Assign or retain in cocos2d and objective C - objective-c

Here's my current situation:
I have a NSMutableArray named dictKeyArray which I assign a property with #property(nonatomic,retain)NSMutableArray *dictKeyArray
I synthesize my mutable array in the implementation file.
Later, I have a dictionary name storeDict. I assign all the keys of the dictionary to the dictKeyArray like so:
dictKeyArray = [[storeDict allKeys] mutableCopy];
Now I use this dictionary later in my implementation file. However, when it comes to releasing it, I release it once in my dealloc method. When checking with instruments, a leak shows up! Why is dictKeyArray leaking? Should I be using assign instead of retain?
I'm still not clear on what the difference is exactly...
thank you!

You have to send it an
[[[storeDict allKeys] mutableCopy] autorelease];
Just to make this clear: mutableCopy does the same as alloc meaning you are claiming ownership of the object in question. You have to decrease the retainCount by one.
By the way: You should use the accessor you wrote for it. You are just assigning it to your iVar at the moment. If you want to make your accessors work, you will have to use something like
object.dictKeyArray = ...;
in general. Or here (as mentioned by dreamlax)
self.dictKeyArray = ...;
because you are referring to an object of this specific class the code is in.
Only this way you are ensuring your object is properly retained by your accessor. Otherwise writing the accessor code doesn't make sense at all because it never gets called.
Please note: As Josh said in the comments, your code should be valid (at least from my point of view). What I suggested is a solution that is not as error-prone as yours because you adhere to the rules (could save you from headache in the near future).

You should be using self.dictKeyArray = .... Without the self. you are accessing the instance variable directly, bypassing any memory management benefits of properties, but, remember that you own the result of mutableCopy, and assigning to a property that also takes ownership will result in double-ownership, so use:
self.dictKeyArray = [[[storeDict allKeys] mutableCopy] autorelease];


Creating a NSMutableArray to hold pointers

I am trying to create a mutable array in objetive c to hold references to objects. The objects in the array are regularly updated through user interaction and i want the array to automatically reflect changes made to the objects as they occur. Does anyone know if there is a way to do this? Perhaps store pointers to the objects instead of the objects themselves in the array? Any help would be much appreciated
Thanks in advance
Edit: I should mention that the objects are not exactly being updated in the strict sense of the word. They are being reinitialized. For ex if i had a controller:
MyController = [MyController alloc] initWith.....]]
the above call is made again with different init parameters.
The array always stores the pointers.... It holds a strong reference to it or sends it a retain message (if using non ARC).
[myMutableArray addObject: anObject];
adds the pointer to it.
If you now change anObject's properties and access it later through the array, it will
give you the pointer to just that object with the changes to its properties.
No, if you alloc/init, you are creating a new object instance and allocate new memory for it on the heap (ie, it's another pointer to a new memory address).
What exactly are you trying to accomplish? There sure is a way, if you provide a little more detail.
If you alloc/init the object with the same class, why not just create a method to change the object's properties:
Instead of
myObject = [[MyClass alloc] initWithParameter1: one parameter2: two];
You could create a method that changes these properties:
[myObject updateParameter1: anotherOne parameterTwo: anotherTwo];
And, of course, the advantage of a mutable array is, that you can change its contents, so like #Eli Gregory pointed out, you can replace an object with another one (or rather the pointers to it).
Because you want to point to a newly allocated and initialized object, you can't 'update' the pointer, what you can do is 'replace' the pointer with a new one at a certain index.
A method you could use to do this is:
- (void)replaceObjectAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index withObject:(id)anObject
so it would look something like:
NewViewController *new = [[NewViewController alloc] init..];
[myArray replaceObjectAtIndex:x withObject:new];

NSDictionary + ARC + copy vs reference

These are probably are pretty simple YES|NO type questions.
I have some NSDictionaries containing other NSDictionaries. Let's say NSDictionary_A and NSDictionary_B. These persist for the life of the app.
The NSDictionaries contained in NSDictionary_A are passed by reference to various objects:
track.instrument = [NSDictionary_A objectForKey:#"Blue"];
Later it gets changed:
track.instrument = [NSDictionary_A objectForKey:#"Red"];
So first question: The #property instrument is synthesized + retained as strong so does the setter for instrumentset the current value of instrument to nil before setting the new value, and if so, does this affect the source of the reference in NSDictionary_A - in other words, set the reference to nil'? Sounds wrong just writing it out.. so I think the answer is NO here. Also, it probably doesn't matter that the #property instrument is stored as weak or strong since the reference in NSDictionary_A1 persists for the app life but since it is a pointer, should be weak - YES?
Second question: An NSDictionary in NSDictionary_B is passed to an object but it can change some of the values in that NSDictionary:
track.playbackType = [NSDictionary_B objectForKey:#"Random"];
[track.playbackType objectForKey:#"maxRange"] = 20;
So should I be making a copy of the NSDictionary here because it's values will be changed or am I completely misunderstanding this whole reference passing thang?
You are getting mixed up in how pointers work.
For the first question, "track.instrument" is just a pointer. So it will start as "pointing to nil".
track.instrument = [NSDictionary_A objectForKey:#"Blue"];
means, "stop pointing to nil and point to that object"
If you can ensure your dictionary will persist for the entire app then it doesnt matter, whatever is at #blue key will never get dealocated. But for the sake of having the correct code, it should be weak.
Edit: Had read the second question incorrectly.
Second question:
about this:
track.playbackType = [NSDictionary_B objectForKey:#"Random"];
first your pointer points to the NSDictionary from the dictionary.
[track.playbackType objectForKey:#"maxRange"] = 20;
Since it is a NSDictionary this is not valid. You cannot change NSDictionaries because they are immutable, it SHOULD be NSMutableDictionary.
HOWEVER if you are not interested in putting back the modified version into the original dictionary then you can copy it but as a NSMutableDictionary first, and then change it.
NSMutableDictionary *mutableDict = [[NSDictionary_B objectForKey:#"Random"] mutableCopy];
track.playbackType = mutableDict; //Note how track.playbackType has to be NSMutableDictionary aswell.
VERY IMPORTANT: Since you are creating a "new" dictionary. track.playbackType has to be strong, or it will simply get instantly dealocated after the function ends and mutableDict gets out of scope.
References are just pointers, setting one to nil will have no effect except in the following case: It is the last strong reference and other weak references still exist. In that case all the weak references will become nil. Strong properties will set the old value to nil, in effect sending a release call but this affects the REFERENCE, not the CONTENT of the reference.
As for the second question, it is quite confusing and I need more info about playbackType. You say it is an NSDictionary but NSDictionary doesn't have the property maxRange so it must be a type that you defined. You can't change the values of an NSDictionary either because it is immutable.
But here is a generic answer: If you pass a pointer to a mutable object as strong (or weak even) you will be able to change the content of the original. If you pass a pointer to a mutable object as a copy you will get a new object that doesn't affect the original.

When and when to not allocate memory to objects

NSArray *array = [dictionary objectForKey:#"field"];
NSArray *array = [[NSArray alloc] initWithArray:[dictionary objectForKey:#"field"]];
I see both kind of approaches very frequently in objective C code.
When tried to understand, I found both of them used in similar situation too, which makes contradiction. I am not clear on when I should use 1st approach and when 2nd one?
Any idea?
Detailed explanation and useful references are moms welcome.
First off, those two examples are doing slightly different things. One is retrieving something from an existing dictionary and one is creating a new array by retrieving something from an existing dictionary (the value of that key is an array).
But, if you're asking the difference between getting objects by alloc vs. convenience methods. ([NSString alloc] init vs [NSString stringWith ...), by convention, you own anything that you call alloc, new copy or mutableCopy on. Anything that you call that is not those, is autoreleased.
See the memory guide here. Specifically, look at the rules.
Getting an autoreleased object means it will go away at some point in the near future. If you don't need to hold onto outside the scope of that function, then you can call autorelease on it or use one of the convenience methods that's not alloc, etc...
For example:
// my object doesn't need that formatted string - create the autoreleased version of it.
- (NSString) description {
return [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%# : %d", _title, _id];
// my object stuffed it away in an iVar - I need the retained version of it. release in dealloc
- (void) prepare {
_myVal = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:"string I need for %d", _id];
In the first example, I created a convenience methods for others to call, my class doesn't need that object beyond the scope of that method so I create the autoreleased version of it and return it. If the caller needs it beyond the scope of his calling method, he can retain it. If not he can use it and let it go away. Very little code.
In the second example, I'm formatting a string and assigning it to an iVar variable that I need to hold onto for the lifetime of my class so I call alloc which will retain it. I own it and releasing it eventually. Now, I could have used the first version here and just called retain on it as well.
You have a fundamental misunderstanding of allocations versus instance methods.
The first example, NSDictionary's -objectForKey method, returns id, not an instance of NSDictionary, therefore it does not allocate or initialize the variable.
The second, however is the classic retain part of the retain-release cycle.
The two methods are fundamentally equal (if we are to assume that array is alloc'd but empty in the first, and nil in the second), and both get ownership of the array object. I would go with the second, as it guarantees a reference, and it's shorter.
What I think you're confusing this with are new and convenience methods. Convenience methods (like NSNumber's +numberWithInt:, NSString's +stringWithFormat:, and NSMutableArray's +array), return an autorelease instance of the class (usually). New takes the place of alloc and init in just one word.

Can someone please explain this one line of code on Objective-C?

eventPoints = [[NSMutableArray array] retain];
What does the "retain" keyword do along with the "array"?. "array" is not defined anywhere.
Also eventPoints was declared as a NSMutableArray.
I am just trying to learn. Thanks
Check out this question I asked: iPhone memory management (with specific examples/questions)
It took me a while to get a hang of this too. Hope this helps!
EDIT: As for what [NSMutableArray array] does, according to the docs on NSArray, it does this: "Creates and returns an empty array." and is used by mutable subclasses of NSArray, such as NSMutableArray. Basically, it's the same as doing: [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease] (or something really similar). Because it's autoreleased, you need to call retain on it to keep the variable.
1) What does the "retain" keyword do along with the "array"?
As you know, objective-C uses referencing counting for memory management. "retain" increments 1 by everyPoints.
2) "array" is not defined anywhere.
"array" is defined in NSArray. NSMutableArray is a subclass of NSArray, so NSMutableArray can use functions defined in NSArray. "array" is a class method that creates and returns an empty array.
There are four ways to explicitly increment 1 in objective-c: alloc, copy, retain, attain
Because you create an empty array without using any of these, you manually increment 1 by "retain". So in the future, you might need to [everyPoints release] to decrement 1 to deallocate it.

Memory cleanup on returned array from static method (objective-c)

In objective-c, I have a utility class with a bunch of static methods that I call for various tasks. As an example, I have one method that returns an NSArray that I allocate in the static method. If I set the NSArray to autorelease, then some time later, the NSArray in my calling method (that is assigned to the returned pointer) losses it's reference because the original form the static method is cleaned up. I can't release the NSArray object in the static method because it needs to be around for the return and assignment.
What is the right way to return an object (like the NSArray) from a static class, and have it hang around for the calling class, but then get cleaned up later when it is no longer needed?
Do I have to create the object first in the caller and pass in a pointer to the object and then return that same object form the static method?
I know this is a basic O-O problem, I just never had this issue in Java and I do not do much C/C++.
Thanks for your help.
Your autorelease is correct in the return just retain it when you call the static method.
NSArray *data = [[StaticClass getArray] retain];
If you have a property for the place your assigning the return value to, you can just do = .. and the retain is automatic.
Please take the time to read over the rules. These apply to all of the frameworks you'll be using, and should apply to your code as well. Burn these into your head, and they'll become second nature. Thankfully, it's not complex, rather simple.
It's quite simple. If you do not own an object, it will go away at some indeterminate point in the future. In your case, the "indeterminate" point is when the autorelease pool gets drained, which in the normal case, is at the end of processing the current event.
If you want an object to hang around, you need to own it. The memory management rules referred to by jer will tell you exactly how you get ownership of an object. In this case, you need to retain the object. You must then, of course, release it later when you have done with it.
Regards your comment to Matt's answer. Your code is this:
for (NSString * date in dateList)
[historyList addObject:[[BIUtility historyForDate:date] retain]];
+ (NSArray *) historyForDate:(NSString *)date
NSMutableArray * ret = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease];
The first thing you need to know is that collections retain their members, so, in fact, your retain of the historyForDate is unnecessary. You don't want to own that object, historyList does. If it's disappearing, it's probably because historyList itself is being deallocated (because you don't own it) or is nil.
By the way, historyForDate: does nothing with the date. Is that correct?