Call method in UITableViewController from custom UITableViewCell - objective-c

I need to call a method and pass an object from my custom UITableViewClass implementation to my UITableViewController class. I realize creating an instance of the tableViewController in the custom tableViewCell and calling tableViewController's method is a bad practice.
What is the proper way of doing this?

Two magical concepts in Objective-C are Delegation and Notifications.
Delegation allows you to have your controller hook into a weak object referenced in the cell, which avoids a retain cycle, while still allowing you to send messages to it.
Notifications allow your Cell to broadcast a general notification to any classes that are active and listening for it.
Pick one, and whichever is easiest, stick with it. The two are basically equal in this situation.

Having a reference of the tableController inside the cell is indeed Bad practice
You could fix this by implementing a special #protocol for your UITableViewClass
And add a delegate method to it, and then implment the method inside UITableViewController, and since your UITableViewClass delegate is your UITableViewController, then you would call it like
in your UITableViewClass.m
[delegate someMethod:data];


Delegation coding style?

I have just a minor question about coding style.
I have a subclass of UIViewController which is a delegate to an MKMapView object. Naturally, I have an ivar in my view controller which points to said MKMapView. When I'm writing one of the callback methods mapView:didUpdateUserLocation:, is it smarter to send messages to the passed-in reference of the map view or to the ivar reference of the map view?
I'm aware these are essentially the same thing. I use the ivar reference of the map view object. What are the pros and cons of both styles?
Since you know that both MKMapView objects are one and the same thing, it doesn't matter in this particular case. The reason for the convention requiring the first delegate parameter to be the calling object is to handle the situation when a class is a delegate to more than one object. E.g. if you show two different UIAlertView's in your view controller, and the view controller is a delegate to both (a common scenario), then you want to know in the delegate methods which alert view you're dealing with.

Objective C View to Controller Communication

What is the proper way to accept user input in a view and then transfer it to that view's controller? I know the NotificationCenter is one option, but surely there is a more elegant way to transfer data from a view to its controller?
All help is greatly appreciated and I always accept an answer!
Use the delegate protocol design pattern, or target-action by subclassing UIControl. Think about how a UIButton tells a view controller that it's been pressed. In interface builder, you connect an action - a selector something like touchUpInside: to a target - the view controller that owns it. In non-IB, you directly tell the UIButton what selector and what target to use.
Both methods make sense in different cases. For a UITextField, for example, it makes more sense to use delegation because it's possible for the text field to send you any number of events, such as an event when the user begins editing, ends editing, or types a character.
For a button, it makes more sense to use target-action because there's really only one event expressed in different forms.
For swipes and drags and other gestures, use UIGestureRecognizers.
You're looking for Delegation or a Data Source. You can see more information about this here, Delegation and Data Sources
A brief example of this would be, something along the lines of this:
#protocol MyViewSubclassDelegate
//Implement your delegate methods here.
#interface MyViewSubclass {
Of course, #synthesize your delegate in MyViewSubclass.m
Now in the class's header, that you want the delegate of MyViewSubclass to be, you need to conform to the `MyViewSubclassDelegate Protocol.
#import "MyViewSubclass.h"
#interface MyViewController : UIViewController <MyViewSubclassDelegate>
In your #implementation of MyViewController., implement the MyViewSubclassDelegate method of -(void)didTouchView.
When you initialize and create your MyViewSubclass object, you set MyViewController as the delegate:
myViewSubclass.delegate = self // Self being MyViewController.
In your MyViewSubclass, when you're ready to forward any information, or simply want to fire a method you would do [self.delegate didTouchView]
Hope this helps !
You are looking for delegation, where the controller set itselfs as the delegate of the view. You know it from UITableViewDelegate.
Make your view a subclass of UIControl and implement the target/action design pattern - use the sendActionsForControlEvents: method to message the controller.
Often the UIKit objects like UITextField have delegate methods that you can implement to perform your business logic. E.g UITextField has a delegate method called - textFieldDidEndEditing: that gets called after the user has dismissed the keyboard.

What invokes viewDidLoad when subclassing UIViewController?

Trying to get my head around protocols and delegates when extending it further into the UIKit framework's implementation.
From my understanding of this stackoverflow post a delegate method will usually have Did, Should & Will in it's name.
Based on this, I would assume that - (void)viewDidLoad; declared in UIViewController.h is a delegate method, but of what and from where?
I've looked at UIViewController's header file and it only adhere's to the NSCoding protocol which is a dead end. UIViewController's superclass UIResponder is also a dead end as far as I can see.
I've used viewDidLoad as an example here but this could apply to any of the Did, Should & Will methods in UIViewController.
Is this simply one of those cases that is an exception to the guidelines or am I missing something?
"did", "should", and "will" are words usually used to describe when a method is called, whether it is asking if it "should" do something", giving you a hook to run code before something "will" happen, or as a callback when something "did" happen. these words are usually used in delegate and callback methods.
viewDidLoad is called when your .nib file has been loaded into memory, and your IBOutlets have been instantiated and hooked up, and are ready for configuration. you don't need to worry about calling it yourself if you intend to subclass UIViewController, if that's what you're wondering.

Question about singletons in Cocoa Touch

I'm quite new to OOP and design patterns, but I've implemented the Singleton pattern once before to pass static arrays and string objects between different ViewControllers.
I was wondering if there was an easy way to have all my ViewControllers listen for a gesture or event, and then execute some code once said gesture/event occurs. I was thinking of either using the UIGestureRecognizer object or motionBegan method of the UIResponder class.
I've already gotten this working by making a new UIWindow class, lodging the code in there, and changing the class of MainWindow.xib to my custom class. This works, and is a nice solution, but I'm still wondering if there's a non-IB way of implementing this solution (e.g., singletons)
Thanks ahead of time for your guidance.
Sample code is greatly appreciated!
You subclassed UIWindow? That's very uncommon. Read about the UIApplication delegate object, and the delegate pattern in general. It's basically your app's main singleton in Cocoa.
If you don't want to pass it around, you can always retrieve the app's delegate by calling
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate]
If you want lots of unconnected objects/controllers to be notified of a single event, you can trigger it however you like (target/action from a control(s) or gesture recognizer(s)).
You might want to look into NSNotificationCenter and NSNotification, you could have multiple objects listing for the notification of the event/change.

Using Protocols in Objective C to Transfer Data Between Different Objects?

Hey guys, I currently have a root table view which has a toolbar at the bottom and has labels and a refresh button within it, much like the Mail app's toolbar. This root table view controller obtains data from a server by allocating and initializing a DataUpdater class. Within this class are the NSURLConnection delegate methods that are called while communicating with the server.
As you can probably guess, I need to know when certain (delegate) functions are called within the DataUpdater class and the values of the parameters passed to these delegate functions so that I can update the labels on the toolbar accordingly (i.e. Connecting..., Updated, etc).
The problem I am having is determining how to notify the root table view controller of what is going on in these delegate methods. Would I use protocols, if so how? I have been skimming the documentation and don't quite see how I would get this effect. Or would you suggest I implement my program another way?
Thanks in advance!
A protocol is a kind of contract that says: I promise to provide the non-optional methods defined in the protocol, and maybe even the optional ones. It's purpose is like Java interfaces: to work around missing multiple-inheritence.
The delegate pattern in Objective-C normally works like this: you define a protocol, and then in your class, you define a variable like id<MyProtocol> myDelegate; and define a setter and maybe getter (either via normal methods, e.g. - (void)setDelegate:(id<MyProtocol>)aDelegate; or via properties.
Note that the delegate is not retained ! So if you work with a property, you need the assign option, not retain.
Now back in your class, you check whether myDelegate is nil and if not, you can directly call its non-optional methods. If you want to call an optional method, you first need to verify its presence via respondsToSelector:.
So if you decide to use the delegate pattern, you need to define a protocol, add that protocol to your root table view controller, implement the necessary methods there, and make sure to call [foo setDelegate:self]; or something similar to inform your other class that the root table view controller is the delegate. And of course implement the delegate calls in your class.
An alternative might be to use NSNotifications, BTW. The advantage of notifications is that you can have multiple objects listen and react to them. The disadvantage is that you cannot (directly) pass values back. For example, you can define a delegate method that asks the delegate whether to do something or not. That's not possible with notifications, it's more like shouting into a room instead of having a one-to-one conversation.
DarkDust's answer about protocols is fine but I would like to add some things to it.
One underlying thing that is often forgotten when it comes to delegation is object ownership. When a program is running it creates a tree of objects. Its root object is the application delegate and for example it owns a navigation controller, which owns the individual view controllers, which own the view and the view owns its subviews and so on.
Often the question comes up: "Why is the delegate not retained, just assigned?" The problem is that if you send a message to a deallocated object the program crashes. So how do you make sure the delegate stays around? The answer is object ownership.
I give you an example: a UITableView and its data source which is the TableViewController which is nothing but a delegate. The TableViewController holds a reference with its view property to the UITableView, so it owns the TableView. That means when the tableView is alive there must also be its parent object present, which is the UITableView's delegate. So there is no danger that the delegate goes away somehow.
In the end it is again all about memory management.
Take home message is: think upfront about object ownership will make your program mode modular, easier to maintain and will lead to a looser coupling between individual objects.