ARC Ready XML Parser - objective-c

Ok I just tried to use 3 different xml parsers like TBXML and others. Does anybody know an arc ready xml parser. I tried to convert the files to make them arc ready but its not working correctly, as the process creates new errors. Also to disable the ARC mechanism for the specific files does not work for me.
Is there any XML parser out there, that is not older than 2 years?

I've been looking for that too, and I found KissXML.
It's last update was 2 years ago, but it was to convert it to ARC.
I've been using TBXML, but it's not ARC-compatible, and I don't want to have memory leaks because of it, so I'm planning to replace it with KissXML and see how it goes.


Xcode: Where to store old classes, code and files which are no longer used

Where do you store your old classes and files, which you don't longer use in a current project?
I have quite a few classes and files, which are no longer required, but which I would like to keep somewhere in case I need to reuse some of the code later.
Currently, I am just copying and pasting the code in a tool called Code Collector Pro.
However, since this seems not to be the most elegant way of storing old code, I would like to ask you: How do you save your old code?
If you are talking about handy snippets of code that you might use often I store them in Xcode's Code Snippet Library (just drag selected code in to create a snippet.)
Generally though, I delete unused code. If I need it again it will be in my version control system.
I would definitely use a version control system (I'm most familiar with Subversion, but am getting into Git now). If this is code that's worth keeping around then it's code you'll likely use and modify in multiple projects over time. You'll want to be able to review the history of your changes, compare how you used it differently in project A vs. project B, and maintain notes to help refresh your memory and to help in keyword searching when you're trying to find that bit of code you remember using two years ago.
You can set up repositories however makes sense for your work - by project, by code type, etc.
I'm not familiar with Code Collector Pro - if it works as a GUI for a version control system, it may be fine for what you're doing.

jsonkit user defined issues and arc restrictions on trying to import it from objective c

So it's my first time to try and use jsonkit. I've been looking for the past hour and couldn't find any installation instructions so I just tried copying and pasting the files and then adding them into the xcode project and then import them. But when I compile it would throw a dozen errors, which would usually have ARC restrictions on it. One of these errors has this :
JSONKit does not support Objective-C Automatic Reference Counting
With that said, are there any specific instructions I need to follow for this to compile properly? Or maybe point me to the right direction?
This is Happening because here you are mixing the non-arc Code in ARC Code,that's why this error is coming.You can use below idea of mine and it works fine , have used the same in past
Hey You can Disable ARC for JSON classes by just set a flag in under the Build Phases of App setting.
and the flag is
As Below Image depicts the Way how to do this.
It would work with charm..!!!!

XCode RSS Feed Won't parse properly

I followed a tutorial (which I'll link at the bottom) that I got from an old StackOverflow answer to parse an RSS feed into a UITableView. The tutorial is a bit outdated, but only a few methods were deprecated, and I replaced them with (what I hope are) the appropriate newer methods. However, I'm running into some trouble, not with the replaced methods, but with the parser not starting the parsing process. There are some NSLogs sprinkled throughout to give clues as to what is going on, and my parser isn't calling parseDidStartDocument:, it's just running and returning the last two NSLogs ("All Done!" and "stories array has %d items"). If someone could take a look at the code and tell me why it's not parsing, I would be very grateful. If you need to see some of my code, just let me know which parts you'd like to see, and I'd be happy to edit it in.
oooh that tutorial is way out of date - written in 2008!
Try this tutorial, written for iOS5 instead.

I'm trying to implement GuiCocoa/Calendar into my project, which uses ARC

Here's the GitHub link:
I went through the source code and I'm trying to make it "ARC friendly" for use in my project, but I'm not very well versed in ARC (however, I do with to continue using it), so can someone help me out?
Or maybe an easier solution -- is there a linker I can put into my project where it'll just leave that "folder" alone and I can go on my merry way? :)
Use -fno-objc-arc for the individual files.
See Disable Automatic Reference Counting for Some Files and How can I disable ARC for a single file in a project?
I did this for some libraries that I was using and came back after months of using ARC and cleaned them up myself. You really don't want to do it before you understand ARC well, so your instinct is right on.
Or you could go and convert the project to ARC. I forked it on GitHub and did it. I need a project like this so thought it'd be useful for me anyway. Here's my fork:

Issue in converting old objective C code into ARC (Automatic Reference Count)

I am trying to convert previously objective C code which is without ARC into ARC. I am fallowing the procedure like in Xcode: File > Edit > Refactor > Convert to ARC.
But I am not able to convert it, because it's generating lots of errors. I searched about this; I am trying to change the build settings in Xcode Target.
The Convert to ARC tool is not a magic bullet that makes your project suddenly ARC ready. What the tool is does is remove all of your calls to things like release & retain, it can also take care of switching some autorelease pools to the new #auto release {} style.
Before it does any of this it runs a pre-flight script to look for stuff that is too complicated for it to figure out and flags them as errors so you can go through each one and make the correct fix.
You need to step through each one of those 84 issues and figure out the solution to each one. Most likely there are half a dozen or so kinds of errors that are in multiple places but each occurrence may have a slightly different solution. Xcode may suggest a few possible fixes for some of the errors (any of the errors that show a stop sign with a white square in it have possible fixes, Xcode just doesn't know which one to use so you need to pick). Some of the issues will be easily solvable with a little help from Google. There will also likely be more errors than that in the end (I converted one project over that each time I fixed errors and tried to convert it reported more).
For the errors that you can't figure out after doing some research you should post questions about here, make sure to be specific as there are many possible things that could cause issues when converting to ARC.