WCF net.tcp binding service consume - wcf

I have following WCF Client code to consume WCF Service :
static void Main(string[] args)
IService1 vService;
NetTcpBinding b = new NetTcpBinding();
b.Security.Mode = SecurityMode.Message;
b.Security.Message.ClientCredentialType = MessageCredentialType.Windows;
EndpointAddress vEndPoint = new EndpointAddress("net.tcp://");
ChannelFactory<IService1> cf = new ChannelFactory<IService1>(b, vEndPoint);
vService = cf.CreateChannel();
Console.WriteLine("Result from the system " + vService.HellowWorld());
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("Error Occured while connection establish to " + vEndPoint.Uri.ToString());
When i run it locally it run successfully.
But When i try to consume my WCF Service remotely it Occurred a exception any one suggest
me how can i solve this problem?
My Exception message is :
Could not connect to net.tcp:// The connection attempt lasted for a time span of 00:00:21.0282028. TCP error code 10060: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond

try to use
ServiceBusEnvironment.SystemConnectivity.Mode = ConnectivityMode.Http;


Fail to connect to WCF Service on my Localhost

I got the below error when trying to connect to WCF service running on my localhost using the WCF Test Client tool. I entered the end-point address as "net.tcp://localhost:19998/MyWCFService". MyWCFService is launched within Visual Studio 2017 on my local PC.
"There was no endpoint listening at net.tcp://localhost:19998/MyWCFService that
could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action. See InnerException, if present, for more details."
I can verify the port 19998 is listening on my PC using the netstat.
I have disabled all the firewall on my PC.
It turns out that my WCF service has some runtime errors that prohibits any clients to connect to it.. I have fixed the errors and i can connect now. Thanks.
It seems that the error is caused by that the service address is wrong. How do you host the service on the server side? I would like you could post more details about the server side so that give you an effective reply.
Here is my example about using NetTCPBinding, wish it is useful to you.
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Uri uri = new Uri("net.tcp://localhost:1500");
NetTcpBinding binding = new NetTcpBinding();
binding.Security.Mode = SecurityMode.None;
using (ServiceHost sh = new ServiceHost(typeof(Calculator), uri))
sh.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof(ICalculator), binding,"");
ServiceMetadataBehavior smb;
smb = sh.Description.Behaviors.Find<ServiceMetadataBehavior>();
if (smb == null)
smb = new ServiceMetadataBehavior();
//smb.HttpGetEnabled = true;
Binding mexbinding = MetadataExchangeBindings.CreateMexTcpBinding();
sh.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof(IMetadataExchange), mexbinding, "MEX");
Console.Write("Service is ready....");
public interface ICalculator
int Test(int a);
public class Calculator : ICalculator
public int Test(int a)
return a * 2;
Feel free to let me know if there is anything I can help with.

Connecting to Amazon ActiveMQ with username & password

I'm trying to connect to ActiveMQ Amazon broker via SSL. My application is written in C#.
Previously, I connected via TCP to localhost ActiveMQ broker, which worked:
using Apache.NMS;
using Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ;
using Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ.Commands;
void Connect()
String brokerUri = "activemq:tcp://" + host + ":" + port + "? transport.useLogging=true&wireFormat.maxInactivityDuration=0&userName=myUsername&password=myPassword";
NMSConnectionFactory factory = new NMSConnectionFactory(brokerUri);
IConnection connection = factory.CreateConnection();
To connect to ActiveMQ Amazon broker via SSL, I have modified the code in the following way:
void Connect()
String brokerUri = "ssl://" + host + ":" + port + "? transport.useLogging=true&wireFormat.maxInactivityDuration=0&userName=myUsername&password=myPassword";
SslTransportFactory transportFactory = new SslTransportFactory();
Uri uri = new Uri(brokerUri);
ITransport transport = transportFactory.CreateTransport(uri);
transport.Command = Command;
transport.Exception = Exception;
ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory(brokerUri);
IConnection connection = factory.CreateConnection();
Connection con = (Connection)connection;
con.ITransport = transport;
con.Start(); => Here the exception is thrown: User name [null] or password is invalid.
private void Exception(ITransport sender, Exception command)
private void Command(ITransport sender, Command command)
However, upon starting the connection, User name [null] or password is invalid. Exception is thrown.
Please advise.
You're currently passing user credentials via the URI. However, I don't see any reference to username or password in the URI reference documentation. Also, the fact that the exception indicates the user name is null indicates the user credentials in your URI are simply being ignored.
Instead you should pass the user credentials in the CreateConnection method as documented here, e.g.:
IConnection connection = factory.CreateConnection("myUsername", "myPassword");

Trying to connect websocket to a client endpoint that is secure throws error: XNIO000100: 'https' URL scheme chosen but no SSL provider given

I'm trying to create a websocket in java that listens to a local application on the endpoint f.ex. "wss://localhost.localapp.com:8080/".
The application do send through that websocket information about what is happening.
When I run the web-application and it tries to connect to the secure websocket it throws this error:
XNIO000100: 'https' URL scheme chosen but no SSL provider given
Here is my code for connecting to the client endpoint:
public class ClientEndpoint {
private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName());
public ClientEndpoint() {
WebSocketContainer container = ContainerProvider.getWebSocketContainer();
try {
container.connectToServer(this, new URI("wss://localhost.localapp.com:8080/"));
} catch (DeploymentException | URISyntaxException | InterruptedException | IOException e) {
System.out.println("Connection error occured!: " + e);
public void onOpen(Session session) {
this.logger.info("New websocket session opened: " + session.getId());
public void onClose(Session session) {
this.logger.info("Websoket session closed: " + session.getId());
public void onMessage(Session session, String message) throws IOException, EncodeException {
this.logger.info("Message recieved: " + message);
public void error(Session session, Throwable t) {
So the errors happends on this code line:
container.connectToServer(this, new URI("wss://localhost.localapp.com:8080/"));
And the stack trace output this:
ERROR localhost jboss7.1 [RunnerReadFacade] Application was stopped due to exception. Transaction is rollbacked.: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: XNIO000100: 'https' URL scheme chosen but no SSL provider given
at org.xnio.http.HttpUpgrade$HttpUpgradeState.doUpgrade(HttpUpgrade.java:253)
at org.xnio.http.HttpUpgrade$HttpUpgradeState.access$100(HttpUpgrade.java:165)
at org.xnio.http.HttpUpgrade.performUpgrade(HttpUpgrade.java:129)
at io.undertow.websockets.client.WebSocketClient$ConnectionBuilder.connectImpl(WebSocketClient.java:323)
at io.undertow.websockets.client.WebSocketClient$ConnectionBuilder.connect(WebSocketClient.java:211)
at io.undertow.websockets.jsr.ServerWebSocketContainer.connectToServerInternal(ServerWebSocketContainer.java:463)
at io.undertow.websockets.jsr.ServerWebSocketContainer.connectToServerInternal(ServerWebSocketContainer.java:457)
at io.undertow.websockets.jsr.ServerWebSocketContainer.connectToServer(ServerWebSocketContainer.java:211)
How should I solve this?
With JavaScript I do not need a SSL provider and can simply create the connection with the websocket just by running:
websocket = new WebSocket("wss://localhost.localapp.com:8080/");
Why does the error only occure to Java?
This probably cannot be done because the application is on your local computer and the server is not local.
But could this be done if you would use a local server?
You can either switch to Programmatic Client Endpoint or define Thread local SSL Context. See details at https://issues.jboss.org/browse/THORN-2131 (wsstest-master.zip includes demo app). 'Implement io.undertow.websockets.jsr.WebsocketClientSslProvider and add a META-INF/services entry' didn't work for me.

How to catch error when message have been sent from JMS

I am sending an message through my standalone application that uses EJB MDB to communicate to my other application server that is running on JBOSS server.My application server is connected to a MSSQL server. In certain scenario, connection to the database is lost on application server side and we get following error -
Connection is reset.
Later , when i try to send message i don't get any error at my standalone EJB MDB logs and the process just stops executing.I get error log on application server side logs but same logs don't get propagated to my EJB MDB error logs.
As per my understanding, when db connection is lost all the ejb bean present in jboss container get nullified too.(I could be wrong here, i am new to EJB).
I tried implementing below code in my code that use to send message -
QueueConnection qcon = null;
public void initialize() {
System.out.println("In PostConstruct");
try {
qcon = qconFactory.createQueueConnection();
} catch (Exception e) {
public void releaseResources() {
System.out.println("In PreDestroy");
try {
if(qcon != null)
if(qcon== null){
throw new Exception(" new exception occured.");
} catch (Exception e) {
I was in a impression that Queueconnection object will be nullified, when our db connection have been lost(as we are creating bean and making connection for message). But it doesn't seem to work.
I did found a way to call back my application after sending message. I used a separate temporary queue and used setJMSReplyTo method to set the reply destination. More info could be obtained from this
link. Hope this helps others.

WCF sending the same exception even if the service endpoint address is valid

I'm running into a really strange problem with WCF. I need to implement some recovery behavior for WCF service if not reachable endpoint IP address received or service can not bind.
The flow is simple if the application fail on exception on service creation it terminate it and request from user another IP address and perform another attempt to create the service. (The code snippet below). If the address is not valid I get "A TCP error (10049: The requested address is not valid in its context) occurred while listening on IP Endpoint=." exception, but for any reason if I try the second attempt with valid address I've got the same exception with wrong IP address from previous attempt. Here is a code:
ServiceHost service = null;
Uri[] uris = { new Uri(Constants.PROTOCOL + "://" + address + ":" + port) };
service = new ServiceHost(typeof(IRemoteService), uris);
NetTcpBinding tcpBinding =
int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue);
ServiceEndpoint ep = service.AddServiceEndpoint(implementedContract.FullName,
tcpBinding, serviceName);
var throttle =
if (throttle == null)
throttle = new ServiceThrottlingBehavior
MaxConcurrentCalls = Constants.MAX_CONCURRENT_CALLS,
MaxConcurrentSessions = Constants.MAX_CONCURRENT_SESSIONS,
MaxConcurrentInstances = Constants.MAX_CONCURRENT_INSTANCES
catch (Exception e)
"Failed to open or create service exception. Exception message:" +
if (service!=null)
catch (Exception)
throw e;
You catch exception e, then later you catch a different exception, but you throw the original exception e.
Not sure if this is your problem, but it could result in you getting a confusing exception back.
Now I have read it a bit more carefully.
The problem is a mismatch between the context and the address. I see that the code uses netTcpBinding:
Check that the address matches, what is the value of CONSTANTS.Protocol?
Check that there is no conflict in the configuration files.