Windows Store App QUnit Testing - windows-8

Has anyone used QUnit to test Windows Store App? Any recommendations on how to run testing smoothly? I seem to be having issues stubbing methods that cite some of the internal Windows. references. Is there a way to run QUnit while the metro app is actually running, instead of writing tests in a standalone fashion?

Check out this project started recently that helps you use QUnit in Metro apps

There are two QunitMetro libraries available
MSDN Code Gallery
I recommend the CodePlex version as I have not tried the MSDN one.


neutralinojs and Blazor in Linux

I try some platform to create Linux Desktop application with Blazor (Including ElectronNET), but in most case its empty self advertising without really opportunity to do even simplest task.
Therefore I'm still in searching a good platform to make desktop apps in Linux with Blazor.
Is neutralinojs good fit to this task including development in VS CODE and deployment to end-user?
Neutralinojs is a lot like Electron. The main difference being that Neutralinojs does not use npm or is based on chromium.
This makes Neutralinojs faster than Electron. If you desire to make desktop apps with HTML, CSS, or JS then Neutralinojs would be a good fit for you!
I have tried both and I can tell you that Neutralinojs is the best at a quick startup.
Neutralinojs will work great with any code editor. You can even use the terminal that VS Code provides.
After you finish writing the code for your project, you can run the build command. This command will make executables for any OS including Linux.

Can we use any javascript framework to build maximo anywhere app

Mobile First supports any javascript Framework like DOJO/Sencha/jQuery/AngularJS. So is it possible to build new maximo anywhere app also through any above mentioned JS Framework?
The answer is Yes. The mentioned frameworks are frontend/client-side frameworks and as such have no relation to the functionality that MobileFirst and/or Maximo provide you with. They relate to how the app looks, not what the app does.
Yes but, please understand you could have to rewrite some of the ANT scripts used to build the apps. I haven't attempted this yet, and would love to hear your feedback as to what you find. I'm not a fan of dojo and would like an alternative like ionic too!

Alternatives to Coded UI test for Visual Studio

Im looking for some alternatives for Coded UI test. Unfortunately I'm only running Visual Studio 2013 professional
I have already looked at Selenium for Firefox, but that does not seem to work in my version of Firefox
If you want to test web applications, you can use any of the following:
Nightwatch.js(uses Selenium BTS)
For Windows desktop applications, Microsoft is now supporting Appium based WinAppDriver. For more details, you may check the GitHub repository here. I also teach a Udemy course on the subject which can be seen hereenter link description here.
White is another desktop application testing API but I haven't used it a lot.
We previously used WebAii to test a complex ASP.NET application and it was successful. I have found out that it is now part of Telerik controls. (I have no affiliation with the company.)
Other than that, keeping the UI as light/dummy as possible and testing beneath it extensively usually worked out better for me.

Unit test framework for SDK2 apps

Does anybody have a recommendation for unit testing home grown rally apps?
I've started to look at Jasmine as recommended in the Sencha docs and it looks promising, but I'm a little unsure about how to tie in all the Rally infrastructure, and I'm not a Javascript expert.
If anybody has used Jasmine for this, do you have some examples of how to set up a basic configuration for using Jasmine to test a SDK2 Rally app?
One of the next things I wanted to create in my app building framework was a tie to some testing framework. I was leaning towards Zombie, you may want to check that one out.

a couple questions about the titanium platform

I have recently been browsing frameworks such as JavaScriptMVC, qooxdoo, Sproutcore and others alike which are using javascript to create desktop-like apps in the browser with minimal, or none css/html (depending on the framework).
What I know of titanium is that it uses html/css for the views, and language of choice (javascript, ruby,python,php) for everything else. Then it gets compiled(?) into a native app.
What are the quirks? if any?
Is it necessary for the user to install some sort of a runtime to execute the compiled app?
I suppose javascript is the prefered language, but how are the other ones handled?
For example, which Ruby interpreter would be included, would I be albe to use the ruby stdlib or external libraries? Would it affect the speed of the app? I.e JS > Ruby in terms of speed.
Since the views are CSS/HTML, would it still be necessary to style the elements, add them effects via JS librarier to achieve a widget-like feeling? Or does it come with some pre-made settings/classes for that?
I am not sure if it applies to the desktop package, but is there some syncing with the appcelerator's server required? What would it be necessary for?
I am sorry if the questions sound stupid, but I didn't even realise there are than many tools until recent. I am ultimately looking for something which is easy to use, has an option to work with a back-end server for data exchange, looks preferably good 'out of the box' or doesnt require that much work to get it themed nicely and works on mobile as well as desktop devices.
With Titanium you build your app out using javascript. Titanium ultimately generates its own XCode project for you that is compiled and deployed to a device.
The user does not require any runtime be installed prior to installing your app.
Unless your building custom modules to hook up your own controls you stick with javascript.
Your javascript calls end up as native controls, early versions required css like styling due to reliance on webkit but this is no longer the case.
There is no IDE but it does come with an app to create Titanium projects, test in emulator, deploy etc. It also talks back to HQ for updates.
In answer to (2), Titanium Mobile is Javascript only, but Desktop also supports Python, Perl and PHP.