Using external plugins in Sencha Touch - sencha-touch

I want to use a simple Sencha Touch keypad plugin.
The plugin code can be found over here.
The keypad can be created in an html file under tags as follows:
onReady: function () {
var basic = new Ext.ux.Keypad();
<div id="keypad"/>
Alternatively, it can be used in a Sencha container as follows too:
xtype: 'keypad'
However, I am not able to get it to work the latter way. I'm new to Sencha and I think I'm not placing the files at the right places or not including them properly. I have already included the following in my index.html:
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="js/sencha-touch-1.1.1/sencha-touch.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="js/sencha-touch-1.1.1/resources/css/sencha-touch.css">
<script src="js/Keypad.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
Can someone let me know what modifications are necessary in which files so that I can use the keypad plugin directly in a container?

in your app.js file you need to set path for the plugin folder in the loader...
put the ux (plugin)folder where your app.js is located...
in app.js set the following
Ext.Loader.setPath('Ext.ux', 'ux');
On the view where you are using the numpad you need to specify a
requires: ['Ext.ux.NumPad' ...] //All plugin related files
Also ensure that the CSS files are in the proper location...
Hope it helps...


How to run SystemJs module when view loads

I have a component that loads a javascript module that builds on Bootstrap.js and Jquery to automatically build a table of contents for a page based on H1,H2,... headers. The component code is as follows:
import { bindable, bindingMode, customElement, noView } from 'aurelia-framework';
export class ScriptInjector {
#bindable public url;
#bindable public isLocal;
#bindable public isAsync;
#bindable({ defaultBindingMode: bindingMode.oneWay }) protected scripttag;
private tagId = 'bootTOCscript';
public attached() {
if (this.url) {
this.scripttag = document.createElement('script');
if (this.isAsync) {
this.scripttag.async = true;
if (this.isLocal) {
} else {
this.scripttag.setAttribute('src', this.url);
public detached() {
if (this.scripttag) {
Essentially for those not familiar with Aurelia, this simply uses SystemJs to load the bootstrap-toc.js module from my app-bundle wherever I put this on my view:
<scriptinjector url="lib/bootstrap-toc.js" is-local.bind='true'></scriptinjector>
My problem is that although this works perfectly when I first load the view, subsequent visits don't generate a TOC (table of contents). I have checked that Aurelia is in fact calling System.Import each time the view is loaded, but it seems that once a module has been imported once, it is never imported again (the code from the bundle never runs a second time).
Does anyone know how I can unload/reload/reset/rerun the module when I re-enter the view?
Ok, so after days of fighting with this I have figured out an acceptable solution that keeps all the functionality of the TOC library and requires as few changes to the skeleton project and the target library as I could manage. Forget the script injector above.
In the index.html, do as follows:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Holdings Manager</title>
<!--The FontAwesome version is locked at 4.6.3 in the package.json file to keep this from breaking.-->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="jspm_packages/npm/font-awesome#4.6.3/css/font-awesome.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/styles.css">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<body aurelia-app="main" data-spy="scroll" data-target="#toc">
<div class="splash">
<div class="message">Holdings Manager</div>
<i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i>
<!-- The bluebird version is locked at 4.6.3 in the package.json file to keep this from breaking -->
<!-- We include bluebird to bypass Edge's very slow Native Promise implementation. The Edge team -->
<!-- has fixed the issues with their implementation with these fixes being distributed with the -->
<!-- Windows 10 Anniversary Update on 2 August 2016. Once that update has pushed out, you may -->
<!-- consider removing bluebird from your project and simply using native promises if you do -->
<!-- not need to support Internet Explorer. -->
<script src="jspm_packages/system.js"></script>
<script src="config.js"></script>
<script src="jspm_packages/npm/bluebird#3.4.1/js/browser/bluebird.min.js"></script>
<script src="jspm_packages/npm/jquery#2.2.4/dist/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="jspm_packages/github/twbs/bootstrap#3.3.7/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
System.import('core-js').then(function() {
return System.import('polymer/mutationobservers');
}).then(function() {
}).then(function() {
This is assuming you have installed bootstrap using jspm (which brings in jquery as a dependency). This also assumes you have put the javascript library (the one you want to incorporate, bootstrap-toc in my case) in your src/lib folder and that you have configured your bundling to include js files from your source folder.
Next, if your library has a self executing anonymous function defined, you need to take that code and move it inside the 'attached' method of the viewmodel where you want the library to be applied. So in this case, I have a 'help' view with a bunch of sections/subsections that I wanted a TOC generated for, so the code looks like:
import { singleton } from 'aurelia-framework';
export class Help {
public attached() {
$('nav[data-toggle="toc"]').each((i, el) => {
const $nav = $(el);
The code inside the 'attached' method above was cut and pasted from the bootstrap-toc.js file and I removed the self-executing anonymous method.
I tried using system.import for the jquery/bootstrap libraries but that made part of the TOC functionality stop working and I have lost my patience to figure out why so those libraries are staying as script references for now.
Also, when you build the project you will get errors :
help.ts(7,7): error TS2304: Cannot find name '$'.
help.ts(9,16): error TS2339: Property 'Toc' does not exist on type 'Window'.
These do not cause problems at runtime since both $ and Toc will be defined before the view is ever instantiated. You can solve these build errors with this solution here.

yii registerScriptFile does not work

I've added this code at the top of themes/bootstrap/views/layouts/main.php
Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScriptFile(Yii::app()->baseUrl . '/js/custom.js');
in my html it does show
<script type="text/javascript" src="/dev2/js/custom.js"></script>
and in the custom.js file i have this
jQuery(function($) {
when the page loads, i don't get any alert showing. the files do exist in the right directory and i get no firebug warnings. All JS files that i've manually included using registerScriptFile for some reason doesn't work. None of my plugins i've included work. Any ideas?
You can try this:
// Enter code here
in your custom.js .
Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScriptFile(Yii::app()->baseUrl.'/js/custom', CClientScript::POS_HEAD);
and wrong in script:
jQuery(function($) {
have to work

ASP.NET MVC 4 - Add Bundle from Controller?

I have some pages on my site that use certain CSS and JS resources - but they are the only page(s) to use that css or js file - so I don't want to include that CSS and JS reference in every page. Rather than modify each View to reference the CSS/JS it needs, I thought I could create a bundle in the Controller and add it to the Bundles that are already registered, and then it would be included in the bundle references, but this does not appear to be possible, or maybe I'm just going about it the wrong way.
In my Controller for a registration page for example, I thought I could write this:
Bundle styleBundle = new Bundle("~/bundles/registrationStyleBundle");
And then have this in my /Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml:
#foreach(Bundle b in BundleTable.Bundles)
if (b is StyleBundle)
<link href="#BundleTable.Bundles.ResolveBundleUrl(b.Path)" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
else if (b is ScriptBundle)
<script src="#BundleTable.Bundles.ResolveBundleUrl(b.Path)" type="text/javascript"></script>
But this does not work - the only bundles to get rendered to my page end up being the ones I specified in RegisterBundles (in /App_Start/BundleConfig.cs)
Any idea how to achieve this kind of "dynamic" or "runtime" bundling?
EDIT: Following Jasen's advice, what I ended up doing was taking the bundle creation/registration code out of the controller and adding it to RegisterBundles() in /App_Start/BundleConfig.cs. This way, the bundle is already available and the contents get minified. So:
new StyleBundle("~/bundles/registrationStyleBundle")
Then, in my view, I added this:
#section viewStyles{
<link href="#BundleTable.Bundles.ResolveBundleUrl("~/bundles/registrationStyleBundle")." rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
Then, in /Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml, I added this:
#RenderSection("viewStyles", required: false)
Use the #section Scripts { } block to conditionally add bundles.
#RenderSection("Scripts", required: false)
#section Scripts {
#section Scripts {
In my BundleConfig I typically group resources
bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/Areas/Admin/js").Include(...);
bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/bundles/Areas/Admin/css").Include(...);
bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/Areas/Home/js").Include(...);
bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/bundles/Areas/Home/css").Include(...);
Now I can either define multiple layout files or just selectively add bundles to the views.

jquery-ui progressbar not showing

I'm trying to add a simple progress bar to my application in rails using jquery-ui. I'm following this example:
I create the div
<div id="progressbar"></div>
and in my JS I have
$(document).ready( function() {
value: 37
But nothing happens to the div in the html - it remains empty and unstyled(ie no additional CSS is applied to it).
I have checked that I have jquery-ui included in my application - in particular, I have made certain the jquery-ui css file is included.
However, I am willing to bet the problem has something to do with jquery-ui not working properly in my app, because I was having another issue with it and the tooltip function, which I asked about over here: positioning jQuery tooltip
This is driving me nuts, does anyone have any ideas?
I had the same problem right now.
It seems like the referenced libaries in the example do not work.
The error i get from the "Firefox - Developer Tools - Browser Console" is:
ReferenceError: $ is not defined
(I tested on Firefox 32.0.3 and IE 11)
If you just copy the example html/jquery source from "" to a local file (lets call it: "testJqueryProgressBar.html") and double click it, you will see no progress bar!
Source of "testJqueryProgressBar.html":
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>jQuery UI Progressbar - Default functionality</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//">
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//">
$( "#progressbar" ).progressbar({ value: 37 });
<div id="progressbar"></div>
Therefore i checked the links in the header of the example and all reference something.
So the links are valid!
I even tried to reference the jquery libs from another provider, f.e. :
Same problem!
Then i went to
Selected Version : 1.11.1 (Stable, for jQuery1.6+)
Selected a different UI theme at the bottom
Downloaded the zip and referenced these unziped jquery sources in my local example testJqueryProgressBar.html and it worked.

How do I use Dojo inside of Worklight correctly?

I need some help as well as some advice on how to use Dojo correctly in my project. At the moment, this is what I'm doing:
Say I setup a project named 'Test'. Test.html is the first file hit, and in that file I have the following:
<script type="text/javascript" data-dojo-config="isDebug: false, async: true, parseOnLoad: true" src="dojo/dojo.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="dojo/core-web-layer.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="dojo/mobile-ui-layer.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="dojo/mobile-compat-layer.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// Set of module identifiers
[ "dojo", "dojox/mobile/parser", "dojox/mobile/SwapView", "dojox/mobile", "dojox/mobile/compat", "dojox/mobile/deviceTheme", "dojox/mobile/ScrollableView" ],
// Callback function, invoked on dependencies evaluation results
function(dojo) {
dojo.ready(function() {});
I also have this in Test.js:
require([ "dojo", "dojox/mobile/parser", "dojox/mobile/deviceTheme",
"dojox/mobile/ScrollableView", "dojox/mobile/compat", "dojox/mobile",
"dojox/mobile/Button", "dojox/mobile/View", "dojox/mobile/Heading",
"dojox/mobile/TabBarButton", "dojox/mobile/TabBar",
"dojox/mobile/TextBox", "dojox/mobile/RoundRectList",
"dojox/mobile/ListItem", "dojox/mobile/Button",
"dojox/mobile/SpinWheel", "dojox/mobile/SpinWheelSlot",
"dojox/mobile/IconContainer", "dojox/mobile/SwapView" ],
function(dojo, parser) {
dojo.ready(function() {
Now, when I click a on one of my buttons, it triggers the WL.Page.Load method and my pagePort div now shows my new page inside of my Test.html page (let's say this is Page2.html), however, there's a problem. The Dojo stuff works fine on page one, but now it doesn't work on page two. I'm not sure what's happening behind the scenes but I feel I'm missing a step (do I need to unload Dojo? Declare it again in the next page?).
If somebody could help me get Dojo working on this second page so I'm able to use Dojo on further pages (after learning what I'm doing wrong) I would be really grateful!
My best guess based on the info you've given is that Page2.html is not really inside Test.html and its a new page. In this case you will need to have the script references in Page2 as well.
If you're testing your code in a web browser you can view the Console and hopefully gain some insight as to what exactly is going wrong.
You can also try working with the Worklight logger to help locate the problem.
Here is a general link for "Problem Determination" from IBM as well
As Nick said if you load totally different HTML page you will have that page to declare the classes your are using. In dojox/mobile/tests see test_IconContainer.html for example.
That said you could proceed differently by for example having your alternate views defined in the same HTML or as your are in Worklight by using the fragment mechanism (see modules 60.1, 2 and 3).