How to determine if a NTFS Folder is corrupted? - ntfs

Recently, I encountered an unknown problem causing particular folder in NTFS folder to be corrupted in multiple computers. I need to detect if the folder is corrupted and perform actions like relocate the folder or send notifications. However I do not know how to do it yet. The normal APIs, like OpenFile/CreateFile seems to be malfunctioning with the corrupted folder and I can not use them to determine if a Folder is corrupted. So I plan to parse MTF structure and check for problem directly.
Therefore, I began to study the NTFS MFT structure. I found that $Volume has a dirty flag to determine if a drive needs chkdisk. But it is not directly related to file corruption and will be set if Windows is shutdown unexpectedly. DI failed to find a particular flag or anything to determine if an INDEX or FILE is corrupted in MFT structure.
Could I know if there is a way to determine a corrupted NTFS Folder?
Any help is appreciated!

I found 3 things that are related with NTFS disk corruption issues. It is incomplete; however, without updated NTFS source code, it is very hard to find out what Microsoft was really doing in chkdisk. I will just post what I found it in case if anyone needs to know it.
1 Dirty Flag in $BadClus of "File Records" section
If the flag in $BadClus is set to ON, then the operating system will perform a disk scan at boot-up. I believe NTFS module would set the flag to ON if encounter disk operation.
2 "BAAD" in identification field of a file record
If there is something wrong with file record, for example USA/USN unmatched, then MFT may replace "FILE" with "BAAD" in identification field of a file record structure. It can be used to identify corrupted file/directory quickly.
3 Compare USA/USN in every FILE/INDX record
Both FILE/INDX structure contains USA/USN for corruption check. Scan through the system and compare USA and USN could help you discover corruption issue.


Reading file content from the MFT at runtime

I have to read the MFT file of a running Windows (XP or higher) and through it to reach the HD sectors that held the contents ($DATA) of a specific file that exists on the machine.
The problem is that between the time of reading the MFT until the fetching of the relevant sectors and reading them, the file system structure can vary and the locations may not be relevant anymore.
Is there a way to "freeze" the system for a certain time? Perhaps guarantee that there will not be changes for this file? Lock a specific file in order to make it not moving between sectors? (Including due to optimizations and changes in indirect)
Of course I would prefer not to copy the entire hard disk and to work statically since it's a slow operation that would disallow normal use of the system at this time. Needless to say, I don't want to use the API functions of the OS or to write a driver.
I'd simply open the file, requesting read/write access, with read share mode. If you succeed to open the file, you're guaranteed that data will not change until you close the handle. See
If you want to achieve that on files that are already opened and locked by different processes, that's entirely different story and I believe you have to write own filter driver.
If the file location in the system varies, it will be accordingly reflected in the MFT. So instead of trying to stop any activity for the file you can simply compare the MFT info before and after reading the file. Unless you are de-fragmenting or deleting contents of the file the file storage structure will not change. Additions to files do not affect the consistency of data that you read. So if this is your scenario, you can just go ahead with the above method.

NSFileManager: move file to a NTFS hard disk

I'm trying to copy some files from local HD (journaled, of course) to a USB hard disk, partitioned with NTFS.
I'm simply using
[fileManager copyItemAtPath:src toPath:dest error:&err]
which works fine.
However, for some files (I didn't understand the relation between these files), when I try to delete them from the NTFS drive I get a Finder error
The operation could not be completed.
An unexpected error occurred (error code -50).
I tried to search the web, I read it may be a problem of illegal characters in the name ? / " | > *, but none of those characters is in the name of the files that give me the error (I didn't check for every file that gives me that error, also because I have hundreds of files, but one that gives that error every time is asdf.txt, thus I think it's not related to file names...).
Besides (I don't know if it's related or not), when the popup with the error appears I have, as you know, two choices. The file gets deleted even if I cancel the operation.
Any suggestion on how I can solve? (except, of course, not using a NTFS drive)
I'm using MacOSX 10.7.2 and Xcode 4.2.1.

Watch folder for files being Read

I am trying to watch files in a directory to determine when files are opened/accessed. I thought FileSystemWatcher would do the trick using the event Changed.
Problem is that some applications do not create a lock on the file they open/access or change either the date modified or date accessed (even after fsutil behavior set disablelastaccess 0). Notepad for example. Apparently is makes a copy of the file in memory and plays with it there until you save it. Nor does it update the Date Accessed.
How can I monitor a directory of files and be notified when a file is simply opened/accessed by any program (e.g. Notepad)? Files may be opened from another computer, not necessarily on the computer running the "watcher".
I found lots of similar questions but did not see one focusing on file "access".
This is quite normal. Updating an existing file is quite dangerous since it can cause irretrievable data loss. A disk error (like disk full) while writing is very bad news. The common algorithm used:
rename the original file
write a new file using the original name
no error: delete the renamed file
error: delete the new file, rename original file back
Clearly this doesn't cause a Changed event to be raised, no file was changed.
Sorry, I didn't read the question well enough. There is no notification whatsoever for an app just opening a file for reading. FSW can only detect changes to the file system. There is no ready alternative either, this requires a custom file system filter driver that snoops on driver requests. Like the kind that SysInternals' ProcMon utility uses. I'm not aware of such a driver ready for use in a C# program, you can't write them in C# either. This just isn't a common requirement.

Platform independent file locking?

I'm running a very computationally intensive scientific job that spits out results every now and then. The job is basically to just simulate the same thing a whole bunch of times, so it's divided among several computers, which use different OSes. I'd like to direct the output from all these instances to the same file, since all the computers can see the same filesystem via NFS/Samba. Here are the constraints:
Must allow safe concurrent appends. Must block if some other instance on another computer is currently appending to the file.
Performance does not count. I/O for each instance is only a few bytes per minute.
Simplicity does count. The whole point of this (besides pure curiosity) is so I can stop having every instance write to a different file and manually merging these files together.
Must not depend on the details of the filesystem. Must work with an unknown filesystem on an NFS or Samba mount.
The language I'm using is D, in case that matters. I've looked, there's nothing in the standard lib that seems to do this. Both D-specific and general, language-agnostic answers are fully acceptable and appreciated.
Over NFS you face some problems with client side caching and stale data. I have written an OS independent lock module to work over NFS before. The simple idea of creating a [datafile].lock file does not work well over NFS. The basic idea to work around it is to create a lock file [datafile].lock which if present means file is NOT locked and a process that wants to acquire a lock renames the file to a different name like [datafile].lock.[hostname].[pid]. The rename is an atomic enough operation that works well enough over NFS to guarantee exclusivity of the lock. The rest is basically a bunch of fail safe, loops, error checking and lock retrieval in case the process dies before releasing the lock and renaming the lock file back to [datafile].lock
The classic solution is to use a lock file, or more accurately a lock directory. On all common OSs creating a directory is an atomic operation so the routine is:
try to create a lock directory with a fixed name in a fixed location
if the create failed, wait a second or so and try again - repeat until success
write your data to the real data file
delete the lock directory
This has been used by applications such as CVS for many years across many platforms. The only problem occurs in the rare cases when your app crashes while writing and before removing the lock.
Why not just build a simple server which sits between the file and the other computers?
Then if you ever wanted to change the data format, you would only have to modify the server, and not all of the clients.
In my opinion building a server would be much easier than trying to use a Network file system.
Lock File with a twist
Like other answers have mentioned, the easiest method is to create a lock file in the same directory as the datafile.
Since you want to be able to access the same file over multiple PC the best solution I can think of is to just include the identifier of the machine currently writing to the data file.
So the sequence for writing to the data file would be:
Check if there is a lock file present
If there is a lock file, see if I'm the one owning it by checking that its content has my identifier.
If that's the case, just write to the data file then delete the lock file.
If that's not the case, just wait a second or a small random length of time and try the whole cycle again.
If there is no lock file, create one with my identifier and try the whole cycle again to avoid race condition (re-check that the lock file is really mine).
Along with the identifier, I would record a timestamp in the lock file and check whether it's older than a given timeout value.
If the timestamp is too old, then assume that the lock file is stale and just delete it as it would mea one of the PC writing to the data file may have crashed or its connection may have been lost.
Another solution
If you are in control the format of the data file, could be to reserve a structure at the beginning of the file to record whether it is locked or not.
If you just reserve a byte for this purpose, you could assume, for instance, that 00 would mean the data file isn't locked, and that other values would represent the identifier of the machine currently writing to it.
Issues with NFS
OK, I'm adding a few things because Jiri Klouda correctly pointed out that NFS uses client-side caching that will result in the actual lock file being in an undetermined state.
A few ways to solve this issue:
mount the NFS directory with the noac or sync options. This is easy but doesn't completely guarantee data consistency between client and server though so there may still be issues although in your case it may be OK.
Open the lock file or data file using the O_DIRECT, the O_SYNC or O_DSYNC attributes. This is supposed to disable caching altogether.
This will lower performance but will ensure consistency.
You may be able to use flock() to lock the data file but its implementation is spotty and you will need to check if your particular OS actually uses the NFS locking service. It may do nothing at all otherwise.
If the data file is locked, then another client opening it for writing will fail.
Oh yeah, and it doesn't seem to work on SMB shares, so it's probably best to just forget about it.
Don't use NFS and just use Samba instead: there is a good article on the subject and why NFS is probably not the best answer to your usage scenario.
You will also find in this article various methods for locking files.
Jiri's solution is also a good one.
Basically, if you want to keep things simple, don't use NFS for frequently-updated files that are shared amongst multiple machines.
Something different
Use a small database server to save your data into and bypass the NFS/SMB locking issues altogether or keep your current multiple data files system and just write a small utility to concatenate the results.
It may still be the safest and simplest solution to your problem.
I don't know D, but I thing using a mutex file to do the jobe might work. Here's some pseudo-code you might find useful:
do {
// Try to create a new file to use as mutex.
// If it's already created, it will throw some kind of error.
mutex = create_file_for_writing('lock_file');
} while (mutex == null);
// Open your log file and write results
log_file = open_file_for_reading('the_log_file');
write(log_file, data);
// Free mutex and allow other processes to create the same file.
So, all processes will try to create the mutex file but only the one who wins will be able to continue. Once you write your output, close and delete the mutex so other processes can do the same.

The strategy to get recovery from broken files?

Me and my colleague are trying to implement a mechanism to get recovery from broken files on an embedded equipment.
This could be happened during certain circumstances, e.g. user takes off the battery during file writing.
Orz, but now we have just one idea:
Create duplicated backup files, and copy them back if dangerous file i/o is not finished properly.
This is kind of stupid, as if the backup files also broken, we are just dead.
Do you have any suggestions or good articles on this?
Thanks in advance.
Read up on database logging and database journal files.
A database (like Oracle) has very, very robust file writing. Do not actually use Oracle. Use their design pattern. The design pattern goes something like this. You can borrow these ideas without actually using the actual product.
Your transaction (i.e., Insert) will fetch the block to be updated. Usually this is in memory cache, if not, it is read from disk to memory cache.
A "before image" (or rollback segment) copy is made of the block you're about to write.
You change the cache copy, write a journal entry, and queue up a DB write.
You commit the change, which makes the cache change visible to other transactions.
At some point, the DB writer will finalize the DB file change.
The journal is a simple circular queue file -- the records are just a history of changes with little structure to them. It can be replicated on multiple devices.
The DB files are more complex structures. They have a "transaction number" -- a simple sequential count of overall transactions. This is encoded in the block (two different ways) as well as written to the control file.
A good DBA assures that the control file is replicated across devices.
When Oracle starts up, it checks the control file(s) to find which one is likely to be correct. Others may be corrupted. Oracle checks the DB files to see which match the control file. It checks the journal to see if transactions need to be applied to get the files up to the correct transaction number.
Of course, if it crashes while writing all of the journal copies, that transaction will be lost -- not much can be done about that. However, if it crashes after the journal entry is written, it will probably recover cleanly with no problems.
If you lose media, and recover a backup, there's a chance that the journal file can be applied to the recovered backup file and bring it up to date. Otherwise, old journal files have to be replayed to get it up to date.
Depends on which OS etc. etc. but in most cases what you can do is copy to a temporary file name and as the last final step rename the files to the correct name.
This means the (WOOPS) Window of Opertunity Of Potential S****p is confined to the interval when the renames take place.
If the OS supports a nice directory structure and you lay out the files intelligently you can further refine this by copying the new files to a temp directory and renaming the directory so the WOOPS becomes the interval between "rename target to save" and "rename temp to target".
This gets even better if the OS supports Soft link directories then you can "ln -s target temp". On most OSes replacing a softlink will be an "atomic" operation which will work or not work without any messy halfway states.
All these options depend on having enough storage to keep a complete old and new copy on the file system.