How Does WinHttpCrackurl Work - winhttp

The MSDN documentation on WinHttpCrackurl makes a point of saying it runs "synchronously". But, could someone provide some authoritative documentation that says WinHttpCrackurl does or does not attempt a network connection? I've searched fruitlessly and would like to avoid disassembling the function. Thanks.

WinHttpCrackUrl() DOES NOT use the network in any way. There is no documentation that states that, but all it does is parses the input string into its individual components, nothing more, so there is no need for the network.


Geo.Lua function GEOMETRYFILTER and Redis

I'm trying to figure out how to actually do a call to GEOMETRYFILTER function in geo.lua since documentation is not very clear to me:
What exactly do these parameters means and how do I call this function from Redis-cli? I was not able to find any example on google.
geo.lua's author here - IIRC it involves first creating a polyhash to describe the filter and then providing it along with the geoset to the library. Performance is quite horrible as everything is done in Lua.
FYI - that library is no longer maintained.

Realm database performance

I'm trying to use this database with react-native. First of all, i've found out that it can't retrieve plain objects - i have to retrieve all of the properties in the desired object tree recursively. And it takes about a second per object (~50 numeric props). Slow-ish!
Now, i've somehow imported ~9000 objects in it (each up to 1000 chars including titles). Looks like there is no easy ay to import it, at least it is not described in docs. Anyway, that's acceptable. But now i've found out that my database size (default.realm) is 3.49GB (!). The JSON file, which i was importing is only 6.5mb. I've opened default.realm with Realm Browser and it shows only those ~9000 objects, nothing else. Why so heavy?
Either, i don't understand something very fundamental about this database or it is complete garbage. I really hope i'm wrong. What am I doing wrong?
Please make sure you are not running in chrome debug mode. This is probably why things seem so slow. As far as the file size issue goes, it would be helpful if you posted your code to help figure out why that is happening.

Detect USB - Insert/Remove - VB.NET on Windows CE 6.0

I'm becoming mad trying to figure out how to resolve this task. My goal is pretty easy, copy a file on the USB stick every time that it is inserted and then release the USB stick turning off the LED. What is the best way to solve it?
1) I found this article
but I can't translate it on VB.NET project.
2) Then I read that is enough to use RequestDeviceNotifications for block devices. But How can I do that in VB.NET?
I would like to avoid OpenNetCF if possible.
Thank you
Since you don't want to "use OpenNETCF" I assume that you don't want to use any libraries or capabilities not built in to the CF. We'll skip the argument of that silliness and the "value of your time" discussion and take that as a requirement.
What you need to do is:
Use P/Invoke to call CreateMsgQueue. That's going to give you back a Handle. You'll probably want to do CloseMsgQueue as well for completeness
P/Invoke RequestDeviceNotifications and pass it the handle returned from #1 above along with the DEVCLASS GUID value for the device notifications you want - probably STORE_MOUNT_GUID. Again, adding StopDeviceNotifications for completeness is a good idea.
At that point you'll get a message on the queue whenever a insert or remove happens. You then call ReadMsgQueue to get the DEVDETAIL data in the message.
Parse the DEVDETAIL and look at the fAttached member.
It'd take me a while to write that for you, so you'll need to do this on your own.
Start writing the project, find P/Invoke routines for the calls you need (like FindFirstFile and CreateProcess). On SO, have a look at Storage Card Problem In windows mobile and How to register form for WM_DEVICECHANGE message in windows mobile.
You are only going to be dead in the water if you can not find a particular call that you can't make.
As you work through your project, post (or search for) the actual problems you run into.
Otherwise, it sounds like you are asking someone to write the project and hand it to you.

VGA programming without using interrupt (only registers)

I want to develop a VGA graphics driver (for Linux(Ubuntu)) with support for the basic primitives such as putpixel, drawline, fillrect and bitblt. I want to do it in protected mode.
I´ve been googling for a week and the following four links are the best I have found:
Unfortunately, the first one uses a BIOS call so I cannot use it. The second link has lots of information on the VGA registers but no examples showing how to make them work together. The third example is a example to switch in 13h mode but i've tried it and nothing happened. Can you guys give me a hint? Thanks in advance!
my code at
works fine if you are in 32bit mode with full hardware access. Unfortunately I doubt that any Linux variant will let you directly access the VGA ports. I'm not sure how you develop this driver, but if you made sure that you have full access to the VGA ports it should work. In my example code I only switch between mode 0x03 and 0x13, but in the folders above you'll be able to find port values for most other common VGA modes, as well as C code to do the switch if you prefer that.
Christoffer code include files are found BOS operating system source code like and
This is coming many many years later but I think it's still very relevant and if somebody is struggling I hope they can find it useful.
First of all, it is completely possible to configure VGA only using registers without interrupts, as hard as it may be. A useful resource about registers and how to configure them can be found here, but unless you have a ton of time to spare to learn how to properly do all of it, move to the following section.
If you wish to really learn how to do it, I suggest going through with the documentation provided earlier. However, some of it is already done!
Chris Giese did a great job demonstrating exactly how to do this for MS-DOS system, and while you may think that doesn't help you, it really does.
Chris's code can be found here. If you want another useful codes check here as well.
Now, while it only works for MS-DOS it's actually easy to convert to other systems. The code already contains all data needed to configure the registers in many different modes. And that's the part that saves you a ton of time going through documentation.
The code uses functions outportb, inportb, which are MS-DOS functions, to write/read single byte to/from a port. Therefore, you have to redefine these functions to read/write for your own system. Redefinition complexity depends on the system you operate on.
In addition, you will also need to provide means to write to physical memory region between 0xA0000-0xBFFFF which corresponds to standard VGA memory area. Once you have that allocated, you need to also redefine the functions pokeb pokew peekb which will help you output things (text or pixel data) on the screen.
One last note: the code is already defined to work with many different modes including both text and display modes.

How to better use Opera dragonfly's console methods?

I'm trying to use opera dragonfly for debugging, it seems quite nice, but I'm probably doing things wrong here. First problem comes with the console.log() method:
In my JavaScript code I just put something like console.log(someVariable)
When I look at the error tab I can only see reports like [object MouseEvent] [object] etc.
Most of the time it's completely useless information since I usually already know my variable types. Am I using it wrong? How can I see detailed information about complex variables?
I use console.trace() in my JavaScript code expecting a useful hay stack but nothing happens. When I open up dragonfly console and use the command console.trace(something) it always returns undefined. Quite frustrating since I have dragonfly documentation right in front of me now but most of the console methods seems to do nothing useful for me. I really hope I'm using it wrong.
Does anyone knows how to extract really useful information from Dragonfly?
Opera Dragonfly's console.*() methods are not yet as powerful as Firebug's. They will become more capable over time. As of now, you can not expand the object to discover properties and methods inside the console itself, but you can click an object to have its detail for inspection in the pane for inspecting objects and properties.