Vb.net - FileMovement Lock on destination folder - vb.net

Source code: vb.net
We are using File.Move() method to move the file from source to destination locaion.
But the destination location is being monitored by one tool, whenever we are moving files to the destination location, it will pick up the file and process it. The issue here when we try to move huge volume file like around 5GB file, the tool is immediately picking up the file and try to process it before the move operation is complete and send failure notice to all the users.. After again successfully moving the file completely, it picks up the same and process it sucessfully this time and send successful notice this time.
We can't have control over the tool which is monitoring the destination folder because it is a third party tool. However we want to find out the alternative option to place a lock over the destination foler like ReadWrite access till the move operation completes so that 3rd party will not be able to pick up or try to access that file.
Pls help us.

Not sure if it works, but you might be able to make the following work with directories as well:
FileOpen(1, "c:\file.ext", OpenMode.Binary)
'Do something with file here
Reference and example here
I hope it helps.

First, I agree with #hometoast, sometimes tools like this just look for specific file extensions so you can copy in with a different file extension and then rename.
But barring that, download the file to a temp location and then Move the file into the dir getting watched. A Move does not recopy the file contents but just updates its pointers in the filesystem. Should be atomic.


FTP client sees a file that isn't there... How can I successfully delete/overwrite this "ghost" file?

So we have a client that creates "training packages" and then uploads them via ftp to their website. They create the training packages in PowerPoint, and then use some program to convert them into html/swf files and package them within a folder. When they upload, they use Filezilla, and just transfer the entire folder over. The folder is uniquely named, uses no spaces or special characters.
These files have uploaded fine for about a year. Recently, they've run into a problem. Whenever they try to upload training package folder, they are immediately presented with the "This file already exists, do you want to overwrite?" message. Except... the folder they're moving is brand new, and the file it's asking to overwrite DOESN'T EXIST. When they choose "Overwrite" the file looks like it transfers, but the file size is wrong, and the training package doesn't work correctly.
This happens with every training package they try to upload. It's not just a badly outputted package. Also, it's always the same file that has the problem--it's the main "player" for the training package, and though it contains different content for every package, it is the same file name (cplayer.swf) every time.
Things they've tried without success:
-Re-uploading the file again by itself, and overwriting
-Deleting the "bad" file and re-uploading the single file - Get the overwrite message again, even though the file DOES NOT EXIST.
-Renaming the file on the server and re-uploading the single file - Get the overwrite message.
-Renaming the single file locally within the package and uploading/renaming it - Won't let us rename because the file already exists.
-Used another FTP client - Same results as above, so not a client specific problem.
-Used a different FTP login - Same results as above, so not a permissions problem.
Other things of note:
-The file is small--it's not a time out problem. Plus, all other files upload fine, and some are a lot larger.
-They've emailed this file to me, and I've uploaded it successfully.
I am completely at my wits end. Does anyone have any ideas where I can at least troubleshoot a little further?
Thanks for the non-help, the downvote, and the general lack of response on what was a pretty serious issue for me.
In case anyone else has a similar problem, here's what was going on:
Virus software (specifically Malware Bytes) was blocking THIS ONE SINGLE FILE. All I had to do was exclude the folder that contained the file.

Monitoring a folder for a specific file

I have a program that uploads .txt or .rje files from a folder. Now when you put any other file format into the folder, like .jar, then the application crashes.
Now I cannot change the mechanics of the application, so I would like to know if there is a type of program/script that I can use that monitors the folder for any files that are non-txt/rje and then move them out of the folder once they are put there...
Is this possible using a script? (I do not want to use a .exe application to do this...not allowed to install 3rd party software onto the server this folder exists...)
Thank you
Your solution won't work as you have a race condition between the program doing the upload and the one doing the deletion. If upload runs first it still crashes.
The correct solution is to modify the upload program to cope with this scenario.
If that is not possible then the only safe work around would be to use a new folder to drop the files in, have a script run that constantly scans the folder and if a new file appears either move it to the processing folder or deletes it as appropriate.
(For the actual detection that's not my area of expertise but the simplest would be to have a bat file that just runs periodically (or even just runs once and loops with a wait, check, move, wait, check, move, etc) and processes everything in the folder when it runs).

Prevent file being overwritten

Imagine there are 3 or more independent locations where a file can be modified. These locations communicate to each other through email or mail (direct flash drive restoration). Though there is a big room for flow - to make simultaneous editing to the file and screw up things, this client won't change too much. He rather call everyone that he is working on the last update or tell the other guys that he is waiting for third guy's last update. Anyway, at some point after several exchanges, due to one of participants unintentional error THE LAST VERSION of the file eventually gets mixed up. From this point everyone searches for the last version BY LOOKING THE CONTENT of the file.
This client wants to have a central location (he has actually, that is his PC's some location) and let everybody (including himself) copy any new or suspected new file to this location but prevent file's last version being copied. From this location he has to easily copy, send or open the file and work.
So, here is my concept (2 steps):
step 1: I made an ad to the main application where this file is created or edited. This ad prompts the user to give a version number to the file with every invoked save command from the editing application. In fact the file can be re-saved multiple times but not considered modified (file attributes creation, save etc. do not have great meaning here). This said the user can cancel my ad-in but have saved the file, not saving a new file version.
step 2: multiple solutions:
solution A: I'm thinking to have a folder/file watch and prevent the last version of the file being overwritten. As you know, FileSystemWatcher will fire the change/delete etc., events AFTER FACT so, I have to back copy overwritten file after the fact (w/ some tricks).
solution B: have a database to store all version of files and built-in some shell extension to extract/view files from the database. Move all copied/pasted files to the database (my program folder) and restore latest file in working folder after watcher fires change/delete event.
solution 3: find out built-in windows tools (API etc.) to greatly rely on it with some programming.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.

Watch folder for files being Read

I am trying to watch files in a directory to determine when files are opened/accessed. I thought FileSystemWatcher would do the trick using the event Changed.
Problem is that some applications do not create a lock on the file they open/access or change either the date modified or date accessed (even after fsutil behavior set disablelastaccess 0). Notepad for example. Apparently is makes a copy of the file in memory and plays with it there until you save it. Nor does it update the Date Accessed.
How can I monitor a directory of files and be notified when a file is simply opened/accessed by any program (e.g. Notepad)? Files may be opened from another computer, not necessarily on the computer running the "watcher".
I found lots of similar questions but did not see one focusing on file "access".
This is quite normal. Updating an existing file is quite dangerous since it can cause irretrievable data loss. A disk error (like disk full) while writing is very bad news. The common algorithm used:
rename the original file
write a new file using the original name
no error: delete the renamed file
error: delete the new file, rename original file back
Clearly this doesn't cause a Changed event to be raised, no file was changed.
Sorry, I didn't read the question well enough. There is no notification whatsoever for an app just opening a file for reading. FSW can only detect changes to the file system. There is no ready alternative either, this requires a custom file system filter driver that snoops on driver requests. Like the kind that SysInternals' ProcMon utility uses. I'm not aware of such a driver ready for use in a C# program, you can't write them in C# either. This just isn't a common requirement.

How do i force a file to be deleted? Windows server 2008

On my site a user may upload a file (pic, zip, audio, video, whatever). He then may decide to replace it with a newer revision. This user may upload a file, make a post then decide to put up a new revision replacing the old (lets say its a large zip or tar.gz file). Theres a good chance people may be downloading it if he sent out an email or even im for the home user.
Problem. I need to replace the file and people may be downloading and it may be some minutes before it is deleted. I dont want my code to stall until i cant delete or check every second to see if its unused (especially bad if another user can start and he takes long creating a cycle).
How do i delete the file while users are downloading the file? i dont care if they stop i just care that the file can be replaced and new downloads are the new revision.
What about referencing the files indirectly?
A mapping script, maps a virtual file entry from your site to a real file . If the user wants to upload a new revision of his file you just update the mapping, not the real file.
You can install a daily task that scans all files and deletes all files without a mapping and without open connections.
lajuette's answer is right, the easiest solution is to work around the file locking altogether:
When a user uploads file foo.zip, internally store it as foo-v1.zip.
Create a mapping file somewhere (database, code, whatever) that maps foo.zip to foo-v1.zip.
Rather than exposing a direct link to the file, expose a link to a service that gets the file: mysite.com/Download?foo.zip or something. This service uses the mapping to determine which version of the file to send to the client.
When a new version is uploaded, create foo-v2.zip and update the mapping file.
It wouldn't be that hard to write a scheduled task that cleans up old, un-mapped files.
If your oppose to a database and If the filenames are in a fix format (such as user/id.ext) you could append the id with a revision number and enumerate the folder using a pattern (user/id-*) and use the latest revision.