file does not exist c:/wamp/www/favicon.ico in apache error_log - apache

There are always the log showing: file does not exist c:/wamp/www/favicon.ico in apache error_log. I used wampserver, why?

This happens because (almost every) browser searches for a favicon by default. If the accessed page don't inform a valid URL for it, Apache uses the root directory.
You have two choices. You can create a website icon for each of your websites, or you tell Apache not to log that event as an error message.
If you choose the second option, add the following code to each VirtualHost, or at least the ones which don’t have a favicon file:
Redirect 404 /favicon.ico
<Location /favicon.ico>
ErrorDocument 404 "No favicon"
Or, you create an empty file with the name “favicon.ico” in the directory root of Apache (for exemple /var/www/ , but no favicon will be shown by the browsers for your site).

Do you have a reference to the favicon.ico file in your HTML source?
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" />
Even if you don't, many browsers try to access this file anyway when visiting a new page. Favicon is used when adding the website to favourites/bookmarks. Some browsers (for example Firefox) also display favicon on the website's tab on the top of the screen.
Your best bet would be to simply add an favicon.ico file with a 16x16 icon to the c:/wamp/www/ directory.

favicon.ico is the image that is showed next to the url in the address bar. Every browser search for it. For example the StackOverflow logo in this page.

see this (dead link)
the contents of that link are in the voted answer

Try restarting your browser. I thought I had a major problem with this, but as it turns out, mozilla just caches sites favicons. Restarting it fixed the issue.


Apache change favicon for certain directory

I'm having a problem with apache that it only looks in the root directory for favicons. I need a separate favicon for a specific directory on my webpage. Below I will draw an example
- favicon.ico
- index.html
- / Folder
- favicon.ico
- index.html
- index2.html
I want /index.html to have a favicon of /favicon.ico and I want /Folder/index.html and /Folder/index.html2 to have a favicon of /Folder/favicon.ico. (Edit: I do not want to specify at the top of each file, there are too many to make that practical)
I tried just putting a favicon.ico inside the sub-folder but it didn't do anything different. Thanks
Simply add the following code to the <head> element of each HTML file were you want to change the icon:
<link rel="icon" href="">
The Path needs to be adapted in the code snippet
What is important is that you have this snippet in your HTML files and then you just update the path to the icon you want.
This link might help you:
Also if you search google for your problem you will get many docs and examples.

When typing my website's URL with a subfolder, why does the subfolder name get combined with the URL name?

For some reason, when I type in my website's short-form URL (without WWW), any subfolders get smushed into the end of the domain name, and I end up getting my ISP's error page. as an example
But entering my website's URL with WWW works just fine.
At the same time, just typing in redirects to, the way I had configured it in Apache.
Here's my configuration:
I have two Virtual Hosts, one for (the default) and another for (my own)
In the configuration file for the default host, I have this line:
Redirect permanent /
I've seen similar behavior on Safari, Opera, and Internet Explorer, and I think it has to do with my website's redirects. Why is this happening, and what rules do I need so that my site redirects the way I expect?
I've found the answer here. I also deleted the RewriteBase line because my config file is in /etc/apache2/sites-available. Works like a charm!

notfound.html is not found

Pretty sure based on various examples (like the one here) I set things up correctly:
1) I created a file 'notfound.html' in the root directory of my site
2) I'm running xampp, ie. Apache web server, so based on the stuff I've read, Apache looks for a notfound.html in the root directory of a site when a non-existent page is typed in the browser, such as and uses that notfound.html for the 404 error message
Here's what I've tried and the result of each attempt:
1test) I put my own notfound.html in my site's root directory and enter a non-existent page
1result) my notfound.html is not used, but instead the default 404 error from (I guess) my web server, appears and says:
Object not found!
The requested URL was not found on this server. If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try
If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster.
Error 404
2/14/2012 9:11:29 AM
Apache/2.2.17 (Win32) mod_ssl/2.2.17 OpenSSL/0.9.8o PHP/5.3.4 mod_perl/2.0.4 Perl/v5.10.1
2test) I next added an .htaccess file to the root folder of my site and added this line in this .htaccess file:
ErrorDocument 404 /notfound.html
then I typed a non-existent page into my browser.
2result) I still see a default 404 error page, not my notfound.html, only this time the default error page says:
Not Found
The requested URL / was not found on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying
to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
3test) I then modified my .htaccess file by removing the '/' before the name of my custom 404 error page filename as follows:
ErrorDocument 404 notfound.html
3result) Now when I type my site name followed by a non-existent page, I no longer see the default 404 error page -- the browser window is completely blank except for the following at the top left corner:
Not sure what to do here, seems like I am missing some subtlety -- any ideas are really appreciated.
EDIT: I doubt it matters but there are 2 other statements in my .htaccess file for redirection situations:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^([^/\.]+)$ theHandlerPage.php?theArgumentPassedIn=$1 [L]
The regex here simply says 'go to the very end of the URL typed in and match a contiguous string of characters iff no '/' or '.' is in that contiguous stream of characters, then pass those in by way of $_GET[theArgumentPassedIn'] to the file theHandlerPage.php.
I don't think this rewrite rule is coming into play here because it will not match on a bad page name such as mysite/badpage.html because of the '.' in badpage.html.
Okay -- I discovered a bit of unexpectedness.
1) I move my notfound.html error file to the parent directory of my site -- whereas before the file was located at c:/xampp/htdocs/mysite/notfound.html, I have now moved this file to c:/xampp/htdocs/notfound.html.
2) then I use ErrorDocument 404 /notfound.html inside of my .htaccess file, which is located at c:/xampp/htdocs/mysite/.htaccess
And now when I type in the browser bar mysite/aBadfilename.html, my 404 notfound.html is showing up fine.
BUT THIS IS UNWORKABLE. I cannot have my notfound.html reside in the parent directory of my site, because I need a different notfound.html for each site I develop. I must be able to put my site's notfound.html in its folder space, ie. inside c:/xampp/htdocs/mysite.
Because c:/xampp/htdocs is the root folder of all web sites on the server.
Why is my web server looking for my-site's notfound.html in the c:/xampp/htdocs root directory instead of c:/xampp/htdocs/mysite? After all, I type mysite/badfile.html so the web server (in my opinion) should understand that notfound.html is in the c:/xampp/htdocs/mysite folder space.
Are you using Virtual Hosts ?
if so, i think there is a problem, open your httpd-vhosts.conf and look for a line where is DocumentRoot C:/xampp/htdocs/bla/blah/mysite/ and write down full path to a host, if it doesn't work play with Directory path. Hope it helps.

File Not found - very basic web dev help

I have not done any web dev before. I got my Apache server running on mac OS X, and set up a virtual host at /Users/dan/webapps. So, when I go to http://localhost/ in my browser, my index.html in the webapps folder shows up, as expected.
I then created Users/dan/webapps/temp/ folder, and put a flash app in there, let's call it "test.html", along with the required "test.swf". I restart the server. However, when i put http://localhost/temp into my browser, I get File Not Found. How do I make the browser able to go to that directory, and when it goes there, have it start test.html. I am using Safari. Thanks.
you should type: http://localhost/temp/test.html
a full path to your page,
Or you can change the name of your page from test.html to index.html and it would be loaded when you enter http://localhost/temp/, since the default DirectoryIndex is index.htm or index.html
Create a .htaccess file in Users/dan/webapps/temp/, and add the line:
DirectoryIndex test.html
This will make apache look for test.html when someone accesses the directory. Make sure permissions/ownership allows your webserver to read this file.

HTML Base Equivalent in .htaccess?

Let's say you have the following setup.
You have a server with the basepath set to the normal webroot.
The server has files in the following structure
Is it possible to have a .htaccess file somehow redirect the paths so if index.html has absolute paths they work.
For example if index.html contains /images/foo.gif can this magically become /projects/some-unique-id/images/foo.gif
The equivalent of the base html tag.
This is part of a CMS deliverable previewing system so I am restricted to not changing the HTML code.
Is there anyway to address this in an .htaccess file?
If each index.html contains <img src="/images/foo.gif"/>, the browser will request that URL and there will be no way for the server to know which page caused the request since the requests will be identical regardless of the originating page.
There is no way to do this with mod_rewrite unless you try to check the Referer header, which would be unreliable at best.
You will have to change your HTML markup to solve this. Using relative URLs seems like it would solve your problem.