Multi language localization storyboard support issue - objective-c

I have an issue with my project storyboard. I have added two localizations more to storyboard, so now I have three storyboards: spanish, english and basque. All of them depending from the main one:
Now I have the issue that I have to update all changes manually to all to storyboards, because if I do changes to MainStoryboard, the others are not updated with this changes.
How can I modify all storyboards at the same time?

Here is a really great tutorial for automating changes from one storyboard localization to all the others:
From what I gather, the solution involves adding a python script to the end of the build that syncs the storyboards and generates string files.
Go to the links for a more detailed solution. They said it better than I can.

You could either take out all the strings from Storyboard and put them in localized set of strings. Then you would have to do everything in your code like this:
self.label = NSLocalizedString("LABEL_STRING", nil);
or you could open the Storyboard as an XML file and do it there maybe a little faster. But other than that, no it is not doable, bcs the Storyboard localization serves you for polishing your localization. Say you have a screen called "HOME" and then (using google translate), you have "HASIERA" in basque. The problem here is, that in basque it's longer, so you need to adjust the GUI elements so it fits the screen perfectly. What could happen is that the string would be cut off, which we don't want to happen. That's why you need to do Storyboard localization step by step. If you don't need it, use strings file instead...


Xcode / AppleScript / Objective-C (AppDelegate.applescript)

I am having a lot of issues following this video tutorial. I'm getting hung up on the AppDelegate.applescript file. AppleScript Facelift
Here are the steps I'm taking:
1. Create a new project
2. Then I choose "App"
3.1 Options for interface
3.2 Options for Language
Save to file location - can't attach an image due to limit
5. "Template" files created
6. I can add frameworks and libraries (not sure if this is necessary? im doing things blindly...)
7. Then these are the AppDelegate files. (note- I can change the identity and type in the top right fields. if I select AppleScript Uncompiled Source, it does not change the extension)
I've tried creating a new "blank file" and saving it as AppDelegate.applescript, but I don't think this is working. Can someone point me in the right direction???
I've been working on an AppleScript project which works with my Apple Music. Someone mentioned I should look into Objective-C AppleScript, but this is making no sense. I think my end goal is having a window that allows more flexibility with input...
Thanks in advance!
The answer: I was taking a very dated approach to this and asking the wrong question.#has's suggestion to look at his project Swift-AppleScriptObjC is exactly what I needed.

How to intercept reading of plist values in Objective-C code?

We're using the new Urban Airship iOS plugin for PhoneGap.
In the plugin's plist file, we're supposed to enter the app-specific keys needed to enable push notifications.
The problem is we have two versions, free and paid, of the same app, but the plist file only accommodates one version.
Essentially, we need to modify the Objective-C code to read different plist values, depending on whether it's the free or premium version.
We currently manage both versions with the same code base and Xcode project. Unless we change the plugin code, it seems like we need to create a new Xcode project, which we don't want to do.
How do we adjust Urban Airship's Objective-C files to read different values from the plsit file?
Sorry to keep you waiting, I wanted to give you a very detailed answer instead of rushing last night :) So here we go.
First in your project we need to add a new target. Go to your project settings and right click your target. Click duplicate.
You'll get a new target probably named Target-copy. You'll also get a new info.plist file just for that target.
Next we're going to edit our Pro version's Built Settings. Scroll or search and find Apple LLVM compiler 4.0 Preprocessing. Add to both your Debug and Release configurations. I normally just go with the simple PRO=1. You also need to add PRO=0 to your lite version or it will be undefined when you try to build that version.
Now lets look at how to add a custom plist like I'm sure you'll need. First create two folders. Its important these are folders not groups. In each folder we can create a plist with the exact same filename.
Since Now you can add something to each of them. I just added a key property and a value pro string / lite string. Finally to the code. In the sample project I made I simple overrode viewDidLoad but obviously this will work anywhere. Since the plists have the same name you can load them with one line of code. They'll never get mixed up because they are only copied to their respective target. If you need to do code level based logic you can use the PRO preprocessor we made.
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
// This will load the proper plist automatically.
NSLog(#"Plist Value: %#",[[NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:#"Property List" ofType:#"plist"]] objectForKey:#"property"]);
// Also remember we set up a preprocessor PRO. you can use it as well.
if (PRO) {
NSLog(#"Only Show for Pro");
} else {
NSLog(#"Only Show for Lite");
NSLog(#"This will show for both");
This is the method I use for all my lite/pro version apps so I can share a common codebase without copying it between projects or other complicated systems. It has worked pretty well for me so far :) Happy Coding!
Figured someone may be able to use the project to look at so here it is on GitHub.

How to find out what the first view controller that gets loaded in an iPhone app is?

I think that looking at others' code is a good way to learn. I'm trying to learn iOS programming like this, but one thing that's confusing is when I look at a new project there's always a bunch of view controllers, and I don't know which one loads first.
Is there an entry in the plist file which says which view controller gets loaded first? How do you go about picking apart someone else's code in an Xcode project?
In the project there's a space called Main Interface / Main Storyboard that looks like this:
Target > General > Deployment Info > Main Interface:
But if they set it in code, then use ⇧+⌘+F on the project and search for 'rootViewController'.

Summary of all IBOutlet, IBAction connections in a project?

Is there a tool or trick for displaying all the connections between objects in an Xcode project? I'm thinking of some kind of graphical display, or less desirably, a table. Naturally this would be very useful for troubleshooting or studying sample code. I tried searching in here (SO) but the terms appear in many questions and connections has another meaning. Thanks.
Following Rob Napier's suggestion, something like "ibtool --connections foo.xib" might help. See for some grunt stuff that might help as well.
I am new to this, too, and coming from android side. I wonder if it's better in the long run to define all connections dynamically in the view controller as needed, if that can be done in all scenarios. At least you can see how everything is hooked up there in one place.
In IB, you can simply click on File's Owner instead of on individual elements and it will show all available IBOutlets and IBActions in the right sidebar and what they are connected to.

Preferences toolbar without BWToolkit

Since Xcode 4, using BWToolkit isn't really easy. In fact, it's not even possible in IB.
Is there some sample code out there how to create a "preferences-type toolbar" without BWToolkit?
Yes, MVPreferencesController as used by Camino. See here for Doxygen documentation. It displays NSPreferencePanes registered using a plist. It's pretty easy to work with and customize for your purposes. You can also use the Camino project as a source of sample prefpanes.