Better Approach for Creating Temp Object for Core Data with Restkit - objective-c

In my app, I have this scenario where I need to post an object to remoter server and get an object key back and then store the object locally. I have Core data and Restkit implemented in my app.
The object value are collected from user input. I couldn't figure out a great way to prepare the object before posting it to remote server. This object is an entity of type NSManagedObject, and I don't want to store it before I get the object id from server.
I came across this which suggested to use a transient object to handle this situation. But as discussed in that thread, this causes issue with code maintenance.
Is there a better way to handle this scenario? Thanks.

Make your core data model class adhere to the RKRequestSerializable protocol.
Then when the user input is validated, create an entity as normal and set it as the params value to the RKRequest, this will send your object as the HTTP body. Look inside RKParams.m for an example.
Also set the newly created entity as the targetObject for the RKObjectLoader. That way, when your web service returns the information (like the new unique ID), it will target the new object and save the new unique ID to this object without creating a duplicate.
Clear as mud?
PS: Oh and be careful mixing autogenerated core data classes with custom code! I recommend mogen to help you not lose code each time you make a change.


How is SaveChanges() called in BreezeController?

It appears that all the existing breezejs examples are passing entity models to and from the BreezeController.
But almost all our pages built are using some form of view models. In the days we have no BreezeJs, we retrieve the data (domain model) from a repository to populate (using AutoMapper or manually) a view model, which contains only the necessary data for that view. The WebAPI sends only the view model data over to the browser where we can populate a client-side view model (usually a knockout observable).
When saving data, we collect data from a <form> to populate an input view model, send only that data over to the server, where data in the input view model is mapped to the domain model. The update is saved by calling SaveChanges() on the DbContext entity in the repository.
Now, BreezeJs is to take over all our repository code by creating an EFContextProvider. The examples I have seen usually retrieve the domain model data and then pass it all to the client side.
public IQueryable<Item> Items() {
return _contextProvider.Context.Items;
It is the client-side javascript's job to build a view model.
Of course it is possible for us to build the view model at the server side:
public List<ItemViewModel> Items() {
var items = _contextProvider.Context.Items
var model = new List<ItemViewModel>();
.... some code to build model from items ....
return model;
The benefit is that less data is transferred across the network, and we can do many manipulations on the server side. But I don't know if it is a good practice to modify this BreezeController like that. But at least, it returns data needed to list all the items.
The real trouble came when I tried to POST data back.
In the BreezeJs examples I found, they use a ko.observableArray() to store all the domain model data, let's say vm.items. Then the new record newItem is build by manager.createEntity into a domain model. After validating the data, item.entityAspect.validateEntity(), the newItem is pushed into vm.items and manager.saveChanges() is called, which somehow invokes SaveChanges() on the BreezeController.
public SaveResult SaveChanges(JObject saveBundle) {
return _contextProvider.SaveChanges(saveBundle);
I find too many things have been taken over! (Laugh at me if you disagree.) My questions are:
Can I just createEntity and then saveChanges?
I only have an empty form to fill in and submit. There is certainly no need to build a whole items array on the client-side.
Can I pass an input view model as a JObject and do some server-side processing before calling _contextProvider.SaveChanges()?
It turns out to be a super long post again. Thank you for reading it all through. Really appreciate it!
Good questions. Unfortunately, our demo code seems to have obscured the real capabilities of Breeze on both client and server. Breeze is not constrained in the ways that your fear.
I don't want to repeat everything that is in our documentation. We really do talk about these issues. We need more examples to be sure.
You are describing a CQRS design. I think it over-complicates most applications. But it's your prerogative.
If you want to send ItemViewModel instead of Item, you can. If you want that to be treated as an entity on the Breeze client - have the EntityManager turn it into a KO observable and manage it in cache, change track it, validate it -, you'll have to provide metadata for it ... either on server or client. That's true for Breeze ... and every other system you can name (Ember, Backbone, etc). Soon we will make it easier to create metadata on the server for an arbitrary CLR model; that may help.
You have complete control over the query on the server, btw, whether Item or ItemViewModel. You don't have to expose an open-ended query for either. You seem to know that by virtue of your 2nd example query.
On to the Command side.
You wrote: "[the examples] use a ko.observableArray() to store all the domain model data, let's say vm.items"
That is not precisely true. The items array that you see in examples exists for presentation. The items array isn't storing anything from a Breeze perspective. In fact, after a query, the entities returned in the query response (if they are entities) are already in the manager's cache no matter what you do with the query result, whether you put them in an array or throw them away. An array plays no role whatsoever in the manager's tracking of the entities.
You wrote: "Can I just createEntity and then saveChanges?"
Of course! The EntityManager.createEntity method puts a new entity in cache. Again, the reason you see it being pushed into the items array is for presentation to the user. That array has no bearing on what the manager will save.
You wrote: "Can I pass an input view model ... and do some server-side processing before calling _contextProvider.SaveChanges()?"
I don't know what you mean by "an input viewmodel". The Breeze EntityManager tracks entities. If your "input viewmodel" is an entity, the EntityManager will track it. If it has changed and you call saveChanges, the manager will send it to the controller's SaveChanges method.
You own the implementation of the controller's SaveChanges method. You can do anything you want with that JObject which is simply a JSON.NET representation of the change-set data. I think you'll benefit from the work that the ContextProvider does to parse that object into a SaveMap. Read the topic on Customizing the EFContextProvider. Most people feel this provides what they need for validating and manipulating the client change-set data before passing those data onto the data access layer ... whether that is EF or something else.
If instead you want to create your own, custom DTO to POST to your own custom controller method ... go right ahead. Don't call EntityManager.saveChanges though. Call EntityManager.getChanges() and manipulate that change array of entities into your DTO. You'll be doing everything by hand. But you can. Personally, I'd have better things to do.

Using response objects from third party api calls

When creating a web application, if we use third party api calls , which themselves provide response objects, is it a good idea to directly use those response objects in the view /model? Or do we need to create a model object that copies the data from these reponse objects, just so that they are decoupled from the third party objects? Is this decoupling required always even when there is no other data attribute to add , other than the already existing data in the response object? Also these response objects seem to have no setter methods but only read methods? Does this information alter the design decision is any way?
What is the good practice here?
I would not have dependency on external response objects while building the model objects. If the model object needs attributes from the response, I would pass the attributes instead. This helps in mocking the model objects during testing without much hassle.
When it comes to the view objects, I would think it to be fine to depend on the response objects to extract attributes from them during rendering.
My two cents!

Manually adding ManagedObject using Restkit

How should I manually add a managed object to a Restkit managed Object store? I am using Restkit to seed a SQLite database with series of managed objects. All of Restkit's functionality seems geared towards serialising and deserialising objects, but it doesn't seem to offer an API for manually adding (or removing) objects from its Object Store.
RestKit adds an NSManagedObject(ActiveRecord) category which can be used for retrieving a managed object through various class-methods, however I can find no way of adding a new managed object or deleting one.
Should I pull a reference to the managedObjectContext RestKit's object manager, then manipulate the database directly?
Should I pull a reference to the managedObjectContext RestKit's object manager, then manipulate the database directly?
I'm by no means an expert at RestKit, but this seems like the way to go.
I don't think RestKit is trying to replace Core Data, it merely adds some convenience stuff for setting up the database and for converting objects as they come through a web service. Everything you do with them locally is still your responsibility, so use the Core Data methods.

Saving objects in EntityFramework over WCF causes related entities to be created

A couple of times on this current project developers have hit the same problem:
An object with related entities, i.e. an Order with a related Customer is sent back via WCF to entitywork to be saved. If the object is new we use AddObject() to put it back in the context and if it has changed, then we use ApplyCurrentValues() to update the object.
The Order object has changed, but the Customer object has not (unless the streaming via WCF affects it in some way). However, when calling SaveChanges() on the context the main object, Order in this example, is saved, but a new copy of Customer is also added to the database.
The workaround that we have found is to set the reference to Customer on Order to null before calling SaveChanges(), however this feels like a bit of a kludge.
What I'm looking for is the "correct" way to solve this problem, something akin to LazySaving = false, i.e. only save the object changed and don't try to create all the related objects.
Thanks in advance for any pointers.
I am not sure about Entity Framework, but I ran into this issue recently with NHibernate. I solved it by implementing save as follows
(1) Retrieve original entity from DB
(2) Update original entity from WCF Data Transfer object using AutoMapper
(3) Save original entity
I am not sure if you are trying to use your entities as DataContracts, in my experience its always better to use Data Transfer Objects rather than entities as you DataContract. If you dont, you continually run into all kinds of trouble, and DTO+AutoMapper gives you the control to solve most issues that you run into

WCF Data Services: Processing an object at save time

We are using a WCF Data Service to broker our data server side, and give third parties easy OData access to our data. The server side of things has been relatively easy. The client side, on the other hand, is giving us fits.
We are converting from regular Entity Framework to Data Services, and we've created an assembly which contains the generated client objects that talk to the data service (via a Service Reference). Those classes are partial, so we've added some logic and extended properties to them. This all works great.
The issue we are having is that we need to process our objects at save time, because they need to do some advanced serialization before they are sent over the wire. The DataServiceContext class contains two events: WritingEntity and ReadingEntity. The ReadingEntity event actually happens at the correct time for us (post object deserialization). The WritingEntity event happens at the WRONG time for us (post object serialization).
Is there any way to catch an object before it's written to the request, so that we can call a method on entity that is about to be written?
Obviously we could just loop through the Entities list, looking for any entity that is not in a state of Unchanged or Deleted, and call the appropriate method there...but this would require me to add special code every time I wanted to call SaveChanges on the context. This may be what we need to do, but it would be nice if there was a way to catch the entities before they are written to XML for sending to the service.
Currently there's no hook in the DataServiceContext to do what you want. The closest I can think of is the approach you suggested with walking all the entities and findings those which were modified. You could do this in your own SaveChanges-like method on the context class (which is also partial).