To lock and unlock device using robotium - robotium

I'm writing robotium tescases for lockscreen. in order to test it i need to 'Lock' and 'Unlock' device (Clicking on device hardware button).
I tried with KEYCODE_POWER, searched for other alternatives,but of no use.
Thanks in advance,

Have you tried using drag()? That may unlock it, but I'm not sure how to lock. It may depend on the device itself.


How to change Default Recording device using LabVIEW?

We have a LabVIEW application that is based on sound acquisition.
I connected a Custom USB Audio device (Microphone). It is set to be the default Recording device.
But while running the application, if there is another mic source connected, then sound is being recorded/acquired by the other mic and not the default one.
So in order to have the custom microphone do the acquisition, I tried to change the default Audio Recording device through LabVIEW. But all I can do is list the audio devices connected by running a PowerShell command through System Exec function.
Is there any possible way to change the default recording device using LabVIEW? Please do mention if any.
Back in the day, I had a similar requirement, I did the following!
Get All microphones connected on the PC.
Once I get all the Device IDs, I performed a search using "Device Name" to get the Device ID I needed!
Note: If the above VI returns only one microphone, then make sure you've installed DirectX on the PC.
I hope this helps :)
Hello am very late for this information, but I can provide you with a few things you need to do.
Tap setting
Choose my device
Difficult device
Select and activate
Visit Cpanel select program and tap on device activety, now choose difficult setting.
To change difficult device follow each of the steps above:
3. Select difficult program
May any changes you want then done.

How to create background location service in Appcelerator Titanium working after restarting device

I want to make an application which will send information to a server about user's location every 30min. It is needed to provide location specific push notifications.
I need such functionality for Android/iOS, which would work in background (also if device is restarted). I found some articles covering background services and I created background service doing that, but after phone is restarted it won't work.
Is it possible with Android and iOS? How can I achieve that?
With iOS, no. With Android, yes.
Apple has gone to great lengths to limit what apps can do. You can do some things in the background for an extended period of time (GPS, play audio, Voip, etc), but after a reboot your app will not be restarted until the user opens it again. There are exceptions to this. Voip apps are allowed to restart after a reboot, but apple will not approve your app for the App Store unless you actually have a place for a user in your app to use the Voip feature. Geofences are a possibility, but I haven't had experience with that feature yet. In my experience, Apple does whatever they can to make sure your app doesn't run forever.
With android, there is more flexibility and what you propose is totally possible. I've listed some important links below, since most of those solutions are far better documented than what I can do here.
Essentially you need to register as a boot receiver and then send an intent to start a titanium android service when the boot event is received. I don't have experience with starting a titanium service, but I'm sure its a simple intent you need to fire. Either way you'll need a module for this native code. I attached a link to a bencoding titanium module that may help you, although there may be some others out there. You may even need to code one yourself.
Samsung is notorious for stopping your app with their SPCM feature. You may want to familiarize yourself with it. I've added a stackoverflow discussion link below.
I don't know all of your system requirements but honestly, for any app I would try my best to not run forever. It will hurt the battery life for your users and will add a lot of complexity. Maybe you could simply have the app check the GPS coordinates when it receives a push notification and decide right there and then whether to present a notification to the user? Just something to consider.
Either way good luck!
How to start an Application on startup?!/guide/Android_Services
Dealing with Samsung SPCM killer

get iOS 7 udid without access to a computer?

I need to ask my clients to send me the udid of their iOS devices in order to add them to an adhoc distribution profile. The main problem is that they are used to iOS but not much to computers. Anyway, it would be a pain for me to explain them how to install iTunes (or even Xcode) to get the udid. Most of the tutorials which describe the iTunes process are in english, I don't want to loose time to translate one of them. And even if I do it, I fear that they will not appreciate loosing their time following it. Any suggestion ?
I use a web online tool at to get my customers UDID, I think it's the easiest way for them.
Also you can use service
It is easier because you don't need to ask your clients to write your email address. You just send them link “” and they will need only 5 taps to send UDID on ""

Connecting 2 iDevices via Bluetooth automatically

So I don't like how I can connect two iPhones with game kit, because you have to choose the iPhone you want to connect to, the other iPhone has to accept... I think this way sucks. I want to have the Bluetooth ON on my two iDevices and I want them to connect automatically between them. Is there a way to do this, or does Apple not approve of it?
I believe it's Bluetooth that won't let this happen. Check out the options presented here:
You can see that only the first SSP option could possibly allow a non-confirmed pairing, and that's not available for devices with security capabilities.

Controlling Network Settings in IOS 5

I have a project where it's highly desired to have some control over network settings in IOS 5 for an iPad device. The ideal scenario would be to have to ability to change the device's wifi connection to a specific SSID. My gut tells me that this is probably functionality that isn't exposed in the SDK but I figured I'd ask.
An alternate goal, if my first assumption about directly changing a connection is correct, would be to allow the app to prompt the user to change network settings and direct the user to the settings screen. I've seen a handful of apps offer this when, for example, the device is in airplane mode and the app requires an internet connection. The major difference in my case is that I'm not necessarily looking to prompt the user just when the device is not on the internet but when whatever connection the device already may (or may not) have isn't the one I'm looking for (in this case, I'm looking for a closed/non-internet-facing Wifi ssid on an aircraft).
I appreciate any pointers that can lead me in the right direction.
It might not fit perfectly what you want but I think CaptiveNetwork is the closest you can get.
The API bindings for CaptiveNetwork are available in recent MonoTouch releases.