TRAC, hide a project in available projects page depending on permissions - trac

I have multiple projects in TRAC. I'm using mod_wsgi, and my wsgi script file TRAC_ENV_PARENT_DIR variable is pointing to the folder containing folders with all these projects. A few users have access to different projects. When a user visits the TRAC URL, she can see the listing containing all these projects, yet has no access to some of them.
Is there any way to show to a user only those projects this user has access to?
Please advise.

Preamble: I abhor security through obscurity. Your request could be read as cosmetics in web site presentation. Don't aim at improved access control, because knowing a valid path will still give access to each Trac environment depending on it's settings. Of course better navigation is a good reason.
Requiring to hide folders depending on user's permission means you require authentication before granting access to TRAC_ENV_PARENT_DIR. This could be done with standard mechanisms that your web server supports. This is just the precondition.
As you say, you have some non-public Trac instances in your Trac environment folder collection. How complicated it is to identify all folders correctly, that depends on how much you want to spend on initial implementation vs. maintenance.
I should be trivial, but error-prone, to provide a list of either the public or the private directories, of course whatever is easier to maintain. Zero additional configuration would require to open each Trac environment and look up user permissions. )** This sounds rather cumbersome and means probably a performance penalty for applications with large user base and frequent access. You will at least work with a cached list, if you go down this road.
You can't use Trac's auto-generated Available projects list but you'll have to deliver at least two versions of an index page for authenticated/unprivileged and authenticated and privileged users.
For the sake of maintenability you'll want to consolitate configuration and permissions. For access to each Trac environment you could use trac.ini inheritance and a shared .htpasswd file. However you can't inherit permissions, because these settings are stored inside the Trac db. You could give TracUserSyncPlugin a shot, but it seems not yet fit for production, or at least lacks feedback of all the happy users, if they exist.
)** While I'm not aware of dedicated documentation about this, there are actually several possibilities. Since permissions are stored in the Trac db, all involve reading/querying the permission db table. It's structure is documented with all other tables of the Trac db schema. To read you'll want to open the Trac environment(s) and then use a direct query on the table (see a AccountManagerPlugin changeset for an example) or construct and query a PermissionCache object.

It may be an old question, but so far i've found the answers to be rather complex without need.
I think using the information stated here, , one could build a template that checks for users and permissions and then show the data it should.
In my case, i just needed to point the "TRAC_ENV_INDEX_TEMPLATE" variable to blank HTML, and that was enough for me.


Using the Multi Tenant feature to configure permissions

I want to make access polices on the folder each of costumer:
Then the CustomerA (tenant user) can't access the folders of other another Customers
I think abut doing this using "Tenants", and a would like to see an exeample.
The Multi Tenant (MT) feature in Alfresco does not do what you ask for. Especially, tenants don't share the same document library, they are completely separated.
You could use MT to achieve complete separation of tenants. This separation would include not only documents but users, groups, permissions, everything you deploy in the Data Dictionary.
I recommend to use a single (default) tenant and normal folder permissions if you just want to handle read/write permissions.
Before using Multi-Tenancy, pay close attention to the features you will be giving up, which are documented here.
The correct way to do what you are attempting to do is to simply use permissions. Give all of your customers access to the /customers folder. Then, in each customer-specific folder, break the ACL inheritance (Manage Permissions, Un-check Inherit Permissions), then assign the specific customer (perhaps using a group) to the folder with the appropriate access.
You might even consider using a separate Share site for each customer, which would make this easier.
The caveat to this is that if you are trying to hide all of your users and groups from each other, then really what you want are separate repositories, and that's what Multi-Tenancy provides, at the expense of the features I referenced at the top of the post.
If you go that route, you'll have to use the tenant console to create each customer-specific tenant. Your tenants will be separated into their own repositories. And you won't have a way to view all of your customer documents side-by-side without switching tenants.
Honestly, due to the stability of the multi-tenancy feature and the other features you have to give up, I'd be more inclined to use completely separate servers, even though that increases your maintenance burden. Alfresco doesn't even use their own multi-tenancy feature in their own cloud product.
You really should have no problems. MT is already there, you just need to enable it. There's no additional work that you should do in order to hide tenants from each others - that's the whole point of this feature.

Using LDAP not only for authentication but for storing data

We have multiple apps that use OpenLDAP for authentication and for storing data. We have quite lot links to these OpenLDAP entities from DBs from multiple applications (each app has its own DB), so when you change OpenLDAP entity you have to track object changes (currently we are using DN as a reference key). And inside LDAP we have few references, like what user can access which objects, as they can have very specific access rights (access right are not depend on hierarchy), LDAP also doesn't track these changes, so once these referenced objects are moved we need to track them both in LDAP and in multiple DBs.
I'm new to linux and OpenLDAP (we have it running on linux), but to me this all seems like a wrong way to handle things and it seems like we are using LDAP in the way it wasn't designed to be used (The idea of using it like this came from senior developers).
My questions is:
Is there anything bad to use LDAP in way i have described.
How can i change the OpenLDAP schema to create something like GUID for all object classes we are using, this way at least we can store object GUID instead of DN and don't have to track changes. If I change schema will I be able to perform search and filter by this GUID?
Sorry, but your architecture description is not clear for me, so I can't write if it's bad to use it like this.
Having multiple directories in a company is very common in middle to big companies (most of the time it's due to historical reasons) but for single sign on "Meta directories" are setup to have a single authentification point.
In my point of view the DN is obsolutly not the way to point an object in a directory, jus because moving an object is changing his DN. Each directory has got an attribute inherited from the "top" class that contains an unique identifier inside the directory. In OpenLDAP it's entryUUID.
entryUUID: bec561c4-c5b0-102a-81c0-81bc30f92d57
If you want to link datas in a not too big Directory you can also use referential integrity, that the way users are linked to groups (when you move a user you don't have to look at each group it belongs to) in operating systems directories (RefInt Overlay in OpenLDAP).

How to prevent Trac to show some commits in the Timeline?

I'm trying to configure a trac server we are using in my team, in order to avoid an undesired behaviour. We are mainly developing free and open-source software in the team, but we sometimes need to be able to build our early prototypes as completely private.
Because of our first constraint, we want our timeline to be visible for anonymous users. But because of the seconde constraints, we want some commits to be completely hidden from the external world, i.e. we don't want anybody else than us to be able to read the message and content of some commits in the timeline.
Unfortunately, I've been unable to configure Trac the proper way to reach this behaviour untli now. I wan't find a configuration that would let me manage the Timeline content with enough accuracy.
Consequently, I would like to know if such a configuration is possible with trac.
For information, I'm using Trac 0.12.2. The installed plugins are :
Trac 0.12.2
TracAccountManager 0.2.1dev-r7731
TracNav 4.1
The only permission I can see that is related to Timeline is TIMELINE_VIEW.
I have forgot to mention something. We don't want to loose the private commits. And we want them to display for registered users. Consequently, it's not a solution for us to remove them from the database.
EDIT 2 :
Ideally, we would like the commits' message to be displayed according to the right to read the content of our Subversion repository. The idea is that, if a commit is made on a part someone can't access, this person is not supposed to be able to read the message of the commit either.
EDIT 3 :
If we have a look in the configuration file of trac, we already can find :
permission_policies = AuthzSourcePolicy, DefaultPermissionPolicy, LegacyAttachmentPolicy
and the authz_file variable is properly set too. Moreover, svn access to the private folders of the svn repositories can't be accessed by anonymous users.
You should set up authz checking for both your Subversion repository and your Trac installation. You can use the same permission file for both. For Subversion, see Path-based authorization in the SVN book. For Trac, enable and configure the trac.versioncontrol.svn_authz.AuthzSourcePolicy component.
This will allow you to have a very fine-grained control over who can access which part of the repository. Note that the implementation of AuthzSourcePolicy in Trac 0.12.2 has a few bugs that will be fixed in 0.12.3.
There are two ways of going about this :
1) You can directly edit the plugins that are running in trac, and add a module that helps you to filter these out at the code level (i.e. you can edit the behavior of the script to , say, only include commits which exclude certain key words). The timeline script is here (trac 2.4) : /usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/trac/ (here is an online diff snapshot of the source code :
2) You can remove the commits entirely - trac commits are derived from the sqlLite database (the schema is here
Of course, there also might be some fancy tools out there that provide a nice interface for editing the way the timeline looks.
Finally - temporarily, you can remove the timeline/roadmap entirely from the trac.ini file :
I confess that I've virtually no experience with the repository part of Trac, even less with using a repository with a variety of permissions across it's contents.
On the subject: Configuration is certainly not enough, see rblanks answer. While I've never seen the code for that functionality, I was wrong to suggest it doesn't exist. Because it is a central place and developed/supported in Trac core this is definitely the way to go.

Tortoise SVN : Setting different permissions for sub folders

(I am newbie to tortoise SVN)
I have 2 folders in my tortoise SVN.
Each need a different set of authorization
(I do not want
people who have access to the first folder to have read / write access to the second folder).
How can I accomplish it? I noticed that all permissions are defined in a file in the root level.
This is covered in the Subversion Book section on Path Based Authorization. You can check out the link for more details, but I would just draw your attention to this part:
A lot of administrators setting up Subversion for the first time tend to jump into path-based access control without giving it a lot of thought. The administrator usually knows which teams of people are working on which projects, so it's easy to jump in and grant certain teams access to certain directories and not others. It seems like a natural thing, and it appeases the administrator's desire to maintain tight control of the repository.
Note, though, that there are often invisible (and visible!) costs associated with this feature. In the visible category, the server needs to do a lot more work to ensure that the user has the right to read or write each specific path; in certain situations, there's very noticeable performance loss. In the invisible category, consider the culture you're creating. Most of the time, while certain users shouldn't be committing changes to certain parts of the repository, that social contract doesn't need to be technologically enforced. Teams can sometimes spontaneously collaborate with each other; someone may want to help someone else out by committing to an area she doesn't normally work on. By preventing this sort of thing at the server level, you're setting up barriers to unexpected collaboration. You're also creating a bunch of rules that need to be maintained as projects develop, new users are added, and so on. It's a bunch of extra work to maintain.
Just to round the post of codeka up. You can't set (at least I never have found out how) any permissions for the repo in tortoise as it is the SVN client application. You would have to set the permission on your svn server. If you happen to be running VisualSVN Server (free) you can setup user rights in a windows-easy manner (point and click).

Trac - suggested permission levels for developers & managers

I'm a fan of Trac, and of course when I'm just using it for my own, lone, projects I can just give myself full admin rights.
When there are other developers involved, or a not-very-technical manager (or, for that matter someone that is a designer rather than hard-code developer), that needs to be able to keep up with what is happening - and do things like add/update tickets, but not potentially break anything, then the fine-grained nature of the permissions gets to be a little more complicated as to what is required for someone.
What permissions do you use for those groups of people (and other similar ones)?
I generally avoid giving the *_ADMIN perms to users if I can avoid it. Trac 0.11 makes that a little easier by adding TICKET_EDIT_DESCRIPTION.
Depending on the setup and the culture, I'll grant the *_VIEW permissions to authenticated (everyone who has logged in) or in lax setups, anonymous (everyone, even not logged in).
I will generally create a developer group, grant the various permissions to that group. Then you just add people to the group (or add the group as a permission to the user, same thing). Do the same for designer, manager, tester, etc.
A manager would want the various ROADMAP_* and MILESTONE_* permissions. I'd be cautious about REPORT_ADMIN unless the manager actually knows SQL. My boss is generally happy to give me an example spreadsheet of the report he wants and I'll whip up a report for him. Be sure to point out to them that if they setup a custom query that does what they want, they can bookmark it -- everything is in the URL -- so they can go back to exactly that same query with current data using that bookmark.
You'd probably want to let authenticated file and append to tickets--doesn't usually who notices a bug, you still want to know about it. If you lock down the workflow permissions enough, you may be able to give out TICKET_MODIFY to more people as well, though that route will be a bit more work.
Those you have some trust in can probably be granted TICKET_EDIT_DESCRIPTION so they can fix up their bug report formatting when they forgot to to start with.
If you have a lead developer, that individual user should probably have TICKET_ADMIN to deal with adding versions and such.
I typically turn on all the VIEWs, plus WIKI_CREATE, WIKI_MODIFY, TICKET_CREATE (or TICKET_CREATE_SIMPLE if using the Simple Ticket plugin) and TICKET_APPEND.
For users I trust to have a little more power, I'll also turn on TICKET_MODIFY.
For a non-technical manager, I'll also turn on MILESTONE_ADMIN. For a technical manager, I'm likely to jump to TRAC_ADMIN -- but if that's too far, at least add REPORT_ADMIN.
Typically, I'll go ahead and give the developers TRAC_ADMIN... but if you don't trust them that far, the above permissions through the power user level plus TICKET_ADMIN are probably sufficient.