Download listener in symbian60 - symbian

Is it possible to monitor the HTTP download operation in symbian.
I mean is it possible to know the successful download in symbian.
I am a new geek. Please help me.
Provide some suggestion.
I am using Symbian 60.

Check out RConnectionMonitor class.
(P.S. There is no point in starting to learn Symbian - it's dead platform)


webRTC Live streaming Nativescript

I need to create a broadcast video from the server to many clients
In server i use
When connecting for the web, I use
"file": "ws://",
"type": "webrtc"
please tell me
how to implement the same thing on nativescript
Thanks for posting a question about OvenMediaEngine.
First of all, we've never used NativeScript, so it's difficult to give an accurate guide, but I'll let you know what we understand as much as possible.
The easiest way to play WebRTC with NativeScript is by adding a WebView and playing it inside.
Please refer to this page (click), add a WebView to your project, then create a page that can load OvenPlayer in that WebView.
Another way is to install a plugin. Click HERE to install this plugin on your project and connect the OvneMediaEegine Signalling to be able to stream with WebRTC.
Please see to our guide (click), interlock Signalling with WebSocket, get the SDP of OvenMediaEngine, and put it in WebRTC plugin.
Thank you!

Debugging Spring Cloud Dataflow apps

I am fairly new to Spring so this might be a bit of a remedial question, but how does one attach a debugger to a custom SCDF stream app? I have found plenty of resources on how to do a remote debugging session for standard Spring apps using IntelliJ, but that doesn't help when its the local dataflow server that spins up the stream app (which has to be done if you are working with processors or sinks). I have found how to do essentially println statements so I can write debug statements to a console window but that is...sub optimal. I really need to be able to attach a debugger and see who's doing what to whom.
I'm sure there is something basic I am missing. Can someone just give me a gentle nudge on how to debug a source, processor and/or sink app, please?
We have attempted to add support to debug SCDF orchestrated apps via spring-cloud/spring-cloud-dataflow#502. We are revisiting the support for it, though. If you've any ideas around this, please feel free to submit a PR - we would happy to collaborate with you on that.
In the meantime, you could use --local.inheritLogging=true property to pipe all the application logs that belong in a stream to the server console. Once you've enabled DEBUG logs for the desired packages at each app level, you will be able to see the composite logs all in one console.

How to address Firebase from an Arduino?

Background: I've a sensor hooked up to an arduino printing readings through the serial monitor. I want to log these in firebase.
I've done a bit of digging on this, and my research has shown me that an arduino simply can't handle the SSL needed to talk to firebase properly.
Any suggestions for workarounds? Checking SO and google's only turned up "it can't be done", but I figured I'd ask anyway. Any lateral thinking is appreciated, thanks!
If you figure out a way, let us ( know. That would be an awesome hack!
Some thoughts:
You might want to look into the Spark Core (available for pre-order). They mention SSL support, though it's unclear to me what that means exactly.
You could proxy the requests through a server that can speak SSL. For instance, you could run a tiny node.js service on an Amazon EC2 box that just proxies REST requests to Firebase (e.g. using http-proxy).
If you're hardcore, you could try to get the Arduino talking to an external ethernet controller that has built-in SSL support (e.g. this one), but that's probably a big project. :-)
Longer-term, we might expose a non-SSL endpoint for Firebase requests that's specifically for this sort of low-end hardware use-case. Ping us at if you want to start a dialog.
Here's a php script I whipped together to solve for Arduino no https.
It's basically a form that GETs to the php script and then sends it off to your Firebase database.
*Make sure you add Heroku or your server to the whitelist of IPs that can post to Firebase
I know its an old question but visitors from google keep coming.
Have a look at this post:
These arduino libraries might help:
To install it:
Download the zip file, go to Sketch>Manage Libraries>add .zip file
Now you have access to
#include <FirebaseArduino.h>
and can begin using it with
Firebase.begin("", "token_or_secret");
Follow the example at

Does Titanium have method for "didReceiveRemoteNotification" of Objective-C?

I would like to receive remote push notification when the app is on the foreground. I think I can use "didReceiveRemoteNotification" in Objective-C, but how about in Titanium? I've been searching solutions but can't find anything. Does anybody help me out?
Titanium currently only supports local notifications (by default) I believe. You might want to take a look at AppCelerator as a solution.
Sorry, i was wrong last time. It's very hard to find but Titanium supports a way of interacting with PushNotifications.
Please take a look at Ti.Network.registerForPushNotifications. It provides a callback that is executed when you receive a Push Notification.
The other posted solutions below may provide a better integration for titanium so it's up to you what you want to use. But this should answer your original question.
Unfortunately Titanium only supports local notifications on iOS. If
you want to support remote notifications you can use
Urban Airship
ACS (Appcelerator Cloud Services) or
you write your own module that provides "didReceiveRemoteNotifcation" as an app event to your app
As far as i know you can only listen on local notifications by
default but you can try this method if it reacts on remote

Adobe AIR+AJAX ftp library

I have just started creating an Adobe AIR+AJAX app which will need to upload and download files from the server using ftp functionality. Right now what is happening is I need to use sockets for this which is way to confusing and difficult to maintain. So, I was wondering if anybody has developed a javascript library or functionality for ftp?
I don't want to rely on any serverside script for this. There is an ftp library for flex but it is quite confusing with not much documentation.
Can anybody help? Thanks,
I'm currently looking for the same thing. So far all I've found is IntegralFTP, which looks fairly comprehensive. The catch is it's $399 for a single developer license.