What is a pickup table? - sql

I'm developing a small application using the Clarizen API. The documentation references "pickup tables" numerous times, but the description
"Pick up tables are similar to the Regular entity types. Pick up tables usually contain limited set of fields and limited number of entities and are referenced from the other types of classes."
is meaningless to me. I've been trying to figure out what a pickup table is from context, but I'm stuck there too.
Some example fields from the documentation:
Country | Entity | Represents country. | Reference to the pickup table “Countries”.
State | Entity | Represents lifecycle State of the entity. For example, possible states of the Work Itemobjects can be Draft, Active, Cancelled, Completed, On Hold. Value is a reference to Statepickup table.
These examples make me think it's just a static list (which doesn't fit their given definition of pick up table), but if so the list/table is not provided to the user so I'm not sure how I would make use of it. If it does in fact refer to a static list, I'm going to have to try to coax them into giving me the tables.
I can't find a definition of pickup table online, so if anyone here knows it would help greatly.

My guess is that it's another name for a junction table, or association table. There are only foreign keys that refer to primary keys in other tables.

Pickup tables are picklists. The values of the picklist are stored in mini-tables (not really sure why but doesn't seem to be that important).
The work item state example is an example of a picklist.


database design: link table for multiple different tables

I have a conceptual question about database design which came up multiple times in my history as a developer.
Imagine I have a bigger database that is designed in the past, and already in production (for example you can take http://sqlfiddle.com/#!9/7c06f/1, a library database).
Now there is a new feature request: for every existing object in every table there shall be a "help text" (or something different, an error, a tag...) that you can all view in one place.
I implemented something like that multiple times in the past, but every time I'm not satisfied with the solution.
One solution is to have a link table with every table, like that:
But I would need multiple link tables, which makes the selection of every existing "help text" difficult.
How would you design this problem? Is there another, better solution?
This appears to be similar trying to map polymorphism to the relational model - it's just a bad fit - there's no obvious right answer.
There are a few obvious solutions. The one you've identified (storing the helptext in a linked table) is neat, but requires lots of joins if you're retrieving all the books for an author belonging to a publisher etc. As the business logic says "all objects should have helptext" (and I assume each row has different helptext), it's not super logical to store this in a child table - "helptext" is an attribute of each object, not a related concept.
You could also add a helptext column to each table. That stores the attribute in the main table, and reduces the cognitive load (as well as the number of joins). This is logical if each author, book, etc. has their own helptext.
In the case of text items of some sort, especially if they are used in several tybles, like help texts, it seems preferable to centralize their text data in one table and store references in the tables that need them. This design also supports multi-lingual apps where the text items would have to be maintained in several languages.

SQL vs NoSQL for data that will be presented to a user after multiple filters have been added

I am about to embark on a project for work that is very outside my normal scope of duties. As a SQL DBA, my initial inclination was to approach the project using a SQL database but the more I learn about NoSQL, the more I believe that it might be the better option. I was hoping that I could use this question to describe the project at a high level to get some feedback on the pros and cons of using each option.
The project is relatively straightforward. I have a set of objects that have various attributes. Some of these attributes are common to all objects whereas some are common only to a subset of the objects. What I am tasked with building is a service where the user chooses a series of filters that are based on the attributes of an object and then is returned a list of objects that matches all^ of the filters. When the user selects a filter, he or she may be filtering on a common or subset attribute but that is abstracted on the front end.
^ There is a chance, depending on user feedback, that the list of objects may match only some of the filters and the quality of the match will be displayed to the user through a score that indicates how many of the criteria were matched.
After watching this talk by Martin Folwler (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qI_g07C_Q5I), it would seem that a document-style NoSQL database should suit my needs but given that I have no experience with this approach, it is also possible that I am missing something obvious.
Some additional information - The database will initially have about 5,000 objects with each object containing 10 to 50 attributes but the number of objects will definitely grow over time and the number of attributes could grow depending on user feedback. In addition, I am hoping to have the ability to make rapid changes to the product as I get user feedback so flexibility is very important.
Any feedback would be very much appreciated and I would be happy to provide more information if I have left anything critical out of my discussion. Thanks.
This problem can be solved in by using two separate pieces of technology. The first is to use a relatively well designed database schema with a modern RDBMS. By modeling the application using the usual principles of normalization, you'll get really good response out of storage for individual CRUD statements.
Searching this schema, as you've surmised, is going to be a nightmare at scale. Don't do it. Instead look into using Solr/Lucene as your full text search engine. Solr's support for dynamic fields means you can add new properties to your documents/objects on the fly and immediately have the ability to search inside your data if you have designed your Solr schema correctly.
I'm not an expert in NoSQL, so I will not be advocating it. However, I have few points that can help you address your questions regarding the relational database structure.
First thing that I see right away is, you are talking about inheritance (at least conceptually). Your objects inherit from each-other, thus you have additional attributes for derived objects. Say you are adding a new type of object, first thing you need to do (conceptually) is to find a base/super (parent) object type for it, that has subset of the attributes and you are adding on top of them (extending base object type).
Once you get used to thinking like said above, next thing is about inheritance mapping patterns for relational databases. I'll steal terms from Martin Fowler to describe it here.
You can hold inheritance chain in the database by following one of the 3 ways:
1 - Single table inheritance: Whole inheritance chain is in one table. So, all new types of objects go into the same table.
Advantages: your search query has only one table to search, and it must be faster than a join for example.
Disadvantages: table grows faster than with option 2 for example; you have to add a type column that says what type of object is the row; some rows have empty columns because they belong to other types of objects.
2 - Concrete table inheritance: Separate table for each new type of object.
Advantages: if search affects only one type, you search only one table at a time; each table grows slower than in option 1 for example.
Disadvantages: you need to use union of queries if searching several types at the same time.
3 - Class table inheritance: One table for the base type object with its attributes only, additional tables with additional attributes for each child object type. So, child tables refer to the base table with PK/FK relations.
Advantages: all types are present in one table so easy to search all together using common attributes.
Disadvantages: base table grows fast because it contains part of child tables too; you need to use join to search all types of objects with all attributes.
Which one to choose?
It's a trade-off obviously. If you expect to have many types of objects added, I would go with Concrete table inheritance that gives reasonable query and scaling options. Class table inheritance seems to be not very friendly with fast queries and scalability. Single table inheritance seems to work with small number of types better.
Your call, my friend!
May as well make this an answer. I should comment that I'm not strong in NoSQL, so I tend to lean towards SQL.
I'd do this as a three table set. You will see it referred to as entity value pair logic on the web...it's a way of handling multiple dynamic attributes for items. Lets say you have a bunch of products and each one has a few attributes.
Prd 1 - a,b,c
Prd 2 - a,d,e,f
Prd 3 - a,b,d,g
Prd 4 - a,c,d,e,f
So here are 4 products and 6 attributes...same theory will work for hundreds of products and thousands of attributes. Standard way of holding this in one table requires the product info along with 6 columns to store the data (in this setup at least one third of them are null). New attribute added means altering the table to add another column to it and coming up with a script to populate existing or just leaving it null for all existing. Not the most fun, can be a head ache.
The alternative to this is a name value pair setup. You want a 'header' table to hold the common values amoungst your products (like name, or price...things that all rpoducts always have). In our example above, you will notice that attribute 'a' is being used on each record...this does mean attribute a can be a part of the header table as well. We'll call the key column here 'header_id'.
Second table is a reference table that is simply going to store the attributes that can be assigned to each product and assign an ID to it. We'll call the table attribute with atrr_id for a key. Rather straight forwards, each attribute above will be one row.
Quick example:
attr_id, attribute_name, notes
1,b, the length of time the product takes to install
2,c, spare part required
It's just a list of all of your attributes and what that attribute means. In the future, you will be adding a row to this table to open up a new attribute for each header.
Final table is a mapping table that actually holds the info. You will have your product id, the attribute id, and then the value. Normally called the detail table:
prd1, b, 5 mins
prd1, c, needs spare jack
prd2, d, 'misc text'
prd3, b, 15 mins
See how the data is stored as product key, value label, value? Any future product added can have any combination of any attributes stored in this table. Adding new attributes is adding a new line to the attribute table and then populating the details table as needed.
I beleive there is a wiki for it too... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entity-attribute-value_model
After this, it's simply figuring out the best methodology to pivot out your data (I'd recommend Postgres as an opensource db option here)

Best way to add content (large list) to relational database

I apologize if this may seem like somewhat of a novice question (which it probably is), but I'm just introducing myself to the idea of relational databases and I'm struggling with this concept.
I have a database with roughly 75 fields which represent different characteristics of a 'user'. One of those fields represents a the locations that user has been and I'm wondering what the best way is to store the data so that it is easily retrievable and can be used later on (i.e. tracking a route on Google Maps, identifying if two users shared the same location etc.)
The problem is that some users may have 5 locations in total while others may be well over 100.
Is it best to store these locations in a text file named using the unique id of each user(one location on each line, or in a csv)?
Or to create a separate table for each individual user connected to their unique id (that seems like overkill to me)?
Or, is there a way to store all of the locations directly in the single field in the original table?
I'm hoping that I'm missing a concept, or there is a link to a tutorial that will help my understanding.
If it helps, you can assume that the locations will be stored in order and will not be changed once stored. Also, these locations are static (I don't need to add any more locations once as they can't be updated).
Thank you for time in helping me. I appreciate it!
Store the location data for the user in a separate table. The location table would link back to the user table by a common user_id.
Keeping multiple locations for a particular user in a single table is not a good idea - you'll end up with denormalized data.
You may want to read up on:
Referential Integrity
Relational denormalization
The most common way would be to have a separate table, something like
| | |
If user 3 has 5 locations, there will be five rows containing user_id 3.
However, if you say the order of locations matter then an additional field specifying the ordinal position of the location within a user can be used.
The separate table approach is what we call normalized.
If you store a location list as a comma-separated string of location ids, for example, it is trival to maintain the order, but you lose the ability for the database to quickly answer the question "which users have been at location x?". Your data would be what we call denormalized.
You do have options, of course, but relational databases are pretty good with joining tables, and they are not overkill. They do look a little funny when you have ordering requirements, like the one you mention. But people use them all the time.
In a relational database you would use a mapping table. So you would have user, location and userlocation tables (user is a reserved word so you may wish to use a different name). This allows you to have a many-to-many relationship, i.e. many users can visit many locations. If you want to model a route as an ordered collection of locations then you will need to do more work. This site gives an example

What to do if 2 (or more) relationship tables would have the same name?

So I know the convention for naming M-M relationship tables in SQL is to have something like so:
For tables User and Data the relationship table would be called
or something similar (from here)
What happens then if you need to have multiple relationships between User and Data, representing each in its own table? I have a site I'm working on where I have two primary items and multiple independent M-M relationships between them. I know I could just use a single relationship table and have a field which determines the relationship type, but I'm not sure whether this is a good solution. Assuming I don't go that route, what naming convention should I follow to work around my original problem?
To make it more clear, say my site is an auction site (it isn't but the principle is similar). I have registered users and I have items, a user does not have to be registered to post an item but they do need to be to do anything else. I have table User which has info on registered users and Items which has info on posted items. Now a user can bid on an item, but they can also report a item (spam, etc.), both of these are M-M relationships. All that happens when either event occurs is that an email is generated, in my scenario I have no reason to keep track of the actual "report" or "bid" other than to know who bid/reported on what.
I think you should name tables after their function. Lets say we have Cars and People tables. Car has owners and car has assigned drivers. Driver can have more than one car. One of the tables you could call CarsDrivers, second CarsOwners.
In your situation I think you should have two tables: AuctionsBids and AuctionsReports. I believe that report requires additional dictinary (spam, illegal item,...) and bid requires other parameters like price, bid date. So having two tables is justified. You will propably be more often accessing bids than reports. Sending email will be slightly more complicated then when this data is stored in one table, but it is not really a big problem.
I don't really see this as a true M-M mapping table. Those usually are JUST a mapping. From your example most of these will have additional information as well. For example, a table of bids, which would have a User and an Item, will probably have info on what the bid was, when it was placed, etc. I would call this table... wait for it... Bids.
For reporting items you might want what was offensive about it, when it was placed, etc. Call this table OffenseReports or something.
You can name tables whatever you want. I would just name them something that makes sense. I think the convention of naming them Table1Table2 is just because sometimes the relationships don't make alot of sense to an outside observer.
There's no official or unofficial convention on relations or tables names. You can name them as you want, the way you like.
If you have multiple user_data relationships with the same keys that makes absolutely no sense. If you have different keys, name the relation in a descriptive way like: stores_products_manufacturers or stores_products_paymentMethods
I think you're only confused because the join tables are currently simple. Once you add more information, I think it will be obvious that you should append a functional suffix. For example:
Table User
Table Item
Table UserItem_SpamReport
Table UserItem_Post
UserID -- can be (NULL, -1, '', ...)
Table UserItem_Bid
Then the relation will have a Role. For instance a stock has 2 companies associated: an issuer and a buyer. The relationship is defined by the role the parent and child play to each other.
You could either put each role in a separate table that you name with the role (IE Stock_Issuer, Stock_Buyer etc, both have a relationship one - many to company - stock)
The stock example is pretty fixed, so two tables would be fine. When there are multiple types of relations possible and you can't foresee them now, normalizing it into a relationtype column would seem the better option.
This also depends on the quality of the developers having to work with your model. The column approach is a bit more abstract... but if they don't get it maybe they'd better stay away from databases altogether..
Both will work fine I guess.
Good luck, GJ

How to model a mutually exclusive relationship in SQL Server

I have to add functionality to an existing application and I've run into a data situation that I'm not sure how to model. I am being restricted to the creation of new tables and code. If I need to alter the existing structure I think my client may reject the proposal.. although if its the only way to get it right this is what I will have to do.
I have an Item table that can me link to any number of tables, and these tables may increase over time. The Item can only me linked to one other table, but the record in the other table may have many items linked to it.
Examples of the tables/entities being linked to are Person, Vehicle, Building, Office. These are all separate tables.
Example of Items are Pen, Stapler, Cushion, Tyre, A4 Paper, Plastic Bag, Poster, Decoration"
For instance a Poster may be allocated to a Person or Office or Building. In the future if they add a Conference Room table it may also be added to that.
My intital thoughts are:
The LinkedToTableName field will then allow me to identify the correct table to link to in my code.
I'm not overly happy with this solution, but I can't quite think of anything else. Please help! :)
It is not a good practice to store table names as column values. This is a bad hack.
There are two standard ways of doing what you are trying to do. The first is called single-table inheritance. This is easily understood by ORM tools but trades off some normalization. The idea is, that all of these entities - Person, Vehicle, whatever - are stored in the same table, often with several unused columns per entry, along with a discriminator field that identifies what type the entity is.
The discriminator field is usually an integer type, that is mapped to some enumeration in your code. It may also be a foreign key to some lookup table in your database, identifying which numbers correspond to which types (not table names, just descriptions).
The other way to do this is multiple-table inheritance, which is better for your database but not as easy to map in code. You do this by having a base table which defines some common properties of all the objects - perhaps just an ID and a name - and all of your "specific" tables (Person etc.) use the base ID as a unique foreign key (usually also the primary key).
In the first case, the exclusivity is implicit, since all entities are in one table. In the second case, the relationship is between the Item and the base entity ID, which also guarantees uniqueness.
Note that with multiple-table inheritance, you have a different problem - you can't guarantee that a base ID is used by exactly one inheritance table. It could be used by several, or not used at all. That is why multiple-table inheritance schemes usually also have a discriminator column, to identify which table is "expected." Again, this discriminator doesn't hold a table name, it holds a lookup value which the consumer may (or may not) use to determine which other table to join to.
Multiple-table inheritance is a closer match to your current schema, so I would recommend going with that unless you need to use this with Linq to SQL or a similar ORM.
See here for a good detailed tutorial: Implementing Table Inheritance in SQL Server.
Find something common to Person, Vehicle, Building, Office. For the lack of a better term I have used Entity. Then implement super-type/sub-type relationship between the Entity and its sub-types. Note that the EntityID is a PK and a FK in all sub-type tables. Now, you can link the Item table to the Entity (owner).
In this model, one item can belong to only one Entity; one Entity can have (own) many items.
your link table is ok.
the trouble you will have is that you will need to generate dynamic sql at runtime. parameterized sql does not typically allow the objects inthe FROM list to be parameters.
i fyou want to avoid this, you may be able to denormalize a little - say by creating a table to hold the id (assuming the ids are unique across the other tables) and the type_id representing which table is the source, and a generated description - e.g. the name value from the inital record.
you would trigger the creation of this denormalized list when the base info is modified, and you could use that for generalized queries - and then resort to your dynamic queries when needed at runtime.