Where can I find a white theme for netbeans 7? - netbeans-7

It's hard to find a nice theme for NetBeans 7 and each theme I have found is black.
Where can I found a really nice white theme for making PHP / HTML / Javascript / CSS into NetBeans?

Build your own # http://www.wordfraud.net/themebuilder/

I have found for you the best theme for Netbeans 7 :
If you don't found a nice theme, just edit the color language as it's said here : Netbeans Theme: adjusting colour of HTML parameter values


How do I change the light/dark mode icon in Docusaurus?

Docusaurus has a nice, minimal sun and moon for their light/dark mode button: https://docusaurus.io/
But our Docusaurus page automatically uses a toggle button that shows the moon emoji 🌜 and the sun emoji 🌞. They're cute, but don't fit with our site's overall look.
I couldn't find specifics about this in the Docusaurus user docs or in their API docs. I went into the GitHub repo for Docusaurus and checked out their css files as well as their config.js file. I did the same for some other companies who use Docusaurus, but I can't find the code that generates the light/dark mode button.
Any thoughts?
With Docusarus 2.0.0-beta.17 switchConfig was deprecated.
As related PR says: colorMode.switchConfig is deprecated. If you want to customize the icons for light and dark mode, swizzle IconLightMode, IconDarkMode, or ColorModeToggle instead.

SVG images shown blacked out in UWP application

me and my team are trying to put some .svg icons in our UWP win10 application (target and min version are Windows 10 Fall Creators update).
In my resource file I defined my SvgImageSource as following:
<SvgImageSource x:Key="PencilIcon" UriSource="Images/DeviceMenu/Icon_EditMode_grey.svg" />
And I then proceed to use this image source in my component:
<Image Source="{StaticResource PencilIcon}" />
I tried few different svgs and they all render with the right shape, but are all black (first one is the pencil):
The original svg looks like this:
Here is the source code of the SVG
I tried adjusting Stretch, Width, Height and so on but I just can't seem to get this to work.
UWP has no clue what css styles are.
In my case there was this:
To fix this for UWP, find every class="..." and manually apply the style.
This is a known problem of Adobe Illustrator, try playing with its SVG export settings.
If illustrator
Use Styling: "Presentation Attributes"
If you use illustrator then try to change styling. It should be something like Style Attributes.
UWP just partially supports SVG Ver 1.1 specification (see SVG Support)
And it doesn't support css-like styles.
See image
You can play with export settings of Adobe Illustrator for export image : AI export Settings
Or fix it manually: See image
Or with my tool:
Visual Studio extension at Marketplace.
Desktop version at Github releases
This tool just inlines css styles directly to the svg elements.

Gtk theme in GTK# (Windows)

I'm trying to change the theme in GTK# (OS: Windows, IDE: Xamarin). But I get next issues:
I was able to find only one theme which correctly render, it is "Orta". All was well, except for lags and freezes. Here is my code:
string Resource_File = "Orta\\gtk-2.0\\gtkrc";
Application.Init ();
Gtk.Rc.AddDefaultFile (Resource_File);
Gtk.Rc.Parse (Resource_File);
MainWindow win = new MainWindow ();
win.Show ();
Application.Run ();
When I changing the size of the Paned or clicking on button I get GUI freezes(I already asked about this). This problem occurs only when using this theme, with the other themes all works tolerably. I used the search and found a couple of opinions, about that this is due to the use of Cairo to render graphics (one of them).
if I try to use a different theme, a lot of GUI elements not correctly rendered in my GTK# application, but they are correctly render in the GTK Theme Selector. If the theme is displayed correctly in GTK Theme Selector, then I try to use the selected gtkrc file in my Gtk# app(as shown in Example with "Orta"), but almost always, most widgets are not displayed correctly(here is an example)
So I have a few questions:
How to choose a work theme?
How to set a theme for GTK# (Windows)?
What Gtk# open source application using the theme and how?
What other way to change the style of GUI in the GTK# app?
Why "Orta" theme freezes?
So I need any your help!
I know it's an old question, but I've been fighting with themes lately.
It turns out that when running a Gtk# app build with Xamarin, theme issues will appear because it seems that some "Windows-like" theme is forced into the code.
When running the application from Xamarin Studio, depending on the .Net framework (Microsoft .NET 4.5, Mono 3.3.0, Mono 4.0.1) the behaviour was different. And I had a warning with Mono 3.3.0, telling me the 'Xamarin' engine could not be found.
I ended up with the following code :
Application.Init ();
Gtk.Settings.Default.ThemeName = "Theme/gtk-2.0/gtkrc";
Gtk.Rc.Parse ("./Theme/gtk-2.0/gtkrc");
Where gtkrc is my theme. Without setting the default theme name, nothing worked correctly. I didn't go very far into customizing my theme, so I can't tell if it solves every theme issue.

Eclipse SDK4: ugly perspective bar border

I am migrating RCP app to Eclipse 4 . And I'm stuck with problem: perspective bar has really ugly bold borders, I can't understand why, frankly no idea.
If I disable perspective bar through IWorkbenchWindowConfigurer.setShowPerspectiveBar(false) there are no ugly borders.
Spent 2 days googling without any results.
Related question: Kepler RCP CoolBar + PerspectiveBar appearance
You will have to play around with CSS. I would start from adding a simple CSS file to the RCP App, and changing the color for the eclipse-perspective-keyline-color. See an example of a theme here (line 76).
Other possible solution: Hide the whole perspective switcher.

How to get text 'shadow' effect in Silverlight Toolkit themes to work in my project

I am using the jetpack theme in my silverlight project. Everything is picking up the styles except I do not get the subtle text shadow effect that is visible on all the controls on the jetpack demo page.
Here is a screenshot - my project on the left, the demo site on the right.
Is there anything I have to do to enable the effect?
You have to use the label control in the toolkit.
Do this:
then this