UIImagePickerControllerCameraDeviceFront only works every other time - objective-c

In my app I'm attempting to use the front camera by default in a UIImagePicker. I know, seems simple enough...
imagePicker.cameraDevice = UIImagePickerControllerCameraDeviceFront;
Now, the first time I launch my picker everything works fine and the front camera is initialized, but when the picker is dismissed, and presented again the back camera is used. From there on out if I continuously open and close the picker the camera used will be: front, back, front, back, front, back...
I've stripped this code down to the bare basics of the picker attempting to isolate the problem and it persists. Has anyone run into this issue before? Any pointers or direction would be greatly appreciated!
EDIT: Problem solved! I was calling imagePicker = [[UIImagePickerController alloc] init]; in viewDidLoad instead of viewDidAppear!

The problem must be at how you try to initialize/present/dismiss your controller.
So, why this back and forth between cameras?
It seems that the underlying AVCaptureSession for some reason kept running after the dismiss of the controller. So the next time you presented it, it tried to add the input but it was bussy, so went to the next available (the rear camera), interrupted itself (thus freeing the previous one) and so on.


Application crashes while logging out in iPAD

My question is specific to iPAD, and I also aware of the basic memory management of iOS, but I am having a different problem.
As I have build an application where I have several UIViewControllers and UIViews,
I have a loginController thats gets called when I launch the App.
My MainView is a single screen with all the ViewController loaded and placed at their respective places and the app runs fine and smoothly.
Problem comes when I logout, most of the time my App crashes by saying EXC_BAD on the
[super dealloc] line of my mainView controller.
As for now on I have added a custom function cleanUP in all my viewControllers that gets called when user logout from the app.
Is this the right approach ?
As I know that we can clean up in our didload etc. function and the dealloc gets called too.
but here i have an iPAD when my all viewControllers are just open in front of me, They will be closed or not visible when I logout from the App.
So how to approach on my crash issue and How to manage memory here in my iPAD?
The best way I know to resolve bad-access problems is to use Instruments with the Zombie tool. As you probably know, when you get a bad access issue, is because you try to access to an object that is deallocated.
Try go to Product -> Profile and choose Zombie. Hit record and reproduce your crash. then inspect the pointer to the object that produced that crash and look for the retain count.

Facebook Connect Login Dialog crashing app

Of the many problems I've been having with my current app, this is one of the most annoying.
In the simulator the login dialog works fine, however on a device it's just a frozen white box and the console prints the following:
void SendDelegateMessage(NSInvocation*): delegate
failed to return after waiting 10 seconds. main run loop mode: kCFRunLoopDefaultMode
I've looked this up but I'm still not sure what it means.
If I try switching
[self authorizeWithFBAppAuth:NO safariAuth:NO];
[self authorizeWithFBAppAuth:NO safariAuth:YES];
it switches to the safari app to verify but this somehow kills my app with an error which says ReturnNotPermittedKillClient.
Has anyone experienced a similar problem? On my last app it just worked without any of these issues, and as far as I can see I've done everything the same way this time. However this project was inherited from someone else so there may be underlying causes that I am not aware of.
Edit: Just tried moving the login request from didFinishLaunchingWithOptions to a point in the intro screen class where everything else has already been loaded, just in case it was a memory issue caused by too many tasks trying to run at the same time. This time the error message didn't appear, however the login box still remained white and then closed the app a few seconds later.
Edit2: Seems like it's simply a memory error. I changed all variables which I had previously released to be retained, which has fixed the problem on my 3GS. However on my iPad 1 the problem persists. Incidentally, when changing shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation from using landscaperight to using landscaperight or landscapeleft, when I rotate the iPad I get a memory warning and then the same crash. In both cases there are no debug error messages other than the memory warning, and the app just closes down - there is no breakpoint etc to see where the issue lies.
if you are using the webview then we need to do this first b4 moving to next view .delegate = nil;
This might be what you want:
There are other branches of this in NSObject in the documentation.
[self performSelector: withObject: afterDelay: ]
The problem was simply down to memory. After changing the way it loads images, sounds etc the problem has gone away.

iPad app freezes during NSOperationQueue

I have a problem with an app where I implemented an NSOperationQueue.
It seems that pressing the close button of the iPad makes the UI freeze. The app itself is still running in the background, the UI is updated, it's just that it won't answer to touches or rotation anymore and it doesn't get closed as it should be.
I have an update module that downloads quite a long list of xml files and saves them on the device. The operation queue has a MaxConcurentOperations value of 2.
Usually everything works fine, the app runs fine and dandy, responding to my touches and rotation UNTIL I press the device's button. After this, the UI simply freezes. The progress is still updated (an UILabel), recurrent animations are still displayed, but the app is not closed until all the operations are done.
I'm not calling waitUntilAllOperationsAreFinished on my queue so I don't know what might be causing this.. So far, I've only made tests on a first generation iPad, with iOs 5.0
If anyone can provide me with some tips, I'll really appreciate it. If necessary, I can post the NSOperationQueue and NSOperation class codes, but somehow I have the feeling this about me approaching this wrongly, and not about a faulty line of code
I also use a timer to periodically check on the download status, but I noticed that not calling the timer doesn't eliminate the problem
self.timer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:2.0 target:self selector:#selector(xmlDownloaded) userInfo:nil repeats:YES];
After some further research, I made sure that my operations are concurrent and just to be sure, I changed the way I added my operations to the queue.
Instead of
[downloadQueue addOperation:op];
I added them to a mutable array called "operations" and in the end I used
[downloadQueue addOperations:operations waitUntilFinished:NO];
but my app still freezes when I press the close button...
Wild guess, you are locking the main thread waiting for your operation to complete / you are destroying your operation delegate on viewWillDisappear?
It seems there was another function causing this, even though I don't understand why...
I had a label animation
CABasicAnimation *fadey = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:#"opacity"];
[fadey setToValue:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:0.35f]];
fadey.repeatCount = HUGE_VALF;
[fadey setAutoreverses:YES];
[fadey setDuration:0.6f];
This small function was causing the app to wait until all the operations were finished in order to close the app. The weird part is that the function was not even called in with the NSOperations, but before them
Again, I have no idea why... everything breaks when I press the close button, otherwise there are no problem. So if anyone else runs into a similar issue, it might help to check for some repeating animations

Event path in Mozilla plugin on Mac

I'm writing a mozilla plugin on the mac. I'm trying to capture events like button clicks, etc. I've done the normal thing of creating my views in inteface builder, and linking the sentActions to methods in my program. This works in stand-alone programs.
However, in my NPAPI plugin, those methods never get called. The button reacts, depresses, whatever, but it doesn't do its action.
Instead, the NPP_HandleEvent method gets called, but I never get the MouseDown or MouseUp event, only the UpdateEvt.
I set up the buttons to accept clicks via: (superview is the Mozilla view, topview is the top of my view hierarchy.)
[superView setNextResponder: topView];
[topView setNextResponder: nil];
[browserWindow makeFirstResponder: topView];
NEVER MIND: I'm an idiot. It IS calling the button sent actions. I was looking at the wrong method. That'll teach me to leave around a zoom: method when I'm actually using a doZoom: method... D'oh,.
So, the problem was that I wasn't able to get buttons to work. The buttons were supposed to (for example) zoom an image in an IKImageView. (or rather, zoom the view). It didn't appear that it was working. The screen was flashing a lot, but nothing was happening... I put a printf in my zoom method, and it was NEVER GETTING CALLED! and so I asked the question.
Later, I noticed that I wasn't TRYING to call zoom, I was calling doZoom! doZoom WAS being called. And the reason that it wasn't zooming was an unrelated problem.
The problem ended up being that I was sending setImage to my IKImageView on every event, which re-set the view to 1-1, rightside up mode. Once I took out the extra setImage call, things started to work.
In the unlikely event that anyone else every experiences this, the answer is my cunning plan for world domination:
step 1: Don't be an idiot.
step 2: ???????
step 3: Dominate the world.
(If I could master step 1, I might just be able to figure out what step 2 was B-)

MKMapView and setRegion:animated: not updating the map visuals

Greetings! I'm attempting to use MKMapView without any Apple code samples, though there are a few others out there of varying clarity. (I know, "Read the friendly manual." I've done that but it's not 100% clear, so please bear with me on this one.)
Here's the situation. I have a MKMapView object, wherein I have added a set of about ten MKPinAnnotation objects. So far, so good. Everything is alloced/released sanely and there doesn't appear to be any complaints from Instruments.
Upon initial display, I set up a MKCoordinateRegion object with the centerpoint at our first pin location, and a (arbitrary) span of 0.2 x 0.2. I then call:
[mapView setRegion:region animated:YES];
[mapView regionThatFits:region];
Wow! That worked well.
Meanwhile ... I also have a segmented control to allow for movement to each pin location. So as I tap through the list, the map animates to each new pin location with a new pair of calls to setRegion:animated: and regionThatFits: ... or at least that's the idea.
While the map does "travel" to the new pin location, the map itself doesn't update underneath. Instead, I see my pin on a gray/blank-map background ... until I nudge the map in any direction, however slightly. Then the map shows through! (If I'm only moving within a short distance of the previous pin location, I'll usually see whatever part of the map was already loaded.)
I suspect I'm doing something dumb here, but I haven't been able to figure out what, at least not from the MapKit docs. Perhaps I'm using the wrong calls? (Well, I do need to set the region at least once, yes? Moving that around doesn't seem to help though.) I have also tried using setCenterCoordinate:animated: - same problem.
I'm assuming nothing at this point (no pun intended). Just trying to find my way.
Clues welcome/appreciated!
UPDATE: Calling setRegion:animated: and regionThatFits: the first time, followed by setCenterCoordinate:animated: while traversing the list, has no effect. Interesting finding though: If I change animated to NO in both cases, the map updates!!! Only when it's set to YES. (Wha happen?! Is animated: broken? That can't be ... ???)
It turns out that the map update doesn't work when using the SIMULATOR. When I try setCenterCoordinate:animated: on the device, I do get the map update underneath.
Bottom line: I was trusting the simulator to match the device in terms of map updating behavior. Alas, I was mistaken! Lesson learned. "Don't let this happen to you." :)
You need to invoke the setRegion:animated: call in the Main thread context.
Just do something like:
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(updateMyMap) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:NO];
-(void) updateMyMap {
[myMap setRegion:myRegion animated:YES];
and it should work in any case (animated or not), with the map updated underneath.
Hum strange. The map updates on my Mac even in the simulator. Maybe a network setting (proxy or whatever) that would prevent the map widget to download the tiles on the simulator ?
Even though this is an old topic I thought I'd ring in with my experience. It seems the map animation only fails on devices running iOS 3.1.x and the simulator running 3.1.x. My dev iPod touch with 3.1.3 fails to zoom if animation is on.