foreign key: conflicted with foreign key constraint - sql

so i have 2 tables related to each other with an fk
{id,, datetime,,}
{id,,, taskname}
{id, name}
so i had to alter the appointment table to another foreignkey from another table. so i dropped the keys (task_appointment_fk, appointment_sometable_fk, appointment_sometableagain_fk) altered the table to add the new field and added again everything. the last two got added with no problems. while the other one (task_appointment_fk) kept giving me a this message :
"ALTER TABLE statement conflicted with the Forien Key Constraint "dept_appointment". The Cconflict occurred in the database "MyDb" , table "appointment", column "id"
so i found some solutions that states that there might be some rows on the task that has a appointmentid value that does not exist on the appointment table. so i tried inserting rows that would have the same value right. still gives me the same thing. the thing is , i want to delete the rows from the task to make it easier but doing that i have to drop all the fks again and do the same thing all over on the other tables, and i have a lot of other tables..
need some advice.

You can write a query to see which values in foreign key table does not have a matching key record in primary key table .If values are there then try to delete them .
select * from [task] a
left join [appointment] b
on a.appointment_id =


SSMS will not let me create a PK FK relationship

First, let me say that I am a newbie and that I have read many other posts with the same problem. I have a table called "AllPeople", and in that table I have an integer column called "Ethnicity", which I want to be a foreign key that points at a record in my "RefEthnicities" table. I keep getting the following message:
Unable to create relationship 'FK_AllPeople_RefEthnicities'.
The ALTER TABLE statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_AllPeople_RefEthnicities". The conflict occurred in database "MVC-Cemeteries-Dev", table "dbo.RefEthnicities", column 'ID'.
I set up the relationship in the "AllPeople" table and told it that the primary key is the ID column in the "RefEthnicities" and the foreign key is the "Ethnicity" column in the "AllPeople" table. What am I doing wrong? My RefEthnicities table is new; no data in it.
While in design mode I set the ID field in the "RefEthnicities" table set as primary key by clicking the small box to the left of the name "ID", and down below in this same window in the column properties tab, I told it to set the index specification to "yes".
I am sure it is something simple that I am doing but I can't figure it out.
Error Message
Constraint Folder
Setting Up PK FK Link
As my limited information in the question, there 2 possibilities
NULL or Blank '' value for column Ethnicity in table AllPeople
SELECT A.Ethnicity,A.*
FROM dbo.AllPeople A
WHERE ISNULL(A.Ethnicity,'')=''
Some values column Ethnicity in table AllPeople don't have parent in column ID in table RefEthnicities
SELECT A.Ethnicity,R.ID, *
FROM dbo.AllPeople A
LEFT JOIN RefEthnicities R
ON A.Ethnicity=R.ID
If you get any rows in two queries, then you need to fix data in column Ethnicity in table AllPeople.
Ok this still makes no sense. If I create two brand new tables with the following:
ID primary key int not nullable
value varchar
ID primary key int not nullable
value varchar
and in table1 I make a relationship between table2FK and Table2.ID, it works perfect with no data saved in the tables. If I use the exact same process in my AllPeople and RefEthnicicties tables, I get the error. This makes no sense. What am I missing?
That fixed it. many thanks. I had a record in my AllPeople table for ethnicity that had a value of 0. Since I didn't have a record in the RefEthnicity Table with an ID of 0, it was telling me that I couldn't do this.

There are no primary or candidate keys in the referenced table '' that match the referencing column

I have a table that has a primary key voucher_no (varchar(10)) and I am trying to create a FK to this table/column from another new table but I am getting an error:
There are no primary or candidate keys in the referenced table 'apinv_hdr' that match the referencing column list in the foreign key 'fk_invoice_cfdi_x_voucher_apinv_hdr'
I have several other FK's tied to this table/column - why would it react this way now?
Primary Key and Foreign Key data types must match. Have you verified the column data types are the same?
Looks like some voucher_no record in another new table doesn't exist in voucher_no in main table.
Below script may help you.
select *
from another_new_table
where voucher_no not in (select voucher_no
from main_table)
If above query returns rows, you have two options:
delete those records from another_new_table or
insert records into main_table

How can this SQL statement throw the following exception?

how can this statement:
WHERE passageid NOT IN
SELECT passageid from PreEndedPassages_passages
UNION SELECT fromPassageid from severalvisit
UNION SELECT toPassageid from severalvisit
UNION SELECT registerPassageid from stationobjects WHERE registerpassageid IS NOT NULL
UNION SELECT beginPassageid from stationobjects WHERE beginPassageid IS NOT NULL
UNION SELECT endPassageid from stationobjects WHERE endPassageid IS NOT NULL
throw this exception?
The DELETE statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_statobj_begpasid". The conflict occurred in database "db.mdf", table "dbo.stationobjects", column 'beginpassageid'.
I have no clue, but it happened. beginPassageId is a foreign key on passageid.
Consider the NOT IN. I want to delete all passages that don't exist in one of its related tables. It usually works, but it happened once.
Thank you.
It means passage is parent table. and stationobjects is child table. You are trying to remove passageid from passage table which is present in stationobjects table as well.
First try to remove those passageid from stationobjects and then you can run this delete statement.
Alternate approach is cascade delete, if your DB supports that.
this kind of occur when you have a foreign key relationship in the two table.
This violates the Refrential Integrity .
so if you delete record from the primary table and record exist in foreign key table,
then you have two options:
1. either set the delete rule to cascade so that when ever you delete primary record the foreign key table record will get automatically deleted.
2.delete record from foreign key table first then from primary key table.
These kind of errors come up when table A foreign key is table B primary key and when you try to delete record in table A that has linking in table B, then deletion will not happen. Try dropping foreign key relation before delete. Same way truncate is used in tables by dropping fk relations and rebuilding them again after the table is reset

MSSQL Foreign Key Relationship and Null values

I'm having problems adding a foreign key to an existing table where the foreign key can be null.
Say I have a user table and a data table. The data table already has a working foreign key on the "createdBy" colum to the user table ID column. I've just added a second column to the data table "EditedBy" that allows for null values (meaning the data record hasn't been edited). So all the existing records have NULL as the value for this column.
I am trying to make a foreign key between Data.EditedBy and User.Id, but when I try to apply it, I get the following error.
The ALTER TABLE statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_Data_User_EditedBy". The conflict occurred in database "Test", table "dbo.User", column 'Id'.
It seems like its having a problem with the NULL values in the data table, but NULL is an acceptable value for a foreign key.
What am I missing?
Full statement is as follows
USE [Test]
REFERENCES [dbo].[User] ([Id])
Ok, I feel like an idiot. I was using Management studio to create the relationship, and after I posted the equivalent alter statement (which didn't work either), I realized I was trying to make a foreign key between the ID field of [data] and the ID field of [user].
Obviously that wont work.
I fixed the statement to use the correct field in the [data] table and all is well.

Error Adding Multiple FK Relationship in SQL Server 2008

Consider we have two tables ProductType and ProductSizeGroup as below
Each of MaleSizeGroupId, FemaleSizeGroupId and ChildSizeGroupId fields should be FKs to ProductSizeGroup.Id.
I add one using the following statement:
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[ProductType]
[FK_ProductType_ProductSizeGroup_Male] FOREIGN KEY([MaleGroupId])
REFERENCES [dbo].[ProductSizeGroup] ([Id])
This works fine. I try to add the next using
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[ProductType]
[FK_ProductType_ProductSizeGroup_Female] FOREIGN KEY([FemaleGroupId])
REFERENCES [dbo].[ProductSizeGroup] ([Id])
But I get the error:
The ALTER TABLE statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_ProductType_ProductSizeGroup_Female". The conflict
occurred in database "dbname", table "dbo.ProductSizeGroup", column
So there is conflict.. but what conflict? What should I be looking for?
That just means: there are rows in your table ProductType that have values in the FemaleGroupId column which do not exist in the referenced table (ProductSizeGroup).
It's not a problem per se - you can totally have multiple columns going from one table to another.
The problem is with the existing data - you have data in there that doesn't live up to that FK constraint. Fix that data and you should be fine.
To find those offending rows, use a query like this:
FROM [dbo].[ProductType]
WHERE FemaleGroupId NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT Id FROM [dbo].[ProductSizeGroup])
That will list all offending rows - update their attribute and get going again!