Rails 3 - routing to a controller method - ruby-on-rails-3

heres what I'm currently using:
Rails -v 3.2.3
I'm trying to make a path in routes.rb that will route to a method in my links_controller.rb.
match 'modify_points' => 'links#modify_points', :as => :modify_points
links_controller.rb method
def modify_points
#link = Link.find(params[:id])
#link.update_attribute :points, #link.points + params[:by].to_i if params[:by] =~ /[+|-]?1/
render_text #link.points
here is how i am calling the method in my view:
<%= link_to('UP', modify_points_path(link, :by => 1), :remote => true) %>
however when i click on this UP link.... nothing happens. what should happen is link.points should increase by 1, however when i check in the console, my points are still at zero. am i creating the routes correctly?

I have always used something like this:
match '/modify_points' => 'link#modify_points', :as => 'modify_points'
Does that generate the route you want? What does rake routes show?


url_for adding controller and action to querystring in rails 3.2

I am trying to generate a url in an actionmailer template. An example if the url I want to generate is
Where the last segment is a hash to identify the user
However when I use this
<%= url_for(:controller => 'users', :action => 'confirm', :id => #user.confirmhash, :only_path => false) %>
It generates this
How can I get it to correctly format? I have no idea where 'assets' is coming from.
Is there an easier way to use named routes that I am missing?
I've found the answer. As I'm still learning I've missed the option to create a named route. So this this the path I've taken.
In config/routes.rb
match 'user/confirm/:id' => 'users#confirm', :as => :confirm_account
Then in my action mailer template I've used
<%= link_to "Confirm your account", confirm_account_url(#user.confirmhash) %>
Which passes the :id into the controller action.

Routing with id and handle in Rails

I'm trying to set up rails to use both the ID and the Handle (which is just an URL safe version of the title) of a blog post in the route.
match '/articles/:id/:handle', :to => 'articles#show'
resources :articles
This works, of course -- but I can't seem to set up the to_param method in the model os the longer URL -- with the handle attached, is the default.
This doesn't work (not that I really expected it to):
def to_param
I get a No route matches {:action=>"edit", :controller=>"articles", error. I also tried just using the handle, but then Rails generates links to the resource just using the handle and not the ID. I know I can do it with a - in stead of a /, but I prefer the /. Any way to make this work? If I have to add some extra paremeters to my link_to helpers, that's okay.
Did you try to pass a Hash to link_to?
link_to "Link", {:id => #article.id, :handle => #article.handle}
You have to modify your routes:
match '/articles/:id/:handle', :to => 'articles#show', :as => :article_with_handle
and use the following helper to generate the link:
link_to "Link", article_with_handle_path(:id => #article.id, :handle => #article.handle)
You can override the helper to simplify things:
def article_with_handle_path(article)
super(:id => article.id, :handle => article.handle)
and use it like this:
link_to "Link", article_with_handle_path(#article)
Okay, here's what I did to remove the query string problem from the answer above:
Changed the route to this:
match '/articles/:id/:handle' => 'articles#show', :as => :handle
Removed the to_param method from the model and then generated the link like this:
link_to 'Show', handle_path(:handle => article.handle, :id => article.id) %>
That works, but could be condensed, obviously, with the helper above. Just change the one line to: args[1] = handle_path(:id => args[1].id, :handle => args[1].handle)

Trying to create a POST request but getting No route matches [GET]

I'm trying to do something similar to Railscasts #255 but I'm getting a No Route error:
In Ryan's routes.rb file:
post "versions/:id/revert" => "versions#revert", :as => "revert_version"
In in the controller where he uses the route, versions_controller.rb
link = view_context.link_to(link_name, revert_version_path(#version.next, :redo => !params[:redo]), :method => :post)
redirect_to :back, :notice => "Undid #{#version.event}. #{link}"
In my routes.rb
post "/approve/:id" => "listings#approve", :as => "listing_approve"
and view where I use my link:
<%= link_to 'Approve Content', listing_approve_path(#listing), :method => :post %>
My tests return to me a ActionController::RoutingError: No route matches [GET] "/approve/1"
If I leave the method as a GET everything works.. Using rails 3.1.0rc5. Any guidance as to what I'm doing wrong here would be very much appreciated..
EDIT: routes.rb file (the last line is set as match right now to work)
RLR::Application.routes.draw do
root :to => "home#index"
devise_for :users, :controllers => { :registrations => "registrations" }
devise_for :users
match '/user' => "layouts#index", :as => :user_root
resources :users, :only => :show
resources :layouts, :only => [:index, :show]
resources :listings
resources :features
resources :orders
match "/preview/:id" => "listings#preview", :as => "listing_preview", :via => "get"
match "/approve/:id" => "listings#approve", :as => "listing_approve"
Hmmmm, it looks right to my eye. The test sounds like it is generating a GET instead of a POST though, so it might be a problem with the link_to call. You've got :method => :post there, so it should be fine. http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActionView/Helpers/UrlHelper.html#method-i-link_to seems to indicate that link_to will generate some javascript to make a POST call on click (and that users with javascript disabled will get a normal GET link unless you use :href="#"), so it might be because your test engine isn't running the javascript.
You can fix this by changing it to a button that submits a hidden form, but that might not be the visual representation you want.
It might be a precedence thing - the first matching route definition in routes.rb is used, so if you have a resources route or something like that it may be matching on that first.
I got the same problem in my rails application and I solved it the same way you did by doing a via: :get on the match instead of a via: :post. I think for some reason when you send a request in the format of /something/:id it will automatically assume its a [GET] request and search for a get route. This of course will cause problems in your routes if you have it as a :POST.
If anyone has a better solution or idea as to why you cannot send a post request in the format '/something/:id' let me know please.

Share resources between layouts in Rails 3

OK, so Ive set up my mailer in Rails which works fine, but I wanted to make a new action (or maybe just a view?) to have a slimmed down contact form in a lightbox. I can do that all fine and dandy but it would use the default layout which I dont want. So I added:
render :layout => 'lightbox'
to the action so that I could use a new layout. Unfortunately that seems to block off my access to the model as I get this error when the lightbox pops up
undefined method `model_name' for NilClass:Class
#on this line
<% form_for #contact, :url => {:action => "create"}, :html => {:method => :post} do |f| %>
So by using a different layout I cant use the resources I set up in my routes which is here:
resources :contacts, :only => [:new, :create], :as => :contacts
#Im passing in a name to the email form
match "contacts/direct/:name" => "contacts#direct", :as => :direct_email
I hope that made sense. But what do I do?

Rails url_for Gravatar routing error

This function is defined in the application_help.rb:
def gravatar_url_for(email, options = {})
:protocol => 'http://',
:host => 'www.gravatar.com',
:controller => 'avatar',
# :controller => 'avatar.php',
:gravatar_id => Digest::MD5.hexdigest(email),
:only_path => false
It's used in views:
<%= image_tag(gravatar_url_for user.email, {:d => 'identicon', :s => 32, :r => 'g'}) %>
Occasionally, its usage will result in a routing error:
No route matches {:controller=>"avatar", :d=>"identicon", :r=>"g", :gravatar_id=>"486575e581db04b7c8ca218af8488657", :s=>32}
A valid email is being supplied when the error occurs.
If I replace the url_for() with this logic, it works as expected:
url_for("http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/" + Digest::MD5.hexdigest(email) + "?d=identicon&s=40&r=g")
** edit **
I had removed the following line from the routes.rb file:
# This is a legacy wild controller route that's not recommended for RESTful applications.
# Note: This route will make all actions in every controller accessible via GET requests.
match ':controller(/:action(/:id(.:format)))'
Is there a way to get the url_for to work without the 'legacy wild controller route'?
You might want to take a look at the Gravtastic plugin for Rails which supports Gravatar images in both Ruby and JavaScript.