WCF listen to Service Bus - wcf

I’m new to WCF and are having problems by finding the solution to my problem.
I have WCF set up that handles some logic (simple database handling).
I then have a web page (ASP.NET) that gets it data from WCF (and also sends it data to WCF).
Now I’m trying to use an Azure Service Bus to send data to WCF. It works fine when I go through the ASP.NET website. It works like this:
1, Client application sends data to Service Bus.
2, ASP.NET Webpage reads data from Service Bus.
3, ASP.NET Sends data to WCF.
4, WCF updates the database.
Everything works fine.
But, I would like the WCF to constantly listen to the Service Bus.
How do I do that?

In this scenario you have 2 options:
Use the WCF endpoint of the Service Bus Queues: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/tomholl/archive/2011/10/07/using-service-bus-queues-with-wcf.aspx
Use the service bus relay: https://www.windowsazure.com/en-us/develop/net/how-to-guides/service-bus-relay/
Depending on your scenario you'll use one of these options. The first scenario uses queueing. If your WCF service should be unavailable for any reason your client will still keep working (messages are delivered to the queue and picked up by the WCF service whenever available).
The second scenario will create a bridge between your client and a WCF service (could be on premises, in an other data center, ...). Since it's a direct connection you can receive a response. But keep in mind, if your WCF service is offline, your client will receive an exception and you'll need to handle that.


MSMQ to WCF - automatic notification

I have an application that places messages on MSMQ, than I have a WCF service that I want to automatically read these messages from MSMQ.
I do not want to trigger my WCF service but I want it to be notified whenever a message is pushed on MSMQ. I have found some stuff related to WAS and netMSMQBinding, but the details seems a little unclear about automatic notifications from MSMQ to WCF.
Any help/direction in this regard? Thanks.
What is it that you're trying to achieve?
There is really no such thing as "be notified when a message is pushed on MSMQ". MSMQ uses a pull model to retrieve messages from a queue, so there always needs to exist some kind of "listener" that reads messages from the queue and processes them.
In this case, this "listener" is provided by the WCF NetMsmq or MsmqIntegration bindings automatically, so the programming model for a WCF service that is exposed over MSMQ is just like that of a regular one-way service.
As you state, you can either host that WCF service using your own custom host (such as a Windows service), or, in many cases, the preferred method will be to host that service in IIS 7.X/8.X through WAS.
The following sample shows how to host an MSMQ service in WAS: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms752246(v=vs.110).aspx
Notice that you do need some specific configuration in IIS to be able to host non-HTTP services, which includes enabling the "Non-HTTP Service Activation" feature. The following articles will be useful to get this done:

SignalR - Sending a Message from a WCF Project

I've followed the instructions from https://github.com/SignalR/SignalR/wiki/Hubs
entitled "Broadcasting over a Hub from outside of a Hub".
I got this method working from within an MVC Action in the same project. Requesting the Action sends the update to connected clients.
My problem is that I need to be able to send updates from another project, in particular a WCF Web Services project. My app has an API and a web component and when API users make calls that change things, these updates need to be pushed out to the Web clients via SignalR. And calling a web service with the same code as my Test Action doesn't work.
I also tried the same code inside an nunit unit test that didn't work either.
What do I need to do to make this same method described on the Wiki work for a WCF Project?
The easiest solution is probably to provide an API on your Web Application (use MVC or the new WebAPI) that broadcasts to all connected clients. Any other application (an NT Service, an NUnit test, ...) can call that API if it wants to send a message to the clients.
You can't expect SignalR to do anything if you aren't hosting a Hub either in a Web Application running under IIS, or another application hosting it directly.
If you need two-way communication from your separate application to your clients then simply make your application into a SignalR client too and have it communicate via the Web Application hosted SignalR to the clients and have it listen to messages from them too.
For example, here's how I have configured a complex Service + WebSite + Clients solution (ignore the purple for now):
The Live Web Server allows NT Services to connect and create SignalR Groups. NT Services send to those groups. Web browsers connect to a group and receive messages send to that group. In effect the middle box becomes a pubsubhub.
I cannot get exactly what you aim. But if I understood correctly you're trying to send some kind of notifications raised inside WCF services to SignalR clients.
If that's the case; I can suggest you my approach:
I have some WCF services and a SignalR hub in the same application server. IMHO, the best way to communicate WCF with SignalR hub is by using MSMQ.
When a notification occurs inside a WCF service, it puts the notification payload into MSMQ.
On the other end, SignalR hub listens the same queue. When a message put into the queue, it gets the content and broadcasts to the hub clients. Very easy and straightforward. No extra service/hub call at the server side.
SignalR hub can listen for new queue items by using System.Messaging.MessageQueue#ReceiveCompleted method. When this event raised, SignalR hub gets the queue item and broadcasts to its clients.

queuing requests with WCF service

I have a WCF service that can receive several requests/minute (or seconds) that need to write information to the database. Rather than write it synchronously, I would like to place these requests in some sort of a queue on the server so that another proces can come along and process them. The client just needs an acknowledgement that the request was received. I have read a lot about MSMQ and WCF etc, but it seems that with MSMQ you write to the queue from client and not to the web service, which is not what I want.
Is there a way to do the following inside a WCF method that does not involve a database. Perhaps i have not grasped the concept of MSMQ right.
public bool ProcessMessage(string message)
return AddToQueue(message);
return false;
EDIT: I need to validate the message before writing to the queue.
I do this currently in an application I created. A WCF service is hosted as an HTTP Service on IIS. It accepts calls, and packets of data, I take that data, validate it (tell the caller it's wrong or not) then send the data to another WCF service that is using netMSMQ binding, that service then does the final writing to the database. The good thing about this is it will queue up on one MSMQ and the WCF Service that is bound to this MSMQ pops off one message at a time and processes it. The HTTP WCF service can then handle as many requests as it wants and does not have to worry about pooled up messages as that's the job of the WCF/MSMQ-bound service. The common name for this pattern is a Bridge framework.
ETA: the second service (the MSMQ-bound WCF Service) is run as a Windows service always on. It also handles separation of concerns. The HTTP service validates and does not care about the database, the other service handles writing to the Database.
The point of using MSMQ should be to remove the need for your service to worry about queueing anything. MSMQ will guarantee that your messages get delivered in the proper order and that your service processes them in the proper order.
Your service shouldn't maintain a queue at all if you set this up properly.

How to find out the address of multiple clients connected to a WCF duplex service?

I am currently developing a WCF duplex Service for 2 clients. The first client would be an asp.net webpage which upon receiving a posting, it will send the data over to the service. When the service receives the data, it will then AUTOMATICALLY send it to the second client which is a winform app through the callback channel...
To make it simpler.
Asp.net will invoke the wcf
The wcf will reside on the iis server, same as the asp.net
WCF will require to send a data to the windows form application that is running on a client side. Only 1 instance of this application will be run at a time.
Your service should know nothing about the clients attached to it. Doing so pretty much breaks the intention of WCF.
A better solution might be to have your clients subscribe to "events" that your service can fire off. Or maybe the client can provide some information in their requests that indicates a service and method to call back to when needed.

How can a I publish data to a WCF duplex service, from non-Silverlight client

I have a Silverlight app, that uses a WCF duplex service extensively (therefore I don't want to change from duplex on that side of things).
I wish to stream data from a Windows app, via the WCF duplex service to any connected Silverlight client. However I believe that only Silverlight clients have an API to call duplex WCF services (based on PollingDuplexBindingElement).
Therefore, I thought perhaps that I could have a non-duplex WCF service on the same website,to which the Windows client pushes data, and somehow trigger the duplex service to forward on the messages. But to start with, the non-duplex service is effectively a windows app as well and gets the same errors if it tries to call the duplex service.
Finally, I have concluded I will have to use a shared queue / bus between the services and would like recommendations as to a good approach. I am looking for the best performing (low latency) solution.
The link below there is a good sample which consumes a wcf duplex service from a wpf client.