Interface is declared twice? - Objective-C - objective-c

I'm new to Objective-C and am looking through many examples to wrap my head around it.
I came across this code:
#interface ImagePickerHelper : NSObject <UIImagePickerControllerDelegate, UIPopoverControllerDelegate, UINavigationControllerDelegate>
//Blah Blah
#interface ImagePickerHelper ()
//Blah Blah
On googling, I came to know that they specify the superclass and delegates (about which, incidentally, I know zilch) after the interface name.
But why is the interface declared twice here?

No, it is not declared two times, it is a Class interface (an anonymous category) that it is created to hold methods that you want to keep private in your class, for methods that you don't want other class to see or to interact with ..
People often declare a standard category with a name(usually "private") to hold private methods, but
the main advantage of using an anonymous category over a named category is that the compiler will complain if you do not implement a method declared in the anonymous category.
I have noticed that it is created by default from XCode 4.3 onwards .
Putting methods into this extension Class it is like declaring private methods in Java or C++ ...

The second "#interface" you see (probably in a .m file) is a class extension, and probably meant for private methods (well, private in the sense that the compiler will generate "may not respond to" warnings).


What does this syntax mean relating to interface declaration?

This is from the ViewController.m file in a starter project from a tutorial for a game.
#interface ViewController()
//irrelevant stuff omitted
It's the ViewController() bit that confuses me. I understand the different between public and private interfaces, but I haven't used a private interface til now in Objective-C. I'm used to seeing something like this instead, for the public interface:
#interface ViewController : UIViewController
So why now is it just the first one, and with parentheses, with no inheritance notation?
That's a class extension. It allows for declaring additional interface, usually private because it's in an implementation (.m) file. It's similar to a category, except that the compiler will require you to supply the implementation for any interface declared within it. (A category can declare an interface even if nothing provides any implementation.)

Purpose of Obj-c categories in a specific situation.

I'm quite new at Objective-C and i've a question :
I've been through some Apple's sample code and found the following :
In the top of the file, I found to uses of Objective-C categories
#interface EAGLView (EAGLViewPrivate)
- (BOOL)createFramebuffer;
- (void)destroyFramebuffer;
#interface EAGLView (EAGLViewSprite)
- (void)setupView;
Just after that, starts the implementation of the EAGLView class.
What is the real purpose of categories here, as the 3 functions above could also be defined directly in the header file ??
As indicated by the first category's name ("EAGLViewPrivate") declaring these methods in the .m file is a way of simulating private methods. Objective-C doesn't have true support for private methods, but since these aren't declared in the .h file, the compiler will warn when code outside the .m file where they're declared tries to call them.
This is more commonly done with class extensions (a special case of a category) these days, mostly because using a class extension results in the compiler warning if a "private" method isn't implemented in the class's #implementation block. Class extensions were a new feature in Objective-C 2.0, so in older code, you'd often see a category with private in the name as in the code you've posted. The intent is the same.

When & why do you use #interface ClassName (Private)? - Objective-C

I was looking at some code:
#interface ClassName (Private)
- (float)methodOne:(NSDictionary *)argOne;
- (void)methodTwo:(NSDictionary *)argTwo;
#implementation ClassName
The above code is at the top of the ClassName.m file which appears to define additional interface methods for the class as private?
Why do this? what is the point? What else could go where (Private) is? Anyone have docs on this?
This is a way of keeping methods that the class uses internally from being exposed to others. It's part of encapsulation. In Objective-C 2.0 (iOS and Mac OS X 10.5+), it's more common to use a class extension at the top of the implementation file:
#interface ClassName ()
- (void)privateMethod;
A class extension is really just a special case of a category (which is what you've asked about). The primary difference is that for a category, the compiler won't complain even if your #implementation doesn't include definitions for the methods declared in the category. For methods in a class extension, your class must implement those methods in its main #implementation block or you'll get a compiler warning.
You're better off using a class extension in iOS code or Mac code that targets at least Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard.
Basically it is a category and allows adding methods in the .m file. These days the best way is to use a Class Extension, the syntax is similar just the "Private" is missing, just two parentheses.
The additional advantage of a class extension is that properties can also be included and the compiler will validate that all methods declared are defined.
One area that is really handy is the ability to declare a properly readonly in the .h file and read write in the .m file. That way users of the class only have read access but the class itself has full access.
The objective-c does not support private method, and the way you are asking is a substitution for that.
you can check this link for detail:
Why doesn't Objective-C support private methods?

Class extension vs class category

Class extensions #interface Class () are a lot more powerful and can inject variables into the class. Categories #interface Class (Category) can't.
What other differences are there, and when should one use a category over a class extension?
The main difference is that with an extension, the compiler will expect you to implement the methods within your main #implementation, whereas with a category you have a separate #implementation block. So you should pretty much only use an extension at the top of your main .m file (the only place you should care about ivars, incidentally) -- it's meant to be just that, an extension.
A class extension bears some similarity to a category, but it can only be added to a class for which you have the source code at compile time (the class is compiled at the same time as the class extension). The methods declared by a class extension are implemented in the #implementation block for the original class so you can’t, for example, declare a class extension on a framework class, such as a Cocoa or Cocoa Touch class like NSString.
The syntax to declare a class extension is similar to the syntax for a category, and looks like this:
#interface ClassName ()
Because no name is given in the parentheses, class extensions are often referred to as anonymous categories.
Unlike regular categories, a class extension can add its own properties and instance variables to a class. If you declare a property in a class extension, like this:
#interface XYZAnimal () {
id _someCustomInstanceVariable;
IMHO, it's best to think of class extensions as private interface to a class. The primary interface (in your .h file) acts as the public interface which defines the class's behavioural contract with other classes.
Use class extensions to Hide Private Information
Class extensions are often used to extend the public interface with additional private methods or properties for use within the implementation of the class itself. It’s common, for example, to define a property as readonly in the interface, but as readwrite in a class extension declared above the implementation, in order that the internal methods of the class can change the property value directly.
As an example, the XYZPerson class might add a property called uniqueIdentifier, designed to keep track of information like a Social Security Number in the US.
It usually requires a large amount of paperwork to have a unique identifier assigned to an individual in the real world, so the XYZPerson class interface might declare this property as readonly, and provide some method that requests an identifier be assigned, like this:
#interface XYZPerson : NSObject
#property (readonly) NSString *uniqueIdentifier;
- (void)assignUniqueIdentifier;
In order for the XYZPerson class to be able to change the property internally, it makes sense to redeclare the property in a class extension that’s defined at the top of the implementation file for the class:
#property (readwrite) NSString *uniqueIdentifier;
Note: The readwrite attribute is optional, because it’s the default. You may like to use it when redeclaring a property, for clarity.
Categories are an Objective-C language feature that let you add new methods to an existing class. Extensions are a special case of categories that let you define methods that must be implemented in the main implementation block.
Private declarations can be in class extensions, which mainly are some properties, because we have no need to declare a method before we call it.
ios extension similiar to c#,java abstract class or interface
ios category similiar to c# class extension

Private methods are appearing as public methods

I am trying to improve the design of my App by using private methods. Coming from .NET I am a little confused because I am declaring these methods in the .m file but from other files they are still showing up i.e. they are still accessible.
.m file:
#interface NSContentWebServiceController (private)
- (NSString *)flattenHTML:(NSString *)html;
- (NSString *)cleanseStringOfJsonP:(NSString *)jsonP;
- (void)retrieve:(NSasdf *)hasdel :(NSDictionary *)rootList;
- (NSString *)removeHTMLTagsFromString:(NSString *)aString;
As JoostK said, there are no private methods in Objective-C like you have them in C++, Java or C#.
On top of that, the expression #interface NSContentWebServiceController (private) defines a so-called category in Objective-C. The term private here is merely a name for the category and has no meaning. Having something like yellowBunny in here would yield the same effect. A category is merely a way to break down a class into several pieces, but at runtime all categories are in effect. Note that a category is only able to add new methods to an object class, but not new variables.
For private categories it's now preferred to use the anonymous category, as in #interface MyClass(), as you then don't need a separate #implementation MyClass(yellowBunny) block but can just add the methods to main #implementation block.
See the "Categories" section in the Wikipedia entry on Objective-C for more information.
Private methods are only private in a way that they're not documented in a header file. Because of this you can't #import them into your project and thus will the compiler warn you about a 'selector not recognized' or something like that.
You'll be able to call these methods just as public methods, since it's just where you declare the prototype that makes a method private, Objective-C doesn't have such a thing as hidden, really private, methods.
At runtime, you will always be able to find all methods using introspection, so there really is no way of completely hiding your methods/properties.
You could add a id _internal instance variable which points to an object that does all the work, that way it's a bit more tough to call the private methods, although not impossible.