XCode 4.2 why do I see #interface both inside .h and .m files - objective-c

why do I see #interface twice( inside .h and .m files in this UIViewController files I've created. the one in the .m seems to be like a constructor. is it?
.h file
#interface BlackTimer : UIViewController
.m file
#interface ViewController ()

usually in the .m file you put all the declarations for private methods
it's a good use to write the word "private" (or something similar) like this:
#interface ViewController (private)

The #interface in the .m file is called a class extension. Here is a good link explaining it. Hope this helps.
And here is the Apple documentation on class extensions.

The #interface ViewController () definition in the implementation file (.m) is an anonymous Category. It allows to define ivars, properties and messages your class implements without exposing them to other objects importing your public interface (.h).


why do AppDelegate being declared again at AppDelegate.m

I'm just a newbie who follow iOS dev, and when I create new single application by using Xcode, I notice that #interface AppDelegate() being declared again in AppDelegate.m file.
but to be honest, I really don't understand why, I already see #import "AppDelegate.h" at begin of AppDelegate.m file, why couldn't I directly use #implementation AppDelegate after #import "AppDelegate.m"?
There is a difference here. The declaration of the AppDelegate Interface in the .m file is actually a class extension. Notice the () after the interface declaration.
As mentioned in the documentation:
Class extensions are often used to extend the public interface with
additional private methods or properties for use within the
implementation of the class itself.

Why are IBOutlet Properties declared in a class extension?

When I create a new single view application, the UIViewController file that is generated has an extension (I think it's an extension) in the implementation file.
// ViewController.m
#import "ViewController.h"
#interface ViewController ()
#implementation ViewController
And the convention seems to be that IBOutlets are declared as properties inside this extension. Why is this? What kind of behavior does this result in that is different from declaring it in the header file interface?
Properties in the header files are public, property declarations in the implementation files are private. It's up to you to choose. You can connect them directly from the interface builder into the desired file.
I can't understand your concern about extension - this code is fine. Could you explain this? (i can't comment - too less reputation, sorry)

Having two #interfaces in the same .h file

I am making a photo upload to Facebook app and I think I need two #interfaces in my .h file for my View Controller.
Here is my ViewController.h file.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import <Social/Social.h>
#interface FirstViewController : UIViewController <UIImagePickerControllerDelegate, UINavigationControllerDelegate> {
UIImagePickerController *bailey;
UIImagePickerController *baileys;
UIImage *image;
IBOutlet UIImageView *imageView;
- (IBAction)TakePhoto;
- (IBAction)ChooseExisting;
#interface FirstViewController : UIViewController { SLComposeViewController *slComposeViewController;
UIImage *image; }
- (IBAction)ShareFB;
When I try to build this code on to my iPhone or a Emulator it says
/Users/Condrum/Desktop/project/myApp/myApp/FirstViewController.h:21:1: Duplicate interface definition for class 'FirstViewController'
Thanks in advance for the help.
The pattern is to put a single public interface into the .h file:
#interface FirstViewController : UIViewController
// in here put those public properties and method declarations that
// other classes need to have access to
Then put the second #implementation in the .m file as a private class extension:
#interface FirstViewController () <UIImagePickerControllerDelegate, UINavigationControllerDelegate>
// in here, place those private properties and instance variables that
// only this class needs to be aware of
Note, this second interface uses the () syntax, which indicates that the interface is extending a previously defined interface.
But there's no point in putting both of those interfaces in the same .h file (why have two interfaces; it would be more logical to combine them into one). The primary value of the private class extension is you can extend your interface with details that only the implementation cares about, and avoid cluttering your nice simple public interface. So generally, keep public interface in the .h file, and move the private stuff into the class extension in the .m file.
For more information, see Class Extensions Extend the Internal Implementation.

Varieties of #interface declarations, some with parentheses

I've noticed a variety of #interface declarations for Objective-c classes. I'd like to understand why developers declare #interface in the following ways:
// in the .h file
#interface MyClass : NSObject
// ...
// in the .m file (what's the purpose of the parens?)
#interface MyClass ()
// more property declarations which seem like they can go in the .h file
// again in the .m file (what's the purpose of private?)
#interface MyClass (Private)
// some method declarations
This is just a normal class interface, inheriting from NSObject, where you declare ivars, properties and methods
// in the .h file
#interface MyClass : NSObject
// ...
The following two are categories, which allow you to add methods to a class. It is not a subclass however (do not declare a method with the same name, as you won't be able to access the original one). If you have a named category of the interface (like #interface MyClass (Private)), then the implementation should be provided in #implementation MyClass (Private), in the case of unnamed categories (also called extensions), the implementation can be provided as usual. Note that extensions also allow you to add ivars to the class while (named) categories do not.
// in the .m file (what's the purpose of the parens?)
#interface MyClass ()
// more property declarations which seem like they can go in the .h file
// again in the .m file (what's the purpose of private?)
#interface MyClass (Private)
// some method declarations
It is used to declared private methods.
This response explain this in details: What are best practices that you use when writing Objective-C and Cocoa?
What ever goes in the .m file is private. the parens are for categories so you can segment your code into categories to make it more readable. because the code is in .m and private, they called the category Private.

hide #property in objective C

How to hide #property(retain, nonatomic)NSString*str in some class?
If you want to hide it from being visible in the .h file, consider using a private class extension in the .m file:
#interface YourClass ()
#property(retain, nonatomic)NSString*str;
You can use a feature called “categories,” which allows you to extend an existing class by adding properties and methods to it.
Typically, you use an empty category inside your class's .m file for private methods and properties, and define a separate named category in an external .h file for protected members. Categories are actually quite interesting in that they allow you to override existing properties. So, for example, you can define a property as read-only in your .h file:
#interface Whatever {
NSObject *aValue;
#property (nonatomic,retain,readonly) NSObject *aValue;
And then you can make it read/write for your own private use in an empty category inside your .m file:
#interface Whatever()
#property (nonatomic,retain) NSObject *aValue;
You can find more about categories here.