SQL aggregate of calculated field - sql-server-2005

Using SQL Server 2005 I have a query that gets child records from bundles that has a calculated field for quantity. The query looks something like this:
SELECT TblB_1.fooID,
TblC.quantity * (TblA.quantity) AS Quantity,
TblB_1.name AS Name
TblA ON TblB.fooID = TblA.fooID ON TblC.parentfooID = TblB.fooID
WHERE (TblB.isBundle = 1) AND (TblA.isDeleted = 0)
I need to be able to group by id and get a SUM of the quantity field. I've tried wrapping the quantity line with sum like this:
SUM(TblC.quantity * (TblA.quantity)) AS Quantity,
Then adding
after the WHERE clause, but that results in a "TblB_1.name is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause" error.
I also tried to get my head around using a subquery for this task, but I was not able to make that work either, nor could I find an example here or on the Web that I have been able to adapt. Thanks - Dan

You were close, you need to group by all the non aggregate fields. Like so
SELECT TblB_1.fooID,
SUM(TblC.quantity * (TblA.quantity)) AS Quantity,
TblB_1.name AS Name
TblA ON TblB.fooID = TblA.fooID ON TblC.parentfooID = TblB.fooID
WHERE (TblB.isBundle = 1) AND (TblA.isDeleted = 0)
GROUP BY TblB_1.fooID, TblB_1.name


Oracle SQL - how to NOT SHOW athlete name that apears only once

created a view called winners, it contains the columns: athlete_name,year,medal_won
its basicly athletes that won olympic medal and the year,
it look like that,
data base is in live sql: https://livesql.oracle.com/apex/f?p=590:1000:0
select distinct year,athlete_name,medal
from olym.olym_medals
join olym.olym_athlete_games on olym_athlete_games.id = olym_medals.athlete_game_id
join olym.olym_nations on olym_nations.id = olym_athlete_games.nation_id
join olym.olym_games on olym_games.id = Olym_athlete_games.game_id
join olym.olym_athletes on olym_athletes.id = olym_athlete_games.athlete_id
order by athlete_name
as you can see some name show only once and some names are showing more than once, i want to get rid off all lines of those who show ONLY ONCE, please help me.
thank you!
if i have understand your problem, must group your data,
select year,athlete_name,medal, count(*) "number of Medals"
from olym.olym_medals
join olym.olym_athlete_games on olym_athlete_games.id = olym_medals.athlete_game_id
join olym.olym_nations on olym_nations.id = olym_athlete_games.nation_id
join olym.olym_games on olym_games.id = Olym_athlete_games.game_id
join olym.olym_athletes on olym_athletes.id = olym_athlete_games.athlete_id
group by year,athlete_name,medal;
If I followed you correctly, you can use window functions:
select *
from (
select og.year, oa.athlete_name, om.medal, count(*) over(partition by oa.id) cnt
from olym.olym_medals om
join olym.olym_athlete_games oag on oag.id = om.athlete_game_id
join olym.olym_nations ona on ona.id = oag.nation_id
join olym.olym_games og on og.id = oag.game_id
join olym.olym_athletes oa on oa.id = oag.athlete_id
) t
where cnt > 1
order by athlete_name
I am unsure why you were using distinct in the first place, so I removed it (I suspect it is actually not needed)
I added table aliases to shorten the query, and prefixed the columns in the select clause with the table they belong to (you might want to review that) - these are best practices when dealing with multi-table queries
SELECT year,
FROM olym.olym_medals
INNER JOIN olym.olym_athlete_games
ON olym_athlete_games.id = olym_medals.athlete_game_id
INNER JOIN olym.olym_nations
ON olym_nations.id = olym_athlete_games.nation_id
INNER JOIN olym.olym_games
ON olym_games.id = Olym_athlete_games.game_id
INNER JOIN olym.olym_athletes
ON olym_athletes.id = olym_athlete_games.athlete_id
ORDER BY athlete_name

SQL Count uses info from join

I need to count the amount of times InternalMenuLinkItemNumber appears per sitenumber and per order mode. Then i need to show MenuItemID and i do that with a inner join using item numbers, but when i add this join it skews the QTY result. I've tried using distinct in the COUNT but then all the QTY is 1. Please assist.
Query and result where QTY result is 100% correct but no MenuItemID.
SELECT ST_Sites.BusinessUnit,[ST_SalesMixTransactions_RealTimeFeed].SiteNumber,InternalMenuLinkItemNumber,[ST_SalesMix].MenuItemID,OrderMode,SellingPrice,COUNT(ST_SalesMixTransactions_RealTimeFeed.InternalMenuLinkItemNumber) as QTY
FROM ST_AlohaSalesMixTransactions_RealTimeFeed
inner join ST_Sites on ST_Sites.SiteNumber= [ST_SalesMixTransactions_RealTimeFeed].SiteNumber
where [ST_SalesMixTransactions_RealTimeFeed].BusinessDate between'2017-06-27'and'2017-07-03' and [ST_SalesMixTransactions_RealTimeFeed].SiteNumber = '1001006'
group by InternalMenuLinkItemNumber,[ST_SalesMixTransactions_RealTimeFeed].SiteNumber,OrderMode,SellingPrice,ST_Sites.BusinessUnit,[ST_SalesMix].MenuItemID
order by InternalMenuLinkItemNumber
Result where QTY comes out as expected:
If I add the inner join to get MenuItemID:
SELECT ST_Sites.BusinessUnit,[ST_SalesMixTransactions_RealTimeFeed].SiteNumber,InternalMenuLinkItemNumber,[ST_SalesMix].MenuItemID,OrderMode,SellingPrice,COUNT(ST_SalesMixTransactions_RealTimeFeed.InternalMenuLinkItemNumber) as QTY
FROM ST_AlohaSalesMixTransactions_RealTimeFeed
inner join ST_SalesMix on [ST_AlohaSalesMixTransactions_RealTimeFeed].InternalMenuLinkItemNumber= ST_SalesMix.ItemNumber
inner join ST_Sites on ST_Sites.SiteNumber= [ST_SalesMixTransactions_RealTimeFeed].SiteNumber
where [ST_SalesMixTransactions_RealTimeFeed].BusinessDate between'2017-06-27'and'2017-07-03' and [ST_SalesMixTransactions_RealTimeFeed].SiteNumber = '1001006'
group by InternalMenuLinkItemNumber,[ST_SalesMixTransactions_RealTimeFeed].SiteNumber,OrderMode,SellingPrice,ST_Sites.BusinessUnit,[ST_SalesMix].MenuItemID
order by InternalMenuLinkItemNumber
Result where QTY is now way off:
If I use distinct:
SELECT ST_Sites.BusinessUnit,[ST_SalesMixTransactions_RealTimeFeed].SiteNumber,InternalMenuLinkItemNumber,[ST_SalesMix].MenuItemID,OrderMode,SellingPrice,COUNT(distinct ST_SalesMixTransactions_RealTimeFeed.InternalMenuLinkItemNumber) as QTY
FROM ST_AlohaSalesMixTransactions_RealTimeFeed
inner join ST_SalesMix on [ST_AlohaSalesMixTransactions_RealTimeFeed].InternalMenuLinkItemNumber= ST_SalesMix.ItemNumber
inner join ST_Sites on ST_Sites.SiteNumber= [ST_SalesMixTransactions_RealTimeFeed].SiteNumber
where [ST_SalesMixTransactions_RealTimeFeed].BusinessDate between'2017-06-27'and'2017-07-03' and [ST_SalesMixTransactions_RealTimeFeed].SiteNumber = '1001006'
group by InternalMenuLinkItemNumber,[ST_SalesMixTransactions_RealTimeFeed].SiteNumber,OrderMode,SellingPrice,ST_Sites.BusinessUnit,[ST_SalesMix].MenuItemID
order by InternalMenuLinkItemNumber
Result for QTY is now all 1:
If I understand correctly, you want something like
SELECT SiteNumber, OrderMode, count([DISTINCT?] InternalMenuLinkItemNumber)
GROUP BY SiteNumber, OrderMode
You want to count the InternalMenuLinkItemNumber, so InternalMenuLinkItemNumber must not occur in the GROUP BY clause.
When using GROUP BY, the SELECT list may only contain columns also mentioned in the GROUP BY clause, or aggregate functions (on arbitrary columns).
Try this:
SELECT a.InternalMenuLinkItemNumber, a.SiteNumber, a.OrderMode, a.SellingPrice, a.BusinessUnit, a.MenuItemID, a.QTY, CASE WHEN MAX(b.MenuItemID) = MIN(b.MenuItemID) THEN MAX(b.MenuItemID) ELSE -1 END AS MenuItemID
(SELECT ST_Sites.BusinessUnit, [ST_SalesMixTransactions_RealTimeFeed].SiteNumber, InternalMenuLinkItemNumber, [ST_SalesMix].MenuItemID, OrderMode, SellingPrice, COUNT(ST_SalesMixTransactions_RealTimeFeed.InternalMenuLinkItemNumber) as QTY
FROM ST_AlohaSalesMixTransactions_RealTimeFeed
INNER JOIN ST_Sites on ST_Sites.SiteNumber = [ST_SalesMixTransactions_RealTimeFeed].SiteNumber
WHERE [ST_SalesMixTransactions_RealTimeFeed].BusinessDate between'2017-06-27'and'2017-07-03' and [ST_SalesMixTransactions_RealTimeFeed].SiteNumber = '1001006'
GROUP BY InternalMenuLinkItemNumber, [ST_SalesMixTransactions_RealTimeFeed].SiteNumber, OrderMode, SellingPrice, ST_Sites.BusinessUnit, [ST_SalesMix].MenuItemID
) a
INNER JOIN ST_SalesMix b ON a.InternalMenuLinkItemNumber = b.ItemNumber
GROUP BY a.InternalMenuLinkItemNumber, a.SiteNumber, a.OrderMode, a.SellingPrice, a.BusinessUnit, a.MenuItemID, a.QTY
ORDER BY a.InternalMenuLinkItemNumber
It works on the theory that your first query gives good counts, so keep that as it is (it's now the inner query) and then do the problematic join outside of it. Obviously there are many rows from ST_SalesMix for each properly counted row in the first query, so I'm grouping on the original group list but that means that you might get multiple MenuItemIDs. I'm checking for that in the CASE statement by testing the MAX and MIN MenuItemIDs - if they are the same return MAX(MenuItemID) otherwise I'm returning -1 as an error flag to indicate that there were multiple MenuItemIDs associated with this group. It might not be the most efficient method but I didn't have much to go on.
I hope this helps.
all is sorted now. Thanks to everyone.
#jwolf your suggested query was the answer.

SQL IN statement not checking properly?

I am working with a column/field from a table that has multiple "codes" or "ids" associated with it.
The table afacctbal has a column/field called afacbbalid, where the possibilities can be COST, PRN, or COLL.
What I am having trouble with is pulling the rows where COST is equal to 0 on the account.
I have tried a sub-queried SQL statement in the where clause, but returns a general error. Right now I am trying an IN statement but that doesn't seem to work either.
Here is what I've got:
select araccount.aracid as AccountID, arentity.arenst State, arentity.ARENNAME ClientName,
afaccount.afaccurbal CurrentBal, afacctbal.afacbcurbal PrincipalBal,
from araccount
inner join arrelationship on araccount.aracid = arrelationship.arrelacid
inner join arentity on arentity.arenid = arrelationship.ARRELENID
inner join afaccount on afaccount.afacacctid = araccount.ARACID
inner join afacctbal on afaccount.AFACKEY = afacctbal.AFACBACCTID
where afacctbal.afacbbalid in("COST",0)
and afaccount.AFACRATEID = "MN100"
and arentity.ARENST = "MN"
and araccount.araclstdte > "2013-04-01"
order by afaccount.afaccurbal
The trouble lies within my where clause
where afacctbal.afacbbalid in("COST",0)
How would I check for COST and check to see if its equal to 0?
Used Values:
afacbbalid -- balance id
afacbcurbal -- balance amount per balance id.
afaccount Table
Used Values:
afaccurbal -- current balance
You are using "COST" which is string and then 0 which is an integer. So, you need to cast both in the datatype which column afacctbal.afacbbalid has.
I think below query will work for your requirement -
select araccount.aracid as AccountID, arentity.arenst State, arentity.ARENNAME ClientName,
afaccount.afaccurbal CurrentBal, afacctbal.afacbcurbal PrincipalBal,
from araccount
inner join arrelationship on araccount.aracid = arrelationship.arrelacid
inner join arentity on arentity.arenid = arrelationship.ARRELENID
inner join afaccount on afaccount.afacacctid = araccount.ARACID
inner join afacctbal on afaccount.AFACKEY = afacctbal.AFACBACCTID
where ((afacctbal.afacbbalid ='COST'
and afaccurbal.currentBal = 0) or
(afacctbal.afacbbalid ='PRN'
and afaccurbal.currentBal > 0))
and afaccount.AFACRATEID = "MN100"
and arentity.ARENST = "MN"
and araccount.araclstdte > "2013-04-01"
order by afaccount.afaccurbal

Using COALESCE with JOIN on a different database column

Trying to populate the location column of a query and was hoping that the use of the COALESCE function would help me get what I want.
SELECT OrderItem.Code AS ItemCode, MAX(COALESCE(OrderItem.Location, [Picklist].[dbo].[ItemData].InventoryLocation)) AS Location, SUM(OrderItem.Quantity) AS Quantity, MAX(Store.StoreName) AS Store
FROM OrderItem
INNER JOIN [Order] ON OrderItem.OrderID = [Order].OrderID
INNER JOIN [Store] ON [Order].StoreID = [Store].StoreID
LEFT JOIN [AmazonOrder] ON [AmazonOrder].OrderID = [Order].OrderID
JOIN [Picklist].[dbo].[ItemData] ON [Picklist].[dbo].[ItemData].[InventoryNumber] = [OrderItem].[Code]
WHERE (CASE WHEN [Order].[LocalStatus] = 'Recently Downloaded' AND [AmazonOrder].FulfillmentChannel = 2 THEN 1
WHEN [Order].[LocalStatus] = 'Recently Downloaded' AND [Store].StoreName != 'Amazon' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) = 1
GROUP BY OrderItem.Code
There will not be a location when the Store is Amazon so I need to Join on another table in another database. I don't believe I'm using this correctly. Also I do get the right Location results returned if I use :
SELECT InventoryLocation From [Picklist].[dbo].[ItemData] WHERE InventoryNumber = 'L1201-2W-EA'
Perhaps this is more like the query that you want:
SELECT oi.Code AS ItemCode, COALESCE(oi.Location, id.InventoryLocation) AS Location,
oi.Quantity, s.StoreName AS Store
[Order] o
ON oi.OrderID = o.OrderID INNER JOIN
ON o.StoreID = s.StoreID LEFT JOIN
AmazonOrder ao
ON ao.OrderID = o.OrderID JOIN
[Picklist].[dbo].[ItemData] id
ON id.InventoryNumber = oi.[Code]
WHERE o.LocalStatus = 'Recently Downloaded' AND
(ao.FulfillmentChannel = 2 OR s.StoreName <> 'Amazon')
Here are the changes:
Removed the aggregation. It does not seem to be part of the question.
Introduced table aliases, so the query is easier to write and to read.
Simplified the logic in the where clause.
As the comment above says, the max seems somewhat strange, an arbitrary aggregation no doubt due to one of the joins bringing back more information than you might of expected.
Then the statement has a few issues:
The coalesce is using two fields, neither if which is in a left join, only the AmazonOrder is left joined, so that seems a bit strange, that would only work if the first field in the coalesce (OrderItem.Location) is nullable - which it might be, there is no schema posted.
The left join itself is an inner join in disguise at present - within the where clause you have given explicit conditions on a field from that table - AND [AmazonOrder].FulfillmentChannel = 2 - if the record was actually missing the left join would return null for that field, and the where clause would then drop it out of the results. If you want this to properly work as a left join, any condition on fields from that table must move into the join condition, or the where clause itself must allow for that field being null (explicitly or using a coalesce.)
SELECT OrderItem.Code AS Code,
CASE WHEN (LEN(ISNULL(MAX([OrderItem].[Location]),'')) = 1)
THEN MAX([OrderItem].[Location])
ELSE MAX([Picklist].[dbo].[ItemData].InventoryLocation)
END AS Location,
SUM(OrderItem.Quantity) AS Quantity,
MAX(Store.StoreName) AS Store
FROM OrderItem
INNER JOIN [Order] ON OrderItem.OrderID = [Order].OrderID
INNER JOIN [Store] ON [Order].StoreID = [Store].StoreID
LEFT JOIN [AmazonOrder] ON [AmazonOrder].OrderID = [Order].OrderID
LEFT JOIN [Picklist].[dbo].[ItemData] ON [Picklist].[dbo].[ItemData].[InventoryNumber] = [OrderItem].[Code] OR
[Picklist].[dbo].[ItemData].[MediaCreator] = [OrderItem].[Code]
WHERE [Order].LocalStatus = 'Recently Downloaded' AND (AmazonOrder.FulfillmentChannel = 2 OR Store.StoreName <> 'Amazon')
GROUP BY OrderItem.Code
ORDER BY OrderItem.Code
Decided to go with case statement on location column route because I could not get COALESCE to work for me. Schema, some not all data, at SQLFiddle.
I guess if someone gets COALESCE to work I'll change the answer?
#Gordon Linoff I used the re-written WHERE clause because it looked cleaner than using the CASE statement. It worked and guessed there was a simpler way to go about it but was more worried about getting COALESCE to work. As for the Aliases sometimes I like to use them but in this case since there was a lot of tables I like to code out what I'm actually working in. Just my preference .

Error single-row subquery returns more than one row

This query returns collection of data. but I only need customer list.
select * from customer where cust_acnt_nbr = (select cust_acnt_nbr from Asset where dstrct_id = (select dstrct_id from dstrct where dstrct_nm = 'ATLANTA'))
please help me to get customer list
Use in instead of = if a subquery can return multiple rows:
select * from customer where cust_acnt_nbr IN
(select cust_acnt_nbr from Asset where dstrct_id IN
(select dstrct_id from dstrct where dstrct_nm = 'ATLANTA'))
I try to avoid subqueries as they can have poor performance and make it unclear what you're trying to achieve. You can usually convert it to a series of simple joins which are easier to read.
select c.*
from customer c
inner join Asset a on c.cust_acnt_nbr = a.cust_acnt_nbr
inner join dstrct d on d.dstrct_id =a.dstrct_id
where dstrct_nm = 'ATLANTA'