Get ID from Ravendb query - ravendb

I am using the clientAPI to query an index (Cards) in RavenDB so:
Dim cards = Raven.CurrentSession.Query(Of Cards)("Cards").ToArray()
This works well and returns all the documents, but how can I get the ID of the documents it returns?

for each of the returned cards, you do


API parameters - filter with ARRAY_CONTAINS (cosmos db back end)

I have an API I am pinging which queries a cosmos db to return records.
I can filter on a simple string in my api call like so:
// return objects where '_Subject' field equals "filterTest"
string getUrl = $"...baseApiPath/?$filter=_Subject+eq+'filterTest'";
This is working perfectly.
But I cannot figure out the filter syntax to make my API query be based on ARRAY_CONTAINS.
// return objects where '_Attachments' field CONTAINS "945afd138aasdf545a2d1";
How would I do that? Is there a general reference for API filter syntax somewhere?
If you're asking about how to query, a query against a property with an array of values looks like this:
SELECT * FROM c WHERE ARRAY_CONTAINS(c._Attachments, "945afd138aasdf545a2d1")
Another example in this answer.

Ruby on Rails ActiveRecord query select only column string field value with where clause?

I was wondering if there is a way to use a select statement with a where clause similar to this way that does not seem to work for me in Ruby version 2.0/Rails 4.0 trying to retrieve a single record string value of a city where the building name is a certain name:
building_city = building).uniq
I have also tried:
building_city = building).distinct
Currently I have my code working like this:
building_city = Building.where(building_name: building).first
This grabs an entire Building object, and then I can call the city by doing a:
This works fine with what I am trying to achieve, but I was wondering if there is a smarter way to do this. Specifically, I was wondering if there is a way to grab only the string value of a city where the building name equals a certain building and store it into a variable?
Any help/advice is greatly appreciated! :)
Are you perhaps looking for pluck? Something like:
cities = Building.where(building_name: building).uniq.pluck(:city)
That will perform this SQL:
select distinct city from buildings where building_name = '...'
and give you the cities as an array of strings. You'll still get an array but a quick first call will take care of that if you're certain that there will only be one entry.
building_city =, :building_name).where(building_name: building).uniq — you need to include the building_name
city = Building.where(building_name: building).pick(:city)
Rails 6 introduced pick method with works like where(..).pluck(..).first. Docs

FindAll() in Linq Query List

I have a Linq Query made into a list called "ticket query"
I want to search ticket query for all the records that have specific data
I tried using FindAll() but it gives me an error
Argument matching parameter 'match' cannot convert from
'VB$AnonymousDelegate_1(Of JobPartForm,Nullable(Of Boolean))' to
'Predicate(Of JobPartForm)'.
I can't do the findall directly in the query because its being called at a separate time
is there another way to accomplish this, or am I using find all wrong?
ticketquery = (From ticket In dbContext.JobPartForm
Select ticket).ToList()
Dim formticket = ticketquery.FindAll(Function(f As JobPartForm) f.JobNum = ticketnum And f.FormNumber = formnum)
You can do the same using IQueryable<TSource>.Where method:
Dim formticket=dbContext.JobPartForm.Where((Function(f As JobPartForm) f.JobNum = ticketnum And f.FormNumber = formnum)).ToList();
The first thing is try to never call ToList extension method from a DbSet, that will load your entire table to memory, is really inefficient and more when you can filter your data on the server side.

Elastica return empty resultset when it should return some results

Hello I have a problem with elasticsearch php api, elastica.
if I run this:
$elasticaQueryMatch= new Elastica\Query\Match();
$elasticaQueryMatch->setField('fax', "16147591649");
$elasticaResultSet = $elasticaIndex->search($elasticaQueryMatch);
I get 7 results and the telephone number for all of the results is "16147591649"
Then if I run this:
$elasticaQueryMatch= new Elastica\Query\Match();
$elasticaQueryMatch->setField('telephone', "16147591649");
$elasticaResultSet = $elasticaIndex->search($elasticaQueryMatch);
I get 0 results
Fixed it by creating a new index, changed my mapping and then rebuilt my index. It was the mapping and the analyzers for certain fields that were causing issues.

Getting the last item in Sitecore content data

I am performing a search in which I have to get the 'ID' (field) of the last item stored in the sitecore/content/data/MyItem. The items stored in this folder are in 1000+ in number. I know Lucene search is by far efficient. I performed a Lucene Search to get the items based on the value like this:
using (IndexSearchContext searchContext = indx.CreateSearchContext())
var db = Sitecore.Context.Database;
CombinedQuery query = new CombinedQuery();
QueryBase catQuery = new FieldQuery("country", guidValueToSearch); //FieldName, FieldValue.
SearchHits results = searchContext.Search(catQuery); //Searching the content items by fields.
SearchResultCollection result = results.FetchResults(0, numOfArticles);
Here I am passing the guidValueToSearch for the items needs to be fetched for "country" field value. But I want to get the last item in the folder. How should I achieve this?
If you know you need the last childitem of /sitecore/content/data/MyItem, you could also use a more simple approach and get the parentItem and then retrieve the last child:
Item myItem = Sitecore.Context.Database.GetItem("/sitecore/content/data/MyItem");
Item lastItem = myItem.Children.Last();
The same could be done with Descendants instead of Children.
If you did want to implement it using search then have a look at this answer which explains how to extend the IndexSearchContext to have methods that accept a Lucene.Net.Search.Sort. You can then pass in the Sitecore.Search.BuiltinFields.Created or Sitecore.Search.BuiltinFields.Updated field (depending on what you are after).