selenium driver close when the new window pop out - selenium

I run the test
First I login and the window close and open a new one.
but the test failed.
it show Unable to get browser (NoSuchDriver).
Is it means my driver is been closed?
How to solve it?


Unable to focus when using ChromeDriver

I am getting Webdriver exception "Failed to send keys because cannot focus on element" while using ChromeDriver.
I have also observed that if I bring up any other window (say eclipse) in front of the chrome browser and then minimize it, the ChromeDriver is able to resume execution on the Chrome browser but gets stuck again on the next input field.
Can anyone please help suggest some solution

IE driver tries to close new window instantly which opens after clicking on link while running on grid

I m running a UI test in which IE 11 driver clicks on a link which opens a new window then it dose further test. this works as expected on my local machine but when I run this test in my remote desktop (selenium grid) IE driver instantly tries to close the new window and a alert for closing the window appears this is causing my test to fail.
Can some one please enlighten me what is causing this behavior in IE while running on grid only. And how to solve this issue ?

Test Case in Selenium is not working for a Java Script Pop Up

I installed the selenium plugin in Firefox for automating a monitoring process. When i record the test case and rerun it it fails for pop up validation in the end. So i'm i'm confirming the monitoring as successful when i got a pop up at the end saying "successful". So i record the test case using selenium and when i rerun it at the end when its waiting for pop up to come two things are happening
the pop up in the record playback its not coming up.
the test case is failing for the pop up.
Please also suggest if i can use IE with selenium
Here You can check very good and easy example for how to handle javascript popup using selenum web driver : Selenium Webdriver for Javascript popup
To use IE with selenium web driver do following :
1 - Download IE driver of selenium web driver from HERE
2 - You can all IE driver from selenium web driver as per below :
System.setProperty("", "D:/IEDriver.exe");
InternetExplorerDriver IEDriver=new InternetExplorerDriver();
Note : In above code "D:/IEDriver.exe" is example path , you please set actual path where you have put your IE drivers.

Does Selenium Webdriver bypass browser default pop-up blockers?

So my team ran into a strange situation today, when run manually one of our tests fail due to firefox's pop up blocker ending up blocking the window that is supposed to open. But when we run our automation Webdriver ignores the pop-up blocker and the window opens successfully.
So the question is does Webdriver have something built in that ignores all default browser pop-up blockers? And can I disable it.

Selenium webdriver "Error communicating with remote browser. It may have died" when I run test in parralel

I am working on client side. I have created around 150 test scripts. But during execution, after some script execution, Selenium throws below error and it close the browser. Time is not a fix for this error. It comes when I am executing all the test scripts together in parallel.
The error shows on Google Chrome and Firefox browsers. I am using selenium-server-standalone-2.26.0.jar file and doing execution on FF 13.0.1 version. I have also tried with FF version 14, but I get the same error. My client is not happy with this error because we dont have workaround for this issue.
**Error message:**
Caused by: org.openqa.selenium.remote.ErrorHandler$UnknownServerException: Error communicating with the remote browser. It may have died
I think this will happen when you dealing with popup window.
Working on main window clicking on something leads to open a new popup
switch the control to popup window & do your operations in pop-up
Most of the cases popup will be closed automatically after some action performed in it. (EX : Login with facebook option most of site now a days, after entering user credential no need to close that popup it will be closed automatically after submitting proper credentials)
After this you need to switch the control to main window again otherwise it will throws above exception.
I think your doing some operations without having the control over a window.