Looking for "ACS + SOAP WCF Service Hosted in IIS" sample - wcf

I've been trying to figure out how to host a SOAP WCF Service in IIS and protect it by ACS, but I keep running into problems with every single example I can find. For instance, none of the standard ACS samples (http://acs.codeplex.com) show how to do this. Instead, the closest example shows how to self-host a WCF service but does not show how to host the service in IIS. Other examples work fine but are either REST-oriented, or inexplicable or simply uncompileable. I have researched this a lot but I am clearly getting nowhere. What I really need is a detailed walthrough that works end-to-end. Any help in this regard would be greatly appreciated. Thanks....

AFAIK it boils down to getting the web.config correct. This is explained in the e-book http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=28362 on page 145 and following. You need to correctly configure the ws2007FederationHttpBinding on your web-service.


Consume a web service using WSE3.0 or WCF?

I have to use a number of functions provided by a government web service. I have no idea what they used to implement this service. Could have been COBOL for all I know.
My problem is that I've been trying to access this service using the security features provided by WSE3.0 but have had no luck. I'm consistently getting errors regarding the certificates.
After some research I've realized that WSE3.0 is essentially defunct and I should be using WCF. But, I'm only writing a client and most literature seems to refer to the services themselves.
Is there even such a thing as using 'WCF' to write a client? Should it matter which I use?
Thanks in advance.
Sure, WCF is a great choice for writing a web service client. Here is how to create the client ("add service reference"). After this you need to create the binding (just like in the service samples).

Consume a WCF service via HTTP POST and without a service reference

I am going to need a web service that receives a string via HTTP POST and processes it without any response to the client. However, since I'm not the one making the client (which will be cell phones) I am unable to use a generated client class to consume the service. The service would also need to be self hosted in a regular Windows service, if that matters.
As I'm not too experienced with web services nor WCF, I am frankly unsure if I can or should use WCF for this, but as it's the only type of web service I'm at least a little familiar with I figured it would be great to start out with one if at all possible.
I've been googling around quite a bit but haven't been able to find any good references to this, so I'd also be very grateful if someone has a link lying around to someplace that discusses it.
I think you need WCF Restful service with one way operation. Following link might help you:
A Developer's Guide to the WCF REST Starter Kit,

WCF 4 Routing service wif

Does anybody know would be the configuration of the routing service for one scenario like the one described here http://zamd.net/2011/02/08/silverlight-claim-based-security/?
My answer is not complete since I have not fully tested yet. However the following link seems interesting : WCF4 routing with WIF
Also this

Creating a simple wcf service publishing it to my webhotel, and get it to work

This seems to be a recurring problem to me. I want to get started doing wcf services. I create a new Wcf Service Library, compile it, and publish it using FTP to my providers webhotel. But its not working. I somehow cant get access. I dont want some fancy security model - i just want to get a hole through to my simple webservice. Seems that its the part when i publish it to my webhotel (in a subdomain) that breaks the webservice - its working perfectly when starting it locally.
How to proceed anyone?
Often you need confguration information to host a service. If the service is hosted in IIS, then you need that configuration in web.config. Are you updating Web.config properly? Some hosters don't allow it.
To address this problem you can set up your IIS-hosted WCF service to read its config data from elsewhere.
I wrote a bit about my findings, this solved my issue: http://www.vikingworks.dk/post/WCF-Service-on-hosted-environment.aspx

WCF over MSMQ not working

I have been tasked to implement a WCF service that makes use of NetMsmqBinding. I wrote the service and it works fine. The problem is that in the last minute they told me that there will be no Active Directory integration. So I don't know how to configure the security of the service. There is a VPN tunnel between the service's and the client's machines but they do not use the same active directory. Please advice. Any kind of help or tutorials would be appreciated.
The problem is that the service is not always online. That is why using WCF over MSMQ is preferred for this scenario. So I am sending one way messages through MSMQ - which works fine. My only problem is that I am new to WCF and am not familiar with WCF security. I would like to be able to sign and encrypt the messages since the information to be sent to the service is confidential. I would like to make sure that only authorized clients call the service. Any suggestions?
I'm not sure I understand your question so correct me, if I'm wrong. I have recently been woring on a WCF service that was hosted on a computer with no Active Directory available. We secured it using certificates. Is it an option for you? It's pretty painless (if you get past the 'put the certificate in the store and give the correct user access to it' part).
You should be able to take advantage of network transparency.
Use webservices to communicate from one system to the other. You might have to deal with extra latency, but it should still be usable.
Well first, you can use WCF's security, the WS-* stuff. Some info here:
Second, you might find this blog to be helpful:
One of the articles there about cross-domain sending mentions this article (Cross-Enterprise Support):
Which might help you configure it in general.
Thank you, Michael, but this information wasn't helpful...
I found this: http://www.codeplex.com/WCFSecurityGuide/Release/ProjectReleases.aspx?ReleaseId=14070 - a book from "Microsoft Pattern & Practices" which describes in detail the security in WCF - a must-read for every WCF developer.