Markitup custom bbcodes - ruby-on-rails-3

I am trying to create a simple bbcode-enabled text-editor with just couple codes, but I need to create some custom codes and buttons for them such as [cut=#{line}]#{text}[/cut] and [talk]#{text}[/talk].
And I could not find any manual showing how to do that in markitup.
I'm using rails on server-side and I have already set up bb-ruby to treat those custom bb-codes safely, I just need to include them in the markitup setup.

You can download a BBCODE Set and add your custom button to it.
The documentation , section Magic Markups is explaining how to add and customize buttons.


how to add autocomplete function to a column in oracle apex tabular form report

i want to add an autocomplete function to work in one of my column suppose name.It is easy to do using items.but how can i do it in the report.
Since a report doesn't contain Apex items, you can't do this with the built in features. Ignoring any possible plugins that may already be available, you can do this with jQuery UI, specifically the Autocomplete widget. Apex already includes some of the jQuery UI suite, but you may need to download the Autocomplete widget from the jQuery website.
This will need some custom work on your end. This really isn't that hard if you know how to use jQuery.
Download the jQuery UI Autocomplete widget and include it on your page. You can put just the .js file for that in your Application Shared Items. I have the whole jQuery UI library in a separate place on the webserver because I use different parts for different projects.
Source in that widget in the page properties.
You'll need to create text items with apex_item.text in your report.
You'll need an On Page Load dynamic action to attach the Autocomplete widget to your text items.
For the autocomplete source, if it's short, you can just use a Javascript variable that you put on the Apex page. If it's longer or you need to find the list at run time, you can use a function that calls apex.server.process.
If your report has Partial Page Refresh turned on, make sure the DA in step 4 has Dynamic scope, not Static.

Revolution slider with php (laravel)

I want to use Revolution Slider within my html template.
Main issue is I have no any idea how to integrate it to my database and PHP codes.
Can anybody help me?
The core concept of visual editor is to use it as standalone slider builder tool which spits out a full html code with all links, markups etc without the needs to understand html/css/slider functions at all for your sliders. And have ability to export it in html or include it using php functions.
Full integration include user authorization, fixing possible code conflicts, other possible caveats.
The most easiest way to integrate is to add an option to specify slider alias and pass it to render functions. And keep editor as separate application.
If you add more details about how exactly you want to integrate it i would try to give you better answer.

KeystoneJS extending textarray to allow fields

I am currently using keystoneJS for a project and I have a requirement to allow admins to add additional fields for each deliverable.
I managed to find textarray, which allows me to add a single line of text but I would need something closer to adding textfields as i would need to add paragraphs of text.
Any advise/direction to extending the functionality or is it not possible?
FYI: I also tried using these two resources to no avail, perhaps due to a lack of knowledge on my end.
EDIT: i wasnt able to figure out in detail, but changing the arrayfield in mixin to multiline met my use case. Now trying to include two fields in one add.

Flag module - link's position change (Drupal)

I've just installed Flags module and it looks awful when on the bottom I see "Flag this item" link. The only thing I've found in configuration is enabling it to show as normal link. Still I haven't found how to change position of this link. Is it even possible to change link's place? I have installed CCK Blocks but it doesn't give me any option to get rid of it. If someone know or suspect what's possible - please help me.
Try the Display Suite module, this module is integrated with many modules like flag, title etc...
Display Suite allows you to take full control over how your content is displayed using a drag and drop interface. Arrange your
nodes, views, comments, user data etc. the way you want without having
to work your way through dozens of template files. A predefined list
of layouts (D7 only) is available for even more drag and drop fun!
You can move and generate custom layouts for the fields/properties on the entity display formatter: teaser, full...

Would like to add some custom ajax & javascript to activeadmin based application

Hi guys I'm working on this application using activeadmin. I've come to a point where I would like to add in some ajax based functions. I have the basic form set up using teh activeadmin resource and it generates a very pretty form.
I would like to while the user is entering the details on the form - run a ajax call which would retrieve some html based on the values being entered and populate it on the page.
More likely I would like a way to add custom javascript to the page. Whats the best way to do this - I'm facing issues with returning html without the entire activeadmin layout coming with it.
You can use the /config/initializers/active_admin.rb
You can add javascript resources like this:
config.register_javascript 'my_functions.js'
I use to put code directly to /app/assets/javascripts/active_admin.js
You can also include script in /config/initializers/active_admin.rb