File upload with user access for Joomla 1.5 - file-upload

We want to make it possible for clients to download and upload files from our website. They must be able to see only the file they uploaded. We would also like to have files for download but select the users allowed to download them. So each client has their own front end where they see what they can download or they can upload their own Files.
My question is:
Is there a component for Joomla 1.5 available?
Our website runs on Joomla! 1.5.
Any help would be appreciated

You can use this componet for the file downloads and uploads via the frontend of the site
You will then need a file tree that shows the files within that folder, however I'm not quite sure users can only see the file they have uploaded themselves.


How can I automatically download pdf files from a pool of websites as they are uploaded, real-time?

I want to automatically download pdf files from a pool of sites like these:
I then want to upload them onto my own site.
Can I use Python to build a script for this function? I'd need to scrape the websites periodically so that, as soon as a new file is uploaded, the file is automatically downloaded to my server.
Lastly, assuming I'm sharing these on my own website for non-profit purposes, is this legal?
You can use the python-moduled requests and beautifulsoup4 to periodically scrape the websites and download the pdfs like so Download files using requests and BeautifulSoup .
Then you can save them in your servers web-path and display them dynamically.
I'm not a lawyer but i think this is not legal. Its like secretly recording a movie in the cinema and then sharing it online which is super not legal.

AWS download files from S3 in web browser

I am a newbie to AWS and one of the tasks I have is to figure out how to download MSIs, ISOs stored in S3 through a web browser. I read that I could use CLI behind the scenes. So if a customer clicks on one download; the app would make a request to S3 using one of the commands and that would download the file lets say through Google Chrome or IE (Please correct me if I'm wrong in the usage of CLI).
Now if the download stops for some reason due to internet failure; is there a way to resume the download? How do I get a download done through a client.
Thanks in advance for helping. Unfortunately the AWS links gave me very little information so seeking help here!
Files stored in Amazon S3 can be directly accessed via web browser, just like clicking a link on any website.
If the files are marked as publicly-accessible, anyone with the link can download the file.
If you wish to limit access to the files, your application can generate a pre-signed URL that will work for a limited time period that you specify (eg 5 minutes). Users can use/click that link to download the file within that time period.
You can also download files using the AWS Command-Line Interface (CLI), which has Copy and Sync commands. This would, however, require installation of the CLI on the user's computer. This is great if they are regularly download files or if you wish to automate the download (eg every hour or daily).
If you wish to explore AWS, sign-up for an account and make use of the Free Usage Tier, which lets you try some services for no charge.

Preventing direct access to files in IIS 7

I have a PHP application running on a Micrisoft IIS 7 server. The application shows PDF files on an iFrame, which contains user's sensitive data that I wouldn't like to be directly accessed by anyone that knows the file address.
So basically, I'm looking for a way to protect files from direct browser access or download, but still be able to show it on the application's iFrame.
I made some research with Rewrite rules, but since the "HTTP_REFERER" of an iFrame is empty, I couldn't find a good solution
Any suggestions for this?
Thanks in advance
Without seeing any of your code, or how your application works, I can only give suggestions based on how I think your app works.
Rather than showing the files themselves, with links directly to those files, you should consider changing your application so that the PHP reads in the directory, displays the file names (however you want them to appear), with links that go to a download.php page. The download page (after checking whether the user has permission to download the file) then loads the file into memory and serves it out as a response (with appropriate Content-Disposition and Content-Type headers).
Since your PHP application can read files directly within the web directory, you can set up rewrite rules to prevent accessing those files from the web; that way, the files can only be accessed by the PHP application, which doesn't rely on rewrite rules to access the drive.
This is how places like Source Forge can display an advertisement with a countdown that your file download will begin in 5 seconds.

Joomla 1.6 Upload file field in article manager

I wanted to add pdf file in my articles. I have added a custom form field with type="file" in the article manager by hacking the xml and artical.php file in administrator/component/com_content directory.
But I am not able to save the uploaded files on server. What causes this?
Also I used the field type="Media" but it does not display pdf files?
I had a requirement a while back where with every articles they wanted to be able to attach files for download. The trouble was that the end user had to be able to do this and they were not very tech savvy. I used this Joomla attachment extension and it has worked like a charm. I would recommend it.
In your case I would check the directory where the files are being uploaded, see if it has permissions that would allow files to be uploaded. Can you upload images fine and attach them in an article?
This attachment does not work with Joomla 1.6+, the developers do have a plugin that is in Release Candidate stage that you can use.

Where to save the uploaded files?

I am developing a web application to upload .mp3 files and need to play them. I successfully uploaded the files and saving them in C:/uploads folder. I understand that as it's a web application we need to save them in the Apache web server it self. But I am not sure, where to save them.
You can use content repositories to store uploaded data, I think this is common approach. For instance, take a look at the Apache JackRabbit CR, applying it you won't easy look for uploaded files on hard drive, but you will have web interface, and also some other tools available to connect to repository and show you files there etc.
As alternative to JackRabbit, you can try Alfresco CMS, they both implement JCR, other implementations are listed here (you will them at the bottom of that page).