Sitecore Automated Republish - msbuild

Is there any way of automating a site publish with a given set of targets in Sitecore through the command line?
I have the PowerShell console installed however how do I know what commands it even supports? Documentation seems sparse.

I do recommend Sitecore Powershell Console created by Adam Najmanowicz. There is a lot of documentation and sample commands on his blog. You can find a code that will publish pages here
More information and other commands can be found in other posts on his blog.


Where can I find comprehensive documentation on Google Test?

A Google search yields the GitHub page for Google Test. I'm finding many links around the web to, which now redirects to the GitHub page. The GitHub project has an overview and a, which mostly explains how to build Google Test.
Where is the official user documentation for Google Test, or some equally useful, comprehensive documentation?
The documentation is in the GitHub repo, as .md files in the googletest/docs directory. Start with And then you can look at more advanced topics.
Shameless plug: Because it's annoying to go through the unrendered md files locally and use the difficult to navigate around md files on github, I publish the google test docs ( using mkdocs with a very minimal addition of an index.

How to install stellard on a server with integrate design?

I want to install stellard on my server. I download the stellard from github directory, here is link. Now I want to install and implement the design. I want step by step procedure to install like all configuration and database setup, etc. So how can I do this?
What I already done..
I am new in this open source and need deep demonstration of its installation and implementation. I also search out google, But can't get any useful tutorial how to work on this. I see there are some commands for installation but I can't way to work. Someone who really experience in stellard can give view to work on stellard. First I want to install stellard on my local host and after that on my live server.
My review about stellard..
This is very rare use open source.I search out is solution in some programing sites but can't get any help. Even I search stellard/ripple in youtube but no tutorial available there?

Is it possible to build a sitecore data package from command line, or outside of a web context? i.e. using nant

The Sitecore package wizard can be used to build a package containing data and files for the local Sitecore instance.
Is it possible to build a Sitecore package (items only, files are not required) from the command line, or otherwise outside the context of a website? The idea is to use Nant to create a Sitecore data package. I'm aware of Hedgehog TDS, but this question is aimed at what can be done with the existing Sitecore api.
You should take a look at the Sitecore.Install.PackageGenerator class in the Sitecore.Kernel to see how you may go about creating traditional Sitecore packages.
However, you are looking to do this outside of a website context. How do you plan on getting items into the package if you don't have access to the Sitecore web site in which they exist? Before you try to create a package on your CI server I would think you would need to get the Sitecore items into source control so that you can work with them.
I think you have two real options here.
Roll your own solution, leveraging serialization APIs, for getting Sitecore items into source control and moving between environments
Hedgehog Development's Team Development for Sitecore
For more information on Sitecore serialization please check out the Sitecore Serialization Guide. Specifically, check out how Sitecore envisions you use "Sitecore Serialization with a Source Control System"
Also, do some digging around for others who have rolled their own solution around serialization. For instance,
As skolima suggested... I've implemented and explained a solution using Sitecore Powershell Console here:
The PowerShell Console for Sitecore could be possibly extended for such scenarios (or simply scripted).
Check this link:
It describes a solution of creating and installing Sitecore packages using the API.
Check out Sitecore Courier Shared Source module. It compares two folders with serialized items and creates a diff package.
You can also browse the sources as an example of Sitecore.Update API usage.

Specific examples of vSphere SDK for .NET

The vSphere SDK for .NET developers pdf has a sample that describes how to connect to Vcenter and perform operations such as power-off, reboot etc.
I need specific examples for changing VM configuration such as disk, memory, CPU etc as well as migration through Storage VMotion and cloning.
The vSphere PowerCLI admin guide has specific examples to the above using command line in Powershell but there are no corresponding examples in C#. Has anyone attempted these operations in C#?
The vSphere SDK for .NET comes with many samples for performing various operations.
The samples, however, need to be rebuilt using a supplied batch file(s).
Here's how it is done:
Navigate to the path: VMware-vSphere-WS-SDK-4.1.0-257238\SDK\samples\DotNet
Under this path, you will find various batch files, such as: Build2005.cmd and
There's also a readme_dotnet.html, but it seems outdated.
Open a Visual Studio command line window.
Navigate to the samples\DotNet folder.
If you have installed VS in a non-default location, fix up the environment variable prior to beginning:
"set the environment variable VSINSTALLDIR to the directory containing the 2 directories "Common7" and "SDK"." Please remember to use quotes around directory names that have spaces in them.
Execute Build2005.cmd or Build2008.cmd (for VS2005/2008).
This will create a "cs" folder with all relevant samples (58 projects).
Hope this helps!
I've played with a number of VMWare API's and I've settled on VSphere SDK for .NET also. It's not perfect but it's the best I've found so far. As far as samples, since the PowerCLI cmdlets are just wrappers for the underlying .NET classes I tend to google for PowerCLI examples and then port that over to C#.
It seems strange that when I go to the website for code samples they simply don't have a category for this SDK. They only have samples for the SDK that's a bunch of .net class source files based on WSDL.

TagLib# Windows distribution? Or another good ID3 reader?

I wanted to write a quick program to get the file organization of my MP3 files back into sync with the info in my ID3 tags...
I had tried to get the Windows Media Format SDK, but when I go to install it says it can only run on WinXP. I found someone on here suggest TagLib#, which looked REALLY good, from the code examples. Problem is it seems the official site is gone, and the other links I've found to a hosting on Novell's servers is also down.
Anyone know where I can still get a distro of TagLib# for C#/VB.NET for Windows? Or another good ID3 tag reader?
I would recommend installing taglib-sharp with NuGet. NuGet is the best and easiest way to use opensource libraries in Visual Studio.
To install TagLib#, run the following command in the Package Manager Console in Visual Studio.
PM> Install-Package taglib
The NuGet distribution of taglib-sharp can be found at
The official source code repository is at
You can download the source and DLL here:
You can check to see the latest version.
You can do an svn checkout of the code from