How to create Menu Items in Metro Apps in windows8 - xaml

Iam trying to develop metro appications in windows8 using visual studio 2012RC .Here i need Menu Items like a column wise,And each Item need to navigate separate page if user click on it.Here i tried to give u my application scenario.Any working examples are really helpful to me.
Thank you.
| | |
| Item1 |-->Page1 |
|========= |
| |-->Page2 |
| Item2 | |
|========= |
| | |
| Item3 |-->Page3 |
|========= |
| Item4 |-->Page4 |
| | |

You can use a vertical StackPanel that contains bunch of Buttons: each button will then navigate to the dedicated page.


Passing Data from a Data Table in the feature file to my step definitions (js)

I'm trying to pass Data from a table into a feature file and then finally onto my java script step-definitions, shown below.
Scenario: XX | Basket Tests: Cover Type | Building + no bundle + HE
Given I open the page with the url "http://localhost:3000" and route "/basket"
When I click the button <coverTypeID>
And I click the button <bundleID>
Then I see the result <expectedResult>
| id | url | coverTypeID | bundleID | elementID | expectedResult |
| 1 | http://localhost:3000/basket | coverTypeId101 | NoBundle | null | |
| 2 | http://localhost:3000/basket | coverTypeId101 | NoBundle | checkbox1 | |
| 3 | http://localhost:3000/basket | coverTypeId101 | NoBundle | checkbox2 | |
| 4 | http://localhost:3000/basket | coverTypeId101 | NoBundle | checkbox3 | |
| 5 | http://localhost:3000/basket | coverTypeId101 | NoBundle | checkbox4 | |
Is my Feature file, i used to pass data using strings however now i am using the data table it doesn't identify the scenario when the tests run.
When("I click the button <coverTypeID>", (buttonID, next) => {
driver.findElement( => { /////////////////////////////////////////////
driver.wait(until.elementIsVisible(pageElement), 10000).then(async () => { //This is to click a button using elementID//
await driver.sleep(3000); /////////////////////////////////////////////;
.catch(ex => {
console.log(ex.message, ex.stack)
}).catch(ex => {console.log(ex.message, ex.stack)});
The error i'm getting is that the tests are undefined as the scenario doesn't match the step definition properly because of the usage of the table titles
I've looked at using Regular Expressions however i'm not sure what type of data the data table passes when executing, any guidance would be of use, i've went through a bunch of different questions and none quite seem to answer mine.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, i'd like to avoid regular expression if i could because the aim is to make the code as readable as possible.
Thank you in advance.
so i found the solution, rather than expecting the title of the data table i referred back to using {string}
When("I click the button {string}", (buttonID, next) => {
Then in the data table i realised the mistake i was making was simply not adding quotation marks to make the data into string format.
| id | coverTypeID | bundleID | elementID |
| 1 | "coverTypeId101" | "moreDetails1" | "checkbox2" |
By doing this the feature now sucessfully pulls data from the feature file into the JS file.

VSTS Kanban how to incorporate Test team work

I'm looking for suggestions regarding how to incorporate Test team work to a VSTS Kanban board for continuous software development on a web application.
What makes the most sense to us initially is to implement this as two boards running concurrently such that for each Dev sprint our Test team is operating off a backlog created by the previous sprint. For example:
DEV BOARD (current sprint)
| DEV Backlog | Active | Code Complete | Peer Reviewed |
| item7 | | | |
| | item6 | | |
| | | item5 | |
| | | | item4 |
TEST BOARD (next sprint)
|TEST Backlog | Active | Test Complete | Deployed |
| item4 | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
But it's not clear how to implement this in VSTS. Do we need to create two teams? A Dev Team & a Test Team - with their own boards - and if we do, how then do we get the workflow configured such that what is completed in the current dev sprint feeds/fills the backlog for the next Test team sprint?
Suggestions appreciated and welcomed! Thanks
Yes, you need to create two teams with different areas, refer to these steps below:
Go to a team project setting page (https://{account}{team project}/_admin
Click New team (Team name: Dev Team; Check Create an area path with the name of the team option)
Create a Tester Team as step 2
Create the work item with Dev Team area and related iteration, then you can see this work item in Work hub of Dev team, but cannot see it in Tester Team
After finishing dev workflow, you can change this work’s area path to Tester Team, then you can see this work item in Work hub of Tester Team
Note: You can manage areas and Iterations of each team in team’s admin page. https://{account}{team project}/{team}/_admin/_work

Intellij IDEA: creating a pane under the source code

Having used Eclipse for more years than I care to admit, I'm currently trying to get adjusted to IntelliJ (2016.2, Community) but I'm having a hard time with the totally different UI metaphors/concepts.
I'd like to be able to have a window layout like this:
| | |
| (1) | |
| | |
|+-------+ Source editor |
| | |
| (2) | |
| |-----------------------+
| | |
| | Console output etc. |
Luckily, this question helped me with splitting panes to get (1) and (2).
However, I have not been able to find out how to rearrange tool windows so that I can get a (for example) Terminal tool window that is directly underneath the source editor pane, instead of one that looks like this:
| | |
| (1) | |
| | |
|+-------+ Source editor |
| | |
| (2) | |
| |
| Console output etc. |
Open "Settings" > "Appearance & Behavior" > "Appearance" and enable "Widescreen tool window layout".
Tested in DataGrip and PyCharm. Should be exactly the same in IDEA, Webstorm as far as i know - i used them all and the UI is the same everywhere (and i like that).
You could just float the panels next to your IntelliJ main windows like this screenshot.

Problems with using the bootstrap-datepicker in Fitnesse Tests

In my Fitnesse Tests I want to enter dates through datepicker elements. Sometimes it works. But most of the time a different date, unlike the date that was entered, appears. Here is an example:
| ensure | do | type | on | id=field_id | with | |
| ensure | do | type | on | id=field_id | with | 05.05.1997 |
| check | is | verifyValue | on | id=field_id | [28.05.1997] expected [05.05.1997] |
(To make sure that the field isn't already filled, I pass an empty String first.)
Mostly, the 'day'-statement is different from what was entered. Do you know the reason for this behavior? How can I solve this?
Thanks in advance!
This is related to how you wrote your fixture and not FitNesse, the problem is that it returns a different value and also implies that the previous line didn't work - | ensure | do | type | on | id=field_id | with | 05.05.1997 |

cucumber data table multiple seperate iteration

In the following feature file my requirement is to put one doc_id for every three field. To clarify, I want to check ProductName, manufacturerName and RevisionDate for every doc_id. I came up with following method but I think this is definitely not the preferred one. Can anyone suggest me a better way.
Given I am in landigpage page after login
Scenario Outline: valid
When I enter "<doc_id>"
And I click the search go button
Then I should get in vault search page
And Search result of "<field>" should match with database
| doc_id | field |
| 15 | ProductName |
| 15 | ManufacturerName |
| 15 | RevisionDate |
| doc_id | field |
| 16 | ProductName |
| 16 | ManufacturerName |
| 16 | RevisionDate |
You can use single examples table:
Given I am in landigpage page after login
Scenario Outline: valid
When I enter "<doc_id>"
And I click the search go button
Then I should get in vault search page
And Search result of "<field>" should match with database
| doc_id | field |
| 15 | ProductName |
| 15 | ManufacturerName |
| 15 | RevisionDate |
| 16 | ProductName |
| 16 | ManufacturerName |
| 16 | RevisionDate |
I don't see any other way to pass arguments the way you need to. That's what I don't like about Cucumber. It is not that flexible.
Given I am in landigpage page after login
Scenario Outline: valid
When I enter "<doc_id>"
And I click the search go button
Then I should get in vault search page
And the search results should match the database
| doc_id |
| 15 |
| 16 |
and to make this work:
When /^I enter "<\w+>"$/ do | doc_id |
#doc_id = doc_id
Then "the search results should match the database" do
db_results = db.find(#doc_id) # or something similar
... # compare db_results to actual results
This still kind of sucks, because you have doc_id's in your Gherkin, you are relying on a prefilled database and you have a scenario outline; but hey lets save that for other questions :)
Hi i guess you guys are confusing Data Tables and scenario outline.
The solution for above is :
Given I am in landingpage page after login
Scenario Outline: valid
When I enter "<doc_id>"
And I select to navigate to search page
Then Search result of field should match with database
| ProductName |
| ManufacturerName |
| RevisionDate |
| doc_id |
| 15 |
| 16 |
The table can easily be converted to a list or a map that you can use in your step.