Dojo Tree : bridge from *unformatted* json to expected format - dojo

I am very new to Dojo (1.7), and I am very excited by the AMD loader and the global philosophy, then thought I have red some dozen of documentation and googled a lot and my brains starts to grill, I am still unable to understand and perform some things : I would like to display a dijit.Tree of any sort of JSON, yes like a JSON editor, because I use also persistent JSON files for storing few datas (not only for GET/.../ transmission) . Here are my expects :
sample JSON : {"infos":{"address":"my address","phone":"my
display the differents variables of any JSON : the root child is the
root json variable, children L1 are the root variables, etc...and upon the json variable type (String, Number, Object, Array) I will also display a corresponding icon
not to have to parse the whole json and format it in one big time, would like for exemple to display first the root node, then the well formated children trought a getChildren method for example, so it is done progressively on expando (like a lazy load). I have already made my own Trees classes with javascript, the more flexible way was I gave a dataRoot, a renderItem(dataItem, domItem) and a getChildren(dataItem) to the constructor so I could perform and return all I want, the Tree only performed the rendering only when needed, the Tree had no knowing about datas structure neither modify it, but I am not sure to understand well why the dijit.Tree needs a so restrictive way of build...
Here is my last try, it might totally not the right way, (maybe I have to subclass) but as far as I understand, I need to play with 3 classes (dojo store, tree model and tree widget), but firstly it seems the model can't get the root node, please check my different code comments. So please is there any patient person that can give me a simple example with some clear explanations (yeah I am a bit demanding), at least the list of the right necessary variables for constructor's options I need for start displaying a nice tree view of my json file, there's so much I'm totally lost, many thanks !
// before there is the AMD part that load the needed things
Xhr.get({ url:'data/file.json', handleAs:'json',
load: function(data){
console.log('xhr.loaded : ', data);// got my javascript object from the json string
var store = new ItemFileReadStore({// is it the right store I need ??
// or the Memory store ?
// assuming later I'll need to save the data changes
rootId : 'root',//
rootLabel : 'Archive',// useless ? isn't it the model responsability ?
data : {id:'root', items:[data]}// trying to give a root node well formatted
var model = new TreeStoreModel({
store : store,
getChildren : function(obj){
// firstly here it seems the root is not found
// I got a 'error loading root' error
// what is missing in my instanciations ??
// what is exactyly the type of the 1st arg : a store ?
console.log('getChildren : ', this.get(;
mayHaveChildren : function(){
console.log('mayHaveChildren ', arguments);
return true;
var tree = new Tree({
model: model
}, domId);

My solution is based on dojo/store/Memory inspired by Connecting a Store to a Tree:
You can find live demo at or download complete source from dropbox.
Now code. First dojo/store/Memory:
var data = {"infos":{"address":"my address","phone":"my phone", "gift": false, "now": new Date()},"insurance":{"forks":[14,53,123],"prices":[5,8,"3%"]}};
var store = new Memory({
data: data,
mayHaveChildren: function(object) {
var type = this.getType(object);
return (type == "Object" || type == "Array");
getChildren: function(object, onComplete, onError) {
var item = this.getData(object);
var type = this.getType(object);
var children = [];
switch(type) {
case "Array":
children = item;
case "Object":
for (i in item) {
children.push({label: i, data: item[i]});
getRoot: function(onItem, onError) {
getLabel: function(object) {
var label = object.label || object + "";
var type = this.getType(object);
switch(type) {
case "Number":
case "String":
case "Boolean":
case "Date":
var data = this.getData(object);
if (data != label) {
label += ": " + this.getData(object);
return label;
getData: function(object) {
if (object && ( || === false) && object.label) {
return object;
getType: function(object) {
var item = this.getData(object);
if (lang.isObject(item)) {
if (lang.isArray(item)) return "Array";
if (lang.isFunction(item)) return "Function";
if (item instanceof Date) return "Date";
return "Object";
if (lang.isString(item)) return "String";
if (item === true || item === false) return "Boolean";
return "Number";
getIconClass: function(object, opened) {
return this.getType(object);
Please note I added a boolean and Date type to your data.
dijit/Tree based on this store:
var tree = new Tree({
model: store,
persist: false,
showRoot: false,
getIconClass: function(object, opened) {
if (lang.isFunction(this.model.getIconClass)) {
return this.model.getIconClass(object, opened);
return (!item || this.model.mayHaveChildren(item)) ? (opened ? "dijitFolderOpened" : "dijitFolderClosed") : "dijitLeaf";
}, "placeholder");
And finally a stylesheet to display data type icons:
.dijitTreeIcon {
width: 16px;
height: 16px;
.Object {
background-image: url(;
.Array {
background-image: url(;
.Date {
background-image: url(;
.Boolean {
background-image: url(;
.String {
background-image: url(;
.Number {
background-image: url(;
I cannot access jsFiddle since I'm currently in China, but I'll put the code above there upon my return to Europe and post a link here.

Try somethign like that instead :
store = new{
url : "",
data: {
identifier: "id",
label : "label",
items : [{
id : "root",
label : "root",
type : "root",
children: [data]
Also in general avoid overriding the tree functions, you might extend them, but becareful.
If you want to console.log, then rather connect to them...
ItemFileReadStore is a read-only store, so not the one you want for "saving modifications".
You can try the ItemFileWriteStore, or JsonRest, etc.


Syncfusion TreeGrid and Grid with WebAPI doesn't work on delete

I've set up a treeGrid (the grid is the same) to get data through the ASP.NET WebAPI using their DataManager:
var categoryID=15;
var dataManager = ej.DataManager({
url: "/API/myrecords?categoryID=" + categoryID,
adaptor: new ej.WebApiAdaptor()
dataSource: dataManager,
childMapping: "Children",
treeColumnIndex: 1,
isResponsive: true,
contextMenuSettings: {
showContextMenu: true,
contextMenuItems: ["add", "edit", "delete"]
contextMenuOpen: contextMenuOpen,
editSettings: { allowEditing: true, allowAdding: true, allowDeleting: true, mode: 'Normal', editMode: "rowEditing" },
columns: [
{ field: "RecordID", headerText: "ID", allowEditing: false, width: 20, isPrimaryKey: true },
{ field: "RecordName", headerText: "Name", editType: "stringedit" },
actionBegin: function (args) {
console.log('ActionBegin: ', args);
if (args.requestType === "add") {
//add new record, managed manually...
var parentID = 0;
if (args.level != 0) {
parentID = args.parentItem.TaxonomyID;
} = 0;
addNewRecord(domainID, parentID,, args.model.selectedRowIndex);
The GET works perfectly.
The PUT works fine as I'm managing it manually because it's not called at all from the DataManager, and in any case I want to manage the update of the records in the TreeGrid.
The problem is with DELETE, that is called by the DataManager when I click Delete from the context menu over an item in the TreeGrid.
It makes a call to the following URL:
and obviously, I get a 405 (Method Not Allowed)
The problem is given by the categoryID parameters that break the RESTful schema, and the DataManager is not able to understand that there is a parameter.
A possible solution could be to send this parameter as a POST variable but the DataManager is not able to do it.
Does anyone have a clue of how to solve it? it's a common scenario in real-world applications.
While populating Tree Grid data using ejDataManger, CRUD actions will be handled using inbuilt Post (insert), Put (update), Delete requestType irrespective of CRUD URL’s. So, no need to bind ‘removeUrl’ for deleting records.
And, in the provided code example parameter is passed in the URL to fetch data hence the reported issue occurs. Using ejQuery’s addParams method we can pass the parameter in URL. You can find the code example to pass the parameter using Tree Grid load event and the parameter is retrieved in server side using DataManager.
var dataManager = ej.DataManager({
url: "api/Values",
adaptor: new ej.WebApiAdaptor()
load: function (args) {
// to pass parameter on load time
args.model.query.addParams("keyId", 48);
public object Get()
var queryString = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString;
// here we can get the parameter during load time
int num = Convert.ToInt32(queryString["keyId"]);
return new {Items = DataList, Count = DataList.Count() };
You can find the sample here for your reference.
Syncfusion Team

Dojo _TemplatedMixin: changing templateString

How do I change the template of a widget, using mixins dijit/_TemplatedMixin and dijit/_WidgetsInTemplateMixin, at a later time (not in the constructor)?
My scenario is that the widget must make a call to the server to get data, and the callback function will then merge the data with a template file and then the resulting template should be used for the templateString. The widget should update its contents at this point.
Setting the templateString and calling buildRendering() has no effect.
Here is a simplified version of my code:
function(declare, lang, _WidgetBase, _TemplatedMixin, _WidgetsInTemplateMixin) {
return declare([_WidgetBase, _TemplatedMixin, _WidgetsInTemplateMixin], {
constructor: function(id) { = id;
this.templateString = "<div>Loading...</div>";
//use xhr to call REST service to get data.
//dataLoadedCallback is executed with response data
dataLoadedCallback : function(data) {
//render a templateString using the data response from the rest call
this.templateString = "<div>Data is loaded. Name:" + + "</div>"
You cannot do such thing. The template is parsed only once before postCreate method.
However there is few things you can do:
Create a non-ui widget which will do the XHR call. When this non-ui widget get the XHR response it creates the UI widget with the correct templateString
Or use dojo/dom-construct. It contains a toDom method which you can use for converting your string into nodes. Then you can append that to the widget.
Note: this will not parse any data-dojo attributes
You could also directly inject the received templateString into the widget domNode:
dataLoadedCallback : function(data) {
this.domNode.innerHTML = "<div>Data is loaded. Name:" + + "</div>";
//you might be able to parse the content (if you have subwidgets) using dojo/parse
Last but not least, here is a util I wrote for my self. It allow to parse any templateString at any time (like dojo does on widget creation)
], function(domConstruct, string,
_AttachMixin, _TemplatedMixin) {
// summary:
// provide an utility to parse a template a runtime (and create attach point, atach events, etc...)
// Copyright: Benjamin Santalucia
var GET_ATTRIBUTE_FUNCTION = function(n, p) { return n.getAttribute(p); },
_TemplateParserMixin = function() {};
_TemplateParserMixin.prototype = {
parseTemplate: function(template, data, container, position, transformer) {
// summary:
// parse the template exactly as dojo will nativly do with a templateString
if(this._attachPoints === undefined) {
this._attachPoints = [];
if(this._attachEvents === undefined) {
this._attachEvents = [];
var nodes,
newTemplate = string.substitute(template, data, transformer),
node = domConstruct.toDom(, newTemplate));
if(node.nodeName === '#document-fragment') {
node = node.firstChild;
//parse all nodes and create attach points and attach events
nodes = node.getElementsByTagName('*');
len = nodes.length;
for(x = -1; x < len; x++) {, x < 0 ? node : nodes[x], GET_ATTRIBUTE_FUNCTION, _AttachMixin.prototype._attach);
if(container) {, container, position);
return node;
return _TemplateParserMixin;
Usage is:
returnedNode = w.parseTemplate(newTemplateString, {
templatePlaceHolderName: 'foo' //for teplate with placeholders like ${templatePlaceHolderName}
}, domNodeToInsertIn, 'only'); //last parameter is same as dojo/dom-construct::place() >> last, first, before, after, only

In an ExtJS Grid, how do I get access to the data store fields that are part of the sort set

How do I get access to the columns/datastore fields that are part of the sort set.
I am looking to modify the a grid's sort parameters for remote sorting. I need the remote sort param's sort key to match the column's field's mapping property. I need these things to happen though the normal 'column header click sorts the data' functionality.
Remote sorting and field mapping (ExtJS 4.1)
This functionality seems not to be implemented in ExtJS. Here is a solution using the encodeSorters function provided since ExtJS 4. Accessing fields map throught the model's prototype is a bit dirty but it does the job :
var store = Ext.create('', {
proxy: {
encodeSorters: function (sorters) {
var model = store.proxy.model,
map =;
return Ext.encode(, function (sorter) {
return {
property : map[].mapping ||,
direction: sorter.direction
However, it would be more relevant to override the original method :{
encodeSorters: function(sorters) {
var min, map =;
min =, function (sorter) {
return {
property : map[].mapping ||,
direction: sorter.direction
return this.applyEncoding(min);
Assuming you are using simpleSortMode, you could do something like this in your store.
listeners: {
beforeload: function( store, operation, eOpts ) {
if (store.sorters.length > 0) {
var sorter = store.sorters.getAt(0),
dir = sorter.direction,
prop =,
fields = store.model.getFields(),
applyProp = prop;
for (i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
if (fields[i].name == prop) {
applyProp = fields[i].mapping || prop;
//clearing the sorters since the simpleSortMode is true so there will be only one sorter
store.sorters.insert(0, applyProp, new Ext.util.Sorter({
property : applyProp,
direction: dir

Filtering epics from Kanban board

I would like to start by saying I have read Rally Kanban - hiding Epic Stories but I'm still having trouble on implementing my filter based on the filter process from the Estimation Board app. Currently I'm trying to add an items filter to my query object for my cardboard. The query object calls this._getItems to return an array of items to filter from. As far as I can tell the query calls the function, loads for a second or two, and then displays no results. Any input, suggestions, or alternative solutions are welcomed.
Here's my code
$that._redisplayBoard = function() {
this._getItems = function(callback) {
//Build types based on checkbox selections
var queries = [];
type: "HierarchicalRequirement",
fetch: "Name,FormattedID,Owner,ObjectID,Rank,PlanEstimate,Children,Ready,Blocked",
order: "Rank"
function bucketItems(results) {
var items = [];
rally.forEach(queries, function(query) {
if (results[query.key]) {
rally.forEach(results[query.key], function(item) {
//exclude epic stories since estimates cannot be altered
if ((item._type !== 'HierarchicalRequirement') ||
(item._type === 'HierarchicalRequirement' && item.Children.length === 0)) {
items = items.concat(item);
rallyDataSource.findAll(queries, bucketItems);
function displayBoard() {
artifactTypes = [];
var cardboardConfig = {
types: [],
items: that._getItems,
attribute: kanbanField,
sortAscending: true,
maxCardsPerColumn: 200,
order: "Rank",
cardRenderer: KanbanCardRenderer,
cardOptions: {
showTaskCompletion: showTaskCompletion,
showAgeAfter: showAgeAfter
columnRenderer: KanbanColumnRenderer,
columns: columns,
fetch: "Name,FormattedID,Owner,ObjectID,Rank,Ready,Blocked,LastUpdateDate,Tags,State,Priority,StoryType,Children"
if (showTaskCompletion) {
cardboardConfig.fetch += ",Tasks";
if (hideLastColumnIfReleased) {
cardboardConfig.query = new rally.sdk.util.Query("Release = null").or(kanbanField + " != " + '"' + lastState + '"');
if (filterByTagsDropdown && filterByTagsDropdown.getDisplayedValue()) {
cardboardConfig.cardOptions.filterBy = { field: FILTER_FIELD, value: filterByTagsDropdown.getDisplayedValue() };
if (cardboard) {
artifactTypes = cardboardConfig.types;
cardboard = new rally.sdk.ui.CardBoard(cardboardConfig, rallyDataSource);
cardboard.addEventListener("preUpdate", that._onBeforeItemUpdated);
cardboard.addEventListener("onDataRetrieved", function(cardboard,args){ console.log(args.items); });
that.display = function(element) {
//Build app layout
//Redisplay the board
Per Charles' hint in Rally Kanban - hiding Epic Stories
Here's how I approached this following Charles' hint for the Rally Catalog Kanban. First, modify the fetch statement inside the cardboardConfig so that it includes the Children collection, thusly:
fetch: "Name,FormattedID,Children,Owner,ObjectID,Rank,Ready,Blocked,LastUpdateDate,Tags,State"
Next, in between this statement:
cardboard.addEventListener("preUpdate", that._onBeforeItemUpdated);
And this statement:
Add the following event listener and callback:
function(cardboard, args){
// Grab items hash
filteredItems = args.items;
// loop through hash keys (states)
for (var key in filteredItems) {
// Grab the workproducts objects (Stories, defects)
workproducts = filteredItems[key];
// Array to hold filtered results, childless work products
childlessWorkProducts = new Array();
// loop through 'em and filter for the childless
for (i=0;i<workproducts.length;i++) {
thisWorkProduct = workproducts[i];
// Check first if it's a User Story, since Defects don't have children
if (thisWorkProduct._type == "HierarchicalRequirement") {
if (thisWorkProduct.Children.length === 0 ) {
} else {
// If it's a Defect, it has no children so push it
filteredItems[key] = childlessWorkProducts;
// un-necessary call to cardboard.setItems() was here - removed
This callback should filter for only leaf-node items.
Mark's answer caused an obscure crash when cardboard.setItems(filteredItems) was called. However, since the filtering code is actually manipulating the actual references, it turns out that setItems() method is actually not needed. I pulled it out, and it now filters properly.
Not sure this is your problem but your cardboard config does not set the 'query' field. The fetch is the type of all data to retrieve if you want to filter it you add a "query:" value to the config object.
Something like :
var cardboardConfig = {
types: ["PortfolioItem", "HierarchicalRequirement", "Feature"],
attribute: dropdownAttribute,
query : fullQuery,
cardRenderer: PriorityCardRenderer
Where fullQuery can be constructed using the the Rally query object. You find it by searching in the SDK. Hope that maybe helps.

looping through DOM / mootools sortables

I can't seem to get a handle on my list of sortables. They are a list of list elements, each with a
form inside, which I need to get the values from.
serialize: function(){
var serial = [];
this.list.getChildren().each(function(el, i){
serial[i] = el.getProperty('id');
}, this);
return serial;
var sort = new Sortables('.teams', {
handle: '.drag-handle',
clone: true,
onStart: function(el) {
onComplete: function(el) {
//go go gadget go
order = this.serialize();
for(var i=0; i<order.length;i++) {
if (order[i]) {
//alert(order[i].substr(5, order[i].length));
the sortables list is then added to a list in a loop with sort.addItems(li); . But when I try to get the sortables outside of the sortables onComplete declaration, js says this.list is undefined.
Approaching the problem from another angle:
Trying to loop through the DOM gives me equally bizarre results. Here are the firebug console results for some code:
var a = document.getElementById('teams').childNodes;
var b = document.getElementById('teams').childNodes.length;
try {
console.log('myVar: ', a);
console.log('myVar.length: ', b);
} catch(e) {
alert("error logging");
Hardcoding one li element into the HTML (rather than being injected via JS) changes length == 1, and allows me to access that single element, leading me to believe that accessing injected elements via the DOM is the problem (for this method)
Trying to get the objects with document.getElementById('teams').childNodes[i] returns undefined.
thank you for any help!
not sure why this would fail, i tried it in several ways and it all works test case along with html markup
here is the source that works for local refernece, using the native built-in .serialize method as well as a custom one that walks the dom and gets a custom attribute rel, which can be your DB IDs in their new order (I tend to do that)
var order = []; // global
var sort = new Sortables('.teams', {
handle: '.drag-handle',
clone: true,
onStart: function(el) {
onComplete: function(el) {
//go go gadget go
order = this.serialize();
var mySerialize = function(parentEl) {
var myIds = [];
parentEl.getElements("li").each(function(el) {
return myIds;
click: function() {