Are there any built-in sounds that can be used while developing metro-style apps? - windows-8

Are there any built-in sounds that can be used while developing metro-style apps? I need to play some simple sounds like a click or coin-tossing etc. Am I required to add a mp3 file to my app, or are there some simple sounds that can be used out-of-the-box?

I have not been able to find any way to play "system" sounds from a WinRT app. There is one minor exception, which you can control what sound is played when a Toast appears.
Other than that, I don't believe it's possible.


How do I play the system sound from an osx application?

I am trying to play the default system beep sound in my program. I can play a specified sound, but I want to play the alert sound that is set in the Sound System Preferences.
Call NSBeep(). It's a part of AppKit.
An alternative to the accepted answer could be to use AudioServicesPlayAlertSound, passing it the kSystemSoundID_UserPreferredAlert parameter.
However, this has the drawback to require the AudioToolbox Framework in the app.

is there something like a hubtile (WP7) in win 8 metro style?

i want to port one of my windows phone 7 apps to the windows 8 metro style plattform.
the problem is, that i need a element like the hubtile which i use from the silverlight toolkit for windows phone.
is there something equal in the windows 8 metro style platform? maybe open source like the silverlight toolkit.
i dont want to add the livetile outside my app, this is easy. i want to have something like hubtile for WP7 for win8. This means a tile which is inside my application.
If I'm right I'm planning to do the same task. I didn't find any reference of a control which performs like a HubTile. Thus, I decided importing the one from the Silverlight Toolkit (for Windows Phone). Luckily it worked almost smoothly, you can see my sample at: (tested on Windows 8 RP and Visual Studio 2012 RC)
Kind regards,
you can work with the live tiles of course and in several ways. You can use badge notifications, toast notifications, and so on.
I'll suggest you to take a look to this documentation.
And also take a look to those two samples: App tiles and badge sample and Push and periodic notifications client-side sample
By the way don't forget to enable the features you need in the package manifest.

How do access native APIs with Sencha Touch?

If I wanted to create a mobile app that allows the user to take pictures with their phone, record audio notes and record video, how would I do that?
I was browsing through the Sencha Touch 2 API and while I see documentation on video and audio files, it seems like it is just providing a way for me to access files stored on the phone - not actual triggers to record, or take pictures.
Am I missing something?
How would I do what I want?
In order for Sencha Touch to have access to your phone capabilities, you need to use a product like Phone Gap
Unless there is a HTML5 api for doing those sorts of things I don't think you can do that. I know on PhoneGap there are native extensions added into that platform for access to things like microphone, camera, etc. I don't know if Sencha Touch has added any of those sorts of extensions in order for you do this.
Just thinking out of the box here, but you might be able to put Sencha javascript into a Web View from within an Android Java process. Then the Java code could expose an object in its process as an extension point to the Javascript engine for access to Camera, Microphone, what not.

block ipad camera

Is there any way in which the usage of the camera of the iPad2 can be restricted only to my application? even if it is using i tunes.
could not find any code related to it. some code would be helpful.
There's no way to achieve this. I think it could be done with quite a bunch of hacking if you were developing for Cydia, but I'm not sure ever then. If the user quits your application or switches from it, the system will make the camera available to any other app requesting it.

Make another app's windows borderless

Is there any way to remove the window border (i.e., make the style NSBorderlessWindowMask) for a window that belongs to another application?
Those windows don't belong to your application. Your only hope is hackery.
Look into something like SIMBL to inject code into the other applications. There's also ApplicationEnhancer.
Good luck - screw-ups here can destablize others' apps or the entire system. Also, I highly doubt Apple will let you play in their App Store if your app does this.