Storing objects in an array in objective c - objective-c

I'm trying to store 25 objects in an array
for (int iy=0; iy<5; iy++) {
for (int ix=0; ix<5; ix++) {
TerrainHex *myObject = [[TerrainHex alloc] initWithName:(#"grassHex instance 10000") width:mGameWidth height:mGameHeight indexX:ix indexY:iy];
myObject.myImage.y += 100;
[TerrainHexArray addObject:myObject];
[self addChild:(id)myObject.myImage];
NSLog(#"Terrain array: %u", [TerrainHexArray count]);
The log is coming back as zero though.
In the .h file I have
#property NSMutableArray *TerrainHexArray;
And in the .m file I have..
#synthesize TerrainHexArray;
I just tried what someone suggested below, which is..
NSMutableArray *TerrainHexArray = [[NSMutableArray] alloc] init];
But it's just giving me a warning saying expected identifier.

It's almost certain that TerrainHexArray does not exist when you're doing the addObject calls and the NSLog. You say you tried adding the alloc/init after someone suggested it, which indicates you don't understand object management in Objective-C.
I'd suggest you step back, find a book on Objective-C, and read at least the first few chapters (up through the discussion of alloc/init et al) before you attempt any more coding.
Incidentally, it's standard C++/Objective-C coding practice (except in Microsoft) to use identifiers with a leading lower case character for instance names, reserving leading caps for types/class names.

What is TerrainHexArray? It looks like a class name, not an instance of an array. If you create a mutable array, then you can add the items to the array.
NSMutableArray *hexArray = [[NSMutableArray] alloc] init];
for (int iy=0; iy<5; iy++) {
for (int ix=0; ix<5; ix++) {
TerrainHex *myObject = [[TerrainHex alloc] initWithName:(#"grassHex instance 10000") width:mGameWidth height:mGameHeight indexX:ix indexY:iy];
myObject.myImage.y += 100;
[hexArray addObject:myObject];
[self addChild:(id)myObject.myImage];
NSLog(#"Terrain array: %u", [hexArray count]);


NSObject not retaining

Process -
NSObject Class used to generate a card with certain properties. This is added to a MutableArray and used accordingly. However, after the function to determine the hand outcome in another class, the MutableArray loses all it's values.
Now I know a MutableArray simply points to the objects as opposed to holding them, so for it to lose all it's values I'm assuming the objects are being swept up by ARC.
-(void)rankHand {
NSString *echo = [Hand returnHandRank:_hand withString:false]; // 7 values in _hand
// 0 values in _hand.
NSLog(#"%#", echo);
After breakpointing to see the issue, the issue arises after returnHandRank: withString:
#interface Cards : NSObject
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *face;
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *suit;
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *symbol;
#property (nonatomic) int prime;
#property (nonatomic) int rankByInt;
+(NSMutableArray*)createDeck:(id)sender {
[sender removeAllObjects];
NSArray *faces = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:#"A",#"2",#"3",#"4",#"5",#"6",#"7",#"8",#"9",#"10",#"J",#"Q",#"K", nil];
NSArray *suits = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:#"h",#"d",#"c",#"s", nil];
NSArray *primes = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:[NSNumber numberWithInt:41],[NSNumber numberWithInt:2],[NSNumber numberWithInt:3],[NSNumber numberWithInt:5],[NSNumber numberWithInt:7],[NSNumber numberWithInt:11],[NSNumber numberWithInt:13],[NSNumber numberWithInt:17],[NSNumber numberWithInt:19],[NSNumber numberWithInt:23],[NSNumber numberWithInt:29],[NSNumber numberWithInt:31],[NSNumber numberWithInt:37], nil];
for (int i = 0; i < 52; i++) {
Cards *card = [[Cards alloc]init];
card.face = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#", faces[i % 13]];
card.suit = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#", suits[i / 13]];
card.rankByInt = i % 13;
card.symbol = [Cards symbolForSuit:card.suit]; = [[primes objectAtIndex:(i % 13)] intValue];
[sender addObject:card];
[sender shuffle];
return sender;
Creates the _deck then _hand is filled by
[_hand addObject:[_deck objectAtIndex:0]];
[_hand addObject:[_deck objectAtIndex:1]];
[_hand addObject:[_deck objectAtIndex:3]];
[_hand addObject:[_deck objectAtIndex:4]];
[_hand addObject:[_deck objectAtIndex:5]];
[_hand addObject:[_deck objectAtIndex:7]];
[_hand addObject:[_deck objectAtIndex:9]];
returnHandRank: withString: is a very long function in the Hand class. So that is why I'm assuming they're not being retained.
Can anyone elaborate? I see it pointless to add the cards again from the _deck, it will it be the best solution?
EDIT: Added returnHandRank: withString:
+(NSString *)returnHandRank:(id)cards withString:(BOOL)returnString {
NSArray *combinations = [self returnCombinations];
cards = [self organizeCardsRankOrder:cards];
__block int maxRank = 0;
__block int maxValue = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < [combinations count]; i++) {
NSArray *splitString = [combinations[i] componentsSeparatedByString:#" "]; // splits the combination string.
NSArray *pointerArray = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:
[NSNumber numberWithInt:[splitString[0] intValue]],
[NSNumber numberWithInt:[splitString[1] intValue]],
[NSNumber numberWithInt:[splitString[2] intValue]],
[NSNumber numberWithInt:[splitString[3] intValue]],
[NSNumber numberWithInt:[splitString[4] intValue]],
nil]; // turns the combinations into int values in an array.
NSMutableArray *fiveCardHand = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithObjects:
[cards objectAtIndex:[[pointerArray objectAtIndex:0] intValue]],
[cards objectAtIndex:[[pointerArray objectAtIndex:1] intValue]],
[cards objectAtIndex:[[pointerArray objectAtIndex:2] intValue]],
[cards objectAtIndex:[[pointerArray objectAtIndex:3] intValue]],
[cards objectAtIndex:[[pointerArray objectAtIndex:4] intValue]],
nil]; // Create the 5 card hand for the combination loop we are in, we'll now check this to see what rank it returns.
//Check for hand rank.
fiveCardHand = [self organizeCardsRankOrder:fiveCardHand];
NSArray *fiveCardHandOrganized = fiveCardHand;
int strength = [self handRankWithFiveCards:fiveCardHandOrganized];
if (strength > maxRank) {
maxRank = strength;
maxValue = 0;
int value = [self associateStrengthToHand:fiveCardHandOrganized andHand:strength];
if (value > maxValue) {
maxValue = value;
if (returnString) {
return [self handForStrengthWithStrength:maxRank];
} else {
return [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%i", maxValue];
There have been a few recent question involving combinations, so unless you are creating accounts we suspect there is homework afoot... No problem, let's see if we can point you in the right direction. However we cannot answer the question, not because it might be homework but because there is not sufficient information to do so.
Now I know a MutableArray simply points to the objects as opposed to holding them,
Correct so far...
so for it to lose all it's values I'm assuming the objects are being swept up by ARC.
but now completely wrong :-( You are misunderstanding how automatic memory management in Objective-C works. First forget "retain", modern ARC-based management is about ownership - whether a variable storing a reference asserts ownership over the object the reference references. When it does assert ownership the variable has the attribute strong, when it stores a reference but does not assert ownership then it has the attribute weak (there are some other ownership attributes you will come across later, they can be ignored for the moment). Object reference variables by default have the attribute strong.
Let's try an analogy:
Consider a balloon ("object"), it will float away unless it is held down; and a hand ("variable"), which holds things.
Many different hands can hold strings (references) attached to the same balloon.
If the hand holds a string tightly (strong) the ballon cannot float away.
If the string is just laying on the palm of the hand (weak) the ballon will float away unless at least one other hand is holding another string attached to the ballon tightly.
A balloon will not float away as long as at least one hand is holding a string tightly.
ARC is the breeze, it blows away balloons not held tightly.
An unannotated variable defaults to strong, so when a reference is stored in it the variable asserts ownership of the referenced object and it will not be cleared away by ARC. An instance variable of a class, or a standard (strong) property, all assert ownership. All the standard collections (arrays, dictionaries, sets) assert ownership over the objects referenced by the references stored in the collection.
Therefore, if you store a reference in an NSMutableArray the referenced object will not be cleared away by ARC as long as the reference remains in the array. If you mutate the array and remove a reference then the object referenced by it will be recycled (returned to the available memory pool) by ARC if and only if there are no other references to it stored in strong variables.
The array itself will stay around as long as a reference to it is stored in a strong variable. When there is no strong reference remaining to the array the array itself will be recycled by ARC, in the process all references stored in the array will be removed and if those references are the last strong ones to the referenced objects they too will be recycled.
Hope that helps and understanding how this works will help you find out where you are either emptying your array, or losing all strong references to the array itself; e.g. by assigning a new reference (or nil) to the variable(s) referencing the array.
Now let's look at some of your code:
NSArray *suits = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:#"h",#"d",#"c",#"s", nil];
This is old style syntax, you can more easily create an NSArray using an array literal, #[ ... ]:
NSArray *suits = #[#"h", #"d", #"c", #"s"];
There are no NSMutableArray literals so you use an NSArray one an make a mutable copy: [#[ ... ] mutableCopy] or the shorter #[ ... ].mutableCopy (opinions differ on the use of the latter). There is also a literal for NSNumber objects, your code:
[NSNumber numberWithInt:41]
can simply be replaced by #41.
Using the above literals will make your code shorter and easier to read.
Now your statement:
card.face = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#", faces[i % 13]];
suggests a misunderstanding of how references and immutable objects work. An NSString object is immutable, once created its value will never change. The method stringWithFormat: constructs an NSString according to its format and arguments, which in this case is a single string, so you are just copying the string equivalent to:
card.face = [faces[i % 13] copy];
However a copy of an immutable object is just the original object. You know faces contains only immutable strings as you create it using string literals, so the above is equivalent to:
card.face = faces[i % 13];
Important: You can use a mutable, NSMutableString, reference as an NSString one by sub-classing, so the last step here dropping the copy is only valid if you know the reference is to an NSString object and not to an NSMutableString one.
Having used direct indexing on faces and suits you switch to long form: = [[primes objectAtIndex:(i % 13)] intValue];
and in a few other places. All of them can be replaced by [...], e.g.: = [[primes[i % 13] intValue];
While you uses of division (i / 13) and remainder (i % 13) are all correct you might want to consider using two nested loops to avoid them, e.g. something like:
for(int suitRank = 0; suitRank < 4; suitRank++)
{ for(int cardRank = 0; cardRank < 13; cardRank++)
{ // now use suitRank for i / 13 and cardRank for i % 13
The above is all just tidying up to make your code shorter, more readable, and less error prone. Now a more serious issue:
+(NSMutableArray*)createDeck:(id)sender {
[sender removeAllObjects];
Never do this! While id has it uses it reduces the compilers ability to check your code is correct and can result in your code going wrong when it is run for simple errors the compiler would have caught. Here sender is clearly meant to be a reference to a mutable array, declare it as such:
+ (NSMutableArray *)createDeck:(NSMutableArray *)sender
[sender removeAllObjects];
Later (after applying the above use of literals) you have:
NSMutableArray *fiveCardHand = #[ cards[[pointerArray[0] intValue]],
//Check for hand rank.
fiveCardHand = [self organizeCardsRankOrder:fiveCardHand];
Here you:
create a mutable array
assign a reference to it to fiveCardHand
overwrite the reference in fiveCardHand with the result of organizeCardsRankOrder:
So here you appear not to have mutated the array referenced by fiveCardHand but instead changed the variable to reference a different array. You don't need to use mutable arrays to do that, you are mutating the variable holding the reference not the referenced array. Now "appear" was used here as you have not supplied the code of organizeCardsRankOrder:, maybe that method does mutate the array passed to it, if that is the case it does not need to also return it and there is no need for the assignment to the variable. So look at your code carefully here and decide whether you are mutating arrays or just variables and change it accordingly.
Finally you do not provide any declarations in the question for _deck and _hand. By naming convention you might be directly accessing the backing variable of a property (doing this is often best avoided), or accessing an instance variable, both of some unspecified class. Therefore we cannot provide any real help with these, just check that if they are connected to an instance that you are using the same instance everywhere you expect to - a common early error is to set an instance variable in one instance, try to read it from another instance, and then wonder why the value is different...
HTH, happy debugging!

NSArray not deallocating in ARC Objective-C

I am trying to write a command line application in Objective-C for a university project. The project needs matrix manipulation so I have written a class to handle all the matrix methods (Addition and multiplication and such). My matrix methods look like this:
- (NSArray *)sumMatrices:(NSArray *)matrices
NSMutableArray *sum = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
NSInteger cols = [matrices[0][0] count];
NSInteger rows = [matrices[0] count];
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
NSMutableArray *row = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
CGFloat value = 0.0;
for (NSArray *array in matrices) {
value += [array[i][j] doubleValue];
[row addObject:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:value]];
[sum addObject:[row copy]];
row = nil;
return [sum copy];
However theres is a massive problem with this programme, I having used objective-c for iOS expect ARC to handle all my memory allocation and deallocation without a problem, however in this case the NSMutableArray 'sum' is never being deallocated, and because this method is being called in a loop which runs 10's of thousands of times (Modelling a double pendulum using RK4) the memory usage builds up and makes the program extremely slow.
Is there any reason this NSMutableArray isn't being deallocated once this method has returned?
Your problem is less about this code and more about the code surrounding it. Let's assume for a moment that your code around it looks like this:
NSArray *matricies; //Declared somewhere else;
NSMutableArray *results = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (int i=0; i < [matricies count] - 1; i++) {
for (int j=i+1; j < [matricies count]; i++) {
NSArray *sum = [self sumMatrices:#[matricies[i], matricies[j]]];
[results addObject:sum];
The actual operations that I'm performing are not particularly relevant to this example. The code pattern is. You'll notice I'm using a nested "tight" loop. Control never returns to the run loop until AFTER all calculations are complete. Without ARC, your memory would be freed as soon as the last release was performed, excluding autoreleased objects. With ARC, your memory is not freed until control is returned to the runloop, much the same way autoreleased objects used to. As a result, your code will appear to leak, until processing is complete and the system decides it should release your memory. If the CPU is perpetually under a heavy load, it may not clean up memory until it absolutely has to.
There are a few cleaver ways to use #autoreleasepool to help in this case, but that will make your code significantly slower. Additionally, Objective C is a fairly slow language for objects and method calls. If you are using this code heavily, you should convert it into C or C++ and manage the memory yourself.
without going into much detail you can try to use autoreleasepool
i would use copy if i want to preserve an array which gets modified but in your case do you really need it ?

declaring double arrays in objective-c

My map object has a set of coordinates. It doesn't always have the same number of coordinates.
In java I'd just declare the object as Double[] xpoints and would set it's size when instantiating a map like this: xpoints = new double[npoints];
How can I do this with objective-c?
I tried doing this: #property(nonatomic) double * xpoints; but somehow all of it's values turn to 0 when I print it with NSLog.
Map's init:
-(id)initWithXpoints:(double[]) xpointss Ypoints:(double[]) ypointss Npoints:(int)npointss
self = [super init];
if (self)
self.xpoints = xpointss;
self.ypoints = ypointss;
self.npoints = npointss;
return self;
Something weird happens though. The values are changed to zero when I print xpoints[0] from the object that created the map. The first time I print it it works. The second time it just prints zero.
I think it happens because xpointss sent to init is removed from the memory. How can I "instantiate" the xpoints property if it's a pointer?
Is there a better way to do this?
added: I tried creating a temporary xpoints like this:
double tempxpoints[npointss];
double tempypoints[npointss];
for (int i = 0; i < npointss; i++)
tempxpoints[i] = xpointss[i];
tempypoints[i] = ypointss[i];
self.xpoints = tempxpoints;
self.ypoints = tempypoints;
But it still didn't work.
Edit: Thanks for all the answers. This ended up being my final Init code:
-(id)initWithXpoints:(double[]) xpointss Ypoints:(double[]) ypointss Npoints:(int)npointss
self = [super init];
if (self)
_xpoints = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
_ypoints = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (int i = 0; i < npointss; i++)
NSNumber *tempx = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:xpointss[i]];
NSNumber *tempy = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:ypointss[i]];
[_xpoints addObject:tempx];
[_ypoints addObject:tempy];
_npoints = npointss;
return self;
If you allocate the arrays as local variables, then they will be allocated on the stack. When execution leaves the function, those memory areas are freed up. You must use malloc() to allocate arrays that you can pass around and use free() to free them up.
// to allocate
double[] tempxpoints = (double[])malloc(sizeof(double) * npointss);
// to free when not used any more
But actually NSArray has been designed to handle these cases. And with ARC you don't even have to care about freeing the memory.
NSMutableArray *tempxpoints = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[tempxpoints addObject:#2]; // wrap the double in an NSNumber object
If you were being fully Objective-C about it, you'd use an NSArray, fill it with NSNumbers and never specify a length. You can usually give them hints about how much space is likely to be required but Objective-C's collections all always size dynamically.
As of recent versions of the compiler, you can use array[x] notation on NSArray and write direct NSNumber constants as e.g. #4.5f if that sweetens the deal at all.
If you literally want C-style arrays then you'll need to descend to the C level of thought. So, something like:
#property(nonatomic, readonly) double * xpoints;
-(id)initWithXpoints:(double[]) xpointss Ypoints:(double[]) ypointss Npoints:(int)npointss
self = [super init];
if (self){
size_t sizeOfArraysInBytes = sizeof(double)*npointss;
_xpoints = (double *)malloc(sizeOfArraysInBytes);
memcpy(_xpoints, xpointss, sizeOfArraysInBytes);
/* ... etc ... */
/* you never use self. notation in an init because it's a method call,
and method calls on objects that are not yet fully instantiated aren't
safe. Sample cause of failure: a subclass overrides the setter */
return self;
- (void)dealloc
/* ... etc ... */
The array itself will be read/write elsewhere (it's the pointer that's read-only, not the things it points to) as class.xpoints[0], etc.

object inside NSMutableArray is not update immediately after updating

I have a very strange error using NSMutableArray in cocos2d/xcode
In my code, I have a NSMutableArray containing object A
NSMutableArray *peasantArray;
and another NSMutableArray contain object B
NSMutableArray *treeArray;
in the scheduled update function, I called another function which is essentially the following functionality:
I would loop through all the object A inside the *peasantArray, and if any peasant object has a variable var == GameEntityCommandIdling, I would modify the object B in the second NSMutableArray *treeArray,
The issue is that I notice sometimes after I modified the object A inside the peasantArray, the modified variable (var) is being modified/updated inside the object A after by printing out the variable status in a scheduled fashion; but if I am to loop through the NSMutableArray *peasantArray again in the next schedule (1/30s), I will again find the object A with the older/un-updated variable (var), and this is causing my algorithm to be wrong,
However, if I loop through the NSMutableArray *peasantArray less than 1second, each time I would see the variable (var) for object A correctly as the updated variable value,
So is there a limit on how fast I can iterate over the NSMutableArray?
here are some piece of code that I basically just mentioned,
NSMutableArray *peasantArray;
NSMutableArray *treeArray;
peasantArray = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:1]retain];
for(int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
Peasant *A = [[Peasant alloc] init];
[peasantArray addObject:A];
//inside the update()
for (int i = 0;i < [peasantArray count];i++)
Peasant *A = [peasantArray objectAtIndex:i];
if (A.status == something)
printf("A.status is something\n");
A.status = sometingelse;
//update other things not related to this NSMutableArray or object
SO the error is that sometimes I will have multiple printf of "A.status is something", although only one of it should be printed,
I really appreciate any help,
So is there a limit on how fast I can iterate over the NSMutableArray?
Definitely no. That would be the stupidest implementation of an array I'd ever encountered. :)
The simplest explanation is usually the answer. You say the message is printed more than once. Well have you checked that maybe more than one Peasant has its status set to something?
If that's not the case, are you certain the status update is printed twice in the same frame, and not twice in two subsequent updates?
Earlier on you seemed to indicate that the effect of iterating over one array and modifying the other array's objects is invalidated somehow. That made me want to point out that if you have the same object in both arrays, modifying the object's properties in array A will also modify the properties of the same object contained in array B.
You may want to give breakpoints a(nother) try. The problem should be easy to locate when you step through the code.
Here you have a memory leak
for(int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
Peasant *A = [[Peasant alloc] init];
[peasantArray addObject:A];
you should release A after adding it to the array since the addObject adds a reference count to the object.
for(int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
Peasant *A = [[Peasant alloc] init];
[peasantArray addObject:A];
[A release];

How to manage int when it's incremented inside another loop?

I have a simple loop with an int counter that gets incremented inside a while loop when a special case exists. My question is simply - how should I manage memory inside this function with regards to the int specifically? I've been using NSNumber almost exclusively and what little time I've spent with int seems to make me think I'm not doing releasing it correctly.
Any other improvements are also welcome but I'm very interested in the int question
- (NSArray *)parseJson:(NSArray *) items
NSMutableArray* hats = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
NSEnumerator *enumerator = [items objectEnumerator];
NSDictionary* item;
int counterz = 0;
while (item = (NSDictionary*)[enumerator nextObject]) {
Hat* hat = [[Hat alloc] init];
hat.addr = [item objectForKey:#"Address"];
BOOL* hasHat = [item objectForKey:#"HasHat"];
if ([hasHat boolValue]) {
if (counterz < 10) {
[hats addObject:hat];
return hats;
Thank you in advance!
You don't need to release a "normal" (i.e.: non-object based) int - it'll happily life out its (brief, tragic) life on the stack until it falls out of scope.
You've got a couple unnecessary things and some memory leaks...
- (NSArray *)parseJson:(NSArray *) items {
NSMutableArray *hats = [NSMutableArray array];
int counter = 0;
for (NSDictionary *item in items) {
Hat *hat = [[Hat alloc] init];
[hat setAddr:[item objectForKey:#"Address"]];
BOOL hasHat = [[item objectForKey:#"HasHat"] boolValue];
if (hasHat && counter < 10) {
[hats addObject:hat];
[hat release];
return hats;
And heck, once you reach a counter of 10, you could break out of the loop, because you're never going to do anything useful once 10 is reached.
Some other comments:
The name of the method is wrong. Nothing about this method has to do with parsing JSON. At best you're interpreting an array of dictionaries that happened to originate from a JSON string, but there's nothing about the nature of this code that says "this is parsing JSON".
-[NSDictionary objectForKey:] returns an object. A BOOL is not an object, it's a primitive (like an int or char). Appending * to the type does not make it an object either. :)
Since the method name does not begin with new or alloc and does not contain the word copy, you're supposed to return an autoreleased object from it. The method in the question was returning an owned object (+1 retain count), since you invoked alloc, but never autorelease. Using the convenience constructor +array fixes this.
In your loop, you allocated a Hat object, but never released it. This is a classic memory leak.