Magento SOAP unable to create order - api

The problem
I'm having trouble creating an order using the Magento SOAP api. I've got all the bare necessities in place (code snippet below) but everytime I try to create the order it fails with status code 1008 (See Magento Docs).
There is no fault message though, so I only know the order creation failed.
$cart_id = $magi->execute("cart.create");
$customerEntity = $magi->execute("",5);
$customerEntity["mode"] = "customer";
$customerAddressEntity = $magi->execute("",$customerEntity["default_billing"]);
$customerAddressEntity["mode"] = "billing";
$magi->execute("cart_customer.set", array($cart_id,$customerEntity));
$magi->execute("cart_customer.addresses", array($cart_id,array($customerAddressEntity)));
$productEntity = array("product_id" => 48,"qty" => 1);
$magi->execute("cart_payment.method",array($cart_id,array("method" => "banktransfer")));
$orderId = $magi->execute("cart.order", array($cart_id));
In the magento log the following messages are logged after this operation.
Undefined offset: 0/var/www/
Undefined variable: websiteId/var/www/
(this entry repeats itself 3 times after this one, each half a second apart).
I am at a loss here, it was in working condition a couple of weeks ago and not much has changed since then.
More information
The $magi variable holds an object that is an abstraction for using the Magento Soap api. It also catches and logs all errors, hence no try/catch blocks in this code.
Magento version:
Php version 5.4.6
Server OS: Ubuntu 11.10 (development server)

Undefined offset:
the error means there is an array that not have value for [ '0' ]

The first error:
Undefined offset: 0/var/www/
Is due to a bug in Api.php on this method:
protected function _preparePaymentData($data)
if (!(is_array($data) && is_null($data[0]))) {
return array();
return $data;
I was able to get rid of this problem replacing
if (!(is_array($data) && is_null($data[0])))
if (!(is_array($data) && !isset($data[0])))
During testing it works the same way and gets rid of the error.

I think your $productEntity is wrong.
$productEntity = array(
array("product_id" => 48,"qty" => 1);
and it makes the cart is empty.


Redis StackExchange LuaScripts with parameters

I'm trying to use the following Lua script using C# StackExchange library:
private const string LuaScriptToExecute = #"
local current
current =""incr"", KEYS[1])
if current == 1 then""expire"", KEYS[1], KEYS[2])
return 1
return current
Whenever i'm evaluating the script "as a string", it works properly:
var incrementValue = await Database.ScriptEvaluateAsync(LuaScriptToExecute,
new RedisKey[] { key, ttlInSeconds });
If I understand correctly, each time I invoke the ScriptEvaluateAsync method, the script is transmitted to the redis server which is not very effective.
To overcome this, I tried using the "prepared script" approach, by running:
_setCounterWithExpiryScript = LuaScript.Prepare(LuaScriptToExecute);
var incrementValue = await Database.ScriptEvaluateAsync(_setCounterWithExpiryScript,
new[] { key, ttlInSeconds });
Whenever I try to use this approach, I receive the following error:
ERR Error running script (call to f_7c891a96328dfc3aca83aa6fb9340674b54c4442): #user_script:3: #user_script: 3: Lua redis() command arguments must be strings or integers
What am I doing wrong?
What is the right approach in using "prepared" LuaScripts that receive dynamic parameters?
If I look in the documentation: no idea.
If I look in the unit test on github it looks really easy.
(by the way, is your ttlInSeconds really RedisKey and not RedisValue? You are accessing it thru KEYS[2] - shouldnt that be ARGV[1]? Anyway...)
It looks like you should rewrite your script to use named parameters and not arguments:
private const string LuaScriptToExecute = #"
local current
current =""incr"", #myKey)
if current == 1 then""expire"", #myKey, #ttl)
return 1
return current
// We should load scripts to whole redis cluster. Even when we dont have any.
// In that case, there will be only one EndPoint, one iteration etc...
_myScripts = _redisMultiplexer.GetEndPoints()
.Select(endpoint => _redisMultiplexer.GetServer(endpoint))
.Where(server => server != null)
.Select(server => lua.Load(server))
Then just execute it with anonymous class as parameter:
for(var setCounterWithExpiryScript in _myScripts)
var incrementValue = await Database.ScriptEvaluateAsync(
new {
myKey: (RedisKey)key, // or new RedisKey(key) or idk
ttl: (RedisKey)ttlInSeconds
)// .ConfigureAwait(false); // ? ;-)
// when ttlInSeconds is value and not key, just dont cast it to RedisKey
var incrementValue = await
new {
myKey: (RedisKey)key,
ttl: ttlInSeconds
Please note that Redis is in full-stop mode when executing scripts. Your script looks super-easy (you sometimes save one trip to redis (when current != 1) so i have a feeling that this script will be counter productive in greater-then-trivial scale. Just do one or two calls from c# and dont bother with this script.
First of all, Jan's comment above is correct.
The script line that updated the key's TTL should be""expire"", KEYS[1], ARGV[1]).
Regarding the issue itself, after searching for similar issues in RedisStackExchange's Github, I found that Lua scripts do not work really well in cluster mode.
Fortunately, it seems that "loading the scripts" isn't really necessary.
The ScriptEvaluateAsync method works properly in cluster mode and is sufficient (caching-wise).
More details can be found in the following Github issue.
So at the end, using ScriptEvaluateAsync without "preparing the script" did the job.
As a side note about Jan's comment above that this script isn't needed and can be replaced with two C# calls, it is actually quite important since this operation should be atomic as it is a "Rate limiter" pattern.

Mojolicious template cache is stale

I'm currently developing a small single-page Web app using Mojolicious. The app has a Javascript frontend (using Backbone) that talks to a REST-ish API; the layout of the source is roughly:
use Mojolicious::Lite;
# ... setup code ...
get '/' => sub {
my $c = shift;
# fetch+stash data for bootstrapped collections...
get '/api_endpoint' => sub {
my $c = shift;
# fetch appropriate API data...
$c->render(json => $response);
# ... more API endpoints ...
The app template uses EP, but very minimally; the only server-side template directives just insert JSON for bootstrapped collections. It's deployed via Apache as a plain CGI script. (This isn't optimal, but it's for low-traffic internal use, and more intricate server configuration is problematic in context.) Perl CGI is configured via mod_perl.
This works most of the time, but occasionally the renderer somehow gets the idea that it should cache the template and ignore changes to it. The debug records in error_log show "Rendering cached template" rather than the normal "Rendering template", and my new changes to the template stop appearing in the browser. I can't find a reliable way to stop this, though it will eventually stop on its own according to conditions I can't discern.
How can I make the app notice template changes reliably? Alternatively, how can I disable template caching completely?
How can I make the app notice template changes reliably?
This is what the morbo development server is for. Morbo wouldn't be used for your live code deployment, but for a development environment where you are continually changing your code and templates. Generally changes to live code and templates are meant to be handled by restarting the application server, or Apache in your case. (Hypnotoad has a hot-restart capability for this purpose)
Alternatively, how can I disable template caching completely?
To do this, add the following setup code (outside of routes, after use Mojolicious::Lite):
For old answer see below.
I turned the findings of this answer into a plugin and released it on CPAN as Mojolicious::Plugin::Renderer::WithoutCache after discussing wit Grinnz on IRC, where they encouraged a release.
You can use it like this:
use Mojolicious::Lite;
plugin 'Renderer::WithoutCache';
It will create a new Cache object that does nothing, and install that globally into the renderer. That way, it doesn't need to be created every time like my initial answer below did.
In theory, this should be faster than Grinnz' approach (which is more sensible), and since you explicitly don't want to cache, you obviously want things to be as fast as possible, right? It's supposedly faster because the real Mojo::Cache would still need to go and try to set the cache, but then abort because there are no more free keys, and it also would try to look up the values from the cache every time.
I benchmarked this with both Dumbbench and Benchmark. Both of them showed negligible results. I ran them each a couple of times, but they fluctuated a lot, and it's not clear which one is faster. I included output of a run where my implementation was faster, but it still shows how minuscule the difference is.
Benchmark with Dumbbench:
use Dumbbench;
use Mojolicious::Renderer;
use Mojolicious::Controller;
use Mojolicious::Plugin::Renderer::WithoutCache::Cache;
my $controller = Mojolicious::Controller->new;
my $renderer_zero_keys = Mojolicious::Renderer->new;
my $renderer_nocache = Mojolicious::Renderer->new;
$renderer_nocache->cache( Mojolicious::Plugin::Renderer::WithoutCache::Cache->new );
my $bench = Dumbbench->new(
target_rel_precision => 0.005,
initial_runs => 5000,
name => 'max_keys',
code => sub {
$renderer_zero_keys->render( $controller, { text => 'foobar' } );
name => 'WithoutCache',
code => sub {
$renderer_nocache->render( $controller, { text => 'foobar' } );
max_keys: Ran 8544 iterations (3335 outliers).
max_keys: Rounded run time per iteration: 5.19018e-06 +/- 4.1e-10 (0.0%)
WithoutCache: Ran 5512 iterations (341 outliers).
WithoutCache: Rounded run time per iteration: 5.0802e-06 +/- 5.6e-09 (0.1%)
Benchmark with Benchmark:
use Benchmark 'cmpthese';
use Mojolicious::Renderer;
use Mojolicious::Controller;
use Mojolicious::Plugin::Renderer::WithoutCache::Cache;
my $controller = Mojolicious::Controller->new;
my $renderer_zero_keys = Mojolicious::Renderer->new;
my $renderer_nocache = Mojolicious::Renderer->new;
$renderer_nocache->cache( Mojolicious::Plugin::Renderer::WithoutCache::Cache->new );
'max_keys' => sub {
$renderer_zero_keys->render( $controller, { text => 'foobar' } );
'WithoutCache' => sub {
$renderer_nocache->render( $controller, { text => 'foobar' } );
Rate max_keys WithoutCache
max_keys 190934/s -- -2%
WithoutCache 193846/s 2% --
I recon in a heavy load environment with lots of calls it would eventually make a difference, but that is very hard to prove. So if you don't like to think about the internals of the cache, this plugin might be useful.
Old answer:
Looking at Mojolicious::Plugin::EPRenderer I found out that there is a cache. It's a Mojo::Cache instance, which has the methods get, set and max_keys, and inherits from Mojo::Base (like probably everything in Mojolicious).
The ::EPRenderer gets a $renderer, which is a Mojolicious::Renderer. It holds the Mojo::Cache instance. I looked at $c with Data::Printer, and found out that there is a $c->app that holds all of those.
Knowing this, you can easily make your own cache class that does nothing.
package Renderer::NoCache;
use Mojo::Base -base;
sub get {}
sub set {}
sub max_keys {}
Now you stick it into $c.
package Foo;
use Mojolicious::Lite;
get '/' => sub {
my $c = shift;
$c->app->renderer->cache( Renderer::NoCache->new );
$c->render(template => 'foo', name => 'World');
## foo.html.ep
Hello <%= $name =%>.
Now every attempt to get or set the cache simply does nothing. It will try caching, but it will never find anything.
Of course it's not great to make a new object every time. It would be better to make that object once at startup and get it into the internal permanent version of app. You have CGI, so it might not make a difference.
You could also just monkey-patch the get out of Mojo::Cache. This more hacky approach will do the same thing:
package Foo;
use Mojolicious::Lite;
*Mojo::Cache::get = sub { };
get '/' => sub {
my $c = shift;
$c->render(template => 'foo', name => 'World');
But beware: we just disabled fetching from every cache in your application that uses Mojo::Cache. This might not be what you want.

vanilla php ldap query works. Symfony 3 ldap query fails. Why?

I'm trying to figure out how to use the Ldap class in Symfony3. I've successfully created and bound a connection but I can't get any results on a query. To make sure that the query actually works, I ran a bare php version:
if($lconn = ldap_connect('')){
ldap_set_option($lconn, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, 0);
ldap_set_option($lconn, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3);
if($lbind = ldap_bind($lconn,'webuser','password')){
$filter ="(&(sn=Smith)(givenname=J*))";
if(!$result = ldap_search($lconn, "dc=ds, dc=mydomain, dc=ca", $filter)) throw \Exception("Error in search query: ".ldap_error($lconn));
$output = ldap_get_entries($lconn, $result);
$output='bind failed';
} else {
$output= 'connection failed';
It returns the expected number of results.
On the other hand, this query done with Symfony 3's Ldap component returns 0 results:
//use Symfony\Component\Ldap\Ldap
$ldap = Ldap::create('ext_ldap', array(
'host' => '',
'version' => 3,
'debug' => true,
'referrals' => false,
$ldap->bind('webuser', 'password');
$q = $ldap->query("dc=ds, dc=nrc, dc=ca", "(&(sn=Smith)(givenname=J*))");
$output = $q->execute();
Any idea why the Symfony ldap query fails when all its options should be identical to those I used for the bare php query?
I reposted this question on the Symfony github. #ChadSikorra was there too. And he made it clear what my issue was. Here's his explanation:
If you look at the collection class, nothing is done with the result
resource until initialize() is called in the class. If you do
return array('output' => array('bare' => $bare, 'symfony' =>
$symf->toArray())); it will call initialize and you'll see the
entries populated in the class. Unless there's something else going
Do you still experience this issue with the latest 3.1+ versions?
Sorry but I don't go very often on Stack Overflow and spend most of my time on Github so I didn't see your question before.
As #ChadSikorra said, you should be using the toArray() method of the resulting Collection class, or you should iterate on the results directly.
The implementation is made so that the results are traversed in a memory-efficient manner, without storing all the results in an array by default, but the toArray() method can do this for you. Behind the scenes,it actually converts the resulting itératif to an array using the appropriate PHP function (iterator_to_array).
By the way, there used to be some inconsistency between the iterator and the toArray() function call, but that has been fixed in recent versions.

Notes attributes syntax changed? - Notes attributes via API call fails for me

Hello Shopfiy Developers!
I'm having an issue with the notes attributes via API call. It used to work up until a month ago and then things start to go sideways. Has any syntax changed? Here is a snippet of my code that returns an error in the for loop.
Error message "Undefined index: note_attribute right at the foreach line"
// Overwrite custom status field if it's defined in note-attributes
if(array_key_exists('note-attributes', $o))
// For whatever reason, the note-attributes are formatted
// differently if there's only one key => value pair
// ( * see examples at end of this file )
// If the note-attribute array has the key 'name' in it, it's just a single pair.
// Otherwise, the note-attribute array would be numerically indexed with keys 0,1,2.. etc
if($o['note-attributes']['note_attribute']['name'] == "custom_status")
$arr_tmp[7] = $o['note-attributes']['note_attribute']['value'] ;
foreach($o['note-attributes']['note_attribute'] as $na) //Fails here
if($na['name'] == "custom_status")
$arr_tmp[7] = $na['value'] ;
Your help is much appreciated. Thank you.
The issue here was due to a change in XML node syntax; Shopify had a regression that changed note-attributes to note_attributes in the response and it was changed back.

How to receive a variable in method automatically?

Is it possible to define a method like below to receive $id?
public function action_delete($id){
I've defined a route
Route::set('tweet', 'tweet/delete/<id>', array('id' => '\d+'))->defaults(array(
I remember a code snippet something like this few months ago...
Updated: I get the following error message
Missing argument 1 for Controller_Tweet::action_delete()
If your Kohana version < 3.2 then you can use this, however it is highly recommended that you get the id value with $this->request->param('id') -> this is the only way since 3.2 version:
public function action_delete(){
$id = $this->request->param('id');
// Rest of tour code
In Kohana 3.2, this doesn't work anymore. You'll have to retrieve the variable through
$id = $this->request->param('id');