Spray with Air Timeout for Comet - air

I am building an Air application that long-polls a Spray server to get relevant updates.
I am new to Spray and have read that, if requests are not handled on time, a 500 timeout error is automatically sent to the client by the framework. I can catch this error on the Air side, and then send another request, etc.
Are there any drawbacks to using this approach (I cannot think of any) or is it better to avoid the timeout and send back some sort of "no news" message to the client instead?

I would say, from a RESTful perspective, that the response should pertain to the state of the resource. Looking at the available response codes:
204 No Content The server successfully processed the request, but is
not returning any content.
This states that the request was carried out successfully yet there is nothing to return.
204 No Content


Should HTTP 4xx responses imply no change in application state?

If a web application returns an HTTP 4xx response back to the client should the client assume that the communication was stateless? If this is true, should web applications return a 5xx response in the case where a client's request results in a state change but further processing fails due to an issue with the client's request (we can assume that top layer validation cannot detect this case and recovery is not possible).
Is there an ISO standard developers can refer to that discusses what is expected as far as application state is concerned when an HTTP 4xx is returned? Is this covered in RESTful architecture?
So, working backwards -- the semantics of 5xx response messages and 4xx response messages provide the same guarantees about changes to resource state.
For instance, HTTP caches will treat both 4xx and 5xx as an "error response".
HTTP standardizes the meanings (semantics) of HTTP response codes, but it doesn't constrain implementations - your server is free to return whatever message you want, so long as you describe the message you return appropriately.
If you are expecting general purpose clients to understand that there was a problem with the request itself; then you should normally choose to respond with a representation that explains the actual problem, and use the correct HTTP meta data (including the response code) so that intelligent clients can do useful things.
The fact that your server actually did some work that changed the state of the exposed resources is "just" an implementation concern. There's fundamentally no difference between the case you describe, and the case where this request had no effect, but some other request to the server made changes that this client doesn't know about (yet).
If you want the general purpose client to understand that the resource has changed (and that previously cached responses should no longer be used), then you need to return a response with a non-error status code.
At a higher level, the important idea to understand is that a REST API is a facade - it provides the illusion that our sophisticated service is "just" an HTTP compatible document store.

ASP.NET Core and 102 status code implementation

I have long operation, which called via Web API. Status code 102 says to us:
An interim response used to inform the client that the server has
accepted the complete request, but has not yet completed it.
This status code SHOULD only be sent when the server has a reasonable
expectation that the request will take significant time to complete.
As guidance, if a method is taking longer than 20 seconds (a
reasonable, but arbitrary value) to process the server SHOULD return a
102 (Processing) response. The server MUST send a final response after
the request has been completed.
So, I want to return 102 status code to client, then client waits response about result of operation. How to implement it on .NET?
I read this thread: How To Return Http 102 Processing in Asp.Net Web Api?
This thread has good explanation what is necessary, but no response. I don't understand how it implement on .NET, not theory...
Using HTTP 102 requires that the server send two responses for one request. ASP.NET (Core or not) does not support sending a response to the client without completely ending the request. Any attempt to send two responses will end up in throwing an exception and just not working. (I tried a couple different ways)
There's a good discussion here about how it's not actually in the HTTP spec, so implementing it isn't really required.
There are a couple alternatives I can think of:
Use web sockets (a persistent connection that allows data to be sent back and forth), like with SignalR, for example.
If your request takes a long time because it's getting data from elsewhere, you can try pulling in that data via a stream and send it to the client via a stream. That will send the data as it's coming in, rather than loading it all into memory first before sending it. Here's an example of streaming data from a database to the response: https://stackoverflow.com/a/45682190/1202807

Logic apps - HTTP connector POST call to API returns 202 and location header but the polling returns 404

We have implemented a Logic app to call do a POST call to a third-party API which returns a 202 with location header. The Logic app in the backend automatically polls using the location header resulting in GET request to the third-party provider hoping to receive a 200 response once the processing is complete. However, the GET requests are resulting in 404 errors.
We have tried disabling the check location headers but for some reason Logic apps still continues to send the GET requests and at a faster rate.
Is there any way to stop the GET request from Logic Apps or should this be the third-party provider's responsibility to handle the polling and not send 404's?
Yes, you can stop the GET request from your Logic Apps. Basically it totally depends on your workflow. If you are designing a stateful workflow then I would suggest that not to stop the GET request.
For stateful workflow all HTTP-based actions follow the standard asynchronous operation pattern as the default behavior. Where after an HTTP action calls or sends a request to an endpoint or API, the receiver immediately returns a "202 ACCEPTED" response. And the response can include a location header which the caller can use to poll or check the status for the asynchronous request until the receiver stops processing and returns a "200 OK" success response or other non-202 response.
But if you are designing a stateless workflow, then caller doesn't have to wait for the request to finish processing and can continue to run the next action. In this case the receiver return the "202 ACCEPTED" response as-is, and proceed to the next step in the workflow execution. A stateless workflow won't poll the specified URI to check the status.
You can stop the GET request from your logic app by following any of the two approaches mentioned below.
Turn off Asynchronous Pattern setting.
You can achieve this by going to the Logic App Designer, on the HTTP action's title bar, selecting the ellipses (...) button and setting Asynchronous Pattern to Off if enabled.
Disable asynchronous pattern in HTTP action's JSON definition.
In the HTTP action's underlying JSON definition, add the "DisableAsyncPattern" operation option to the action's definition so that the action follows the synchronous operation pattern. Check this document for more information.
Also check this Asynchronous request-response behavior document by Microsoft for more understanding.

JSON:API HTTP status code for duplicate content creation avoidance

Suppose I have an endpoint that supports creating new messages. I am avoiding the creation of two times the same message in the backend, in case the user tries to push the button twice (or in case the frontend app behaves strangely).
Currently for the duplicate action my server is responding with a 303 see other pointing to the previously created resource URL. But I see I could also use a 302 found. Which one seems more appropriate ?
Note that the duplicate avoidance strategy can be more complex (eg for an appointment we would check whether the POSTed appointment is within one hour of an existing one)
I recommend using HTTP Status Code 409: Conflict.
The 3XX family of status codes are generally used when the client needs to take additional action, such as redirection, to complete the request. More generally, status codes communicate back to the client what actions they need to take or provide them with necessary information about the request.
Generally for these kind of "bad" requests (such as repeated requests failing due to duplication) you would respond with a 400 status code to indicate to the client that there was an issue with their request and it was not processed. You could use the response to communicate more precisely the issue.
Also to consider, if the request is just "fire and forget" from the client then as long as you've handled the case for duplication and no more behavior is needed from the client it might be acceptable to send a 200 response. This tells the client "the request was received and handled appropriately, nothing more you need to do." However this is a bit deceptive as it does not indicate the error to the client or allow for any modified behavior.
The JSON:API specification defines:
A server MUST return 409 Conflict when processing a POST request to create a resource with a client-generated ID that already exists.

Handling errors when consuming remote APIs

I have an RESTful API that calls another remote webservice. In general I have to query this remote service for every request that comes to my specific API function, and in my code I am wrapping and/or modifying parts of the result.
However it is possible that this remote service is not answering in time or throws an error. What is the most logical response that my API should throw then? I am specifically thinking about:
HTTP 500 - however this gives the client no information what is happening
HTTP 503 with a Retry-After header - then the client clearly sees this is an error and can query again later
HTTP 200 and returning an empty result
HTTP 200 and returning an error message or something like that
...or doing something completely different?
It all depends on what you want your API to convey to your client.
500: client cannot fetch his resource and does not know whether he should just bombard your server with another request, but at least knows it MIGHT exist
503: client cannot fetch his resource, but at least knows it MIGHT exist and can retry later in X amount of time.
200 *Empty response*: client is told his resource is empty and everything is ok, so probably will not come back while the resource could be not empty and was available a second later (Kind of misleading).
200 *Error message*: client is told everything is ok, but receives in your context an error message. (This is wrong and totally contradicting itself/yourself!)
My advice:
Do the 503