google finance api alternative for monitoring/modifying portfolio? - api

I used to use google finance to create portfolios/change them and then display them on my site but since its being removed I'm wondering if there's any good free alternatives?
Basically I have a program that creates different portfolios based on different factors(20 right now), so each of the 20 links on my site direct people to a page that displays the portfolios. I am looking for something that I can use to automatically update the portfolios.
If it helps, my site is basically a free tutorial site that helps people learn how to manage their own portfolios. There's different lessons and then using market data & news(which I already get) I automatically generate a sample portfolio to show them how everything comes together. I liked google finance because they could see all of google's data but they could also click around and dig deeper if they want.
Is there anything I can use to get this result?

I'm not sure I understand exactly what you want, but it sounds like #DirkEddelbuettel's BeanCounter will do what you need.
Or, if you're just looking for quotes see and


How to supply data for search bar suggestions

Basically I'm working on my personal project, and I'm building a react native app that serves a very similar purpose to that of eBay's or Gumtree or the like. Users can obviously search for a product, I want to show search suggestions based on what the user types. Search engines usually show suggestions based on what is also being searched by other users, or what data is already is already posted on the site.
Since this is a personal project neither of those two cases apply. I need a way to still provide suggestions to user searches.
One way I tried doing this, is by finding a txt file with a bunch of product names and filtering through that based on user search.
I tried doing the same approach but by using an API instead of a text file.
I couldn't find any resources for either of those 2 methods, so I don't really know what to do
Any suggestions or references to material would be greatly appreciated!

Google Location API - find business inside other business

About a year ago, google maps added the "Located In" feature to places, so if a certain business in located inside another business its listing will show the relation.
This means that if a restaurant for example, is located inside a shopping mall, it will be stated that it is inside.
This means that google keep some kind of relation between places and "sub places" and I was looking for a way to query all places that are inside another place.
For example, If I want to go to a mall, and get all restaurants inside the mall.
I've read the google Places API, and it seems that the "near by" search is based mainly on point(long,lat) and radius, but I could not find a way to query by "located in" businesses.
If anyone is familiar with such a feature, I'd appreciate any help with that.
Unfortunately Places API doesn't support this functionality. I can see that similar issue was created in Google issue tracker 2 years ago:
Bug: Places located inside another (mall, shopping centre) does not show up in results
However it looks like Google rejected it for some reason. I would suggest filing a new issue in Google issue tracker:
Hopefully Google replies something soon.

Twitter API Standard Search: Can I get hidden replies?

I am trying to get as much data as a I can out of the Twitter API for an academic research project. Even though I only have access to the Standard API the data should be as accurate as possible. I am building myself a "wrapper" around Twarc and other utilities in Python that gets me most of the data I want in just the format I need. A big problem was getting all the replies, but I was able to solve it with a bit of trickery: Searching from the tweet in question onwards and then checking if the tweets in the obtained sample have the original tweet ID in "in_reply_to_tweet_id". Rinse and repeat with those newly obtained tweets.
Then I noticed the new moderation feature Twitter implemented in March. Now the moderated comments under "More replies" do not show up in my search output.
I find all replies except the following: Under "More replies" ("Mehr Antworten" in German), there is a reply chain started by a extreme right leaning (possibly troll) account ("#Der Steuerzahler") that got moderated and shoved down there. This does not show up in API searches, even if I let the code iterate for over an hour just looking for replies to this particular original tweet.
My question is pretty general: Aside from getting replies as they come in (i.e. before they are moderated) via Filter API, is it possible to find these moderated tweets via the Standard Search API? Not looking for a ready-made solution, general pointers suffice. If I can't find them via Search, then I obviously won't try it with that anymore.
Thanks in advance.

Commission Junction API for Local (Daily) Deals

Has anyone used Commission Junction's Product Catalog Search API for searching/fetching local deals? (BuyWithMe and KGBDeals post their deals to CJ)
There is a Yipit clone out there which uses this API. This clone was unable to categorize deals properly based on location. I was supposed to fix this issue. The problem I saw is: API's response does not contain location/city info. Therefore, deals cannot be categorized based on cities. This basically kills the purpose of local deals.
I am looking for advice from anyone who has done similar work using CJ API. May be I am missing something.
OneBigPlanet has an All-In-One API filled with all affiliate networks and daily deal providers for U.S & Canada
If you are going to use a deal aggregator API for your site/blog, you may want to take a look at this one as well.
SideBuy has recently released its version 1 API which lets the user (like yourself) connect to its comprehensive set of daily deals using several parameters to fully customize the listings. I suggest you check it out and get in touch in SideBuy's site if you need further assistance.
Disclaimer: I work for

Programmatic Querying of Google and Other Search Engines With Domain and Keywords

I'm trying to find out if there is a programmatic way to determine how far down in a search engine's search results my site shows up for given keywords. For example, my query would provide my domain name, and keywords, and the result would return a say 94 indicating that my site was the 94th result. I'm specifically interested in how to do this with google but also interested in Bing and Yahoo.
There is no programmatic access to such data. People generally roll out their own version of such trackers. Get the Google search page and use regexes to find your position. But now different results are show in different geographies and results are personalize.
gl=us parameter will help you getting results from US, you can change geography accordingly to get the results.
Before creating this from scratch, you may want to save yourself some time (and money) by using a service that does exactly that [and more]: Ginzametrics.
They have a free plan (so you can test if it fits your requirements and check if it's really worth creating your own tool), an API and can even import data from Google Analytics.