create a IContext interface and let the real and mocked DataContext implement that but ran into problems with DbSet. I tried to use IDbSet and creating a FakeDbSet but without success. I also read on the internet that mocking the context with IDbSet and using a FakeDbSet is a bad approach.
Do you have any idea what would be the best way to achieve this? What I have now is the behavior I would like to keep, but would really like to be able to mock the data from the Model classes in the DataContext.
I'm aware of that Entity Framework already comes with Unit Of Work behavior and that you don't need to add extra behavior on top of that. But I wanted to wrap that inside of another class that keeps track of all the repositories (called UnitOfWork class).
Edit: I wrote two articles explaining my solution with both LINQ and Entity Framework.
Here's my code:
public interface IRepository<T> where T : class
void Add(T entity);
void Delete(T entity);
void Update(T entity);
T GetById(long Id);
IEnumerable<T> All();
IEnumerable<T> Find(Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate);
public interface IUnitOfWork : IDisposable
IRepository<TEntity> GetRepository<TEntity>() where TEntity : class;
void Save();
public class Repository<T> : IRepository<T> where T : class
private readonly IDbContext _context;
private readonly IDbSet<T> _dbset;
public Repository(IDbContext context)
_context = context;
_dbset = context.Set<T>();
public virtual void Add(T entity)
public virtual void Delete(T entity)
var entry = _context.Entry(entity);
entry.State = System.Data.EntityState.Deleted;
public virtual void Update(T entity)
var entry = _context.Entry(entity);
entry.State = System.Data.EntityState.Modified;
public virtual T GetById(long id)
return _dbset.Find(id);
public virtual IEnumerable<T> All()
return _dbset;
public IEnumerable<T> Find(Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate)
return _dbset.Where(predicate);
public class UnitOfWork<TContext> : IUnitOfWork where TContext : IDbContext, new()
private readonly IDbContext _ctx;
private Dictionary<Type, object> _repositories;
private bool _disposed;
public UnitOfWork()
_ctx = new TContext();
_repositories = new Dictionary<Type, object>();
_disposed = false;
public IRepository<TEntity> GetRepository<TEntity>() where TEntity : class
if (_repositories.Keys.Contains(typeof(TEntity)))
return _repositories[typeof(TEntity)] as IRepository<TEntity>;
var repository = new Repository<TEntity>(_ctx);
_repositories.Add(typeof(TEntity), repository);
return repository;
public void Save()
public void Dispose()
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (!this._disposed)
if (disposing)
this._disposed = true;
public class ExampleService
private IRepository<Example> m_repo;
public ExampleService(IUnitOfWork uow)
m_repo = uow.GetRepository<Example>();
public void Add(Example Example)
public IEnumerable<Example> getAll()
return m_repo.All();
public IEnumerable<Example> GetAll()
// Create Unit Of Work object
IUnitOfWork uow = new UnitOfWork<AppDataContext>();
// Create Service with Unit Of Work attached to the DataContext
ExampleService service = new ExampleService(uow);
return service.getAll();
Your ExampleService class is expecting IUnitOfWork, that means you just need another IUnitOfWork that is a Mock and its GetRepository() method will return an IRepository Mock.
For example (not really a Mock but In-Memory stub):
public InMemoryRepository<T> : IRepository<T> where T : class
public InMemoryUnitOfWork : IUnitOfWork
public IRepository<TEntity> GetRepository<TEntity>() where TEntity : class
return new InMemoryRepository<TEntity>();
public IEnumerable<Example> GetAll()
// Create Unit Of Work object
IUnitOfWork uow = new InMemoryUnitOfWork();
// Create Service with Unit Of Work
ExampleService service = new ExampleService(uow);
return service.getAll();
You can follow the following link it is very helpful.
Generic Repository Pattern in MVC3 Application with Entity Framework
Entity Framework and Data Patterns

Is it possible to use one generic/abstract service in ServiceStack?

I am developing a (hopefully) RESTful API using ServiceStack.
I noticed that most of my services look the same, for example, a GET method will look something like this:
return Response();
catch (Exception)
//TODO: Log the exception
throw; //rethrow
lets say I got 20 resources, 20 request DTOs, so I got about 20 services of the same template more or less...
I tried to make a generic or abstract Service so I can create inheriting services which just implement the relevant behavior but I got stuck because the request DTOs weren't as needed for serialization.
Is there any way to do it?
an Example for what I'm trying to do:
public abstract class MyService<TResponse,TRequest> : Service
protected abstract TResponse InnerGet();
protected abstract void InnerDelete();
public TResponse Get(TRequest request)
//General Code Here.
TResponse response = InnerGet();
//General Code Here.
return response;
public void Delete(TRequest request)
//General Code Here.
//General Code Here.
public class AccountService : MyService<Accounts, Account>
protected override Accounts InnerGet()
throw new NotImplementedException();//Get the data from BL
protected override void InnerDelete()
throw new NotImplementedException();
To do this in the New API we've introduced the concept of a IServiceRunner that decouples the execution of your service from the implementation of it.
To add your own Service Hooks you just need to override the default Service Runner in your AppHost from its default implementation:
public virtual IServiceRunner<TRequest> CreateServiceRunner<TRequest>(ActionContext actionContext)
return new ServiceRunner<TRequest>(this, actionContext); //Cached per Service Action
With your own:
public override IServiceRunner<TRequest> CreateServiceRunner<TRequest>(ActionContext actionContext)
return new MyServiceRunner<TRequest>(this, actionContext); //Cached per Service Action
Where MyServiceRunner is just a custom class implementing the custom hooks you're interested in, e.g:
public class MyServiceRunner<T> : ServiceRunner<T> {
public override void OnBeforeExecute(IRequestContext requestContext, TRequest request) {
// Called just before any Action is executed
public override object OnAfterExecute(IRequestContext requestContext, object response) {
// Called just after any Action is executed, you can modify the response returned here as well
public override object HandleException(IRequestContext requestContext, TRequest request, Exception ex) {
// Called whenever an exception is thrown in your Services Action
Also for more fine-grained Error Handling options check out the Error Handling wiki page.
My solution was to add an additional layer where I can handle Logic per entity:
Base Logic Sample:
public interface IEntity
long Id { get; set; }
public interface IReadOnlyLogic<Entity> where Entity : class, IEntity
List<Entity> GetAll();
Entity GetById(long Id);
public abstract class ReadOnlyLogic<Entity> : IReadOnlyLogic<Entity> where Entity : class, IEntity, new()
public IDbConnection Db { get; set; }
#region HOOKS
protected SqlExpression<Entity> OnGetList(SqlExpression<Entity> query) { return query; }
protected SqlExpression<Entity> OnGetSingle(SqlExpression<Entity> query) { return OnGetList(query); }
public List<Entity> GetAll()
var query = OnGetList(Db.From<Entity>());
return Db.Select(query);
public Entity GetById(long id)
var query = OnGetSingle(Db.From<Entity>())
.Where(e => e.Id == id);
var entity = Db.Single(query);
return entity;
Then we can use hooks like:
public interface IHello : IReadOnlyLogic<Hello> { }
public class HelloLogic : ReadOnlyLogic<Hello>, IHello
protected override SqlExpression<Hello> OnGetList(SqlExpression<Hello> query)
return query.Where(h => h.Name == "Something");
Finally our service only calls our logic:
public class MyServices : Service
IHello helloLogic;
public object Get()
return helloLogic.GetAll();

After Enable IDispatchMessageFormatter I see nullable parameters in service

after add my formatter to operation behavior :
public void ApplyDispatchBehavior(OperationDescription operationDescription, DispatchOperation dispatchOperation)
ServerMessageFormatter Formatter = new ServerMessageFormatter();
dispatchOperation.Formatter = Formatter;
In Formatter I have empty Deserialize method cause I want to use default behavior
public void DeserializeRequest(System.ServiceModel.Channels.Message message, object[] parameters)
but In Serialize
public System.ServiceModel.Channels.Message SerializeReply(System.ServiceModel.Channels.MessageVersion messageVersion, object[] parameters, object result)
//some code
Problem is that after enable this class, parameters in service method always was show as null, but in IDispatchMessageInspector class I see that parameters is send properly. I don't know why it's happening, I only add this message formatter code , it is possible that empty class for Deserialize causes this ?
When we are implementing IDispatchMessageFormatter interface usually we are not thinking that method DeserializeRequest is something important as it is not returning any data. This is misleading as method needs to do something.
The easiest way to make parameters correctly passed is to use base DispatchMessageFormatter. Add it to the constructor.
public class ResponseJsonFormatter : IDispatchMessageFormatter
IDispatchMessageFormatter basicDispatchMessageFormatter;
OperationDescription Operation;
public ResponseJsonFormatter(OperationDescription operation, IDispatchMessageFormatter inner)
this.Operation = operation;
this.basicDispatchMessageFormatter = inner;
public void DeserializeRequest(Message message, object[] parameters)
basicDispatchMessageFormatter.DeserializeRequest(message, parameters);
public Message SerializeReply(MessageVersion messageVersion, object[] parameters, object result)
string json=Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result);
byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(json);
Message replyMessage = Message.CreateMessage(messageVersion, Operation.Messages[1].Action, new RawDataWriter(bytes));
replyMessage.Properties.Add(WebBodyFormatMessageProperty.Name, new WebBodyFormatMessageProperty(WebContentFormat.Raw));
return replyMessage;
And initiate it in the behavior:
public class ClientJsonDateFormatterBehavior : IOperationBehavior
public void AddBindingParameters(OperationDescription operationDescription, BindingParameterCollection bindingParameters)
// throw new NotImplementedException();
public void ApplyClientBehavior(OperationDescription operationDescription, ClientOperation clientOperation)
public void ApplyDispatchBehavior(OperationDescription operationDescription, DispatchOperation dispatchOperation)
dispatchOperation.Formatter = new ResponseJsonFormatter(operationDescription, dispatchOperation.Formatter);
public void Validate(OperationDescription operationDescription)
// throw new NotImplementedException();
You can check the working example here in the github branch DateTimeFormatterWithParams
There is no default behavior if you do not provide your own logic on DeserializeRequest. You need to either reference the existing formatter and delegate manually in your ServerMessageFormater or provide your own logic.

WCF shared IClientMessageInspector instance across multiple clients

I'm managing a shared auth cookie when making WCF service calls via this methodology outlined under the header "Centralized cookie management" located here:
I've set up a custom IClientMessageInspector, IEndpointBehavior, BehaviorExtensionElement, the works. My endpoint behavior adds a message inspector as follows:
public class MyEndpointBehavior : IEndpointBehavior
public void AddBindingParameters(ServiceEndpoint endpoint, System.ServiceModel.Channels.BindingParameterCollection bindingParameters)
public void ApplyClientBehavior(ServiceEndpoint endpoint, System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.ClientRuntime clientRuntime)
// yuck.. Wish I had an instance of MyClientMessageInspector
// (which has the auth cookie already) so I could just inject that
// instance here instead of creating a new instance
clientRuntime.MessageInspectors.Add(new MyClientMessageInspector());
public void ApplyDispatchBehavior(ServiceEndpoint endpoint, System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.EndpointDispatcher endpointDispatcher)
public void Validate(ServiceEndpoint endpoint)
It all works flawlessly, but this solution breaks down when you want to share cookies over multiple clients. Because the ApplyDispatchBehavior() method creates a new instance, any other client wouldn't get that message inspector instance, and thus, the auth ticket.
So then I thought of trying to create a custom constructor where I could inject the instance like so:
MyEndpointBehavior(MyClientMessageInspector msgInspector) { ... }
But, WCF needs parameter-less constructors. Weeding through the internets, WCF has hooks to allow for dependency injection, creating an IInstanceProvider, IServiceBehavior, etc. But I don't think that's what I'm looking for here.
Can anyone help guide me in the right direction?
You need only extend the concept so that you store the cookie outside of the message inspector itself so that all instances of the message inspector share the same storage.
The poor man's way, just to get started, would be to just use a static field instead of an instance field. Obviously if you have multiple threads you'll need to provide concurrency while updating the field. From there you can get even fancier if you extrapolate it out to a cookie container concept and then just make sure you share the same container with all clients. Sharing the container can be done by getting the ChannelParameterCollection for the client channel and adding property to it and then your behavior looks for that property while it's inspecting the mssage and pulling the cookies out of that. That would look a little something like this:
App logic
// Hold onto a static cookie container
public static CookieContainer MyCookieContainer;
// When instantiating the client add the cookie container to the channel parameters
MyClient client = new MyClient();
Message inspector logic
public void BeforeSendMessage(ref Message, IClientChannel clientChannel)
// Find the cookie container for the current channel
CookieContainer cookieContainer = clientChannel.GetProperty<ChannelParameterCollection>().Select(p => p as CookieContainer).Where(cc => cc != null).First();
// ... use the cookie container to set header on outgoing context ...
You're correct, IInstanceProvider won't help in your case - it's used for providing service instances only. You don't need a parameterless constructor for your behavior. You need a paramterless constructor for the config element, and this class can use some dependency injection class (see below) to create the appropriate inspector class needed for the behavior.
namespace ConsoleApplication4
public class MyEndpointBehavior : IEndpointBehavior
IClientMessageInspector inspector;
public MyEndpointBehavior(IClientMessageInspector inspector)
this.inspector = inspector;
public void AddBindingParameters(ServiceEndpoint endpoint, BindingParameterCollection bindingParameters)
public void ApplyClientBehavior(ServiceEndpoint endpoint, ClientRuntime clientRuntime)
public void ApplyDispatchBehavior(ServiceEndpoint endpoint, EndpointDispatcher endpointDispatcher)
public void Validate(ServiceEndpoint endpoint)
public class MyEndpointBehaviorElement : BehaviorExtensionElement
public override Type BehaviorType
get { return typeof(MyEndpointBehavior); }
protected override object CreateBehavior()
return new MyEndpointBehavior(ClientInspectorFactory.GetClientInspector());
public class MyClientInspector : IClientMessageInspector
public MyClientInspector()
public void AfterReceiveReply(ref Message reply, object correlationState)
public object BeforeSendRequest(ref Message request, IClientChannel channel)
return null;
public static class ClientInspectorFactory
static IClientMessageInspector instance;
public static IClientMessageInspector GetClientInspector()
if (instance == null)
instance = new MyClientInspector();
return instance;
public interface ITest
int Add(int x, int y);
public class Service : ITest
public int Add(int x, int y) { return x + y; }
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
ServiceHost host = new ServiceHost(typeof(Service));
Console.WriteLine("Host opened");
ChannelFactory<ITest> factory = new ChannelFactory<ITest>("client1");
ITest proxy = factory.CreateChannel();
Console.WriteLine(proxy.Add(3, 4));
factory = new ChannelFactory<ITest>("client2");
proxy = factory.CreateChannel();
Console.WriteLine(proxy.Add(5, 8));
I liked the answers provided by #carlosfigueira and #drew, but I ultimately came up with a slightly different approach. I opted to configure my IEndpointBehavior PROGRAMMATICALLY, vs via config. Made things much simpler. I changed my endpoint behavior to store my client message inspector as follows:
public class MyEndpointBehavior : IEndpointBehavior
private MyClientMessageInspector_myClientMessageInspector;
public MyClientMessageInspector MyClientMessageInspector
if (_myClientMessageInspector == null)
_myClientMessageInspector = new MyClientMessageInspector();
return _myClientMessageInspector;
public void AddBindingParameters(ServiceEndpoint endpoint, System.ServiceModel.Channels.BindingParameterCollection bindingParameters)
public void ApplyClientBehavior(ServiceEndpoint endpoint, System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.ClientRuntime clientRuntime)
public void ApplyDispatchBehavior(ServiceEndpoint endpoint, System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.EndpointDispatcher endpointDispatcher)
public void Validate(ServiceEndpoint endpoint)
Then I simply shared this behavior between clients, as follows:
var behavior = new MyEndpointBehavior();
Now both clients will share the same auth cookie.

WCF response leaving out <xml header>

I am finally starting to get somewhere with WCF, but I have run into another problem. The response sent back does not include the header
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
My Service Contract
public interface IService1
// you can have optional parameters by simply specifying them and they will return null if there is nothing in there
[WebGet(UriTemplate="testing={value}", ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Xml)]
XElement GetData(string value);
public class Service1 : IService1
public XElement GetData(string value)
return new XElement("Somename", value);
returns this (3 is the value specified)
Is it also possible to easily wrap a response in a root element? Something like <response></response>?
responsThe result of calling the GetData method is the contents of what you return in the method. If you want a wrapper then return something like:
public class Service1 : IService1
public XElement GetData(string value)
return new XElement("response",
new XElement("Somename", value));
To add the XML declaration (which actually may not be a good idea but you know best) do something like this:
var doc = new XDocument(
new XElement("response",
new XElement("Somename", value)));
doc.Declaration = new XDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", "true");
return doc.Root;
I was looking for an answer to this myself, and stumbled upon this article:
It solved the problem in my situation, perhaps it is of help for others as well. It describes a custom attribute IncludeXmlDeclaration that you can stick on your method, and it will output the xml header.
For completeness, here is the code copied from the article:
public class XmlDeclarationMessage : Message
private Message message;
public XmlDeclarationMessage(Message message)
this.message = message;
public override MessageHeaders Headers
get { return message.Headers; }
protected override void OnWriteBodyContents(System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter writer)
// WCF XML serialization doesn't support emitting XML DOCTYPE, you need to roll up your own here.
public override MessageProperties Properties
get { return message.Properties; }
public override MessageVersion Version
get { return message.Version; }
public class XmlDeclarationMessageFormatter : IDispatchMessageFormatter
private IDispatchMessageFormatter formatter;
public XmlDeclarationMessageFormatter(IDispatchMessageFormatter formatter)
this.formatter = formatter;
public void DeserializeRequest(Message message, object[] parameters)
formatter.DeserializeRequest(message, parameters);
public Message SerializeReply(MessageVersion messageVersion, Object[] parameters, Object result)
var message = formatter.SerializeReply(messageVersion, parameters, result);
return new XmlDeclarationMessage(message);
public class IncludeXmlDeclarationAttribute : Attribute, IOperationBehavior
public void AddBindingParameters(OperationDescription operationDescription, BindingParameterCollection bindingParameters)
public void ApplyClientBehavior(OperationDescription operationDescription, ClientOperation clientOperation)
public void ApplyDispatchBehavior(OperationDescription operationDescription, DispatchOperation dispatchOperation)
dispatchOperation.Formatter = new XmlDeclarationMessageFormatter(dispatchOperation.Formatter);
public void Validate(OperationDescription operationDescription)