Matlab's arrayfun for uniform output of class objects - oop

I need to build an array of objects of class ID using arrayfun:
% ID.m
classdef ID < handle
function obj = ID(id) = id;
But get an error:
>> ids = 1:5;
>> s = arrayfun(#(id) ID(id), ids)
??? Error using ==> arrayfun
ID output type is not currently implemented.
I can build it alternatively in a loop:
s = [];
for k = 1 : length(ids)
s = cat(1, s, ID(ids(k)));
but what is wrong with this usage of arrayfun?
Edit (clarification of the question): The question is not how to workaround the problem (there are several solutions), but why the simple syntax s = arrayfun(#(id) ID(id), ids); doesn't work. Thanks.

Perhaps the easiest is to use cellfun, or force arrayfun to return a cell array by setting the 'UniformOutput' option. Then you can convert this cell array to an array of obects (same as using cat above).
s = arrayfun(#(x) ID(x), ids, 'UniformOutput', false);
s = [s{:}];

You are asking arrayfun to do something it isn't built to do.
The output from arrayfun must be:
scalar values (numeric, logical, character, or structure) or cell
Objects don't count as any of the scalar types, which is why the "workarounds" all involve using a cell array as the output. One thing to try is using cell2mat to convert the output to your desired form; it can be done in one line. (I haven't tested it though.)
s = cell2mat(arrayfun(#(id) ID(id), ids,'UniformOutput',false));

This is how I would create an array of objects:
s = ID.empty(0,5);
for i=5:-1:1
s(i) = ID(i);
It is always a good idea to provide a "default constructor" with no arguments, or at least use default values:
classdef ID < handle
function obj = ID(id)
if nargin<1, id = 0; end = id;


Compact way to save JuMP optimization results in DataFrames

I would like to save all my variables and dual variables of my finished lp-optimization in an efficient manner. My current solution works, but is neither elegant nor suited for larger optimization programs with many variables and constraints because I define and push! every single variable into DataFrames separately. Is there a way to iterate through the variables using all_variables() and all_constraints() for the duals? While iterating, I would like to push the results into DataFrames with the variable index name as columns and save the DataFrame in a Dict().
A conceptual example would be for variables:
Result_vars = Dict()
for vari in all_variables(Model)
Resul_vars["vari"] = DataFrame(data=[indexval(vari),value(vari)],columns=[index(vari),"Value"])
An example of the appearance of the declared variable in JuMP and DataFrame:
#variable(Model, p[t=s_time,n=s_n,m=s_m], lower_bound=0,base_name="Expected production")
And Result_vars[p] shall approximately look like:
Presumably, you could go something like:
x = all_variables(model)
name = variable_name.(x),
Value = value.(x),
If you want some structure more complicated, you need to write custom code.
T, N, M, primal_solution = [], [], [], []
for t in s_time, n in s_n, m in s_m
push!(T, t)
push!(N, n)
push!(M, m)
push!(primal_solution, value(p[t, n, m]))
DataFrame(t = T, n = N, m = M, Value = primal_solution)
See here for constraints: You want something like:
for (F, S) in list_of_constraint_types(model)
for con in all_constraints(model, F, S)
#show dual(con)
Thanks to Oscar, I have built a solution that could help to automatize the extraction of results.
The solution is build around a naming convention using base_name in the variable definition. One can copy paste the variable definition into base_name followed by :. E.g.:
#variable(Model, p[t=s_time,n=s_n,m=s_m], lower_bound=0,base_name="p[t=s_time,n=s_n,m=s_m]:")
The naming convention and syntax can be changed, comments can e.g. be added, or one can just not define a base_name. The following function divides the base_name into variable name, sets (if needed) and index:
function var_info(vars::VariableRef)
split_conv = [":","]","[",","]
x_str = name(vars)
if occursin(":",x_str)
x_str = replace(x_str, " " => "") #Deletes all spaces
x_name,x_index = split(x_str,split_conv[1]) #splits raw variable name+ sets and index
x_name = replace(x_name, split_conv[2] => "")
x_name,s_set = split(x_name,split_conv[3])#splits raw variable name and sets
x_set = split(s_set,split_conv[4])
x_index = replace(x_index, split_conv[2] => "")
x_index = replace(x_index, split_conv[3] => "")
x_index = split(x_index,split_conv[4])
return (x_name,x_set,x_index)
println("Var base_name not properly defined. Special Syntax required in form var[s=set]: ")
The next functions create the columns and the index values plus columns for the primal solution ("Value").
function create_columns(x)
col_ind=[String(var_info(x)[2][col]) for col in 1:size(var_info(x)[2])[1]]
cols = append!(["Value"],col_ind)
return cols
function create_index(x)
col_ind=[String(var_info(x)[3][ind]) for ind in 1:size(var_info(x)[3])[1]]
index = append!([string(value(x))],col_ind)
return index
function create_sol_matrix(varss,model)
nested_sol_array=[create_index(xx) for xx in all_variables(model) if varss[1]==var_info(xx)[1]]
return sol_array
Finally, the last function creates the Dict which holds all results of the variables in DataFrames in the previously mentioned style:
function create_var_dict(model)
=>create_sol_matrix(vars,model)[cols,:] for cols in 1:size(vars[2][1])[1]))
for vars in unique([[String(var_info(x)[1]),[create_columns(x)]] for x in all_variables(model)]))
return Variable_dict
When those functions are added to your script, you can simply retrieve all the solutions of the variables after the optimization by calling create_var_dict():
var_dict = create_var_dict(model)
Be aware: they are nested functions. When you change the naming convention, you might have to update the other functions as well. If you add more comments you have to avoid using [, ], and ,.
This solution is obviously far from optimal. I believe there could be a more efficient solution falling back to MOI.

Getting the name of the variable as a string in GD Script

I have been looking for a solution everywhere on the internet but nowhere I can see a single script which lets me read the name of a variable as a string in Godot 3.1
What I want to do:
Save path names as variables.
Compare the name of the path variable as a string to the value of another string and print the path value.
Eg -
var Apple = "mypath/folder/apple.png"
var myArray = ["Apple", "Pear"]
Function that compares the Variable name as String to the String -
if (myArray[myposition] == **the required function that outputs variable name as String**(Apple) :
print (Apple) #this prints out the path.
Thanks in advance!
I think your approach here might be a little oversimplified for what you're trying to accomplish. It basically seems to work out to if (array[apple]) == apple then apple, which doesn't really solve a programmatic problem. More complexity seems required.
First, you might have a function to return all of your icon names, something like this.
func get_avatar_names():
var avatar_names = []
var folder_path = "res://my/path"
var avatar_dir =
avatar_dir.list_dir_begin(true, true)
while true:
var avatar_file = avatar_dir.get_next()
if avatar_file == "":
var avatar_name = avatar_file.trim_suffix(".png")
return avatar_names
Then something like this back in the main function, where you have your list of names you care about at the moment, and for each name, check the list of avatar names, and if you have a match, reconstruct the path and do other work:
var some_names = ["Jim","Apple","Sally"]
var avatar_names = get_avatar_names()
for name in some_names:
if avatar_names.has(name):
var img_path = "res://my/path/" + name + ".png"
# load images, additional work, etc...
That's the approach I would take here, hope this makes sense and helps.
I think the current answer is best for the approach you desire, but the performance is pretty bad with string comparisons.
I would suggest adding an enumeration for efficient comparisons. unfortunately Godot does enums differently then this, it seems like your position is an int so we can define a dictionary like this to search for the index and print it out with the int value.
var fruits = {0:"Apple",1:"Pear"}
func myfunc():
var myposition = 0
if fruits.has(myposition):
output: Apple
If your position was string based then an enum could be used with slightly less typing and different considerations.
Can't you just use the str() function to convert any data type to stirng?
var = str(var)

Matlab Object Oriented Programming: Setting and getting properties for multiple objects

I have a class like so:
classdef Vehicle < handle
% Vehicle superclass
Is_Active % Does the vehicle exist in the simualtion world?
Speed % [Km/Hour]
function this = Vehicle(varargin)
this.Speed = varargin{1}; % The speed of the car
this.Is_Active = true;
I create my Vehicle-class objects in a cell form (don't ask me why - it's a laymen's workaround for global setting):
Vehicles{1} = Vehicle(100);
Vehicles{2} = Vehicle(200);
Vehicles{3} = Vehicle(50);
Vehicles{1}.Is_Active = true;
Vehicles{2}.Is_Active = true;
Vehicles{3}.Is_Active = true;
My questions:
1. Is there a way to set all three objects' active in a single command?
2. Is there a way to get all three objects' Speed in a single command?
3. Is there a way to query which vehicles are faster than X in a single command?
For the members of the same class you can use round brackets (regular array):
Vehicles(1) = Vehicle(100);
Vehicles(2) = Vehicle(200);
Vehicles(3) = Vehicle(50);
To set all objects use deal:
[Vehicles(:).Is_Active] = deal( true );
You could also initialize an array of objects in the first place.
For your questions (2) and (3) the syntax is equivalent to those of MATLAB structures:
speedArray = [Vehicles.Speed];
fasterThanX = Vehicles( speedArray > X );
Such vectorization notation is a strong point of MATLAB and is used extensively.

lua call function from a string with function name

Is it possible in lua to execute a function from a string representing its name?
i.e: I have the string x = "foo", is it possible to do x() ?
If yes what is the syntax ?
To call a function in the global namespace (as mentioned by #THC4k) is easily done, and does not require loadstring().
_G[x]() -- calls foo from the global namespace
You would need to use loadstring() (or walk each table) if the function in another table, such as if x='math.sqrt'.
If loadstring() is used you would want to not only append parenthesis with ellipse (...) to allow for parameters, but also add return to the front.
print(assert(loadstring('return '..x..'(...)'))(25)) --> 5
or walk the tables:
function findfunction(x)
assert(type(x) == "string")
local f=_G
for v in x:gmatch("[^%.]+") do
if type(f) ~= "table" then
return nil, "looking for '"..v.."' expected table, not "..type(f)
if type(f) == "function" then
return f
return nil, "expected function, not "..type(f)
print(assert(findfunction(x))(121)) -->11
I frequently put a bunch of functions in a table:
functions = {
f1 = function(arg) print("function one: "..arg) end,
f2 = function(arg) print("function two: "..arg..arg) end,
fn = function(arg) print("function N: argh") end,
Then you can use a string as an table index and run your function like this
This is the result:
function one: blabla
function two: blablablabla
I find this to be cleaner than using loadstring(). If you don't want to create a special function table you can use _G['foo'].
loadstring is not the answer here. For starters you would need a return in the string, and other details I won't go into.
THC4k has the right idea; if you have the function name in the variable x, then the call you want is
_G[x](arg1, arg2, ...)
Names are not unique, there can be many functions names foo in different namespaces. But _G['foo'] is foo in the global namespace.
It sounds like you want to do an 'eval', which is supported in Lua like so:
You'll probably want to concatenate the "()" onto x first, though.

Why is MATLAB reporting my variable uninitialized?

I made a class and in one of its methods I needed to calculate the distance between two points. So I wrote an ordinary function named "remoteness" to do this for me.
Compilation Error:
At compilation, "remoteness" was
determined to be a variable and this
variable is uninitialized.
"remoteness" is also a function name
and previous versions of MATLAB would
have called the function.
However, MATLAB 7 forbids the use of the same name in the same context as both a function and a variable.
Error in ==> TRobot>TRobot.makeVisibilityGraph at 58
obj.visiblityGraph(k,k+1) = remoteness(:,obj.VGVertices(k),obj.VGVertices(:,k+1));
I thought the name remoteness might be a name of another function, but when I changed its name to kamran the error persisted. It should be noted that I can use the kamran function (or remoteness) in the command line without any problem.
Command line example:
>> kamran([0,0],[3,4])
ans = 5
The code of the kamran function is in a separate m file.
Code for kamran function:
function dist = kamran(v1,v2)
dist = sqrt( (v1(1) - v2(1)) ^2 + (v1(2) - v2(2)) ^2 );
Code example for how kamran function is used:
function obj = makeVisibilityGraph(obj)
verticesNumber = 0;
for num = 1: size(obj.staticObstacle,2)
verticesNumber = verticesNumber + size(obj.staticObstacle(num).polygon,2);
% in the below line, 2 is for start and goal vertices
obj.visibilityGraph = ones(2 + size(obj.VGVertices,2)) * Inf;
for j=1 : size(obj.staticObstacle,2)
index = size(obj.VGVertices,2);
obj.VGVertices = [obj.VGVertices, obj.staticObstacle(j).polygon];
obj.labelVGVertices = [obj.labelVGVertices, ones(1,size(obj.staticObstacle(j).polygon,2))* j ];
for k = index+1 : (size(obj.VGVertices,2)-1)
obj.visiblityGraph(k,k+1) = kamran(:,obj.VGVertices(k),obj.VGVertices(:,k+1));
% as the first and last point of a polygon are visible to each
% other, so set them visible to each other
obj.visibilityGraph(index+1,size(obj.VGVertices,2)) = ...
kamran( obj.VGVertices(:,index+1), obj.VGVertices(:,size(obj.VGVertices,2)));
You seem to be trying to use kamran as an array:
Notice the first parameter ":"?
I would bet MATLAB assumes that kamran (as called here) should be a 3-dimensional array, and you are trying to select the subset containing
kamran(all-of-first-index, Nth-of-second, Mth-of-third)
The second invocation of kamran looks right:
kamran( obj.VGVertices(:,index+1), obj.VGVertices(:,size(obj.VGVertices,2))
I do not know MATLAB but I notice on this line, you are running kamran with what looks like 3 arguments. In all other cases, it is executed with 2 arguments. Maybe there is something to that?