Cannot Get Data from Custom Class - objective-c

I looked around for an answer to this because it seems simple but I could not seem to find something that suffised. I am trying to test a program I have with fake data. I created a StudentData class that possesses a attributes for a student and also has an array to hold them all.
When another class needs them they call a getStudent method (which is the only public part of this class thus far) and sends an ID number to get the name of that student back.
My problem is that I cannot figure out how to parse through the student array to match the student ID numbers with the one that was passed in. Holding the same problem, I cannot figure out how to pull the name out of a student object either.
Here is my code so far:
// StudentData.m
#import "StudentData.h"
#interface StudentData() {
NSString *ID;
NSString *firstName;
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray *studentArray;
#implementation StudentData
#synthesize studentArray = _studentArray;
- (NSMutableArray *)studentArray {
if(!_studentArray) _studentArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
return _studentArray;
- (void)awakeFromNib {
NSArray *idA = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"111", #"685", nil];
NSArray *fnA = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"Mark", #"Sam", nil];
for(int i = 0; i < idA.count; i++) {
StudentData *tempCurrentStudent = [[StudentData alloc] init];
ID = [idA objectAtIndex:i];
firstName = [fnA objectAtIndex:i];
[self.studentArray addObject:tempCurrentStudent];
- (NSString *)getStudentsFirstName:(NSString *)studentID {
NSString *firstName;
for(int i = 0; i < self.studentArray.count; i++) {
if([studentID isEqualToString:[[self.studentArray objectAtIndex:i] self.firstName]]) { // ERROR
fN = [[self.studentArray objectAtIndex:i] self.firstName]; // ERROR
return firstName;
The Error I keep getting is: Expect ']' and the error is pointing to the "self.firstName" lines.
If I use "[self.studentArray objectAtIndex:i].firstName;" I get the error: Property 'firstName' not found on object of type 'id' I even get this error if I make "firstName" a property (both local or public). This makes sense because the array is technically filled with 'id' types. I also know that unlike java I cannot use generics or anything like that.
Any help would be much appreciated and if it needs clarification please let me know! By the way this is for an ipod/ipad app if that helps at all.

Two things :
You're having a name conflict here. You are having a local variable called firstName and the parameter passed to your problem function has the same name.
firstNameis NOT a property unless you define it as one. In this case it's just a normal local variabel. Means that you can't access it using self.firstName but just by firstName. That's one of the reason the coding guidelines say that you should name local variables starting with an underscore ( as you are already doing in the studentArrayproperty). This way you can distinguish if it is a local variable or a property.


Objective-C: Comparing user input with object's instance variable

I have been learning Objective-C for a while, and I decided to try and take on a little bigger project without any real "guidelines" as in the learning books but now I have got stuck.
What I'm trying to do is helping a friend digitalising a few documents he have, by creating a searchable commandline-tool for these documents.
I think I have gotten pretty far, I have created a custom class for documents with three variable; name of the author, number of the article and the path to the file on my computer (which I of course will change to the place he have the documents stored on his computer). I have then created two example documents with all the variables filled in. Since the documents have two properties, numbers and name of the author, the user may search for one of these properties. I therefore separated the input of the user to either be a string or a int (with help of a stack overflow post: How to determine if the first character of a NSString is a letter ) I also created an array with the 'author'-variable's of the different documents.
This is were I have hit a bump: I want to run through the array of the 'author' and if the author's name match with what the user have put in, it will open the document which is at the path given at 'UrlToDoc'. The problem is, the instance variable 'UrlToDoc' is not "connected" to the 'leadAuthor'-variable in some kind of way (as far as I can tell). My question is therefore, how do I, after I have found a match in in the array with what the user written, describe the 'UrlToDoc'-variable for that specific object? (If the user typed in jamesson, for instance, how do I describe the UrlToDoc variable with the value: /Users/pinkRobot435/Desktop/test1.pdf )
Also, if the user writes in a number, the else-statement on the bottom (which would do the same thing) should be used. I haven't written it yet though, but I guess the code for it would be pretty much the same, when describing the 'UrlToDoc'-variable.
Here is my code:
My custom class SMADoc:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface SMADoc : NSObject
//Two strings, and a pathway to the documnt, with the purpose of describing the document
#property (nonatomic) int number;
#property (nonatomic) NSString *authour;
#property (nonatomic) NSString *urlToDoc;
#import "SMADoc.h"
#implementation SMADoc
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "SMADoc.h"
#include <readline/readline.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
#autoreleasepool {
SMADoc *one = [[SMADoc alloc] init];
[one setnumber:123];
[one setauthour:#"jamesson"];
[one setUrlToDoc:#"/Users/pinkRobot435/Desktop/test1.pdf"];
SMADoc *two = [[SMADoc alloc] init];
[two setnumber:124];
[two setauthour:#"marc"];
[two setUrlToDoc:#"/Users/pinkRobot435/Desktop/test2.pdf"];
NSMutableArray *authours = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithObjects: [one authour], [two authour], nil];
NSLog(#"Enter what you want to search for: ");
const char *searchC = readline(NULL);
NSString *searchOrg = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:searchC];
NSString *search = [searchOrg lowercaseString];
NSRange first = [search rangeOfComposedCharacterSequenceAtIndex:0];
NSRange match = [search rangeOfCharacterFromSet:[NSCharacterSet letterCharacterSet] options:0 range:first];
if (match.location != NSNotFound) {
//The string starts with a letter and the array of authour names should be searched through
for (SMADoc *nSearch in authours) {
if ([search isEqualToString:nSearch]) {
**//Open the file that is represented by UrlToDoc for that specific object**
} else {
NSLog(#"The authour was not found, please try again");
} else {
//The string starts with a number and should be converted to an int and then the array of numbers (which I have not yet created) should be searched through
int number = atoi(searchC);
return 0;
Thanks in avance!
Instead of your authours array, create an array of SMADoc objects.
Then, in your loop, each object from the array will have an authour or number you can match. When the right one is found, you can just pick the urlToDoc out of the same object.
Currently, you're calling each object in the array a SMADoc * when you examine it, but that's wrong. You created an array of NSString * (and you're comparing it as a string correctly) but what you need there is a real SMADoc *.

NSMutableDictionary - entries appear to be over-written by each addition

I'm fairly new to Objective-C; but have been coding for years and this one really stumps me.
I'm trying to build an iPhone app and wanted to create a "settings" screen which will use a Table format. (Xcode 5.1.1).
I want to future proof the main Settings screen and make it easy for the application coding by hiding the "hard work" in subroutines/methods.
I may be getting too clever but I've created a class for each 'setting' that contains screen prompts, default values etc and using an Enum to cross-reference it (so the compiler will highlight typos etc)
The problem I'm encountering is that when I add entries to my NSMutableDictionary and use lldb to print the values; every entry seems to have the same "key" and values. I've tried converting the eNum to an NSNumber and also as an NSString -- no difference in the result - so I'm obviously doing something else daft but just can't see it
The following code is from various .m & .h files, I've omitted boring stuff that you always "have to have" to keep it short
// basic x-ref I want to use in my code
typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSInteger, ConfigurationType) {
unDefined = -1,
Server = 0,
Id = 1,
Phone = 2
// definition for a "single" Settings value
#interface SettingDefinition : NSObject
#implementation SettingDefinition
ConfigurationType _cfgType;
NSString *_cfgName;
NSString *_screenTitle;
NSString *_value;
- (NSString *)description
NSString *className = NSStringFromClass([self class]);
return [NSString stringWithFormat:#"<%#: x%p Type=%d dbKey=%# '%#' -> %#>", className, self, _cfgType, _cfgName, _screenTitle, _value];
- (id)initType:(ConfigurationType)cfgOption
withDbKey: (NSString*)dbKey
self = [super init];
if (self) {
_screenTitle = cfgTitle;
_cfgName = dbKey;
_cfgType = cfgOption;
_value = itmValue;
return self;
#interface Configuration : NSObject
#implementation Configuration {
NSMutableDictionary *Settings; // List of Setting structures
- (id)init {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
Settings = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc]init];
[self add:Server withDbKey:#"Server" asOptionTitle:#"Server"];
[self add:Id withDbKey:#"Id" asOptionTitle:#"Your ID"];
[self add:Phone withDbKey:#"Phone" asOptionTitle:#"Phone No."];
return self;
- (void) add:(ConfigurationType)cfgOption
NSString * itmValue = [self configurationValue: cfgOption cfgName:dbKey];
SettingDefinition *x = [[SettingDefinition alloc]
initType: cfgOption
withDbKey: dbKey
asOptionTitle: cfgTitle
withValue: itmValue];
[Settings setObject:x forKey:[self asKey:cfgOption]];
- (NSString *) asKey:(ConfigurationType) settingType {
NSString *rc = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d", settingType];
return rc;
- (NSString *) configurationValue:(ConfigurationType) settingType {
// returns a suitable value from my system setup
// which is initially a null value until the user sets everything up
the debug window shows the following when I break after the final call to [self add: ...]
(lldb) po Settings
0 = "<SettingDefinition: x0x8e7c280 Type=2 dbKey=Phone 'Phone No.' -> (null)>";
1 = "<SettingDefinition: x0x8c703a0 Type=2 dbKey=Phone 'Phone No.' -> (null)>";
2 = "<SettingDefinition: x0x8e7c310 Type=2 dbKey=Phone 'Phone No.' -> (null)>";
The (null) is obviously due to no data in 'value' yet; but why do they all show as 'Phone'; if I break after the second call to [self add:..] they all show as 'Id'
DOH! obviously they're globals (I've been using another IDE where everything is local until exposed) .. If I enclose them in braces in the implementation as the documentation states then the exhibited problem vanishes. I have properties to access the variables but as the setter does more than just set the memory, I thought I'd need my "own" variables to hold the data.. said it was something daft .. thank you!

Add a tag to NSMutableArray

Is it possible to set a tag for an NSMutableArray? I have to somehow determine, in an array of arrays, the single array which needs to be rewritten, and if I could just set the tag to that inner array to 1 (or some other number), this would be extremely easy.
NSMutableArray* outerArray = [NSMutableArray new];
NSMutableArray* innerArray1 = [NSMutableArray new];
NSMutableArray* innerArray2 = [NSMutableArray new];
NSMutableArray* innerArray3 = [NSMutableArray new];
NSMutableArray* innerArray4 = [NSMutableArray new];
[outerArray addObject:innerArray1];
[outerArray addObject:innerArray2];
[outerArray addObject:innerArray3];
[outerArray addObject:innerArray4];
//now let's say innerArray1 needs to be rewritten
//I would like to be able to do this
[innerArray1 setTag:100];
//then later, when I need to determine which of the arrays inside outerArray
//needs to be rewritten, I can just do this
for(NSMutableArray* temp in outerArray) {
if(temp.tag == 100) {
//do what I need to do
But you can't use setTag: with NSMutableArrays. What would be a workaround?
Arrays are ordered collections, so why don't you just keep track of which index needs to be rewritten.
When something happens such that the array at index 0 (which, in your example, would be innerArray1) of outer array needs to be written, cache index 0 -- as a property if this routine needs to span across separate methods.
Then, when it comes time to do the rewrite, consult the cached index. Retrieve the array to be rewritten like this: NSArray *arrayToRewrite = [outerArray objectAtIndex:cachedIndexToRewrite]; Or access it directly: [[outerArray objectAtIndex:cachedIndexToRewrite] replaceObjectAtIndex:whatever withObject:whatever];
You could use an NSMutableDictionary instead. The "tag" would just be the key and the array would be the value.
Use associated objects. You can even add a category to NSMutableArray that would add a tag property to them.
#interface NSMutableArray (TagExtension)
#property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger tag;
#implementation NSMutableArray (TagExtension)
#dynamic tag;
static char TagExtensionKey;
-(NSInteger)tag {
NSNumber *ourTag = (NSNumber *)objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &TagExtensionKey);
if( ourTag ) {
return( [ourTag integerValue] );
-(void)setTag:(NSInteger)newTag {
objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &TagExtensionKey, [NSNumber numberWithInteger:newTag], OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN);
See also: How to add properties to NSMutableArray via category extension?
Not sure why a dictionary is a bad idea here… as alternatives, you can:
remember the index
or if each entry is a unique array, you can simply refer to it by pointer:
NSArray * tagged = theArray;
for (NSMutableArray * at in outerArray) {
if (tagged == at) {
//do what I need to do
Make your inner arrays class variables. Then you can just access them as:
for(NSMutableArray* temp in outerArray) {
if(temp == self.innerArray1) {
//do what I need to do

Get property name as a string

I need a way to pass a property and get the name assigned to it. Any suggestions?
#property (nonatomic, retain) MyObject *crazyObject;
NSString *str = SOME_WAY_TO_GET_PROPERTY_NAME(crazyObject);
// Above method should return #"crazyObject"
You can try this:
unsigned int propertyCount = 0;
objc_property_t * properties = class_copyPropertyList([self class], &propertyCount);
NSMutableArray * propertyNames = [NSMutableArray array];
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < propertyCount; ++i) {
objc_property_t property = properties[i];
const char * name = property_getName(property);
[propertyNames addObject:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:name]];
NSLog(#"Names: %#", propertyNames);
It's as simple as this...expanding upon what Chuck already mentioned:
#ifndef STR_PROP
#define STR_PROP( prop ) NSStringFromSelector(#selector(prop))
You then use it like so:
NSString *strProp = STR_PROP(myProperty);
Keep in mind that properties are really just, to quote Apple, "a syntactical shorthand for declaring a class’s accessor methods." In fact, by itself, the #property declaration doesn't even work. Your #synthesize statement translates the #property into the equivalent of two methods:
- (void)setCrazyObject:(MyObject *)something;
- (MyObject *)crazyObject;
Which one is used depends on the context surrounding your self.crazyObject. (#synthesize also creates a matching instance variable if you didn't do it yourself.) The offshoot of all this is that you can't really translate to and from a property with one single method.
Proposed Solution
You can use what Apple already provides:
NSString *foo = NSStringFromSelector(#selector(myClassProperty));
Or do something custom:
Given that self.crazyObject really translates to either [self crazyObject] or [self setCrazyObject:foo] by the time your code is running, ou'll probably need two methods, like:
- (NSString *)setterStringForProperty:(SEL)prop;
- (NSString *)getterStringForProperty:(SEL)prop;
You might then want at least 2 companion methods such as:
- (SEL)setterForPropertyName:(NSString *)propString;
- (SEL)getterForPropertyName:(NSString *)propString;
Within these methods, you can use the Foundation functions NSStringFromSelector and NSSelectorFromString to convert back and forth between SEL and NSString. Use whatever string manipulations you like to convert back and forth between your setter string (setCrazyObject) and your property name (crazyObject).
A complete solution is hard to provide without knowing the exact use case, but hopefully this provides some more clues for anyone trying to accomplish something similar. There might even be some useful things made possible by combining this approach with Oscar's answer.
Here is a function that returns the name of an ivar, so basically it not only returns the properties but any ivar of the class. I haven't found a way to get the property directly so I used the ivar trick.
#import <objc/objc.h>
/// -----
- (NSString *)nameOfIvar:(id)ivarPtr
NSString *name = nil;
uint32_t ivarCount;
Ivar *ivars = class_copyIvarList([self class], &ivarCount);
for(uint32_t i=0; i<ivarCount; i++)
Ivar ivar = ivars[i];
id pointer = object_getIvar(self, ivar);
if(pointer == ivarPtr)
name = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:ivar_getName(ivar)];
return name;
After searching and debugging i find solution for me...
Added #import <objc/runtime.h>
Methods object_getIvar(id obj, Ivar ivar) send bad access and app crashes. i modify some code and it worked great:
+(NSString*)stringWithProperty:(id)property withClass:(id)controller
NSString *name = nil;
uint32_t ivarCount;
Ivar *ivars = class_copyIvarList([controller class], &ivarCount);
for(uint32_t i=0; i<ivarCount; i++)
Ivar ivar = ivars[i];
name = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:ivar_getName(ivar)];
if ([controller valueForKey:name] == property)
return name;
Modifying the solution, it works when your object is allocated already, otherwise it returns nil:-
NSString * NSStringFromProperty(NSObject* property, NSObject* class)
unsigned int propertyCount = 0;
objc_property_t * properties = class_copyPropertyList([class class], &propertyCount);
NSString *name = nil;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < propertyCount; ++i)
name = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:property_getName(properties[i])];
NSObject *object = [class valueForKey:name];
if (object != nil && object == property)
name = nil;
return name;
You can use
NSString *str = NSStringFromSelector(#selector(crazyObject));
The good thing about this approach is that:
Xcode will autocomplete word crazyObject for you.
When later on you will change the property name from crazyObject to myCrazyObject, Xcode will add a warning saying "unrecognized selector!" -- pretty good for debugging.
I use this method so often, that I even created a function, which allows to write less letters:
NSString * __nonnull sfs(SEL __nonnull theSelector)
if (!theSelector)
return NSStringFromSelector(theSelector);
Now your final solution can look like this:
NSString *str = sfs(#selector(crazyObject));
From Get property name as string, without using the runtime reference library, just define:
#define propertyKeyPath(property) (#""#property)
#define propertyKeyPathLastComponent(property) [[(#""#property) componentsSeparatedByString:#"."] lastObject]
And then you can do something like this:
NSLog(#"%#", propertyKeyPathLastComponent(appleStore.storeLocation.street)); //result: street
You may check my approach at Gist to get the string for a property with autocompletion and compile-time check.
How to use:
Get the property name for a class:
#interface AnyClass : NSObject
#property (strong) NSData *data;
// == My approach ==
// C string for a class
PropertyNameForClass(AnyClass, data); // ==> "data"
// NSString for a class
PropertyStringForClass(AnyClass, data); // ==> #"data"
// Bad approach (no autocompletion; no compile-time check):
NSString *propertyName = #"data";
Get the property name for a protocol:
#protocol AnyProtocol
#property (strong) NSDate *date;
// C string for a protocol
PropertyNameForProtocol(AnyProtocol, date); // ==> "date"
// NSString for a protocol
PropertyStringForProtocol(AnyProtocol, date); // ==> #"date"
Unconventional, hacky, ugly, late, but... as strong-named as it gets and works like a charm:
#define SOME_WAY_TO_GET_PROPERTY_NAME(p) p == p ? [[[[[[[NSString alloc] initWithCString:#p encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] componentsSeparatedByString:#"."] lastObject] componentsSeparatedByString:#" "] lastObject] stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"]" withString:#""] : #""
Sample usage:
NSLog(SOME_WAY_TO_GET_PROPERTY_NAME(self.customer.surname)); // surname
NSLog(SOME_WAY_TO_GET_PROPERTY_NAME([[self customer] birthDate])); // birthDate

Is there a concise way to map a string to an enum in Objective-C?

I have a string I want to parse and return an equivalent enum. I need to use the enum type elsewhere, and I think I like how I'm defining it. The problem is that I don't know a good way to check the string against the enum values without being redundant about the order of the enums.
Is there no option other than a big if/else?
typedef enum {
} ZZColorType;
- (ZZColorType)parseColor:(NSString *)inputString {
// inputString will be #"red", #"green", or #"blue" (trust me)
// how can I turn that into ZZColorRed, etc. without
// redefining their order like this?
NSArray *colors = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"red", #"green", #"blue", nil];
return [colors indexOfObject:inputString];
In Python, I'd probably do something like the following, although to be honest I'm not in love with that either.
## maps url text -> constant string
def parseColor(inputString):
return TYPES.get(inputString)
ps. I know there are color constants in Cocoa, this is just an example.
try this: Map enum to char array
Pseudo code.. untested.
int lookup(const char* str) {
for(name = one; name < NUMBER_OF_INPUTS; name++) {
if(strcmp(str, stats[name]) == 0) return name;
return -1;
A more objective-c'ish version of the code could be:
// build dictionary
NSMutableDictionary* dict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
for(i=0; i<number_of_strings; i++) {
[dict setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:i] forKey:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:names[i]]];
// elsewhere... lookup in dictionary
id obj = [dict objectForKey:name];
if(obj) return [obj intValue];
return -1;
This has already been answered: Converting between C enum and XML
Basically, you wind up defining corresponding strings when you define your enum, and then you use a category on NSArray so that you can do this:
static NSArray* colorNamesArray = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:colorNames];
//colorNames is a nil-terminated list of string literals #defined near your enum
NSString* colorName = [colorNamesArray stringWithEnum:color];
//stringWithEnum: is defined with a category
Sure, the #define is a little ugly, but the code above, which is what you'll work with most of the time, is actually pretty clean.
I was never satisfied with any of the suggestions. (But I appreciate the effort that went into them.) I tried a few of them but they didn't feel good or were error-prone in practice.
I ended up created a custom dictionary to map integers to strings which feels a lot better because it's Cocoa through and through. (I didn't subclass NSDictionary in order to make it harder to misuse.)
#interface ZZEnumDictionary : NSObject {
NSMutableDictionary *dictionary;
+ (id)dictionary;
+ (id)dictionaryWithStrings:(id)firstString, ...;
- (NSString *)stringForInt:(NSInteger)intEnum;
- (NSInteger)intForString:(NSString *)stringEnum;
- (BOOL)isValidInt:(NSInteger)intEnum;
- (BOOL)isValidString:(NSString *)stringEnum;
- (BOOL)stringEquals:(NSString *)stringEnum intEnum:(NSInteger)intEnum;
- (BOOL)setContainsString:(NSSet *)set forInt:(NSInteger)intEnum;
- (NSArray *)allStrings;
#interface ZZEnumDictionary ()
- (void)setInt:(NSInteger)integer forString:(NSString *)string;