I was wondering if there is any way to lazy-load objects with db4o?
I read all the tutorial, and it seems that this functionality doesn't exist.
Let's clear my point.
For example, let's say I have a House object with 50 complex fields.
1) location : Country (complex object)
2) window : Window (complex object)
3) livingRoom : Room (complex object)
50) door : Door (complex object).
Let's say that, in a certain place of my program, I only need the location of the house.
If I turn on the Transparent Activation mechanism of db4o, when I access the location field, the whole house object is
activated, which means that all the fields are filled with values.
This is silly, because all the other big and complex fields (that I will not use in this case) are uselessly and costly retrieved from the database.
It would be nice if I have a way to tell db4o to either fully activate an object or just activate certain fields of the object depending on my needs.
if I understood you correctly db4o's transparent activation should be enough to accomplish what you want providing that all of your "sub objects" also implement the Activatable interface (and of course, that you added TransparentActivationSupport to the configuration).
So in your sample when house gets activated all of its fields would become non null but would not be activated; only when you access these fields they should get activated.
Can you post the code (or a simple test) that leads you to believe all your objects are being activated?
I am interested in message passing, generally.
I read few definitions but it's still completely unclear and abstract to me what it really means.
Now, here is where it's struck me that MP is crucial...
Class-based Object-oriented programming languages support objects defined by their class. Class definitions include member data. Message passing is a key concept (if not the key concept) in Object-oriented languages.
So, could someone explain me what is message passing in (as much as possible) clear English with some analogy or some examples.
I do have about a year experience in programming, but mostly on CodeAcademy, plus various books, youtube videos and Wikipedia articles.
Imagine that you have two objects. Picture them as iron boxes. They have all sorts of mechanics and logic within them, but you can't see it from outside the boxes. They encapsulate that logic. To an outside observer (such as each other), they are a "black box".
These boxes do have some observable (and interact-able) attributes and operations. Maybe they have little indicator lights that tell you something (public properties), or they have buttons which do something internally (methods) and change the state of those lights.
Box A knows about Box B. It holds a reference to it. In this analogy, it basically has some mechanical interface which can reach over to Box B and press buttons on it. Box A knows that Box B can do a particular thing that Box A wants to happen. Box A can't reach inside of Box B and use its logic (mechanics) to do the thing itself. That would violate the encapsulation and would make Box A too dependent on Box B.
(This is because Box A isn't actually depending on Box B's internal mechanics at this time. It's only depending on the interface. If you were to build an entirely new Box B-1 which has entirely different ways of doing the things it does, but is contained in the same iron shell with the same buttons and lights, Box A never needs to know about that. Both Box B and Box B-1 expose the same interface and so their internals don't need to be known.)
Instead, Box A needs to send a message to Box B. Let's say that Box B needs some information in order to do the thing. (Imagine, for example, a credit card reader or something like that. The box internally does a thing, but it needs some data from an external source first.) When Box A invokes this operation on Box B, it provides this information. (It's calling a method on Box B and supplying a parameter to that method.)
If the operation has a return value, then Box B (or Box B-1, it doesn't matter) responds with that information. Effectively passing a message back to Box A (or whoever invoked its operation, it doesn't matter).
It's kind of a complex analogy to describe what is essentially just, well, calling a method. But in most cases, that's exactly what it is. There are more complex cases, and there are languages which do more interesting things. For example, there are scenarios where the structure of the message might not necessarily be known. As opposed to a Java/C#/etc. method signature where the structure is statically known.
But in the end, basically what you have are encapsulated objects invoking operations on each other, sending information to those operations, and receiving information from those operations.
In an object oriented approach, objects do things themselves. A "message" is the terminology used when telling an object to do something.
The opposite is a procedural approach, where code gets some information elsewhere, and then acts based on the information provided.
Consider the diagram at http://aryehoffman.com/reference/action-object-principle/
There is a web service.
It provides types Zoo and Animal.
Zoo has a dictionary of animal ids and names.
Animal has properties: Id, Name and (additional stuff).
It has a method GetZoo that returns a zoo object.
It has a method GetAnimalStuffById that returns an Animal object with Id, Name and the (additional stuff).
So the idea is - GetZoo allows me to get a list of animal ids + names, and then GetAnimalStuffById fetches full animal info.
I add a "service reference" to that service in VS and want to write a MVVM app. Some things I don't fully understand and need to be brainwashed about.
Is it OK for autogenerated classes to be my models?
Not related to the example, but anyway: what "collection type" should I specify when adding service reference? Is ObservableCollection an overkill and a bad practice for models?
Say, user goes to an application page showing full animal info. Obviously, initially I have an AnimalViewModel with only Id and Name values (taken from GetZoo). As the page is navigated to, I call GetAnimalStuffById and get an Animal object with all the data. What should I do next? Replace the DataContext of my view with a new AnimalViewModel created from new Animal object (A), or just replace the values in it (B)?
If the answer is (A), how do I replace the DataContext in all the views?
If the answer is (B), what should cause that update? Should the VMs subscribe to some fancy manager's event about getting an Animal update? Or is there some other approach?
What is the purpose of INotifyPropertyChanged in the autogenerated classes? They are always returned fresh from the webservice in my case. Does Microsoft suggest to use them also as ViewModels in some scenarios?
Here are a few answers based on my own experience with MVVM (which may or may not be "best practice"..)
Absolutely! No need to do everything twice - see #5 and #6 (although there are people who disagree here).
Yes, unless you actually need the functionality of an ObservableCollection server-side, I would say it's overkill, and possibly confusing to others. Techincally, there's no overhead to the messages being sent across the wire, but I would go with something simpler, like an array.
Go with option B.
For example, you could have a single property in your AnimalViewModel to hold all the additional stuff: public Animal AdditionalData { .... Now, whoever calls GetAnimalStuffById can just update the current ViewModel's AdditionalData with that Animal object.
I assume you already know that INotifyPropertyChanged is there to let the View know that some data has changed somewhere (if not, googling "inotifypropertychanged mvvm" should get you started). Now, connecting the dots from #1 and #5, your View can now bind to the animal's additional data by going through the AdditionalData property without having to recreate everything in the ViewModel: <TextBox Text="{Binding Path=AdditionalData.HeightOrWhatever}" />.
Note: If your View isn't WPF or Silverlight, that last point won't make much sense..
And here's answers based on my experience (mainly to provide another point of view)
It's fine to autogenerate Models from an endpoint. But I would recommend POCO Models without any INPC cruft. Two reasons, a) it makes the Models simpler and easier to maintain and b) You won't be tempted to expose your Models directly to the View, or if you do they won't work properly.
Continuing on from #1, I would not use ObservableCollection in Models. Again to keep things simple and to avoid presenting Models directly to the View.
Option (B)
All the properties in the ViewModel should implement INPC. Then when you change them the binding will automatically update. You can either have all the AdditionalData values as properties of your AnimalViewModel which is flattening the data, or you can have an AdditionalDataViewModel object to hold the extra data. To map data from an AdditionalData object to AdditionalDataViewModel consider using a mapping tool like AutoMapper or ValueInjecter.
I don't know why the autogenerator added INPC stuff into your models. What tool are you using? In any case as I've said I do not recommend having INPC in Models, or exposing Models to the View. Instead you should be mapping from Models to ViewModels and only exposing ViewModels to the View.
in one application I have a lot of dirrerent object, let´s say : square, circle, etc ... a lot of different shape ---> I´m sorry for the trivial example.
With all this object I want to create a doc of different type : xml, txt, html, etc.. (e.g.: I want to scan all the object (shapes) tree and produce the xml file.
The natural approach I thought is visitor pattern, I tried and it works :-)
- all the objects have one visit method accepting the IVisitor interface.
- I have one concrete visitor for every kind of do I want to create : (XmlVisitor, TxtVisitor, etc). Every visitor has one method "visit" for every kind of object.
My doubt is ... it doesn´t seems scaling well if I have a lot of object ...
from the logic point of view it´s ok, i have just to add the new shape and the method in the concrete Visitor, that´s all.
What do you think ? is an althernative possible ?
I think that you have correctly implemented a visitor pattern and as a result you also have implemented a double dispatching mechanism. If you consider the "not scaling well" as a need to add a bunch of methods in case of adding a new shape and/or visitor, then it is just a side effect of the pattern. Some people consider this "method explosion" as harmful and opt for a different implementation, such as having a "decision matrix" object. For this example in particular I think that the DD approach is the way to go and that actually it does scale well, since you add new methods as you add new requirements (i.e. you add new visit* methods as new shapes are added or you add a new visitor class as new document types are needed).
It seems to me that what worries you the most is that you are matching against many different kinds of objects, and worry that as more and more object types are added, the performance will suffer. I don't think you need to worry about that, though: The performance of the visitor pattern is not really affected by the potential number of objects or visitors, since it is based on virtual table lookup - the passed object will contain a link to (a link to) the method which should be called.
So the visitor pattern, though relatively expensive in indirect accesses, is scalable in this regard.
I believe you have :
A class hierarchy (Shapes in your example) and
Operations on the class hierarchy (exportXML, exportToHTML etc in your example)
You have to consider what is more likely to change -
You should choose Visitor pattern if the class hierarchy is more or less fixed but you would like to add more operations in future. Visitor pattern will allow you to add more operations (e.g. JSON export) without touching the existing class hierarchy.
OTOH if the operations are more or less fixed, but more Shape objects can be added, then you should use regular inheritance. Define a ShapeExport interface which has methods like exportToXML, exportToHTML etc. Let all Shapes implement that interface. Now you can add new Shape which implements the same interface without touching existing code.
I have models corresponding to database tables. For example, the House class has "color", "price", "square_feet", "real_estate_agent_id" columns.
It is very common for me to want to display the agent name when I display information about a house. As a result, my House class has the following fields:
class House {
String color;
Double price;
Integer squareFeet;
Integer realEstateAgentId;
String realEstateAgentName;
I've been referring to realEstateAgentName as a virtual field, as it is pulled from a foreign table (join on real_estate_agent_id).
This doesn't feel right to me, as it mixes actual database columns with foreign object's properties. But it's quick, and in many cases it really works out well.
Other times I find myself doing something like this:
class House {
String color;
Double price;
Integer squareFeet;
Integer realEstateAgentId;
RealEstateAgent realEstateAgent;
As you can see, I'm storing the actual object corresponding to the ID that is stored in the House table.
I tend to make the decision to store the entire object vs some key information associated with the ID (e.g. Name) depending on the likelihood I see of needing to access other information about the object it represents.
I have a few questions:
Of the two methods I've been mixing and matching, which is best? I'm leaning towards storing the id + the object, rather than pulling out just the properties from the foreign object that I think I may need. Of the two, this seems more "correct." But it's not perfect, because in many cases I don't have any need to hydrate the entire foreign object, and doing so would cause undue waste of resources or would not be feasible because of the amount of data or the number of joins that would be required when I don't have any use for all the info being brought in. Given that this is the case, it seems like a poor design choice because I will have lots of null fields that aren't really null in my database, but are so in memory simply because there was no need to populate them -- now I have to keep track of which ones I populated.
But is it best practice to store an ID alongside the object it represents? Should I even be storing the object as a property, or should it live externally in some map, with the ID being the key?
In an Object world it seems like the ID shouldn't even be stored as a property, with the foreign Object it represents being the logical replacement. But with everything being tightly coupled with a relational database it doesn't seem very feasible.
Is this frustrating impurity of my models/classes something I just have to live with, or are there patterns out there that address this by having some kind of fork or parent/child subclassing going on where one is a "pure" object while the other is flat like the database?
EDIT: I am looking for design suggestions here rather than specific ORM frameworks like Hibernate/nHibernate/etc. The particular language I'm working in does not have an ORM solution for my language version that I am satisfied with, and the examples were Java-esque but that's not what my source code is written in.
I can tell about Hibernate, because this is the ORM tool I am most familiar with. I believe that other ORM tools also support similar behaviour to some extent.
Hibernate solves your problem with lazy loading. You add your agent as a property to the house, and by default, when the house object is loaded, the agent is represented by a proxy object generated by Hibernate, which contains only the ID. If you query some other property of the agent, Hibernate loads the full object in the background:
class House {
String color;
Double price;
Integer squareFeet;
RealEstateAgent realEstateAgent;
// getters, setters,...
House house = (House) session.load(House.class, new Long(123));
// at this point, house refers to a proxy object created by Hibernate
// in the background - no house or agent data has been loaded from DB
// house still refers to the proxy object
RealEstateAgent agent = house.getRealEstateAgent();
// house is now loaded, but agent not - it refers to a proxy object
String name = agent.getName(); // Now the agent data is loaded from DB
OTOH if you are sure that for a specific class you (almost) always need a specific property, you can specify eager loading in the ORM mapping for that property, in which case the property is loaded as soon as the containing object. In the mapping you can also specify whether you want a join query or a subselect query.
LINQ to SQL uses ID + Object and it works out well. I prefer that model as it's most flexible. Hibernate can do the same. One issue you will face is deep loading: when do you actually load the object and not just the ID? Both LINQ to SQL and Hibernate have lazy loading and give you control over this issue.
The Entity Framework however looks to give you this complete control where you can decide just how the data appears regardless the physical underpinnings. It has not been fully realized yet however.
There's really no impurity going on here. The problem is you're trying to represent an abstraction of data that is relationship in an object oriented fashion. To get around the pains of developing like this, larger scale projects are moving to Domain Driven Design where the underlying data is abstracted out into logical groupings of Repositories. Thinking in tables as classes can be problematic for large scale solutions.
Just my 2 cents.
Hibernate, the most popular ORM tool in the Java ecosystem, usually allows you to do this:
class House {
String color;
Double price;
Integer squareFeet;
RealEstateAgent realEstateAgent;
This translates to a DB-table that looks like this: house(id, color, price, squareFeet, real_estate_agent_id)
If you need to print the name of the agent you just walk traverse the object graph:
Through lazy loading, this is done quite efficiently. I wouldn't worry about the fact that an extra query trip to the database may have to be done until your stress tests prove this to be a problem.
Edit after your edit:
All the solutions out there have dealt with the paradigm mismatch (between the OO and Relational worlds) in a similar fashion. The designs have been made, the problem is solved. And yes, it remains a pain in the butt to deal with as an application developer but I suppose it is just the way it is as long as we want to use relational databases and object oriented persistence together.
A lot of the time I will have a Business object that has a property for a user index or a set of indexes for some data. When I display this object in a form or some other view I need the users full name or some of the other properties of the data. Usually I create another class myObjectView or something similar. What is the best way to handle this case?
To further clarify:
If I had a class an issue tracker and my class for an issue has IxCreatedByUser as a property and a collection of IxAttachment values (indexes for attachment records). When I display this on a web page I want to show John Doe instead of the IxCreatedByUser and I want to show a link to the Attachment and the file name on the page. So usually I create a new class with a Collection of Attachment objects and a CreatedByUserFullName property or something of that nature. It just feels wrong creating this second class to display data on a page. Perhaps I am wrong?
The façade pattern.
I think your approach, creating a façade pattern to abstract the complexities with multiple datasources is often appropriate, and will make your code easy to understand.
Care should be taken to create too many layers of abstractions, because the level of indirection will ruin the initial attempt at making the code easier to read. Especially, if you feel you just write classes to match what you've done in other places. For intance if you have a myLoanView, doesn't necessarily you need to create a myView for every single dialogue in the system. Take 10-steps back from the code, and maybe make a façade which is a reusable and intuitive abstraction, you can use in several places.
Feel free to elaborate on the exact nature of your challenge.
One key principle is that each of your classes should have a defined purpose. If the purpose of your "Business object" class is to expose relevant data related to the business object, it may be entirely reasonable to create a property on the class that delegates the request for the lookup description to the related class that is responsible for that information. Any formatting that is specific to your class would be done in the property.
Here's some guidelines to help you with deciding how to handle this (pretty common, IMO) pattern:
If you all you need is a quickie link to a lookup table that does not change often (e.g. a table of addresses that links to a table of states and/or countries), you can keep a lazy-loaded, static copy of the lookup table.
If you have a really big class that would take a lot of joins or subqueries to load just for display purposes, you probably want to make a "view" or "info" class for display purposes like you've described above. Just make sure the XInfo class (for displaying) loads significantly faster than the X class (for editing). This is a situation where using a view on the database side may be a very good idea.